Article GENERAL COMMITTEE OF GRAND LODGE AND LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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General Committee Of Grand Lodge And Lodge Of Benevolence.
Bro . Matthew Cooke ' s notice of motion ( similar to that brought before the Grand Chapter ) was read , and ordered to be inserted in the agenda paper . A notice of motion , by Bro . J . M . Clabon , President , was read by the Secretary , having reference to certain alterations in the rules governing tlie Lodge of Benevolence , as to the disposal
of the funds , and which were suggested with the approval of Bro . Joshua Nunn , the original proposer of the existing rules , wore ordered fco be inserted in tbe agenda . The Scrntiners wore then appointed for the next quarterly communication of Grand Lodge . There being no further business , the General Committee was
closed . The Lodge of Benevolence was then opened . The following ¦ were present , many of whom had attended tho meeting of the General Committee of Grand Lodge . Bros . J . E . Saunders , S . G . D . ; J . R . Stebbing , P . G . D . ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ; Joseph Smith ; Boyd , G . Pnrst . ; W . Ough ,
P . G . Purst . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . M . 733 ; James Brett , P . G . Purst . ; W . M . Bywater , P . M . 19 ; Wm . Mason , P . M . 186 ; P . Crick , P . M . 14 < t ; J . R . Sheen , P . M . 201 ; H . I . Garrod , P . M . 749 ; F . AValters , P . M . 1309 ; T . E . Harriss , W . M . 538 ; Jas . Weaver , P . M . 862 ; Thos . Arnold , AV . M . 25 ; C . H . Driver , AV . M . 905 : AV . C . Crick , AV . M . 657 ; Matthew Clark , AA . M . 255 ; James Stevens , P . M . 1216 ; G . J . Palmer , AA' . M .
11 ; AVilliam Smith , CE ., P . M . 33 ; Ed . Johnson , AV . M . 140 ; William Hale , P . M . 7 S 0 ; Thos . Parker , P . M . 34 ; Alfred Pulley , W . M . 1 G 9 ; John Child , AV . M . 901 ; G . If . H . Harris , W . M . 13 ; AVm . Bristow , W . M . 14 ; J . Gaskill , AV . M . 1076 ; AV . AVest ¦ Smith , P . AI . 809 ; H . Collington , AV . M . 1230 ; AV . T . Gralnun , AV . M . 700 ; Jas . Kew , AV . M . 179 ; E . J . Bumstead , P . M . 548 .
Four cases relieved at the last meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence , in sums amounting to £ 80 were confirmed . Fifteen new applications for relief were considered ( of which five were deferred from last meeting ) , which were relieved as follows : —
A Brother of a French Lodge 10 0 0 A Brother of a Portuguese Lodge 10 0 0 A Brother of , Lodge 140 , Greenwich ( recommended to the Grand Master ) 40 0 0 A Brother of an Irish Lodge ... ... 5 0 0 A Brother of a Californiau Lodgo 10 0 0
The AA'idow of a Brother of Panmure Lodge , No . 720 ( recommended to the Grand Master ) 40 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of Lodge Harmony , No . 235 , Richmond ... ... 30 0 0 A Brother of Cambrian Lodge , No . 4 G 4 15 0 0 A Brother of Sun Lodge , No . 106 , Exmouth ... 15 0 0
A Brother of Lodge Holy Temple , No . 412 , Loughton 15 0 0 A Brother of Lodge St . John ' s , Plymouth 10 0 0 The AA'idow of a Brother of St . Matthew's Lodge Lostwithiel , No . 850 20 0 0 The AVidow of a Brother of St . George's Lodge ,
North Shields , No . 431 20 0 0 A Brother of Lodge St . Peter , Carmarthen , No . 476 , ( recommended to the Grand Master ) 40 0 0 A Brother of Lodge St . Helena , No . 4 SS ( recommended to the Grand Blaster ) ... 30 0 0 Making a total of ,... £ 310 0 0
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
BEADON LODGE ( No . 619 ) . —The installation meeting of thi ; lodge tool ; : place on Wednesday , at Bro . Medlicotfc ' s , the Greyhound , Dulwich . The lodge was opened by the AA ' . M , Bro . Saul Wells , assisted by Bros . H . Massey , P . M ., and Forge , as Senior and Junior AVardens . The minutes of the previous meeting were then submitted to the consideration of tlie brethren , and were duly confirmed . As the AA ' . M . elect , Capt . George Arthur Smith , J . W ., was detained by important
business many miles away , and none of the candidates being present at the opening of the lodge , no business could be proceeded with , and the brethren , accompanied by the visitors , descended to the beautiful grounds of the hotel , where they had ample time to amuse and recreate themselves , as it was approaching six o ' clock before an opportunity was afforded to resume business . Three of the candidates for initiation having arrived—Messrs . E . Wright , J . Collins and AV .
Dyertlie lodge having resumed , they were properly prepared , separately introduced , and in due form received into tlio noble order . The candidates for the second degree then put in an appearance , shortly afterwards followed by the AA ' . M . elect , but as the day was fast waning , the ceremony of working the second degree was deferred until October , and the installation of the AA . M . commenced without delay . Bro . Wells having vacntad the chair iu favour of Bro . J . W . Avery , P . M ., that brother , according to ancient form , duly placed tlie AV . M . elect in his chair of office , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Avery in a manner to sustain the high reputation of the Beadon Lodge for correct
working . The officers for the ensuing year were then appointed as follows : —Bros . Chapman , S . AV . ; AV . Seaman , J . AA' . ; C . A . Potter , P . M ., Treas . ; A . P . Leonard , P . M ., Sec ; AV . H . Green , S . D . ; Forge , J . D . ; and Leeuw , I . G . ; the Tyler was re-appointed . The lodge was afterwards closed . A banquet followed . Owing to the lateness of tlie hour , the usual toasts were rapidly given , the most pleasing one being the health of the retiring AV . M ., accompanied by the presentation of n handsome
P . M . 's jewel in gold . The AA ' . M . pointedly alluded to tlio mo lest and retiring excellences of Bro . AA'ells , who had endeared himself to them all by bis many amiable qualities of heart and mind . Bro . Wells , in responding , expressed his thanks for this expression of kind feeling on the part of his brethren of the Beadon Lodge , and his regret that his year of office bad been so undistinguished ; but this , they all well knew , was occasioned by unfortunate circumstances , of which
he was by no means the author , and the evil effects of which he had used his best efforts , he hoped he might with truth say , to successfully overcome . He hoped that his successor would have a pleasant and busy year of office . Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . E . Coste , P . M ., No . 9 ; H . Potter , P . M ., No . 11 ; H . T . T . Ross , No . 87 ; VV . J . Jones , No . 145 ; T . Cubitt , P . M ., No . 157 , P . G . D . Middlesex ; Minnis , No . 172 ; E J . Dyne , No . 18 G ; J . F . Duggct , No . 186 ; 11 . Davy , No . 1 . 305 . T . Knott , W . M ., R . H . AVilliams , S . AV ., and J . AV . Manger , S . D . of No . 1 , 314 ; Wyatt , No . 1 , 314 ; J . Green ; F . Walters , P . M . and others .
STAB LOD & E ( No . 1275 ) . —On Saturday , 5 th inst ., an emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross-road , Deptford . Punctually at four o ' clock ( the hour named for meeting ) , the I . P . M ., Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., Treas ., opened the lodge . The AV . M ., Bro . AV . Ough , P . G . P ., afterwards arrived and took the chair . He , in his usual efficient manner , separately raised Bros . B . V . Duff , Davis , and AV . Kipps ; initiated Mr . Edwin Townsend ; passed
Bros . J . Fox and C . Saunders to the second degree . It was announced that after the installation meeting had heen held afc the lodge house , New Cross , tne Marquis of Granby , on Friday , September 1 st , that the brethren should adjourn to Anderton ' s Hotel for the banquet . It was arranged to hold the audit meeting at the Imperial Club , 2 , Cursitor Street , Chancery Lane , on Saturday , 2 ( ith inst ., at four o ' clock p . m . Tho lodge was then duly closed . There were present : —Bros . C . J . Hoirg , P . M ., S . AV ., aud AV . M . elect ; H . Keeble , J . AV . ; V . AValters , P . M .
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General Committee Of Grand Lodge And Lodge Of Benevolence.
Bro . Matthew Cooke ' s notice of motion ( similar to that brought before the Grand Chapter ) was read , and ordered to be inserted in the agenda paper . A notice of motion , by Bro . J . M . Clabon , President , was read by the Secretary , having reference to certain alterations in the rules governing tlie Lodge of Benevolence , as to the disposal
of the funds , and which were suggested with the approval of Bro . Joshua Nunn , the original proposer of the existing rules , wore ordered fco be inserted in tbe agenda . The Scrntiners wore then appointed for the next quarterly communication of Grand Lodge . There being no further business , the General Committee was
closed . The Lodge of Benevolence was then opened . The following ¦ were present , many of whom had attended tho meeting of the General Committee of Grand Lodge . Bros . J . E . Saunders , S . G . D . ; J . R . Stebbing , P . G . D . ; Joshua Nunn , P . G . S . B . ; Joseph Smith ; Boyd , G . Pnrst . ; W . Ough ,
P . G . Purst . ; C . A . Cottebrune , P . M . 733 ; James Brett , P . G . Purst . ; W . M . Bywater , P . M . 19 ; Wm . Mason , P . M . 186 ; P . Crick , P . M . 14 < t ; J . R . Sheen , P . M . 201 ; H . I . Garrod , P . M . 749 ; F . AValters , P . M . 1309 ; T . E . Harriss , W . M . 538 ; Jas . Weaver , P . M . 862 ; Thos . Arnold , AV . M . 25 ; C . H . Driver , AV . M . 905 : AV . C . Crick , AV . M . 657 ; Matthew Clark , AA . M . 255 ; James Stevens , P . M . 1216 ; G . J . Palmer , AA' . M .
11 ; AVilliam Smith , CE ., P . M . 33 ; Ed . Johnson , AV . M . 140 ; William Hale , P . M . 7 S 0 ; Thos . Parker , P . M . 34 ; Alfred Pulley , W . M . 1 G 9 ; John Child , AV . M . 901 ; G . If . H . Harris , W . M . 13 ; AVm . Bristow , W . M . 14 ; J . Gaskill , AV . M . 1076 ; AV . AVest ¦ Smith , P . AI . 809 ; H . Collington , AV . M . 1230 ; AV . T . Gralnun , AV . M . 700 ; Jas . Kew , AV . M . 179 ; E . J . Bumstead , P . M . 548 .
Four cases relieved at the last meeting of the Lodge of Benevolence , in sums amounting to £ 80 were confirmed . Fifteen new applications for relief were considered ( of which five were deferred from last meeting ) , which were relieved as follows : —
A Brother of a French Lodge 10 0 0 A Brother of a Portuguese Lodge 10 0 0 A Brother of , Lodge 140 , Greenwich ( recommended to the Grand Master ) 40 0 0 A Brother of an Irish Lodge ... ... 5 0 0 A Brother of a Californiau Lodgo 10 0 0
The AA'idow of a Brother of Panmure Lodge , No . 720 ( recommended to the Grand Master ) 40 0 0 The Widow of a Brother of Lodge Harmony , No . 235 , Richmond ... ... 30 0 0 A Brother of Cambrian Lodge , No . 4 G 4 15 0 0 A Brother of Sun Lodge , No . 106 , Exmouth ... 15 0 0
A Brother of Lodge Holy Temple , No . 412 , Loughton 15 0 0 A Brother of Lodge St . John ' s , Plymouth 10 0 0 The AA'idow of a Brother of St . Matthew's Lodge Lostwithiel , No . 850 20 0 0 The AVidow of a Brother of St . George's Lodge ,
North Shields , No . 431 20 0 0 A Brother of Lodge St . Peter , Carmarthen , No . 476 , ( recommended to the Grand Master ) 40 0 0 A Brother of Lodge St . Helena , No . 4 SS ( recommended to the Grand Blaster ) ... 30 0 0 Making a total of ,... £ 310 0 0
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
BEADON LODGE ( No . 619 ) . —The installation meeting of thi ; lodge tool ; : place on Wednesday , at Bro . Medlicotfc ' s , the Greyhound , Dulwich . The lodge was opened by the AA ' . M , Bro . Saul Wells , assisted by Bros . H . Massey , P . M ., and Forge , as Senior and Junior AVardens . The minutes of the previous meeting were then submitted to the consideration of tlie brethren , and were duly confirmed . As the AA ' . M . elect , Capt . George Arthur Smith , J . W ., was detained by important
business many miles away , and none of the candidates being present at the opening of the lodge , no business could be proceeded with , and the brethren , accompanied by the visitors , descended to the beautiful grounds of the hotel , where they had ample time to amuse and recreate themselves , as it was approaching six o ' clock before an opportunity was afforded to resume business . Three of the candidates for initiation having arrived—Messrs . E . Wright , J . Collins and AV .
Dyertlie lodge having resumed , they were properly prepared , separately introduced , and in due form received into tlio noble order . The candidates for the second degree then put in an appearance , shortly afterwards followed by the AA ' . M . elect , but as the day was fast waning , the ceremony of working the second degree was deferred until October , and the installation of the AA . M . commenced without delay . Bro . Wells having vacntad the chair iu favour of Bro . J . W . Avery , P . M ., that brother , according to ancient form , duly placed tlie AV . M . elect in his chair of office , the ceremony being performed by Bro . Avery in a manner to sustain the high reputation of the Beadon Lodge for correct
working . The officers for the ensuing year were then appointed as follows : —Bros . Chapman , S . AV . ; AV . Seaman , J . AA' . ; C . A . Potter , P . M ., Treas . ; A . P . Leonard , P . M ., Sec ; AV . H . Green , S . D . ; Forge , J . D . ; and Leeuw , I . G . ; the Tyler was re-appointed . The lodge was afterwards closed . A banquet followed . Owing to the lateness of tlie hour , the usual toasts were rapidly given , the most pleasing one being the health of the retiring AV . M ., accompanied by the presentation of n handsome
P . M . 's jewel in gold . The AA ' . M . pointedly alluded to tlio mo lest and retiring excellences of Bro . AA'ells , who had endeared himself to them all by bis many amiable qualities of heart and mind . Bro . Wells , in responding , expressed his thanks for this expression of kind feeling on the part of his brethren of the Beadon Lodge , and his regret that his year of office bad been so undistinguished ; but this , they all well knew , was occasioned by unfortunate circumstances , of which
he was by no means the author , and the evil effects of which he had used his best efforts , he hoped he might with truth say , to successfully overcome . He hoped that his successor would have a pleasant and busy year of office . Amongst the visiting brethren were Bros . E . Coste , P . M ., No . 9 ; H . Potter , P . M ., No . 11 ; H . T . T . Ross , No . 87 ; VV . J . Jones , No . 145 ; T . Cubitt , P . M ., No . 157 , P . G . D . Middlesex ; Minnis , No . 172 ; E J . Dyne , No . 18 G ; J . F . Duggct , No . 186 ; 11 . Davy , No . 1 . 305 . T . Knott , W . M ., R . H . AVilliams , S . AV ., and J . AV . Manger , S . D . of No . 1 , 314 ; Wyatt , No . 1 , 314 ; J . Green ; F . Walters , P . M . and others .
STAB LOD & E ( No . 1275 ) . —On Saturday , 5 th inst ., an emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross-road , Deptford . Punctually at four o ' clock ( the hour named for meeting ) , the I . P . M ., Bro . Joseph Smith , P . G . P ., Treas ., opened the lodge . The AV . M ., Bro . AV . Ough , P . G . P ., afterwards arrived and took the chair . He , in his usual efficient manner , separately raised Bros . B . V . Duff , Davis , and AV . Kipps ; initiated Mr . Edwin Townsend ; passed
Bros . J . Fox and C . Saunders to the second degree . It was announced that after the installation meeting had heen held afc the lodge house , New Cross , tne Marquis of Granby , on Friday , September 1 st , that the brethren should adjourn to Anderton ' s Hotel for the banquet . It was arranged to hold the audit meeting at the Imperial Club , 2 , Cursitor Street , Chancery Lane , on Saturday , 2 ( ith inst ., at four o ' clock p . m . Tho lodge was then duly closed . There were present : —Bros . C . J . Hoirg , P . M ., S . AV ., aud AV . M . elect ; H . Keeble , J . AV . ; V . AValters , P . M .