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Ears Of Wheat From A Cornucopia.
tham ony service , till thay have satisfit the craft for thair forsd unlawis and disobedience , neither sail ony work to thame till they hev satisfiet as sds is , under the pane of ten merkis money of unlaw for ilk contravene ! ' . "
"Kilwinning , Dec . 20 , 1654 . . . . It is statut and ordanit be deacoun and wardane , with consent of the whole brethren , that nane sail work with thaim that are refractourie to the ludg , under the penaltie of ten merkis . "
Extracts having reference to compulsory attendance at Mason courts could be greatly multiplied ; but the following may suffice : —
" ivilwyuiug , Dec . 20 , 1643 . . . . Item , ifc is concordit and ag-g-reit that all thair maisteris sail convein perenijitoririe at Kilwyning the foirsd day yeirly , uuder the penaltie of fourtie schilling-is money , aud enter pxenteisses twenty schilling-is
money toties quoties . " "Kilwinning , Dec . 20 , 1654 . . . . The qlk day the deacoun and wardane decernifc and ordanit Robert Quhyte , massoun burgess in Air , etc ., to pay to the box for ther fiyve courfcis bygane ilk
ane of thaim xls . for ilk court absent , to wifct ilk ane of thaim ; also ilk ain of thaim xl lb . for ther declynis from the rewlles of the sd court , conform to one act iheranent . "
"Kilwinning , Dec . 20 , 1667 . . . . The q lk day Qnintiu M'Grean having satled with the lodge for the cxpensses of ane decreet obtaned , and also for ane fyne for ane absence of ane year , and peying out of his sex poundis as a pairt of his
entery , and discharges him of all proceedings , paying to Robert Knox the soume of five merkis halfe mark . "
"Air , 1723 . . . . The trade , considering that William Jamieson hath absented himself several times from the meetings of the trade , albeit duly warned , and hath this day absented himself , notwithstanding the trade ' s officer declares that he
warned him to this day , the trade unlaws and amerciat him in xxjis Scots for his contumacy and ordain the trecl officer to poind him for the fine forsaid . " " Kilwinning , Dec . 20 th , 1727 . . . . The sd
day the above members drew out a list of debtors and gave ane comissiou to David Mure , prt . clickon , to uplift and pershew for the same as he sees neacl ; as also it is enacted that the absent in the toun of Irvine shall be poinded , conform to the act of the book ; and also lies fined Moses Crawfor not attending this clay ' s meeting-. "
Judgment passed by the Mason courts upon defaulters embraced an order for payment of expenses : 1681 . . . . The deacons and wardens decerns and ordanes John Hart and William Smyth to
make payment to the sd antient ludge of the soum of fortie pounds Scot money each ane of them for ther breaches , conforme to our antient acts , as being- enter prenteises , with threttie schillings Scots of expenses of plea each ane of
them , according to justice . " As we have seen , absentees from statutory meetings of the Fraternity were subjected to fines—and so strong * was the hold which this system had upon the Craft that in agreeing to
have extraordinary communications our ancient brethren could not free themselves from a yoke which , considering the frequency of legal proceedings for the recovery of "unlaws , " must have been felt to be oppressive . Here we find
the Craftsmen of Kilwinning voluntarily fixing fines as the alternative for neglecting to attend meetings which were unprovided for by any act of court—the record of such az * rangement being beautified by an acknowledgment of man ' s
continued dependence upon the Deity . "Dec . 20 , 1716 . ... The members abovewritten oblidgeth them to meet here at this place upon the 12 of July 1717 , under the pain , of one merk Scots money in cais of failure . "
"Dec . 20 , 1717 . . . . The above day the members here met do order that we do meet again upon the 12 th of July next , God willing , under the penaltie of one merk Scots money in cais of failure , to be paid upon demand . "
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
By BRO . A . OSEXL HATE , KM ., K . Gal ., Corresponding Member of the German Society , Leipzig ; Knight Templar , Scot . ; Author of " The History of the Kni ghts Templars ;" " Vara Queer ; " " Gatherings in Wanderings ; " " Songs and Ballads ; " " Focmata ; " " Legends of Edinburgh . ' " t ) 'c , ^ -c , < 5 ' -c . ; Foid Laureate of the Oanongate , Kihvinnimj , ¦ P . M . SI . Stephens ; F . F . Z . of St . Andrews , B . A . Chap . ; § x . ; 8 > -c . ( Continued from page 47 . )
CHAPTER XVIII . THE STOBY OF PYGATALION " . " Wiiy should I set before you Pygmalion , a statuary ? who considering the great inconveniences of marriage , hail resolved to live single ; but afterwards making a most elegant and n-tilicial image of Venus , he i ' olt so much in love with his oivn workmanship , that he begged of Venus to turn it into a ivonian . " —Toolce Caius felt the fever of love fire his blood , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Ears Of Wheat From A Cornucopia.
tham ony service , till thay have satisfit the craft for thair forsd unlawis and disobedience , neither sail ony work to thame till they hev satisfiet as sds is , under the pane of ten merkis money of unlaw for ilk contravene ! ' . "
"Kilwinning , Dec . 20 , 1654 . . . . It is statut and ordanit be deacoun and wardane , with consent of the whole brethren , that nane sail work with thaim that are refractourie to the ludg , under the penaltie of ten merkis . "
Extracts having reference to compulsory attendance at Mason courts could be greatly multiplied ; but the following may suffice : —
" ivilwyuiug , Dec . 20 , 1643 . . . . Item , ifc is concordit and ag-g-reit that all thair maisteris sail convein perenijitoririe at Kilwyning the foirsd day yeirly , uuder the penaltie of fourtie schilling-is money , aud enter pxenteisses twenty schilling-is
money toties quoties . " "Kilwinning , Dec . 20 , 1654 . . . . The qlk day the deacoun and wardane decernifc and ordanit Robert Quhyte , massoun burgess in Air , etc ., to pay to the box for ther fiyve courfcis bygane ilk
ane of thaim xls . for ilk court absent , to wifct ilk ane of thaim ; also ilk ain of thaim xl lb . for ther declynis from the rewlles of the sd court , conform to one act iheranent . "
"Kilwinning , Dec . 20 , 1667 . . . . The q lk day Qnintiu M'Grean having satled with the lodge for the cxpensses of ane decreet obtaned , and also for ane fyne for ane absence of ane year , and peying out of his sex poundis as a pairt of his
entery , and discharges him of all proceedings , paying to Robert Knox the soume of five merkis halfe mark . "
"Air , 1723 . . . . The trade , considering that William Jamieson hath absented himself several times from the meetings of the trade , albeit duly warned , and hath this day absented himself , notwithstanding the trade ' s officer declares that he
warned him to this day , the trade unlaws and amerciat him in xxjis Scots for his contumacy and ordain the trecl officer to poind him for the fine forsaid . " " Kilwinning , Dec . 20 th , 1727 . . . . The sd
day the above members drew out a list of debtors and gave ane comissiou to David Mure , prt . clickon , to uplift and pershew for the same as he sees neacl ; as also it is enacted that the absent in the toun of Irvine shall be poinded , conform to the act of the book ; and also lies fined Moses Crawfor not attending this clay ' s meeting-. "
Judgment passed by the Mason courts upon defaulters embraced an order for payment of expenses : 1681 . . . . The deacons and wardens decerns and ordanes John Hart and William Smyth to
make payment to the sd antient ludge of the soum of fortie pounds Scot money each ane of them for ther breaches , conforme to our antient acts , as being- enter prenteises , with threttie schillings Scots of expenses of plea each ane of
them , according to justice . " As we have seen , absentees from statutory meetings of the Fraternity were subjected to fines—and so strong * was the hold which this system had upon the Craft that in agreeing to
have extraordinary communications our ancient brethren could not free themselves from a yoke which , considering the frequency of legal proceedings for the recovery of "unlaws , " must have been felt to be oppressive . Here we find
the Craftsmen of Kilwinning voluntarily fixing fines as the alternative for neglecting to attend meetings which were unprovided for by any act of court—the record of such az * rangement being beautified by an acknowledgment of man ' s
continued dependence upon the Deity . "Dec . 20 , 1716 . ... The members abovewritten oblidgeth them to meet here at this place upon the 12 of July 1717 , under the pain , of one merk Scots money in cais of failure . "
"Dec . 20 , 1717 . . . . The above day the members here met do order that we do meet again upon the 12 th of July next , God willing , under the penaltie of one merk Scots money in cais of failure , to be paid upon demand . "
The Nemesis: A Tale Of The Days Of Trajan.
By BRO . A . OSEXL HATE , KM ., K . Gal ., Corresponding Member of the German Society , Leipzig ; Knight Templar , Scot . ; Author of " The History of the Kni ghts Templars ;" " Vara Queer ; " " Gatherings in Wanderings ; " " Songs and Ballads ; " " Focmata ; " " Legends of Edinburgh . ' " t ) 'c , ^ -c , < 5 ' -c . ; Foid Laureate of the Oanongate , Kihvinnimj , ¦ P . M . SI . Stephens ; F . F . Z . of St . Andrews , B . A . Chap . ; § x . ; 8 > -c . ( Continued from page 47 . )
CHAPTER XVIII . THE STOBY OF PYGATALION " . " Wiiy should I set before you Pygmalion , a statuary ? who considering the great inconveniences of marriage , hail resolved to live single ; but afterwards making a most elegant and n-tilicial image of Venus , he i ' olt so much in love with his oivn workmanship , that he begged of Venus to turn it into a ivonian . " —Toolce Caius felt the fever of love fire his blood , and