Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEM. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic Mirror.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS IN ARREARS . Subscribers who are in arrears will oblige by remitting at ence to the office , So . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . [ Post Office Orders to bo made payable to Bro . William Smith , C . E . ] * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
Bro . Hyde Clarice , having received funds from the venerable philanthropist , Sir Moses Montefiore , has succeeded in getting the houses and streets of the Jewish quarter of Smyrna cleansed and purified , and has given a practical example as a sanitary reformer to the local authorities , while he has administered effective relief to the distressed , and stimulated employment . The brethren in that city have been indefatigable in their exertions to relieve the ravages of the disease .
BEABON LODGE ( NO . 619 ) . —On Wednesday , the 16 th inst ., the Installation at this Lodge of the new W . M . Bro . A . P . Leonard , took place at the Greyhound , Dulwich , in the presence of above fifty members of the Craft . Tbe ceremony of Installation was performed at the conclusion of the other business of the day . Bro . James W . Avery , I . P . M ., assisted by his officers , opened the lodge , and in consequence of the illness of Bro . Blackburnthe Secretaryappointed a Deputy Secretary for
, , that day only . The Deputy Secretary then read the minutes of the last meeting , which were afterwards put to tho meeting and confirmed . The balance-sheet , which had been submitted to the audit meeting on the 2 nd inst . and passed , was also read and confirmed . Ballots were taken for Mr . Thomas Unwin and Mr . Fi-as . II . W . Taylor , which were found to be in their favour . Mr . Taylor , being in waiting , was duly initiated . Bros .
Martins , Edward C . Massey , and Bryan were passed as F . C . ; and Bros . John C . Ivcvson and 1 ' oole were raised to the M . M . Degree . All these ceremonies were admirably performed by Bro . Jas . W . Avery , who immediately afterwards vacated his chair , and introduced to Bro . Alfred Avery , the Installing P . M ., Bro . Leonard , the WM . elect . Having given the necessary answers , and his assent to the conditions to be observed by Masters of Lodges , Bro . Leonard was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , and was saluted as such by the brethren in the several Degrees , and he afterwards appointed his officers as follows : —Bros .
Parker , S . W . ; Meekham , J . W . ; Sherwood , S . D . ; II . Massey , J . D . ; Dredge , I . G . ; Kennard , Dir . of Cers . ; and Daly , Tyler , and invested each with the insignia of his office . Bro . Alfred Avery then completed the ceremony of Installation , and was greatly cheered for the admirable manner in which he had delivered all the beautiful charges . The lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . Among the visitors Ave noticed Bros . I ' . Walters , II . Potter , Davy , II . D .-ilwood ,
and many others . Tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed the banquet , and Bro . James W . Avery proposed the " Health oftheW . M ., " who , he was sure , would perform the duties of his exalted position as efficiently as they could be performed . The W . M ., in returning thanks , trusted that lie should merit the confidence placed in him , and assured the brethren that , as the object of his Masonic life had been attained , he should strive to do credit to the choice the lodge had made . No efforts
Avould he wanting on his part so to do , and if he followed in the footsteps of such a worthy predecessor as the late W . M ., he felt that they would not regret the election they had made . The W . M . afterwards presented the P . M . Jewel , voted by the lodge , to the I . I' . M ., who acknowledged the compliment in a feeling speech . - 'The Health of the Visitors" followed , Bro . Potter returning thanks . "The P . M . ' s , " "The Officers , " and the usual other toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren separated about ten o ' clock , after having ; spent a most delightful evening .
NORFOLK . PEOVISOIAI GRAND LODOE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Great Yarmouth on Thursday , the 17 th inst . The brethren met in full Masonic Craft clothing at the Priory , and at high twelve the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened by Bro . B . B . Cabbell , Esq ., F . U . S ., Prov . G . M . of Norfolk . The brethren subsequently attended
service at St . Nicholas Church , where the sermon was preached by Bro . the AV . Rev . R . P . Bent , Prov . G . Chaplain , in aid of the local charities . A banquet afterwards took place at the Town Hall .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . TIUTEO . —Fortitude Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 7 S ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their regular meeting on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., at live p . m ., at the Phcenix Lodge Rooms , High Cross , Truro ( kindly lent during the alteration of the Fortitude Lodge ) , Bro . W . J . Hughan , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Thos . Chirgwin , S . W . ; G . A . Elliott , J . W . ; Arthur AVillyams , M . O . ; Edward TCari SOWilliam . 1 . Johns 3 . 0 . ; Thomas
. yon , .. ; , Solomon , Reg . ; Stephen Holloway , Chap . ; William Tweedy , Sec ; William H . YV . Blight , S . D . ; Frederick W . Dabb , J . D . ; Edmund Michell , jim ., Dir . of Cers . ; William Lake , I . G . ; R . Bodilly , Steward ; William Wynfcfc , Tyler ; Phillpotts ( of Apollo University Lodge ) , and other brethren were also present during the evening . The lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes read and confirmedand the ballot taken for six
candi-, dates , the labours of the lodge commenced in earnest . Seven candidates were properly prepared , and advanced according to the imposing ritual of the Mark Grand Lodge , Bi-o . Regnald Rogers , D . Prov . G . M . of the Craft for Cornwall , and other Provincial Grand Oflicei-s being amongst the number , and evinced great interest in the degree . The cliaunts , & c , relating to the of advancementwere ablrendered by Bro .
ceremony , y W . II . Christoe , the Organist , who well deserved the thanks of the members , which he subsequently received . The lodge was then adjourned until half-past seven , when the brethren again resumed their duties , and the AV . M . advanced Bros . AV . H . Jenkins , P . Prov . S . G . W . of the Craft for Cornwall , James Lardlaw , W . M . of the Fortitude ( Craft ) Lodge , Truro , and W .
Rooks . Four candidates and one joining member were then proposed and seconded . Tho business being concluded at halfpast eight , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony with solemn prayer . The brethren afterwards partook of a supper provided in tho banqueting room of the Phoenix Lodge , anil agreeably spent the remainder of the time . The usual introductory toasts having been given , the W . M . proposed " The Health of Bro . Reginald Rogers" and gave a hearty welcome
, to the popular D . Prov . G . M . for Cornwall , on behalf of the Fortitude ( Mark ) Lodge . The toast was enthusiastically received , iu a manlier peculiar to Mark Masons . Bro . Reginald Rogers , in reply , warmly thanked the brethren for responding so cordially to the toast , and expressed bis approval of the Mark degree , signifying his desire to attend the lodge whenever possibleand spoke in very limentary terms of the manner
, comp in which the W . M . had conducted the ceremony of advancement and delivered the lecture . The brother , after having eulogised the officers for so ably supporting their Master , proposed the health of Bro . W . J . Hughan , W . M ., and wished both him and the members the success they so highly deserved . The W . M ., in returning thanks for the honour conferred on him , stated that though the warrant was not granted before May
last , the lodge now numbered thirty-one subscribing and two honorary members , and would , before tho expiration of the present year , bo not less than fifty . The other toasts having been suitably acknowledged , the brethren separated with the most fraternal love and good feeling towards each other , highly pleased with the evening ' s proceedings .
THE man who is conscious of superior powers resolutely preserves the integrity of his nature , and perseveres in the plans which he lias adopted for beneficial purposes , and despises empiricism .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS IN ARREARS . Subscribers who are in arrears will oblige by remitting at ence to the office , So . 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand . [ Post Office Orders to bo made payable to Bro . William Smith , C . E . ] * * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mem.
Bro . Hyde Clarice , having received funds from the venerable philanthropist , Sir Moses Montefiore , has succeeded in getting the houses and streets of the Jewish quarter of Smyrna cleansed and purified , and has given a practical example as a sanitary reformer to the local authorities , while he has administered effective relief to the distressed , and stimulated employment . The brethren in that city have been indefatigable in their exertions to relieve the ravages of the disease .
BEABON LODGE ( NO . 619 ) . —On Wednesday , the 16 th inst ., the Installation at this Lodge of the new W . M . Bro . A . P . Leonard , took place at the Greyhound , Dulwich , in the presence of above fifty members of the Craft . Tbe ceremony of Installation was performed at the conclusion of the other business of the day . Bro . James W . Avery , I . P . M ., assisted by his officers , opened the lodge , and in consequence of the illness of Bro . Blackburnthe Secretaryappointed a Deputy Secretary for
, , that day only . The Deputy Secretary then read the minutes of the last meeting , which were afterwards put to tho meeting and confirmed . The balance-sheet , which had been submitted to the audit meeting on the 2 nd inst . and passed , was also read and confirmed . Ballots were taken for Mr . Thomas Unwin and Mr . Fi-as . II . W . Taylor , which were found to be in their favour . Mr . Taylor , being in waiting , was duly initiated . Bros .
Martins , Edward C . Massey , and Bryan were passed as F . C . ; and Bros . John C . Ivcvson and 1 ' oole were raised to the M . M . Degree . All these ceremonies were admirably performed by Bro . Jas . W . Avery , who immediately afterwards vacated his chair , and introduced to Bro . Alfred Avery , the Installing P . M ., Bro . Leonard , the WM . elect . Having given the necessary answers , and his assent to the conditions to be observed by Masters of Lodges , Bro . Leonard was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , and was saluted as such by the brethren in the several Degrees , and he afterwards appointed his officers as follows : —Bros .
Parker , S . W . ; Meekham , J . W . ; Sherwood , S . D . ; II . Massey , J . D . ; Dredge , I . G . ; Kennard , Dir . of Cers . ; and Daly , Tyler , and invested each with the insignia of his office . Bro . Alfred Avery then completed the ceremony of Installation , and was greatly cheered for the admirable manner in which he had delivered all the beautiful charges . The lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to banquet . Among the visitors Ave noticed Bros . I ' . Walters , II . Potter , Davy , II . D .-ilwood ,
and many others . Tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed the banquet , and Bro . James W . Avery proposed the " Health oftheW . M ., " who , he was sure , would perform the duties of his exalted position as efficiently as they could be performed . The W . M ., in returning thanks , trusted that lie should merit the confidence placed in him , and assured the brethren that , as the object of his Masonic life had been attained , he should strive to do credit to the choice the lodge had made . No efforts
Avould he wanting on his part so to do , and if he followed in the footsteps of such a worthy predecessor as the late W . M ., he felt that they would not regret the election they had made . The W . M . afterwards presented the P . M . Jewel , voted by the lodge , to the I . I' . M ., who acknowledged the compliment in a feeling speech . - 'The Health of the Visitors" followed , Bro . Potter returning thanks . "The P . M . ' s , " "The Officers , " and the usual other toasts were duly honoured , and the brethren separated about ten o ' clock , after having ; spent a most delightful evening .
NORFOLK . PEOVISOIAI GRAND LODOE . A Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Great Yarmouth on Thursday , the 17 th inst . The brethren met in full Masonic Craft clothing at the Priory , and at high twelve the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened by Bro . B . B . Cabbell , Esq ., F . U . S ., Prov . G . M . of Norfolk . The brethren subsequently attended
service at St . Nicholas Church , where the sermon was preached by Bro . the AV . Rev . R . P . Bent , Prov . G . Chaplain , in aid of the local charities . A banquet afterwards took place at the Town Hall .
Mark Masonry.
CORNWALL . TIUTEO . —Fortitude Lodge of Mark Masters ( No . 7 S ) . —The brethren of this lodge held their regular meeting on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., at live p . m ., at the Phcenix Lodge Rooms , High Cross , Truro ( kindly lent during the alteration of the Fortitude Lodge ) , Bro . W . J . Hughan , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Thos . Chirgwin , S . W . ; G . A . Elliott , J . W . ; Arthur AVillyams , M . O . ; Edward TCari SOWilliam . 1 . Johns 3 . 0 . ; Thomas
. yon , .. ; , Solomon , Reg . ; Stephen Holloway , Chap . ; William Tweedy , Sec ; William H . YV . Blight , S . D . ; Frederick W . Dabb , J . D . ; Edmund Michell , jim ., Dir . of Cers . ; William Lake , I . G . ; R . Bodilly , Steward ; William Wynfcfc , Tyler ; Phillpotts ( of Apollo University Lodge ) , and other brethren were also present during the evening . The lodge having been opened in due form , the minutes read and confirmedand the ballot taken for six
candi-, dates , the labours of the lodge commenced in earnest . Seven candidates were properly prepared , and advanced according to the imposing ritual of the Mark Grand Lodge , Bi-o . Regnald Rogers , D . Prov . G . M . of the Craft for Cornwall , and other Provincial Grand Oflicei-s being amongst the number , and evinced great interest in the degree . The cliaunts , & c , relating to the of advancementwere ablrendered by Bro .
ceremony , y W . II . Christoe , the Organist , who well deserved the thanks of the members , which he subsequently received . The lodge was then adjourned until half-past seven , when the brethren again resumed their duties , and the AV . M . advanced Bros . AV . H . Jenkins , P . Prov . S . G . W . of the Craft for Cornwall , James Lardlaw , W . M . of the Fortitude ( Craft ) Lodge , Truro , and W .
Rooks . Four candidates and one joining member were then proposed and seconded . Tho business being concluded at halfpast eight , the lodge was closed in peace and harmony with solemn prayer . The brethren afterwards partook of a supper provided in tho banqueting room of the Phoenix Lodge , anil agreeably spent the remainder of the time . The usual introductory toasts having been given , the W . M . proposed " The Health of Bro . Reginald Rogers" and gave a hearty welcome
, to the popular D . Prov . G . M . for Cornwall , on behalf of the Fortitude ( Mark ) Lodge . The toast was enthusiastically received , iu a manlier peculiar to Mark Masons . Bro . Reginald Rogers , in reply , warmly thanked the brethren for responding so cordially to the toast , and expressed bis approval of the Mark degree , signifying his desire to attend the lodge whenever possibleand spoke in very limentary terms of the manner
, comp in which the W . M . had conducted the ceremony of advancement and delivered the lecture . The brother , after having eulogised the officers for so ably supporting their Master , proposed the health of Bro . W . J . Hughan , W . M ., and wished both him and the members the success they so highly deserved . The W . M ., in returning thanks for the honour conferred on him , stated that though the warrant was not granted before May
last , the lodge now numbered thirty-one subscribing and two honorary members , and would , before tho expiration of the present year , bo not less than fifty . The other toasts having been suitably acknowledged , the brethren separated with the most fraternal love and good feeling towards each other , highly pleased with the evening ' s proceedings .
THE man who is conscious of superior powers resolutely preserves the integrity of his nature , and perseveres in the plans which he lias adopted for beneficial purposes , and despises empiricism .