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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . s * All communications to ne addressed to the EDITOR , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
J ! The Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodgo will tie held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , on Wednesday , 6 tli September , at 6 for 7 o'clock . THE CLAPTON LODGE ( NO . 1 , 365 ) . —A new lodge , for which a warrant has been issued , will he consecrated on AVednesday ,
20 th September , at the White Hart Tavern , Clapton . Bro . J . D . Taylor , will be the first WM . ; Bro . W . Stephens , of the "Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 , the first S . W . ; and Bro . J . Saunders the first J . W .. Bro . James Terry , P . M . 228 , has been named by the M . W . G . M . as the consecrating officer , and the musica l arrangements will be under the direction of Bro . Thomas ' o £ the Urban Lodge , No-1 , 196 .
Brother Richard Spencer informs us the reprint of the 1722 , 723 , 1726 , 1730 editions of " The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of England and Ireland ; " edited by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Cox P . G . Chaplain , & c , illustrated with two facsimile Frontispieces by the Woodbury process , and other cuts , is now in course of delivery to the subscribers , and can be obtained at the Masoni Depot , 26 , Great Queen Street , W . C .
$ . The Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmoreland has announced tbat the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Kendal , at the latter end of September , or , the beginning of October . The Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , which has been closed during the summer months , will resume its meetings on
Friday , the 1 st of September , afc Bro . T . Lloyd's , Approach Tavern , Victoria Part . We have been requested to anuouuce thafc it is proposed to present a testimonial to Bro . 'F . Biuckes , the Secretary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , in recognition of his untiring efforts , and extraordinary exertions to obtain the funds required
for the ereetion of the present handsome building , which , for completeness as a structure , and for utility as a home and school , is probably unsurpassed . At the time of its dedication , it became a question amongst both town and provincial brethren , who were cognizant of the great exertions of the Secretary , whether the time had not then arrived for a general recognition
of his valuable services ; but in the minds of many brethren of eminence , a difficulty presented itself in the fact that the school was then burthened with a debt of considerable magnitude , and on reflection ifc was determined that it was more fitting to centralise all efforts towards reducing the liabilities than , even temporarily , to divert the munificence of donors and
subscribers . By the secretary's continued perseverance and thorough devotion to the welfare of the institution the liabilities have been so far reduced as to leave the institution now only indebted in a comparatively small sum tc its bunkers , whilst during the nine years of Bro . Binckes' secretaryship the number
Masonic Mems.
of boys had been increased from 70 to 118 . This being tha case , it is felt that some suitable compliment should be paid to him by such a substantial testimonial for his earnestness and unflagging zeal , as shall hereafter be a permanent benefit to himself and family . By a resolution of the committee individua . subscriptions are limited to one guinea—those from lodges and . chapters are unrestricted . A committee lias been formed , with . Bro . B . Cox , of 103 , Chancery Lane , as Hon . Sec .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOB B OXS . —OCTOBEE EJECTION ? OK 1871 . —The Votes and Interests of the Governors and Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of Earnest Lewis Railing , Aged 8 Years , Son of the late Bro . Thomas Railing , for many years connected with the "Essex Standard , " as Reporter , & c , who died , after a long illness , at the early age of
40 , on the 28 th January , 1869 , leaving an invalid Widow ami Eleven Children—nine Sons and two Daughters—six of whom are entirely dependent upon their eldest Brother for support . Bro . Railing was initiated into the Angel Lodge , No . 59 , ( now 51 ) , Colchester , in 1853 , and was a Subscribing Member up to * the time of his decease . The Application is strongly
recommended by Bros , the R . W . R . J . Bagshaw , Provincial Grand Master for Essex ; Andrew Meggy , Deputy Prov . G . M . of Essex ; V . W . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Prov . G . Chap of England ; Rev . E . I . Lockwood , D . Prov . G . M . of Suffolk . Proxies may be sent to Mrs . Railing , Military Road , Colchester .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION EOB GIBLS , OCTOBER ELECTION , 1871 . —The votes of the brethren are solicited on behalf of Mary Ann Line , aged 10 years . The father of the candidate , Bro . Thomas Line , who for some years kept the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge , was initiated in the Royal Union Lodge , No . 382 , on the 23 d . Jan ., 1861 , and continued a subscribing member to the time
of his decease , which occurred on the 23 rd January , 1871 . He died suddenly , leaving his widow in very straitened circumstances with four children . The case is strongly recommended by a large number of influential Masons of the Province , and proxies will he thankfully received by Bros . J . Jaquin , WM . 382 ; W . Coombes , P . M ., Hon . Sec . 389 ; and G . H . Wools , 382 .
General Committee Of Grand Lodge And Lodge Of Benevolence.
The meeting of General Committee of Grand Lodge was held , at the Board Room , Freemasons' Hull , on Wednesday , 23 rd inst . In the absence of the President . theV . W . Bro . J . M . Clabon , Bro . Joshua Nnnn , Vice-President , filled the chair of W . M . ; that of S . W . was occupied by Bro . James Brett , and that of J . W . by Bro . John Boyd .
Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , read the minutes of the former meeting , whicli were confirmed . A discussion arose upon a letter which had been addressed to the M . W . Grand Master , the question being whether it could be dealt with by this Coinmittee . It was ruled by the W . M . that it was a matter which could only be dealt with by the Grand
Master . The motion of Bro . Sir P . Colquhoun having been brought forward at the last quarterly communication , and which had been allowed to stand over at the request of the M . W . Grand Master , was ordered to he inserted on the agenda paper for th ntxt quarterly communication of Grand Lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . s * All communications to ne addressed to the EDITOR , at No 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
J ! The Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodgo will tie held at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , on Wednesday , 6 tli September , at 6 for 7 o'clock . THE CLAPTON LODGE ( NO . 1 , 365 ) . —A new lodge , for which a warrant has been issued , will he consecrated on AVednesday ,
20 th September , at the White Hart Tavern , Clapton . Bro . J . D . Taylor , will be the first WM . ; Bro . W . Stephens , of the "Vitruvian Lodge , No . 87 , the first S . W . ; and Bro . J . Saunders the first J . W .. Bro . James Terry , P . M . 228 , has been named by the M . W . G . M . as the consecrating officer , and the musica l arrangements will be under the direction of Bro . Thomas ' o £ the Urban Lodge , No-1 , 196 .
Brother Richard Spencer informs us the reprint of the 1722 , 723 , 1726 , 1730 editions of " The Old Constitutions belonging to the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of England and Ireland ; " edited by Bro . the Rev . Dr . Cox P . G . Chaplain , & c , illustrated with two facsimile Frontispieces by the Woodbury process , and other cuts , is now in course of delivery to the subscribers , and can be obtained at the Masoni Depot , 26 , Great Queen Street , W . C .
$ . The Provincial Grand Master of Cumberland and Westmoreland has announced tbat the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at Kendal , at the latter end of September , or , the beginning of October . The Burdett Coutts Lodge of Instruction , which has been closed during the summer months , will resume its meetings on
Friday , the 1 st of September , afc Bro . T . Lloyd's , Approach Tavern , Victoria Part . We have been requested to anuouuce thafc it is proposed to present a testimonial to Bro . 'F . Biuckes , the Secretary of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , in recognition of his untiring efforts , and extraordinary exertions to obtain the funds required
for the ereetion of the present handsome building , which , for completeness as a structure , and for utility as a home and school , is probably unsurpassed . At the time of its dedication , it became a question amongst both town and provincial brethren , who were cognizant of the great exertions of the Secretary , whether the time had not then arrived for a general recognition
of his valuable services ; but in the minds of many brethren of eminence , a difficulty presented itself in the fact that the school was then burthened with a debt of considerable magnitude , and on reflection ifc was determined that it was more fitting to centralise all efforts towards reducing the liabilities than , even temporarily , to divert the munificence of donors and
subscribers . By the secretary's continued perseverance and thorough devotion to the welfare of the institution the liabilities have been so far reduced as to leave the institution now only indebted in a comparatively small sum tc its bunkers , whilst during the nine years of Bro . Binckes' secretaryship the number
Masonic Mems.
of boys had been increased from 70 to 118 . This being tha case , it is felt that some suitable compliment should be paid to him by such a substantial testimonial for his earnestness and unflagging zeal , as shall hereafter be a permanent benefit to himself and family . By a resolution of the committee individua . subscriptions are limited to one guinea—those from lodges and . chapters are unrestricted . A committee lias been formed , with . Bro . B . Cox , of 103 , Chancery Lane , as Hon . Sec .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOB B OXS . —OCTOBEE EJECTION ? OK 1871 . —The Votes and Interests of the Governors and Subscribers are earnestly solicited on behalf of Earnest Lewis Railing , Aged 8 Years , Son of the late Bro . Thomas Railing , for many years connected with the "Essex Standard , " as Reporter , & c , who died , after a long illness , at the early age of
40 , on the 28 th January , 1869 , leaving an invalid Widow ami Eleven Children—nine Sons and two Daughters—six of whom are entirely dependent upon their eldest Brother for support . Bro . Railing was initiated into the Angel Lodge , No . 59 , ( now 51 ) , Colchester , in 1853 , and was a Subscribing Member up to * the time of his decease . The Application is strongly
recommended by Bros , the R . W . R . J . Bagshaw , Provincial Grand Master for Essex ; Andrew Meggy , Deputy Prov . G . M . of Essex ; V . W . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Prov . G . Chap of England ; Rev . E . I . Lockwood , D . Prov . G . M . of Suffolk . Proxies may be sent to Mrs . Railing , Military Road , Colchester .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION EOB GIBLS , OCTOBER ELECTION , 1871 . —The votes of the brethren are solicited on behalf of Mary Ann Line , aged 10 years . The father of the candidate , Bro . Thomas Line , who for some years kept the Chequers Hotel , Uxbridge , was initiated in the Royal Union Lodge , No . 382 , on the 23 d . Jan ., 1861 , and continued a subscribing member to the time
of his decease , which occurred on the 23 rd January , 1871 . He died suddenly , leaving his widow in very straitened circumstances with four children . The case is strongly recommended by a large number of influential Masons of the Province , and proxies will he thankfully received by Bros . J . Jaquin , WM . 382 ; W . Coombes , P . M ., Hon . Sec . 389 ; and G . H . Wools , 382 .
General Committee Of Grand Lodge And Lodge Of Benevolence.
The meeting of General Committee of Grand Lodge was held , at the Board Room , Freemasons' Hull , on Wednesday , 23 rd inst . In the absence of the President . theV . W . Bro . J . M . Clabon , Bro . Joshua Nnnn , Vice-President , filled the chair of W . M . ; that of S . W . was occupied by Bro . James Brett , and that of J . W . by Bro . John Boyd .
Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , read the minutes of the former meeting , whicli were confirmed . A discussion arose upon a letter which had been addressed to the M . W . Grand Master , the question being whether it could be dealt with by this Coinmittee . It was ruled by the W . M . that it was a matter which could only be dealt with by the Grand
Master . The motion of Bro . Sir P . Colquhoun having been brought forward at the last quarterly communication , and which had been allowed to stand over at the request of the M . W . Grand Master , was ordered to he inserted on the agenda paper for th ntxt quarterly communication of Grand Lodge .