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Chattel Islands.
to Condray ' s Hotel for tbe annual banquet , at which nearly thirty sat down , including the \ A . M . ' s of several of the lodges . A most agreeable evening was passed , and the party broke up at about nine .
EOYAL ARCH . BmriSH BtnoiAii- RANGOON . Itoyal Burmah Chapter ( No . S 32 ) . A meeting of the above chapter took place at the Masonic Temple in the cantonment of Ragoon , on tbe 2-lth March . E . Comps . Col . Greenlaw , as Z . ; Captain Duncan , as H ., and Col . Pollard , J . ; Major Babington , as P . S . ; Comps . Hardinge ,
as E . ; and Kay , Officiating N . Two candidates were duly balloted for and approved , Capt . Godsden from Thayetrugoo Lodge , and Bro . Jones , from the lodge to which this chapter is attached . There were several visitors and I beard them say that tbey havo never in any station in India , or even in England , seen a chapter so well got up and so perfectly worked ; it was well worth seeing ; tho Prin . Soj . did his work well , as did the three
Principals . The first principal lecture is given here with a clearness and eveness that I have never seen elsewhere , and tbe companions seemed perfectly satisfied and pleased . The banquet afterwards was a most happy meeting . The quietness with which all is done , both in and out of chapter is remarkable , all seem to know his chapter work and to observe all the rules of good feeling , brotherly love , and propriety
after chapter . No wonder the chapter succeeds so well . Our M . E . Z . Col . Greenlaw gave the companions of Morning Star Lodge a lecture on the Order at their last meeting . These lectures , which he favours us with frequently in each degree , do much good , they instruct us who so greatly need instruction , and they bring us together . AA'e certainly go away much gratified and improved , and it is so much better than that going month after month to see the same thing , but to learn nothing .
Speculations on , Specutative Freemasonry , aud the Probable Orig in and Import of Ancient Si / mbolism . By CKAKLES FEKXELEY , P . M ., Doric Lodge , 302 , Prov . J . G . AV . Lincolnshire . ( Published by special request . ) London : R . Spencer , Masonic Depot , Groat Queen-street ; Grantham : Lawrence Ridge , 18 , High-street . Wo learn from the preface to this lecture that ifcs
substance having been first delivered us an inaugural address upon installation to the chair of the author ' s own lodgo , and then in the adjacent province of Nottinghamshire , was afterwards submitted to the ordeal of private circulation . Ifc received sufficient favour to cause ifc to be honoured by a special request , afc tho Prov . Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire , bold in May , IS' 35 , that it should bo
published . This honour is the more readily complied with as it permits the author to place any profit arising from its sale to the credit of the newly-established Prov . Fund of Benevolence . We shall 011 I 3 ' add our recommendation to fche brethren to purchase this lecture , as from tbe expenditure on it of one shilling tbey will derive " the pleasure of adding to their store of Masonic erudition and the gratification of helping fco support an excellent charity .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending June 2nd, 1866.
Monday , May 28 th . ROYAL GEOGiurniCAL SOCIETY , at 8 . 30 . Tuesday , May 29 th . —INSTITUTION OP CIVIL EXGIXEEKS , at 8 . Wednesday , May 30 th . —SOCIETY OF ARTS , afc 8 . Friday , June 1 st . — ROYAL UNITED SERVICE INSTITUTION , at 3 .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queen , accompanied by hor Eoyal Highness Princess Helena , drove in tho grounds on the afternoon of the 10 th insfc ., and again on the morning of the 17 th instant , attended by Lady Augusta Stanley . The Queen , with Princess Helena , drove out in a carriage-and-four on the afternoon of the 17 th instant , attended by the Dowager Duchess of Athole . Colonel the Hon . A . Hardinge was in attendance on horseback .
Her Majesty walked and drove iu tbe grounds on the morning of the ISth inst ., attended by the Dowagov Duchess of Athole . The Queen walked the grounds on the afternoon of the ISth inst ., and drove on the morning of the 19 th inst ., accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Helena . The Queen drove outin the afternoon of the 20 th inst ., attended by the Dowager
Duchess of Athole and the Hon . Flora Macdonald . The Queen , Princess Helena , Prince Leopold , and the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting , attended Divine Service on the 20 th inst . in tbe Private Chapel . The Hon . ancl Very Eev . the Dean of Windsor officiated and administered tho Sacrament of the Holy Communion . The Queen drove out on tbe morning of tbe 21 st
instant , attended by the Dowager Duchess of Athole . The Queen drove in the grounds in tho afternoon , and walked and drove on the morning of the 22 nd instant , accompanied by her Eoyal Highness Princess Helena , ancl attended by Miss Bowater-The Queen drove out in the afternoon in a carriage-and-four , attended hy the Dowager Duchess of Athole . Lord
Charles-Fitzroy was in attendance on horseback . Her Majesty walked and drove in tlie grounds on the morning of the 23 rd instant , accompanied hy Princess Helena . IMPERIAL PABLI . OIENT . —In the House of Lords on the 17 th insfc ., Lord Chelmsford ' s Sunday Trading Bill got a deadly blow . Lord llcdestlalo proposed a scries of amendments which would
have altered the character of the measure considrably . Ot course Lord Chelmsford opposed the amendments ; but there had heen a whip of those who did not approve of the Bill , and the amendments wero carried . Thereupon Lord Chelmsford said he would have no more to do with tho Bill . The house shortly afterwards adjourned . On tho ISth inst . tlie unsatisfactory state of affairs on the Continent was tho subject of questions put to the
Government both in the House of Lords and the Houso of Commons . In tbe Upper House Lord Stratford do Hedciiffe was the questioner . He thought they ought not to separate without knowing what tbe Government had to tell them in reference to any negotiations which mig ht bo going on with a view to peace . He condemned the conduct of Italy in socking to get Venetia by
force of arms , and had a hard word to say to Prussia also . The Earl of Clarendon replied that confidential negotiations were going on which he hoped thoy would bring together the whole of the great Powers of Europe to discuss the questions at issue . In the House of Commons Mr . Layard gave similar information . The Sunday Trading Bill got through another stage in theHouse .
It was read a third time by a majority of ono . On the motion that it should pass , two or three amendments were presented , and after a sharp discussion tho debate was adjourned for a fortnight . Their lordships subsequently adjourned to ' the 28 th inst . In the Houso of Commons on the 17 th insfc . questions were asked as to tbe alleged refusal of the Bank of England to
make advances on Government securities . The Chancellor of the Exchequer replied first by showing that the advances made on Government securities and in the way of general accommodation to trade bad been enormous , amounting altogether to over twelve millions since and including the 11 th inst . The Bank had not refused to make advances except in some cases were it seemed desirable that tbe parties should raise the money tbey required
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chattel Islands.
to Condray ' s Hotel for tbe annual banquet , at which nearly thirty sat down , including the \ A . M . ' s of several of the lodges . A most agreeable evening was passed , and the party broke up at about nine .
EOYAL ARCH . BmriSH BtnoiAii- RANGOON . Itoyal Burmah Chapter ( No . S 32 ) . A meeting of the above chapter took place at the Masonic Temple in the cantonment of Ragoon , on tbe 2-lth March . E . Comps . Col . Greenlaw , as Z . ; Captain Duncan , as H ., and Col . Pollard , J . ; Major Babington , as P . S . ; Comps . Hardinge ,
as E . ; and Kay , Officiating N . Two candidates were duly balloted for and approved , Capt . Godsden from Thayetrugoo Lodge , and Bro . Jones , from the lodge to which this chapter is attached . There were several visitors and I beard them say that tbey havo never in any station in India , or even in England , seen a chapter so well got up and so perfectly worked ; it was well worth seeing ; tho Prin . Soj . did his work well , as did the three
Principals . The first principal lecture is given here with a clearness and eveness that I have never seen elsewhere , and tbe companions seemed perfectly satisfied and pleased . The banquet afterwards was a most happy meeting . The quietness with which all is done , both in and out of chapter is remarkable , all seem to know his chapter work and to observe all the rules of good feeling , brotherly love , and propriety
after chapter . No wonder the chapter succeeds so well . Our M . E . Z . Col . Greenlaw gave the companions of Morning Star Lodge a lecture on the Order at their last meeting . These lectures , which he favours us with frequently in each degree , do much good , they instruct us who so greatly need instruction , and they bring us together . AA'e certainly go away much gratified and improved , and it is so much better than that going month after month to see the same thing , but to learn nothing .
Speculations on , Specutative Freemasonry , aud the Probable Orig in and Import of Ancient Si / mbolism . By CKAKLES FEKXELEY , P . M ., Doric Lodge , 302 , Prov . J . G . AV . Lincolnshire . ( Published by special request . ) London : R . Spencer , Masonic Depot , Groat Queen-street ; Grantham : Lawrence Ridge , 18 , High-street . Wo learn from the preface to this lecture that ifcs
substance having been first delivered us an inaugural address upon installation to the chair of the author ' s own lodgo , and then in the adjacent province of Nottinghamshire , was afterwards submitted to the ordeal of private circulation . Ifc received sufficient favour to cause ifc to be honoured by a special request , afc tho Prov . Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire , bold in May , IS' 35 , that it should bo
published . This honour is the more readily complied with as it permits the author to place any profit arising from its sale to the credit of the newly-established Prov . Fund of Benevolence . We shall 011 I 3 ' add our recommendation to fche brethren to purchase this lecture , as from tbe expenditure on it of one shilling tbey will derive " the pleasure of adding to their store of Masonic erudition and the gratification of helping fco support an excellent charity .
Meetings Of The Scientific And Learned Societies For The Week Ending June 2nd, 1866.
Monday , May 28 th . ROYAL GEOGiurniCAL SOCIETY , at 8 . 30 . Tuesday , May 29 th . —INSTITUTION OP CIVIL EXGIXEEKS , at 8 . Wednesday , May 30 th . —SOCIETY OF ARTS , afc 8 . Friday , June 1 st . — ROYAL UNITED SERVICE INSTITUTION , at 3 .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queen , accompanied by hor Eoyal Highness Princess Helena , drove in tho grounds on the afternoon of the 10 th insfc ., and again on the morning of the 17 th instant , attended by Lady Augusta Stanley . The Queen , with Princess Helena , drove out in a carriage-and-four on the afternoon of the 17 th instant , attended by the Dowager Duchess of Athole . Colonel the Hon . A . Hardinge was in attendance on horseback .
Her Majesty walked and drove iu tbe grounds on the morning of the ISth inst ., attended by the Dowagov Duchess of Athole . The Queen walked the grounds on the afternoon of the ISth inst ., and drove on the morning of the 19 th inst ., accompanied by her Royal Highness Princess Helena . The Queen drove outin the afternoon of the 20 th inst ., attended by the Dowager
Duchess of Athole and the Hon . Flora Macdonald . The Queen , Princess Helena , Prince Leopold , and the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting , attended Divine Service on the 20 th inst . in tbe Private Chapel . The Hon . ancl Very Eev . the Dean of Windsor officiated and administered tho Sacrament of the Holy Communion . The Queen drove out on tbe morning of tbe 21 st
instant , attended by the Dowager Duchess of Athole . The Queen drove in the grounds in tho afternoon , and walked and drove on the morning of the 22 nd instant , accompanied by her Eoyal Highness Princess Helena , ancl attended by Miss Bowater-The Queen drove out in the afternoon in a carriage-and-four , attended hy the Dowager Duchess of Athole . Lord
Charles-Fitzroy was in attendance on horseback . Her Majesty walked and drove in tlie grounds on the morning of the 23 rd instant , accompanied hy Princess Helena . IMPERIAL PABLI . OIENT . —In the House of Lords on the 17 th insfc ., Lord Chelmsford ' s Sunday Trading Bill got a deadly blow . Lord llcdestlalo proposed a scries of amendments which would
have altered the character of the measure considrably . Ot course Lord Chelmsford opposed the amendments ; but there had heen a whip of those who did not approve of the Bill , and the amendments wero carried . Thereupon Lord Chelmsford said he would have no more to do with tho Bill . The house shortly afterwards adjourned . On tho ISth inst . tlie unsatisfactory state of affairs on the Continent was tho subject of questions put to the
Government both in the House of Lords and the Houso of Commons . In tbe Upper House Lord Stratford do Hedciiffe was the questioner . He thought they ought not to separate without knowing what tbe Government had to tell them in reference to any negotiations which mig ht bo going on with a view to peace . He condemned the conduct of Italy in socking to get Venetia by
force of arms , and had a hard word to say to Prussia also . The Earl of Clarendon replied that confidential negotiations were going on which he hoped thoy would bring together the whole of the great Powers of Europe to discuss the questions at issue . In the House of Commons Mr . Layard gave similar information . The Sunday Trading Bill got through another stage in theHouse .
It was read a third time by a majority of ono . On the motion that it should pass , two or three amendments were presented , and after a sharp discussion tho debate was adjourned for a fortnight . Their lordships subsequently adjourned to ' the 28 th inst . In the Houso of Commons on the 17 th insfc . questions were asked as to tbe alleged refusal of the Bank of England to
make advances on Government securities . The Chancellor of the Exchequer replied first by showing that the advances made on Government securities and in the way of general accommodation to trade bad been enormous , amounting altogether to over twelve millions since and including the 11 th inst . The Bank had not refused to make advances except in some cases were it seemed desirable that tbe parties should raise the money tbey required