Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
by the sale of securities m the open market . Even in those cases where it had been shown the money they required by the sale of securities in the open market . Es-cn in those civses where it had been shown the money could only bo raised at a great sacrifice the Bank had made the necessary advances . He defended the conduct of the Bank generally . Several members were anxious to know what was the proposed course of public
business , but the Chancellor of the Exchequer was unable to give them any very definite information . On tbe motion for the second reading of the Tenure of Lar . d ( Ireland ) Bitf , a long debate arose . It was opened by Lord Haas , who found all sorts of fault with the bill . He proposed a string of resolutions declaring it to . be desirable that compensation should only be
given for improvements made with the consent of the landlord . Tbe Attorney-General for Ireland replied , and subsequently Mr . Lowe went into opposition against the Bill . He spoke afc somo length , and was followed by Mr . J . S . Mill , who demolished his theories and showed how just were tbe propositions of tbe Bill . Among the subsequent speakers were Mr . Pirn , Mr .
Dillon , and other members . On the ISth inst ., on tbe motion for the adjournment over the Wkitsun holidays , a very important discussion arose in reference to the abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Canada . Mr . Watkin introduced tbe subject , and blamed the Government severely for not having taken more active steps to have the
treaty renewed . He thought the sending of a fleet to the fishing grounds by the United States was evidence that the relations betsveen the two countries were not of the most friendly character , and he made several comments upon the conduct of the Americans , which subsequently brought down reproofs upon him by other speakers . Mr . Layard replied , and deprecated Sir . Watkin ' s remarks . He gave an account of the negotiations
which bad taken place , and showed that tbey had failed simply because the United States Congress , with whom rested the decision of the question so far as America was concerned , was averse at present to renew the treaty , or even to enter into negotiations on the matter . In the subsequent discussion Mr . Oliphant , The O'Conor Don , Mr . Ivinraird , Mr . White , and Mr , Mr . Cardwell took part . Before the motion for the
adjournment was carried , there was rather an animated conversation in reference to the choice of architects to compete for the design for the new Law Courts , and tbe Chancellor of the Exchequer declined , in answer to Sir J . Hay , to say what the Government would do in respect to the clause of the Franchise Bill disfranchising dockyardmen . The motion for adjournment to the 21-th
insfc ., was then carried . On the motion for going into committee of supply- several questions were discussed , and finally tbe House was counted out whilst Mr . Baillie Cochrane was proposing a commission to inquire into the best way of carrying out the improvements of the metropolis . GENERAL HOIIE NEWS . —The Eegistrar General ' s weekly
returns , dated May 19 th , show a considerable decrease in tbe number of deaths as compared with those of the preceding week , the difference being 1 , 467 as against 1 , G 28 . The improvement appears to have been chiefly under the heads of phthisis and bronchitis . Tbe annual rate of mortality last , week per 1 , 000 was—Bristol , IS ; Edinburgh , 2-1 ; London , Newcastle-on-Tyne ,
and Hull , 25 ; Manchester , 2 G ; Dublin , 27 ; Birmingham , 29 ; Glasgow , and Salford , 30 ; Sheffield , 38 ; Liverpool , 39 ; Leeds , 41 . The corresponding rate at Vienna was 3-1 per 100 . A case of cholera was registered in Woolwich , five in Liverpool , and two ( one of which only was fatal ) at Swansea . There were three deaths from carriage accidents . The births were more than 100 above the average . Tbe Conservatives have lost a
seat for Aberdeenshire . Mr . Leslie resigned to allow his relative , Sir James Elphinstone , to come iu . The sturdy electors of the county , however , refused to endorse this arrangement , and they have returned Mr . Eordyco , a Liberal , by a majority of over a thousand . -In the Court of Common Council on the 17 fcb inst . the Lord Mayor announced that Prince Alfred bad appointed Thursday , June 7 th , as the day on which be would
receive tho freedom of the City . The court afterwards discussed certain grave and weighty matters connected with this business with closed doors . At the Westminster Police Court Mr . Poland , on behalf of Mr . John Clare , jun ., applied for a summons against Mr . John Scott Russell for perjury . The alleged offence was committed in 1863 in a trial in which Mr .
Clare sought to get from the Crown damages for the infringement of his prtenfc ivith respect to the construction of ships . He alleged that the Warrior was built on bis principle . Mr . Scofct Russell was called for the Crown ancl deposed that long before 1859 , the date of Mr . Clare ' s piafcent , he had built ships on the same principle as that patented . This was the alleged
perjury . The magistrate took a week to consider what he would do in the case . ——The 18 th inst was most favourable for the many thousands who journeyed by road and rail to Epsom , to witness for the Oaks—or rather , perhaps , to enjoy a jovial picnic on the beautiful Downs . The number of those who thus went down was very large , and their enjoyment , so far as
could be seen , was perfect . Tbe race was won by Tormentor . —•—After the rumours which have been flying about to tbe effect that tbe marriage between Prince Christian and the Princess Helena was not likely to take place , it affords us great pleasure to be able to state , on tbe best authority , not only thafc this illustrious couple will be married , but that the wedding is fixed for the 5 th of July . Prince Alfred did a
good deal of work in a very little time on the 19 th inst . He arrived in Edinburgh shortly after seven o ' clock in thoinoruing , took a stroll through the city , breakfasted , went to tbe university and was made LLD . He next went to the Edinburgh Industrial Museum , where the freedom of the city was conferred upon him by Lord Provost Chambers . Afterwards he formally
declared the museum open , then returned to his hotel , dined , and left Edinburgh shortly after nine o'clock in the evening by train . The Horse Show at the Agricultural Hall has been opened . It is a very fine collection of animals , ancl attracted a large number of visitors . An inquest has beeu held on the body of Elizabeth Etall , who was killed by the explosion of gas
in the house of Mr . Gambart , in the Avenue-road . Ifc seems that the woman servant , Waters , who was reported to be dead , is yet alive . It is also gratifying to know that the pictures of Mr . Erith's " Derby Day" and Rosa Bouheur ' s " Horse Pair , " which were in Mr . Gambart ' s gallery at the time of the explosion , were only copies , the originals being in the National
Gallery . The inquest was adjourned . ——A meeting , under tbe auspices of tbe National Reform League was held on the 21 sfc inst . on Primrose Hill . There was a very numerous attendance , notwithstanding thafc tbe people generally were holiday-making . Mr . Edmond Beales presided , and read letters from Mr . J . S . Mill , M . P „ and Mr . Bright , M . P ., who were unable to be
present . The Chairman himself delivered an able and convincing speech in support of tbe Government Reform Bills . Resolutions were passed in favour of tlie Government measures . The Devenport nomination also took place . Pour candidates were nominated—namely , Messrs . Abbott aud Eaikes ( Tory ) and Lord Eliot and Mr . Montague Chambers ( Liberals ) . The show of hands was in favour of the Tory candidates . A poll was demanded 'for the Liberals . Another assassination was at-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
by the sale of securities m the open market . Even in those cases where it had been shown the money they required by the sale of securities in the open market . Es-cn in those civses where it had been shown the money could only bo raised at a great sacrifice the Bank had made the necessary advances . He defended the conduct of the Bank generally . Several members were anxious to know what was the proposed course of public
business , but the Chancellor of the Exchequer was unable to give them any very definite information . On tbe motion for the second reading of the Tenure of Lar . d ( Ireland ) Bitf , a long debate arose . It was opened by Lord Haas , who found all sorts of fault with the bill . He proposed a string of resolutions declaring it to . be desirable that compensation should only be
given for improvements made with the consent of the landlord . Tbe Attorney-General for Ireland replied , and subsequently Mr . Lowe went into opposition against the Bill . He spoke afc somo length , and was followed by Mr . J . S . Mill , who demolished his theories and showed how just were tbe propositions of tbe Bill . Among the subsequent speakers were Mr . Pirn , Mr .
Dillon , and other members . On the ISth inst ., on tbe motion for the adjournment over the Wkitsun holidays , a very important discussion arose in reference to the abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty between the United States and Canada . Mr . Watkin introduced tbe subject , and blamed the Government severely for not having taken more active steps to have the
treaty renewed . He thought the sending of a fleet to the fishing grounds by the United States was evidence that the relations betsveen the two countries were not of the most friendly character , and he made several comments upon the conduct of the Americans , which subsequently brought down reproofs upon him by other speakers . Mr . Layard replied , and deprecated Sir . Watkin ' s remarks . He gave an account of the negotiations
which bad taken place , and showed that tbey had failed simply because the United States Congress , with whom rested the decision of the question so far as America was concerned , was averse at present to renew the treaty , or even to enter into negotiations on the matter . In the subsequent discussion Mr . Oliphant , The O'Conor Don , Mr . Ivinraird , Mr . White , and Mr , Mr . Cardwell took part . Before the motion for the
adjournment was carried , there was rather an animated conversation in reference to the choice of architects to compete for the design for the new Law Courts , and tbe Chancellor of the Exchequer declined , in answer to Sir J . Hay , to say what the Government would do in respect to the clause of the Franchise Bill disfranchising dockyardmen . The motion for adjournment to the 21-th
insfc ., was then carried . On the motion for going into committee of supply- several questions were discussed , and finally tbe House was counted out whilst Mr . Baillie Cochrane was proposing a commission to inquire into the best way of carrying out the improvements of the metropolis . GENERAL HOIIE NEWS . —The Eegistrar General ' s weekly
returns , dated May 19 th , show a considerable decrease in tbe number of deaths as compared with those of the preceding week , the difference being 1 , 467 as against 1 , G 28 . The improvement appears to have been chiefly under the heads of phthisis and bronchitis . Tbe annual rate of mortality last , week per 1 , 000 was—Bristol , IS ; Edinburgh , 2-1 ; London , Newcastle-on-Tyne ,
and Hull , 25 ; Manchester , 2 G ; Dublin , 27 ; Birmingham , 29 ; Glasgow , and Salford , 30 ; Sheffield , 38 ; Liverpool , 39 ; Leeds , 41 . The corresponding rate at Vienna was 3-1 per 100 . A case of cholera was registered in Woolwich , five in Liverpool , and two ( one of which only was fatal ) at Swansea . There were three deaths from carriage accidents . The births were more than 100 above the average . Tbe Conservatives have lost a
seat for Aberdeenshire . Mr . Leslie resigned to allow his relative , Sir James Elphinstone , to come iu . The sturdy electors of the county , however , refused to endorse this arrangement , and they have returned Mr . Eordyco , a Liberal , by a majority of over a thousand . -In the Court of Common Council on the 17 fcb inst . the Lord Mayor announced that Prince Alfred bad appointed Thursday , June 7 th , as the day on which be would
receive tho freedom of the City . The court afterwards discussed certain grave and weighty matters connected with this business with closed doors . At the Westminster Police Court Mr . Poland , on behalf of Mr . John Clare , jun ., applied for a summons against Mr . John Scott Russell for perjury . The alleged offence was committed in 1863 in a trial in which Mr .
Clare sought to get from the Crown damages for the infringement of his prtenfc ivith respect to the construction of ships . He alleged that the Warrior was built on bis principle . Mr . Scofct Russell was called for the Crown ancl deposed that long before 1859 , the date of Mr . Clare ' s piafcent , he had built ships on the same principle as that patented . This was the alleged
perjury . The magistrate took a week to consider what he would do in the case . ——The 18 th inst was most favourable for the many thousands who journeyed by road and rail to Epsom , to witness for the Oaks—or rather , perhaps , to enjoy a jovial picnic on the beautiful Downs . The number of those who thus went down was very large , and their enjoyment , so far as
could be seen , was perfect . Tbe race was won by Tormentor . —•—After the rumours which have been flying about to tbe effect that tbe marriage between Prince Christian and the Princess Helena was not likely to take place , it affords us great pleasure to be able to state , on tbe best authority , not only thafc this illustrious couple will be married , but that the wedding is fixed for the 5 th of July . Prince Alfred did a
good deal of work in a very little time on the 19 th inst . He arrived in Edinburgh shortly after seven o ' clock in thoinoruing , took a stroll through the city , breakfasted , went to tbe university and was made LLD . He next went to the Edinburgh Industrial Museum , where the freedom of the city was conferred upon him by Lord Provost Chambers . Afterwards he formally
declared the museum open , then returned to his hotel , dined , and left Edinburgh shortly after nine o'clock in the evening by train . The Horse Show at the Agricultural Hall has been opened . It is a very fine collection of animals , ancl attracted a large number of visitors . An inquest has beeu held on the body of Elizabeth Etall , who was killed by the explosion of gas
in the house of Mr . Gambart , in the Avenue-road . Ifc seems that the woman servant , Waters , who was reported to be dead , is yet alive . It is also gratifying to know that the pictures of Mr . Erith's " Derby Day" and Rosa Bouheur ' s " Horse Pair , " which were in Mr . Gambart ' s gallery at the time of the explosion , were only copies , the originals being in the National
Gallery . The inquest was adjourned . ——A meeting , under tbe auspices of tbe National Reform League was held on the 21 sfc inst . on Primrose Hill . There was a very numerous attendance , notwithstanding thafc tbe people generally were holiday-making . Mr . Edmond Beales presided , and read letters from Mr . J . S . Mill , M . P „ and Mr . Bright , M . P ., who were unable to be
present . The Chairman himself delivered an able and convincing speech in support of tbe Government Reform Bills . Resolutions were passed in favour of tlie Government measures . The Devenport nomination also took place . Pour candidates were nominated—namely , Messrs . Abbott aud Eaikes ( Tory ) and Lord Eliot and Mr . Montague Chambers ( Liberals ) . The show of hands was in favour of the Tory candidates . A poll was demanded 'for the Liberals . Another assassination was at-