Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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Bro . Hodges they were all indebted for bis kmdnese and the readiness with which he had como forward at an important period in the existence of the Panmure Lodge , to promote peace and harmony , and to give greater vitality and vigour to it by liis great Masonic talent , zeal , and energy . That the brethren of the Panmure Lodge had been most fortunate in the original selection of Bro . Hodges for office bearing in the lodge , was evidenced most thoroughly , and they might well congratulate
themselves in having such an able and zealous Mason , and so competent a Master to preside over them during the present official year , and the brethren would no doubt respond most enthusiastically to the toast of " Long life , health , and happiness to the Worshipful Master . " The toasfc was responded to in a right loyal and enthusiastic manner , and with repeated manifestations of genuine warmth of feeling and personal regard for the W . M .
The W . M . responded assuring the brethren of his wish to follow- in Bro . Thomas's footsteps as far as possible , and stating that he preferred net to make any rash promises , but to let the brethren judge for themselves in time to come as to whether his services had been beneficial to the lodge . Song by Bro . Smetzer . The W . M . said the Panmure Lotlge bad always been glad to have tbe opportunity of welcoming visitors , but on this occasion
he had especially to acknowledge with gratitude the kindness which had dictated the presence of so many of his own personal friends some of whom had come expressly from distant parts of the country . Passing from the Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Officers , he round a number of Past Masters and other officers , and not only representatives of physic , law , and divinity in the persons of Dr . O'Conner , Dr . Wilmshurst , Bro . W . H . Farnfield of Lincolns-imi and no less than three reverend
brethren , but the diplomatic body was also represented by his esteemed friend , Bro . Martbin , whom he had known for some years , and who had recently succeeded as Envoy at tbe Court of St . James , the greatest Freemason on the South American Continent , ^ General Mosquera now called to the Presidential chair in the United States of Columbia . He also particularised
other brethren among the visitors as distinguished members of the Craft , and called upon the Panmure Lodge to give them all a cordial welcome . Song by Bro . Stevens . Bro . Shaw replied iu very appropriate terms and in response to a general call , Bro . Dr . O'Conner in a very eloquent speech expatiated upon the moral advantage of Freemasonry which he hoped ere lang to see in every place dissevered from connection
with hotels and taverns . The W . M . next proposed " The Health of the Past Masters of the Lodge , " instancing the great services rendered in times past to the lodge by Bros . Thomas , Read , Gardener , Stevens , ancl Warren . Bros . Thomas , Read , and Stevens replied . Glee—Bros . Perrot , Read , and Stevens . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Officers , " to
which Bro . Oswin , S . W ., replied , and also the Stewards of the daj-, responded to by Bro . Perrot ( who had ably conducted the musical arrangements ) , and Bro . Burgess Wine Steward , Song—Bro . Liming . The W . M . also proposed " The Health of the Brethren who had been present that evening connected with Music and the Drama . " Bro . Smith , Organist , and Bro . Perrot , Musical Conductorboth members of the Panmure Lodgehad not onl
, , y themselves done good service but had been ably seconded by several other members . They were , however , indebted considerably to several other brethren of high professional attainments who had specially attended on that evening-, and he was sure they had all listened with the greatest delight to Bros . Sydney and Brady . Bro . Alison , whose- name was associated with every good work in connection with the drama was also presentand be ( the W . M . ) hoped to see him often afc the
, Panmure Lodge , The fact of the day being a holiday hacl prevented the attendance of several other popular professional brethren , among whom he might mention Bro . Clarence Holt , who had before been a visitor to the lodge , and whom he hoped to see again ere long . Bro . Anson , in an eloquent and poetical speech , replied to this toast .
Song and Recitation— ''Useful Knowledge , " by Bro . Wolport . The Tyler ' s toast was then given with an appropriate Masonic song , and the proceedings terminated with some additional singing and music .
AVe must nofc omit- to mention that tho programme , designed by Bro . Terry ( a copy of which was presented to each brother ) was pronounced a perfect gem of its kind . It consisted of an eight-page book lithographed in white , blue , and gold , and bound with white ribbon ; tbe second page containing an excellent photograph of the W . M ., supplied in some instances from the studio of Cowan and Co ., Piccadilly , and in others by Bros . Fox , Clapham ; and Christie , Oxford-street , Ac . This , it should
be added , is by far the most elegant thing of its kind wo have seen , either in connection wifch a Masonic or any other entertainment or ceremonial , and is highly creditable to the lodge and the artist who produced it . Besides the general programme , and tbe excellent portrait of the W . M ., there is a list of the newly-appointed officers of tho lodge , the toasts , the musical arrangements , and the menne or carte dii , diner . The ceremonies throughout wevft pei'fcvmed in aft admirable
and highly impressive manner . The dinner was very creditable and the wines the best of their respective kinds . Indeed tbe occasion of the installation of Bro . Hodges as W . M . of the Panmure Lodge , will long be remembered by the members and visitors present , as one of the most notable and agreeable of the red letter days of their existence .
BERKS AND BUCKS . READING . — Grey Friars Lodge ( So . 1101 ) . Tho following is tho programme of tho consecration ceremony which was performed afc tho Masonic Hall , Reading , on Thursday , 17 th May instant : — Tho ceremony of consecration was performed by Bro . iEnoas J . Mclntyro , Grand Registrar , Acting Prov . G . M . for Berks
and Bucks , assisted by three P . M . ' s . Tho Installing Master , Bro . W . Biggs , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Wiltshire , afterwards performed tho ceremony of installing tho W . M . elect in tho chair of tho lodge . Tbe following are the officers named in tho warrant : — Bro . W . P . Ivev , W . M . Designate ; Bro . W . Bisgs ( Installing Master ); Bros . " J . Ellis , S . W . A . Bealo , J . W . ; and Bros . G . Lyddon , J . T . Stransom , and J . Weight-man . Tho musical arrangenionta wero under tho direction of Bro .
Dyson , P . Prov . A . G . D . C ., assisted by Bros . Marriott , Strickland , and Disiin . At the harmonium was tho Organist of tho lodgo , Bro . W . H . Birch . Tho brethren assembled in tho lodge-room , when the presiding officer took the chair , and appointed his Wardens , -pro tern . Tho brethren of tho now lodgo wore then arranged in order , and tho lodgo was opened in tho tbreo degrees , tho music from Bro . D ' s " Music for tho Lodgo" being performed after each
yson opening by tho choral brethren . Tho presiding officer then addressed tho brethren on tho nature of the meeting , and called upon tbe Secretary to road a copy of tho petition . Tho Secretary then read ihe petition and tho warrant from tho M . W" . tho G . M . The presiding officer thereupon inquired of tho brethren if tbey approved of tho officers named in the petition and warrant , when tho brethren signified thoir approval in duo foi-m , and tho presiding officer called on tho Chaplain to deliver an oration ,
which was very effectively given by Bro . tho Rov . R . I . Simpson , P . G . C . An aathom ( 133 rd Psalm ) , adapted by Bro . Dyson , was then given .
" Behold J how pleasant ancl bow good , For brethren such as wo , Of the ' accepted' brotherhood , To dwell in unity . " 'Tis like tho oil on Aaron ' s bead , Which to his foot distils ; Like Hermon ' s dow so richly shod On Zion ' s sacred bills .
" For there tho Lord oi Light and Love A Messing sent with power ; Oh ! may wo all that blessing prove , E ' en life for ovormoro . " On Friendship ' s altar , rising here , Our hands now plighted be . To livo in lovo , with hearts sincere , In peace and unify . " The consecrating prayer , first portion , was then offered tip ., followed by tho chant , "So mote it be , " and sanctus—soloj
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . Hodges they were all indebted for bis kmdnese and the readiness with which he had como forward at an important period in the existence of the Panmure Lodge , to promote peace and harmony , and to give greater vitality and vigour to it by liis great Masonic talent , zeal , and energy . That the brethren of the Panmure Lodge had been most fortunate in the original selection of Bro . Hodges for office bearing in the lodge , was evidenced most thoroughly , and they might well congratulate
themselves in having such an able and zealous Mason , and so competent a Master to preside over them during the present official year , and the brethren would no doubt respond most enthusiastically to the toast of " Long life , health , and happiness to the Worshipful Master . " The toasfc was responded to in a right loyal and enthusiastic manner , and with repeated manifestations of genuine warmth of feeling and personal regard for the W . M .
The W . M . responded assuring the brethren of his wish to follow- in Bro . Thomas's footsteps as far as possible , and stating that he preferred net to make any rash promises , but to let the brethren judge for themselves in time to come as to whether his services had been beneficial to the lodge . Song by Bro . Smetzer . The W . M . said the Panmure Lotlge bad always been glad to have tbe opportunity of welcoming visitors , but on this occasion
he had especially to acknowledge with gratitude the kindness which had dictated the presence of so many of his own personal friends some of whom had come expressly from distant parts of the country . Passing from the Grand Officers and Provincial Grand Officers , he round a number of Past Masters and other officers , and not only representatives of physic , law , and divinity in the persons of Dr . O'Conner , Dr . Wilmshurst , Bro . W . H . Farnfield of Lincolns-imi and no less than three reverend
brethren , but the diplomatic body was also represented by his esteemed friend , Bro . Martbin , whom he had known for some years , and who had recently succeeded as Envoy at tbe Court of St . James , the greatest Freemason on the South American Continent , ^ General Mosquera now called to the Presidential chair in the United States of Columbia . He also particularised
other brethren among the visitors as distinguished members of the Craft , and called upon the Panmure Lodge to give them all a cordial welcome . Song by Bro . Stevens . Bro . Shaw replied iu very appropriate terms and in response to a general call , Bro . Dr . O'Conner in a very eloquent speech expatiated upon the moral advantage of Freemasonry which he hoped ere lang to see in every place dissevered from connection
with hotels and taverns . The W . M . next proposed " The Health of the Past Masters of the Lodge , " instancing the great services rendered in times past to the lodge by Bros . Thomas , Read , Gardener , Stevens , ancl Warren . Bros . Thomas , Read , and Stevens replied . Glee—Bros . Perrot , Read , and Stevens . The W . M . then proposed " The Health of the Officers , " to
which Bro . Oswin , S . W ., replied , and also the Stewards of the daj-, responded to by Bro . Perrot ( who had ably conducted the musical arrangements ) , and Bro . Burgess Wine Steward , Song—Bro . Liming . The W . M . also proposed " The Health of the Brethren who had been present that evening connected with Music and the Drama . " Bro . Smith , Organist , and Bro . Perrot , Musical Conductorboth members of the Panmure Lodgehad not onl
, , y themselves done good service but had been ably seconded by several other members . They were , however , indebted considerably to several other brethren of high professional attainments who had specially attended on that evening-, and he was sure they had all listened with the greatest delight to Bros . Sydney and Brady . Bro . Alison , whose- name was associated with every good work in connection with the drama was also presentand be ( the W . M . ) hoped to see him often afc the
, Panmure Lodge , The fact of the day being a holiday hacl prevented the attendance of several other popular professional brethren , among whom he might mention Bro . Clarence Holt , who had before been a visitor to the lodge , and whom he hoped to see again ere long . Bro . Anson , in an eloquent and poetical speech , replied to this toast .
Song and Recitation— ''Useful Knowledge , " by Bro . Wolport . The Tyler ' s toast was then given with an appropriate Masonic song , and the proceedings terminated with some additional singing and music .
AVe must nofc omit- to mention that tho programme , designed by Bro . Terry ( a copy of which was presented to each brother ) was pronounced a perfect gem of its kind . It consisted of an eight-page book lithographed in white , blue , and gold , and bound with white ribbon ; tbe second page containing an excellent photograph of the W . M ., supplied in some instances from the studio of Cowan and Co ., Piccadilly , and in others by Bros . Fox , Clapham ; and Christie , Oxford-street , Ac . This , it should
be added , is by far the most elegant thing of its kind wo have seen , either in connection wifch a Masonic or any other entertainment or ceremonial , and is highly creditable to the lodge and the artist who produced it . Besides the general programme , and tbe excellent portrait of the W . M ., there is a list of the newly-appointed officers of tho lodge , the toasts , the musical arrangements , and the menne or carte dii , diner . The ceremonies throughout wevft pei'fcvmed in aft admirable
and highly impressive manner . The dinner was very creditable and the wines the best of their respective kinds . Indeed tbe occasion of the installation of Bro . Hodges as W . M . of the Panmure Lodge , will long be remembered by the members and visitors present , as one of the most notable and agreeable of the red letter days of their existence .
BERKS AND BUCKS . READING . — Grey Friars Lodge ( So . 1101 ) . Tho following is tho programme of tho consecration ceremony which was performed afc tho Masonic Hall , Reading , on Thursday , 17 th May instant : — Tho ceremony of consecration was performed by Bro . iEnoas J . Mclntyro , Grand Registrar , Acting Prov . G . M . for Berks
and Bucks , assisted by three P . M . ' s . Tho Installing Master , Bro . W . Biggs , P . Prov . S . G . W ., Wiltshire , afterwards performed tho ceremony of installing tho W . M . elect in tho chair of tho lodge . Tbe following are the officers named in tho warrant : — Bro . W . P . Ivev , W . M . Designate ; Bro . W . Bisgs ( Installing Master ); Bros . " J . Ellis , S . W . A . Bealo , J . W . ; and Bros . G . Lyddon , J . T . Stransom , and J . Weight-man . Tho musical arrangenionta wero under tho direction of Bro .
Dyson , P . Prov . A . G . D . C ., assisted by Bros . Marriott , Strickland , and Disiin . At the harmonium was tho Organist of tho lodgo , Bro . W . H . Birch . Tho brethren assembled in tho lodge-room , when the presiding officer took the chair , and appointed his Wardens , -pro tern . Tho brethren of tho now lodgo wore then arranged in order , and tho lodgo was opened in tho tbreo degrees , tho music from Bro . D ' s " Music for tho Lodgo" being performed after each
yson opening by tho choral brethren . Tho presiding officer then addressed tho brethren on tho nature of the meeting , and called upon tbe Secretary to road a copy of tho petition . Tho Secretary then read ihe petition and tho warrant from tho M . W" . tho G . M . The presiding officer thereupon inquired of tho brethren if tbey approved of tho officers named in the petition and warrant , when tho brethren signified thoir approval in duo foi-m , and tho presiding officer called on tho Chaplain to deliver an oration ,
which was very effectively given by Bro . tho Rov . R . I . Simpson , P . G . C . An aathom ( 133 rd Psalm ) , adapted by Bro . Dyson , was then given .
" Behold J how pleasant ancl bow good , For brethren such as wo , Of the ' accepted' brotherhood , To dwell in unity . " 'Tis like tho oil on Aaron ' s bead , Which to his foot distils ; Like Hermon ' s dow so richly shod On Zion ' s sacred bills .
" For there tho Lord oi Light and Love A Messing sent with power ; Oh ! may wo all that blessing prove , E ' en life for ovormoro . " On Friendship ' s altar , rising here , Our hands now plighted be . To livo in lovo , with hearts sincere , In peace and unify . " The consecrating prayer , first portion , was then offered tip ., followed by tho chant , "So mote it be , " and sanctus—soloj