Article Craft Masonry. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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Craft Masonry.
and Sec ; H . Crabtree , J . D . ; G . Pymm , P . M . I . G . ; T . Hobsou , G . S . Elliott , G . F . Guest , J . J . Limebeer , AV . M . Bull , and AV . H . Trampleasure . The visitors were : Bros . Elton Glover , 509 ; G . Andrews , J . D ., 871 ; AV . Batcbelor , 1178 . ACACIA LODG-B No . 1309 . —A meeting of this new and flourishing lodge was held on Wednesday , 16 th inst ., afc the Railway Hotel , Potter ' s Bar , Bra . C . Horsley , P . M ., acted as J . AA ' . ; J .
H . Button , S . W . ; T . AValters , P . M ., as J . W . ; T . Clemmans , S . D . ; J . 11 . Justin , as I . G . A . ; Overton , Healey , & e . Tho lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Gonti and Pitch were raised to the third degree in a very able and impressive manner . Bro . C . Horsley , P . M ,, was elected to serve the office of steward afc the next Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons . The lodge was then closed , and
refreshment followed . LEBANON LODOE ( No . 1 , 32 G ) .-A meeting of this lodge was held at the Red Lion , Hampton , on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., Messrs . C . L . Simpson and Stevens were initiated , Bro . J . C . Sinclair was passed , and Bro . J . Catchpole was raised by Bro . R . H . Marsh , P . M ., No . 1 , 196 . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting to take place on tho 31 sfc inst . Bro . Catchpole and Jackson were proposed as joining members , and the brethren ¦ then adjourned to banquet . Past Masters Moss , AA ' alttrs , and H . Potter , and a good number of brethren were also present .
ESSEX . L ' PION . —Upton Lodge ( No . 1 , 227 ) . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday the 10 th inst ., afc the Spotted Dog Inn , Upton . Tho retiring AV . AI . . Bro . J . L . Mather , opened the Lodge , and passtd two brethren to the second degree , and afterwards installed his successor , Bro . Bolton , into the chair of K . S . The AA ' . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest
his officers as follows : —Bros . English , S . AV . ; Bratton , J . AV . ; Mayland , Treas . ; Goddard , Sec ; Chidley , S . D .: Dr . Levick , J . D . ; Dee , I . G . ; and AVoodstock , Tyler . Tho AV . M . then initiated two gentlemen into Masonry , and closed his ledge . In the course of the evening the W . M ., in the name of the Lodge , presented Bro . Mather with a handsome Past Master ' s Jewel and several other articles , indicative of the hi gh respect in which he is held by his brethren ' of the Upton Lod
ge , whicli gilts Were acknowledged in appropriate terms hy tho reci pient . The banquet was exce'lont and well served . About fifty brethren were present . Among the visitors were : —Bros . James Terry , P . M . 228 ; J . Bellerby , I ' . M . ; Picking , P . M . ; Cook , P . M . 65 ; Bowyer , 65 ; Mih's , 1 , 365 ; Carruthers , Ashdown , Posener , Cohon , Gundulfinger , and others .
HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF AVIGHT . PROVINCIAL GlIAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of this Province was held at the Star Assembly Boom , Gosport , on Thursday at high noon . under the presidency of R . W . Bro . AV . AV . B . Beach , ' M . P ., the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Naish , officiating as Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Bro . II . M . Emanuel , as S . G . AV . ; and Bro . J .
AVallingford , as J . G . W . There was a large attendance of the brethren , including Bros . J . 11 . Stebbing , Pvov . G . D . of England ; tbe Hon . Mildred , D . Dist . G . M . of South Australia ; Captain Hooper , P . Prov . G . W . ; tbe Rev . C . II . Potlit , Prov . G . Chap . ; M . E . Frost , Prov . G . Treas . ; Hickman , Prov . G . Sec ; Le Feuvre , Prov . G . Sec ; \ V . H . Ford , P . Prov . G . W . ; F . G . Bradbear , Prov . G . JHSmithProvGDFBinckesSecretary of the
Beg . ; . . , ... ; . , Royal Masonic School for Boys ; Aslatt , P . Prov . G . D . ; " Stapleford , P . Prov . G . D . ; E , M . AVclls , P . Prov . G . D . ; AVollons , P . Prov . G . D . ; A . Cudlipp , I'rov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; G . Holbrook , Asst . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . P . Hinc , Prov , G . Sword Bearer , and several other officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , besides the AV . M . ' s and representatives of the various lodges in the Province .
The routine business having been transacted . The R . AV . the Provincial Grand Master then said that he had a painful communication fco make to the Grand Lodge . He regretted to say that a few days since he received a letter from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . C . E . Deacon , informing him that though his health was now better than it had been , yet he ieh that age and infirmities prevented him from satisfactorily discharging the duties appertaining to his
office , and he therefore he wished to resign the position . He could assure the Grand Lodge that , as Provincial Grand Master , ho received this communication with pain , and when they reflected upon tlio lengthened period during which Bro . Deacon had exerted himself in behalf of Freemasonry in this province , he thought all the brethren would receive his resignation with regret . In that acceptance they would ill discharge their duty did tiny not return their most hearty thanks to Bro .
Deacon for those services , and express their regret at the decision which he had felt himself bound to make . For more than ti quarter of a century Bro . Deacon had occupied this post . During the greater part of the time that their late lamented brother ( Sir Lucius Curtis ) occupied the position he ( the Prov . Grand Master ) had now the honour of filling ' , Bro . Deacon was his faithful deputy , and when he kindly consented to continue that office upon his ( the speaker ' s ) being placed in
it , he could nofc say how much he felt indebted to him . All present knew how important and onerous were the duties attendant upon , presiding over so large a province as this , and Bro . Deacon had been so long accustomed to those duties ns to be perfectly conversant with every part of them . In tendering to Bro . Deacon his own personal , cordial , and wannest thanks , he could not do otherwise tlian wish him much happiness in his retreat from the more active duties of life , and he
was quite certain he should express the feelings of the Provincial Grand Loclge collectively , as ho did of every hi other present individually , when he said that entertaining a livel y sense of many of Bro . Deacon's qualities they hoped he would long live fco enjoy the respect and affection of those who knew him best , and they hoped life and health would be extended to him yet for a prolonged period . He could assure Bro . Deacon that he
would carry with him into Ins retirement the cordial lovu and affection with whicli ho was regarded in this province , through so many active years he was associated with it . Lot them hope that , alihougli relinguishing those duties , Bro . Deacon would not refrain , when his health permitted , from showing a continued interest in Masonry . For his own part he could not but believe that so long as he lived the cause ( or which lie had done so much muse be dear to him , and that he would assist the
brethren by his advice , and grace their gatherings with his presence , whenever tho state of his health should justify it . Entertaining these feelings he moved that a vote ol thanks be presented to Bro . Deacon for his past services , and that there be entered on the minutes this Provincial Grand Ledges recognition of bis labours ou its behalf during so many years , and convey to him by the Provincial Grand Secretaries the assurance of the brethren that he would receive , in his retirementtheir heartiest
, good wishes Bro . Miller , the AV . M . of tlie Gospovt Lodge , in seconding tbo resolution , felt no observations had need to he added to tho i ' elicitious remarks of the Provincial Grand Master , in order to ensuio the most cordial unanimily in respect to bis proposal . The influence of Bro . Deacon's example had permeated the province , which was at the present time enjoying some of its best effects .
The resolution was then put and carried unanimously , whereupon . Tlio R . AA' . Provincial Grand Master said he considered himself exceedingly fortunate in that , having been deprived of most valuable services , there was amongst the brethren one whose ability , zeal , and experience in Freemasonry pointed him out as a most fitting successor . Ho was proud to say that Bro . . 7 . It . Stebbing' had accepted the office . The applar . su
with which the mention of Bro . Stehbing ' s name wss greeted signified the accord—tho unanimous accord—with whicli that appointment would be received throughout the province . There was no need to dilate upon Bro . Stehbing's Masonic abilities and labours , even would time allow . He would , therefore , siniply say that during a long scries of years , Bro . Stebbing had exerted himself far and wide in the interests of Masonry , and was not only most active in its behalf in this province , hut he was
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Craft Masonry.
and Sec ; H . Crabtree , J . D . ; G . Pymm , P . M . I . G . ; T . Hobsou , G . S . Elliott , G . F . Guest , J . J . Limebeer , AV . M . Bull , and AV . H . Trampleasure . The visitors were : Bros . Elton Glover , 509 ; G . Andrews , J . D ., 871 ; AV . Batcbelor , 1178 . ACACIA LODG-B No . 1309 . —A meeting of this new and flourishing lodge was held on Wednesday , 16 th inst ., afc the Railway Hotel , Potter ' s Bar , Bra . C . Horsley , P . M ., acted as J . AA ' . ; J .
H . Button , S . W . ; T . AValters , P . M ., as J . W . ; T . Clemmans , S . D . ; J . 11 . Justin , as I . G . A . ; Overton , Healey , & e . Tho lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Gonti and Pitch were raised to the third degree in a very able and impressive manner . Bro . C . Horsley , P . M ,, was elected to serve the office of steward afc the next Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons . The lodge was then closed , and
refreshment followed . LEBANON LODOE ( No . 1 , 32 G ) .-A meeting of this lodge was held at the Red Lion , Hampton , on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., Messrs . C . L . Simpson and Stevens were initiated , Bro . J . C . Sinclair was passed , and Bro . J . Catchpole was raised by Bro . R . H . Marsh , P . M ., No . 1 , 196 . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next meeting to take place on tho 31 sfc inst . Bro . Catchpole and Jackson were proposed as joining members , and the brethren ¦ then adjourned to banquet . Past Masters Moss , AA ' alttrs , and H . Potter , and a good number of brethren were also present .
ESSEX . L ' PION . —Upton Lodge ( No . 1 , 227 ) . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday the 10 th inst ., afc the Spotted Dog Inn , Upton . Tho retiring AV . AI . . Bro . J . L . Mather , opened the Lodge , and passtd two brethren to the second degree , and afterwards installed his successor , Bro . Bolton , into the chair of K . S . The AA ' . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest
his officers as follows : —Bros . English , S . AV . ; Bratton , J . AV . ; Mayland , Treas . ; Goddard , Sec ; Chidley , S . D .: Dr . Levick , J . D . ; Dee , I . G . ; and AVoodstock , Tyler . Tho AV . M . then initiated two gentlemen into Masonry , and closed his ledge . In the course of the evening the W . M ., in the name of the Lodge , presented Bro . Mather with a handsome Past Master ' s Jewel and several other articles , indicative of the hi gh respect in which he is held by his brethren ' of the Upton Lod
ge , whicli gilts Were acknowledged in appropriate terms hy tho reci pient . The banquet was exce'lont and well served . About fifty brethren were present . Among the visitors were : —Bros . James Terry , P . M . 228 ; J . Bellerby , I ' . M . ; Picking , P . M . ; Cook , P . M . 65 ; Bowyer , 65 ; Mih's , 1 , 365 ; Carruthers , Ashdown , Posener , Cohon , Gundulfinger , and others .
HAMPSHIRE AND THE ISLE OF AVIGHT . PROVINCIAL GlIAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of this Province was held at the Star Assembly Boom , Gosport , on Thursday at high noon . under the presidency of R . W . Bro . AV . AV . B . Beach , ' M . P ., the Prov . Grand Master , Bro . Naish , officiating as Deputy Prov . Grand Master , Bro . II . M . Emanuel , as S . G . AV . ; and Bro . J .
AVallingford , as J . G . W . There was a large attendance of the brethren , including Bros . J . 11 . Stebbing , Pvov . G . D . of England ; tbe Hon . Mildred , D . Dist . G . M . of South Australia ; Captain Hooper , P . Prov . G . W . ; tbe Rev . C . II . Potlit , Prov . G . Chap . ; M . E . Frost , Prov . G . Treas . ; Hickman , Prov . G . Sec ; Le Feuvre , Prov . G . Sec ; \ V . H . Ford , P . Prov . G . W . ; F . G . Bradbear , Prov . G . JHSmithProvGDFBinckesSecretary of the
Beg . ; . . , ... ; . , Royal Masonic School for Boys ; Aslatt , P . Prov . G . D . ; " Stapleford , P . Prov . G . D . ; E , M . AVclls , P . Prov . G . D . ; AVollons , P . Prov . G . D . ; A . Cudlipp , I'rov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; G . Holbrook , Asst . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; J . P . Hinc , Prov , G . Sword Bearer , and several other officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , besides the AV . M . ' s and representatives of the various lodges in the Province .
The routine business having been transacted . The R . AV . the Provincial Grand Master then said that he had a painful communication fco make to the Grand Lodge . He regretted to say that a few days since he received a letter from the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Bro . C . E . Deacon , informing him that though his health was now better than it had been , yet he ieh that age and infirmities prevented him from satisfactorily discharging the duties appertaining to his
office , and he therefore he wished to resign the position . He could assure the Grand Lodge that , as Provincial Grand Master , ho received this communication with pain , and when they reflected upon tlio lengthened period during which Bro . Deacon had exerted himself in behalf of Freemasonry in this province , he thought all the brethren would receive his resignation with regret . In that acceptance they would ill discharge their duty did tiny not return their most hearty thanks to Bro .
Deacon for those services , and express their regret at the decision which he had felt himself bound to make . For more than ti quarter of a century Bro . Deacon had occupied this post . During the greater part of the time that their late lamented brother ( Sir Lucius Curtis ) occupied the position he ( the Prov . Grand Master ) had now the honour of filling ' , Bro . Deacon was his faithful deputy , and when he kindly consented to continue that office upon his ( the speaker ' s ) being placed in
it , he could nofc say how much he felt indebted to him . All present knew how important and onerous were the duties attendant upon , presiding over so large a province as this , and Bro . Deacon had been so long accustomed to those duties ns to be perfectly conversant with every part of them . In tendering to Bro . Deacon his own personal , cordial , and wannest thanks , he could not do otherwise tlian wish him much happiness in his retreat from the more active duties of life , and he
was quite certain he should express the feelings of the Provincial Grand Loclge collectively , as ho did of every hi other present individually , when he said that entertaining a livel y sense of many of Bro . Deacon's qualities they hoped he would long live fco enjoy the respect and affection of those who knew him best , and they hoped life and health would be extended to him yet for a prolonged period . He could assure Bro . Deacon that he
would carry with him into Ins retirement the cordial lovu and affection with whicli ho was regarded in this province , through so many active years he was associated with it . Lot them hope that , alihougli relinguishing those duties , Bro . Deacon would not refrain , when his health permitted , from showing a continued interest in Masonry . For his own part he could not but believe that so long as he lived the cause ( or which lie had done so much muse be dear to him , and that he would assist the
brethren by his advice , and grace their gatherings with his presence , whenever tho state of his health should justify it . Entertaining these feelings he moved that a vote ol thanks be presented to Bro . Deacon for his past services , and that there be entered on the minutes this Provincial Grand Ledges recognition of bis labours ou its behalf during so many years , and convey to him by the Provincial Grand Secretaries the assurance of the brethren that he would receive , in his retirementtheir heartiest
, good wishes Bro . Miller , the AV . M . of tlie Gospovt Lodge , in seconding tbo resolution , felt no observations had need to he added to tho i ' elicitious remarks of the Provincial Grand Master , in order to ensuio the most cordial unanimily in respect to bis proposal . The influence of Bro . Deacon's example had permeated the province , which was at the present time enjoying some of its best effects .
The resolution was then put and carried unanimously , whereupon . Tlio R . AA' . Provincial Grand Master said he considered himself exceedingly fortunate in that , having been deprived of most valuable services , there was amongst the brethren one whose ability , zeal , and experience in Freemasonry pointed him out as a most fitting successor . Ho was proud to say that Bro . . 7 . It . Stebbing' had accepted the office . The applar . su
with which the mention of Bro . Stehbing ' s name wss greeted signified the accord—tho unanimous accord—with whicli that appointment would be received throughout the province . There was no need to dilate upon Bro . Stehbing's Masonic abilities and labours , even would time allow . He would , therefore , siniply say that during a long scries of years , Bro . Stebbing had exerted himself far and wide in the interests of Masonry , and was not only most active in its behalf in this province , hut he was