Article THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
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The Week.
park . Her Majesty , their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Edinburgh , Princess Louise , and . Prince Arthur , and his Serene Highness the Prince of Leiningen , attended divine service at Wnippingham Church on the morning of the 20 tb inst . The Rev . George Prothero officiated . The Queen drove out on the morning of the 21 st inst ., accompanied by Princess Louise .
The Queen drove out in the afternoon , attended by the Dowager Duchess of Athole ; and her Majesty walked and drove on the morning os the 22 nd instant , accompanied by Princess Louise . The Queen drove out in the afternoon , attended by the Dowager Duchess of Athole and Lady Waterpark , and her Majesty , accompanied by Princess Louise and Prince Arthur , walked in
the grounds on the morning of the 23 vd inst . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The old story about the " skinned eels thinking nothing of the operation when used to if-, finds an application in the last return of the Registrar General as to tbe health of London . In the week ending Jan . 12 there were 1 S 7 deaths above the average and 181 below in the week
previously , making the extra deaths due to the frost 36 S ; but from the return of the following week , ending Jan . 19 , it is obvious we were " getting used" to the cold , the deaths only exceeding the estimated number by 24 , although the temperature was ten degrees below the average temperature of the season . Death , however , appears to have been busy amongst tbe aged , no
fewer than 13 persons above 90 and 1 above 100 years of age having been cut off . The annual rates of mortality for the week were per 1 , 000 of the population as follows : —Sheffield , 27 ; Hull and Leeds , 2 S ; London , Birmingham , Salford , and Bristol , 29 ; Edinburgh and Dublin , 31 ; Glasgow , 35 ; Liverpool and Manchester , 3 S ; and Neweasfcle-on-Tyne , 42 . An
application was made to Baron Bramwell in chambers on the 19 th instant , the object of which it appears is to retard the progress of tbe actions which have been commenced by two gentlemen of Jamaica against Ex-Governor Eyre and
Brigadier-General Nelson for illegal imprisonment and assault . The solicitor for the Eyre Defence Committee asked that the plaintiffs should be required to give security for costs or that the action should be stayed . It seems that a few days previously an application bad been made that the addresses of the plaintiffs shoidd bo givon , pondiug which procoodings should bo stayed . Tho order was rnado , and it was explainod that tho addresses
had not yot boon given bocauso the plaintiffs aro now on thoir way to England to pursuo tho action . Baron Bramwell docidod that tho roquost now mado to him by Mr . Eyre ' s solicitor was prcmatnro and could not be complied with . Tho first caso in England of suicide by phosphorus was the subject of a coronor ' s inquest at Guy ' s Hospital , on tho ISth inst . A young woman
named Loman lost ono lover hy death and quarrelled with tho other . She took to drink , and was ordorod to leave her mother ' s houso and tako a room forhorself . Sho then procured sixpennyworth of rat-killing paste , tho chief snbstauco in which is phosphorus . According to her own statement , sho swallowed it on tho 10 th inst ., but tho death did not tako placo until tho loth . Trouble and drink appear to havo destroyed her reason ,
and tho jury took this view of her conduct . Thoy , however , sovcrely rebuked hor sister for tho manner in which sho had ordered her out of tho houso . "Poor but honest , " is a saying which may bo truthfully applied to a poor woman whoso child , aged , seven years , was brought before Sir Robert Garden at tho Guildhall , chargod with having stolon a bag containing £ ' >'> , iu gold aud silver . Tho boy , it appears , took tlio bag off a grocer ' s counter without exciting observation and convoyed it to tho
, miserable apartment which bo called " home . " As soon as his mother , who was ill aud sufibring cxtromo poverty found what hor precocious child bad done , she conveyed the money back to the tradesman and restored it to him . The child was given into custody , but tbe magistrate , instead of imitating the recent example of some country justices , released the little fellow , complimented the mother on her honesty , gave her a sovereign , and
coaxed the prosecutor into doing the same . . All accounts tend to show that the distress in the East of London is nofc only very great , but increasing . Hitherto the evil has been dealt with as far as possible by various local organisations assisted by the gifts of the public . This mode of distributing relief in a well-considered manner has been urged . The Lord Mayor has taken the matter iu hand , and a committee has been formed at the Mansion House for the purpose of receiving
subscriptions and dispensing relief . Several subscriptions were immediately handed in , and it is to be hoped many more will follow . The distress is fearful : the relief should be prompt . The coroner's inquiry into the Regent's Park catastrophe was resumed on the 21 st inst ., and the examination of witnesses actively proceeded with . The first witness , who was a gentleman named Phillips , saved himself by shifting caatiously from
piece to piece of the ice . Mr . William Edward Hardwicke deposed to the fact that on the morning , of tho accident two bodies of men were engaged in breaking the ice round the islands . These men were fchusoccupied during the entireday . This witnesss , who was with the two medical students who were drowned , stated that tho Royal Humano Socioty's men warned hinisolf and his frionds of their clangor . Mr . Whiteford , another modical
student , aud Mr . John Spoucor also confirmed the theory that tho accident was caused by tho broken ice . Mr . Shaw , a vestryman , gavo evidence that tho icomen foretold a fearful catastrophe , but ho allowed his son to go on tho ico . Mr . Shaw does not think pooplo ought to bo fined or punished for going on ico which is declared by tho authorities to bo dangerous . Apparently ho boliovos that a great principle of public liberty is involvod in tho quostion whether a man should or should not bo prevented from
drowning himsolf . Anothor witness was Mr . Young , tho secretary of tho Humane Society , who gavo interesting evidence as to tho preparations made by tho society to save lifo . So far as tho ovidonco has yot been given , it seems to indicate clearly that tho causo of tho accident was tho breaking awav of the ice at tho
odgo of tho lake . The crusade against music-halls has rocommoncod , and with somo degree of success . On tho 22 nd inst ., at tho Ma-rlborough-stroet Polico-court , Mr . Strange , of tho Alhambra Palace , was summoned for having produced the Christmas pioco known as " Where ' s tho Police ? " It was contended by tho prosecuting counsel that this pioco is , to all intents and purposos , a pantomime , and that it had boon produced illegally . Mr . Tyrwhitt , tho presiding magistrate , was of tho same opinion ,
and intlicted a penalty of £ 20 on Mr . Strango . Mr . Poland , who dofondod , gavo notice of an appeal . Thore was a second , and , it was stated , a stronger chargo with respoct to the London Pavilion ; but to allow time to have the appeal heard , tho hearing of it was ordered to stand oyer for a week . A youngwoman named Eliza Bond , doscribod as a domestio servant out of employment , was charged before Mr . Cook , at tho Clerkonwell Polico-court , on tho 22 nd iust ., with stealing somo blankets and
shoots from a furnished room which she rented from a Mr . Wilknson , aud with setting firo to a bod . Tho day before , tho accused wont to her landlady and told her that she was about going to sco her brother , and that when sho returned sho would pay tho rent that was duo . Shortly after sho was gone , it was discovered that tho bod in tho back parlour which tho accusod occupiod was on firs . Fortunately tho firo was discovered in time to get it quickly under . After extinguishing tho firoit
, was discovered that two blankets and a sheot had been mado away with . It was stated boforo tho magistrate that tho accusod had boon employod at the Royal Froo Hospital , Gray ' s-inn-road , and that she bore an c-xcellont character . Tho accusod denied that sho had cither taken tho missing property or sot firo to the house . She was remanded in order that the missing articles may be better inquired after .
To Correspondents.
* * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . R . Y—We have written to you by post . W . U . —Thanks for your communication . We shall be glad to know the day which is to be fixed for the holding of the Prov . G . Chapter . J . D . —The calendar to which you refer is not the "Freemasons ' Calendar , " published in London , but is that published in Glasgow , by Messrs . Davidson and Muir . We understand ifc is now nearly ready for publication .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
park . Her Majesty , their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Edinburgh , Princess Louise , and . Prince Arthur , and his Serene Highness the Prince of Leiningen , attended divine service at Wnippingham Church on the morning of the 20 tb inst . The Rev . George Prothero officiated . The Queen drove out on the morning of the 21 st inst ., accompanied by Princess Louise .
The Queen drove out in the afternoon , attended by the Dowager Duchess of Athole ; and her Majesty walked and drove on the morning os the 22 nd instant , accompanied by Princess Louise . The Queen drove out in the afternoon , attended by the Dowager Duchess of Athole and Lady Waterpark , and her Majesty , accompanied by Princess Louise and Prince Arthur , walked in
the grounds on the morning of the 23 vd inst . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —The old story about the " skinned eels thinking nothing of the operation when used to if-, finds an application in the last return of the Registrar General as to tbe health of London . In the week ending Jan . 12 there were 1 S 7 deaths above the average and 181 below in the week
previously , making the extra deaths due to the frost 36 S ; but from the return of the following week , ending Jan . 19 , it is obvious we were " getting used" to the cold , the deaths only exceeding the estimated number by 24 , although the temperature was ten degrees below the average temperature of the season . Death , however , appears to have been busy amongst tbe aged , no
fewer than 13 persons above 90 and 1 above 100 years of age having been cut off . The annual rates of mortality for the week were per 1 , 000 of the population as follows : —Sheffield , 27 ; Hull and Leeds , 2 S ; London , Birmingham , Salford , and Bristol , 29 ; Edinburgh and Dublin , 31 ; Glasgow , 35 ; Liverpool and Manchester , 3 S ; and Neweasfcle-on-Tyne , 42 . An
application was made to Baron Bramwell in chambers on the 19 th instant , the object of which it appears is to retard the progress of tbe actions which have been commenced by two gentlemen of Jamaica against Ex-Governor Eyre and
Brigadier-General Nelson for illegal imprisonment and assault . The solicitor for the Eyre Defence Committee asked that the plaintiffs should be required to give security for costs or that the action should be stayed . It seems that a few days previously an application bad been made that the addresses of the plaintiffs shoidd bo givon , pondiug which procoodings should bo stayed . Tho order was rnado , and it was explainod that tho addresses
had not yot boon given bocauso the plaintiffs aro now on thoir way to England to pursuo tho action . Baron Bramwell docidod that tho roquost now mado to him by Mr . Eyre ' s solicitor was prcmatnro and could not be complied with . Tho first caso in England of suicide by phosphorus was the subject of a coronor ' s inquest at Guy ' s Hospital , on tho ISth inst . A young woman
named Loman lost ono lover hy death and quarrelled with tho other . She took to drink , and was ordorod to leave her mother ' s houso and tako a room forhorself . Sho then procured sixpennyworth of rat-killing paste , tho chief snbstauco in which is phosphorus . According to her own statement , sho swallowed it on tho 10 th inst ., but tho death did not tako placo until tho loth . Trouble and drink appear to havo destroyed her reason ,
and tho jury took this view of her conduct . Thoy , however , sovcrely rebuked hor sister for tho manner in which sho had ordered her out of tho houso . "Poor but honest , " is a saying which may bo truthfully applied to a poor woman whoso child , aged , seven years , was brought before Sir Robert Garden at tho Guildhall , chargod with having stolon a bag containing £ ' >'> , iu gold aud silver . Tho boy , it appears , took tlio bag off a grocer ' s counter without exciting observation and convoyed it to tho
, miserable apartment which bo called " home . " As soon as his mother , who was ill aud sufibring cxtromo poverty found what hor precocious child bad done , she conveyed the money back to the tradesman and restored it to him . The child was given into custody , but tbe magistrate , instead of imitating the recent example of some country justices , released the little fellow , complimented the mother on her honesty , gave her a sovereign , and
coaxed the prosecutor into doing the same . . All accounts tend to show that the distress in the East of London is nofc only very great , but increasing . Hitherto the evil has been dealt with as far as possible by various local organisations assisted by the gifts of the public . This mode of distributing relief in a well-considered manner has been urged . The Lord Mayor has taken the matter iu hand , and a committee has been formed at the Mansion House for the purpose of receiving
subscriptions and dispensing relief . Several subscriptions were immediately handed in , and it is to be hoped many more will follow . The distress is fearful : the relief should be prompt . The coroner's inquiry into the Regent's Park catastrophe was resumed on the 21 st inst ., and the examination of witnesses actively proceeded with . The first witness , who was a gentleman named Phillips , saved himself by shifting caatiously from
piece to piece of the ice . Mr . William Edward Hardwicke deposed to the fact that on the morning , of tho accident two bodies of men were engaged in breaking the ice round the islands . These men were fchusoccupied during the entireday . This witnesss , who was with the two medical students who were drowned , stated that tho Royal Humano Socioty's men warned hinisolf and his frionds of their clangor . Mr . Whiteford , another modical
student , aud Mr . John Spoucor also confirmed the theory that tho accident was caused by tho broken ice . Mr . Shaw , a vestryman , gavo evidence that tho icomen foretold a fearful catastrophe , but ho allowed his son to go on tho ico . Mr . Shaw does not think pooplo ought to bo fined or punished for going on ico which is declared by tho authorities to bo dangerous . Apparently ho boliovos that a great principle of public liberty is involvod in tho quostion whether a man should or should not bo prevented from
drowning himsolf . Anothor witness was Mr . Young , tho secretary of tho Humane Society , who gavo interesting evidence as to tho preparations made by tho society to save lifo . So far as tho ovidonco has yot been given , it seems to indicate clearly that tho causo of tho accident was tho breaking awav of the ice at tho
odgo of tho lake . The crusade against music-halls has rocommoncod , and with somo degree of success . On tho 22 nd inst ., at tho Ma-rlborough-stroet Polico-court , Mr . Strange , of tho Alhambra Palace , was summoned for having produced the Christmas pioco known as " Where ' s tho Police ? " It was contended by tho prosecuting counsel that this pioco is , to all intents and purposos , a pantomime , and that it had boon produced illegally . Mr . Tyrwhitt , tho presiding magistrate , was of tho same opinion ,
and intlicted a penalty of £ 20 on Mr . Strango . Mr . Poland , who dofondod , gavo notice of an appeal . Thore was a second , and , it was stated , a stronger chargo with respoct to the London Pavilion ; but to allow time to have the appeal heard , tho hearing of it was ordered to stand oyer for a week . A youngwoman named Eliza Bond , doscribod as a domestio servant out of employment , was charged before Mr . Cook , at tho Clerkonwell Polico-court , on tho 22 nd iust ., with stealing somo blankets and
shoots from a furnished room which she rented from a Mr . Wilknson , aud with setting firo to a bod . Tho day before , tho accused wont to her landlady and told her that she was about going to sco her brother , and that when sho returned sho would pay tho rent that was duo . Shortly after sho was gone , it was discovered that tho bod in tho back parlour which tho accusod occupiod was on firs . Fortunately tho firo was discovered in time to get it quickly under . After extinguishing tho firoit
, was discovered that two blankets and a sheot had been mado away with . It was stated boforo tho magistrate that tho accusod had boon employod at the Royal Froo Hospital , Gray ' s-inn-road , and that she bore an c-xcellont character . Tho accusod denied that sho had cither taken tho missing property or sot firo to the house . She was remanded in order that the missing articles may be better inquired after .
To Correspondents.
* * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C . R . Y—We have written to you by post . W . U . —Thanks for your communication . We shall be glad to know the day which is to be fixed for the holding of the Prov . G . Chapter . J . D . —The calendar to which you refer is not the "Freemasons ' Calendar , " published in London , but is that published in Glasgow , by Messrs . Davidson and Muir . We understand ifc is now nearly ready for publication .