Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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services , bufc , afc the same time , they had reason to congratulate themselves fchafc such a very able , experienced and loved Mason , as Bro . Stebbiug had taken his place . He trusted that during the next year Freemasonry might succeed even more than ifc had hitherto done . He had reason to congratulate himself upon the liberal manner in which the brethren had come forward throughout tbe province to support the Masonic charities . He could nofc too strongly exhort the brethren , as far as the limits
of their circumstances allowed , to come forward and support the Masonic charities to the best of their ability . No more noble cause could they have in hand ; to no more noble cause could they contribute . He took the opportunity of tendering his thanks , especially to the AV . M ., Bro . Miller , nnd the brethren of the Gosport lodge , for the kind reception and the hospitality they bad extended to them on this occasion . The R . W . Prov . G . M . next gave , in truly Masonic sentiments ,
the health of R . AV . P . G . M . of South Australia ( Bro . Mildred ) , who , in reply to the toast , which was drunk with much cordiality , said he must take , in all probability a last farewell . Seventeen thousand miles would separate them , but they might & e assured that the kindly feeling he had witnessed that clay would be ever remembered by him . He was made a Mason in 1820 , and had passed his seventy-seventh year , so that he could not expect to live much longer . By the last day of December the
Australian cable was expected to be at work , and ho trusted to have the pleasure of sending a vote of thanks from his lodge to the AA ' orshipful Master and brethren of this lodge for the kindness he had received . The R . W . Prov . G . M ., in proposing " the D . Prov . G . M . of Hampshire , " said he thought that any Provincial Grand Master throughout the kingdom would be extremely fortunate if he could obtain the assistance of such an able and experienced Mason as Bro . ' Stebbing . Not only did he bring to lear ability , experience , and reputation , but that knowledge of the brethren and that esteem which he had secured from them , and which
would enable him to discharge any duty in the most able and efficient manner . He congratulated himself most heartily on having obtained his services . From the friendship that had existed between them for many years , he knew full well what a valuable brother he had to depend upon , and he tendered him his hearty and sincere thanks for having accepted the office . The Prov . G . M . having retired in order to save the train , the D . Prov . G . M . took his seat and responded , expressing in warm
terms the gratification he felt at the manner in which his appointment had been received . He dwelt upon the duty of brethren not to seek office unduly , and to show that he had practised what he preached , disclosed a secret which he had hitherto kept—thafc in 1843 the late Prov . G . M ., Sir Lucius Curtis , being about to leave England , appointed him D . Prov . G , M . Having read the appointment , he said he felt that a brother of greater position ought to hold the office , and he never registered
the appointment . After dwelling , in eloquent terms , upon the pleasure derived from Fremasonry , and the world-wide dissemination of its principles , lie congratulated the Gosport Lodge npon its prosperity , after having survived great difficulties , and upon the hospitality shown that day . The D . Prov . G . M . then gnye "the Prov . Grand Officers , " to which Bro . Eve , Prov . G . S . W ., responded . Bro . Colonel Owen proposed "thePast Prov . Grand Officers , "
and Bros . AA ' allingford , 1 ' . Prov . G . J . AA' . ; Frost , P . G . T . ; and Le Fcuvre , Prov . G . S ., severally responded . The D . Prov . G . M . next gave "the Gosport Lodge , " to which Bro . Miller , the AA' . M ., responded in an able speech . Other toasts of a complimentary character followed , and the pleasure of the company was increased by the vocal efforts of some of the brethren . During the banquet and between the toasts the splendid well-strained hand of the Royal Marine Light Infantry was stationed in the balcony , and under the direction Herr Kreyer , discoursed sweet music to the great delight of all present .
LINCOLNSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GBAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire met on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., in the City of Lincoln . The D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . W . H . Smyth , presided , in tbe unavoidable absence of the Prov . G . M ., his Grace the Duke of St . Albans .
The roll of the lodges was called over . The roll of Provincial Grand Officers was also called . The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , holden at Gainsborough , on Thursday , the 3 rd November , 1870 , were read , put for confirmation and duly confirmed . The Provincial Grand Treasurer read his Financial Statement . The Provincial Grand Secretary read the Report of the Committee of the Prov . G . Lodge Fund of Benevolence and an
abstract of the accounts to the present time . Tho Provincial Grand Registrar read the Returns for tbe past year from the several lodges in the province . The Benevolent Committee having transacted their business , the D . Prov . G . M . appointed and invested the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing twelve months as follows : — Bro . Sufccliffe , ... Prov . G . S . AV .
„ Dr . C . Harrison Prov . G . J . AV . „ G . C . Brown ... , Prov . G . Chaplain . „ W . G . Moore Prov . G . Registrar . „ C . M . Nesbitt Prov . G . Treasurer . „ F . D . Marsden Prov . G . Secretary . „ Crowden Prov . G . S . D . „ Laughton Prov . G . J . D . AV . Watkins Prov . G . Sup . of Works .
„ „ T . M . Ramplen ... ., Prov . G . Sword Bearer . „ J . G . Bayles ... Prov . G . Organist . „ B . Fountain ... Prov . G . Pursuivant . „ S . S . Mossop ... Prov . G . Steward . „ G . Jackson Prov . G . „ , Ashton , Prov . G . „ „ A . Kirk Prov . G . „
On the motion of Bro . Smyth , D . Prov . G . M ., seconded by Bro . Hall , P . Prov . G . S . W ., the following resolution was adopted : — "That this Provincial Grand Lrdge desires to record its appreciation of the services of the late Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Lucas , und of the irreparable loss the Province has sustained by his death ; and the brethren do hereby direct the Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . Marsden , to express to the widow and family of our late esteemed brother their heartfelt sympathy with them
in their bereavement . " AV . Bro . E . Locock , P . Prov . J . G . W ., then proposed —• " Tbat in order tbat this province should be properly represented at the festivals of the Masonic Charities , it is resolved that one of those charities shall be selected each year at the annual meeting , and a representative steward be chosen to communicate with all the lodges of the province , and to receive contributions from such lodges as may havo no Steward of their own , " which was
carried-AV . Bro . AV . H . Radley , P . M ., 838 , Prov . J . G . AV ., and Secretary to the Provincial Chaiity Committee , read the Report for the past year as follows : — " The Charity Committee of the Province are glad to be able to meet their brethren again , with a favourable report of fche continued success of their candidates for the Great Central Charities of the Order . Since the last reportone male and one female annuitant have
, been elected . In the Boys'School we have nocandidale , the votes therefore were exchanged to aid our candidate in the Girls' School , Letitia AA'halley , who was elected on her first application , on the llth April , 1871 , by 1210 votes . We have now two female and three male annuitants , receiving yearly grants ; also one hoy and one girl in each school , and 50 Boys' votes to our credit for the election in October
. For the Girls ' and Boys' Schools — Furley , the first and only candidate for the latter ; and , as we have no candidate for the Girls' School , the girls' votes will be exchanged for the October election . For tbe Annuitants' Election in Ms » y next , Snsan Howell , of Boston , is the only candidate . The committee especially bring before the members and brethren the valuable services of Bro . Tiarkof Londonand
, , Bro . C . Lilley , of the Cumberland and Fortitude Lodge , London , for their provincial services rendered to Letitia Whnlley ; also to Bro . Jesse Owens , of London , for the great assistance he gave in the election of widow Jackson , and this committee proposes that Grand Lodge should he asked to pay a special vote of thanks to these brethren for their disinterested services
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services , bufc , afc the same time , they had reason to congratulate themselves fchafc such a very able , experienced and loved Mason , as Bro . Stebbiug had taken his place . He trusted that during the next year Freemasonry might succeed even more than ifc had hitherto done . He had reason to congratulate himself upon the liberal manner in which the brethren had come forward throughout tbe province to support the Masonic charities . He could nofc too strongly exhort the brethren , as far as the limits
of their circumstances allowed , to come forward and support the Masonic charities to the best of their ability . No more noble cause could they have in hand ; to no more noble cause could they contribute . He took the opportunity of tendering his thanks , especially to the AV . M ., Bro . Miller , nnd the brethren of the Gosport lodge , for the kind reception and the hospitality they bad extended to them on this occasion . The R . W . Prov . G . M . next gave , in truly Masonic sentiments ,
the health of R . AV . P . G . M . of South Australia ( Bro . Mildred ) , who , in reply to the toast , which was drunk with much cordiality , said he must take , in all probability a last farewell . Seventeen thousand miles would separate them , but they might & e assured that the kindly feeling he had witnessed that clay would be ever remembered by him . He was made a Mason in 1820 , and had passed his seventy-seventh year , so that he could not expect to live much longer . By the last day of December the
Australian cable was expected to be at work , and ho trusted to have the pleasure of sending a vote of thanks from his lodge to the AA ' orshipful Master and brethren of this lodge for the kindness he had received . The R . W . Prov . G . M ., in proposing " the D . Prov . G . M . of Hampshire , " said he thought that any Provincial Grand Master throughout the kingdom would be extremely fortunate if he could obtain the assistance of such an able and experienced Mason as Bro . ' Stebbing . Not only did he bring to lear ability , experience , and reputation , but that knowledge of the brethren and that esteem which he had secured from them , and which
would enable him to discharge any duty in the most able and efficient manner . He congratulated himself most heartily on having obtained his services . From the friendship that had existed between them for many years , he knew full well what a valuable brother he had to depend upon , and he tendered him his hearty and sincere thanks for having accepted the office . The Prov . G . M . having retired in order to save the train , the D . Prov . G . M . took his seat and responded , expressing in warm
terms the gratification he felt at the manner in which his appointment had been received . He dwelt upon the duty of brethren not to seek office unduly , and to show that he had practised what he preached , disclosed a secret which he had hitherto kept—thafc in 1843 the late Prov . G . M ., Sir Lucius Curtis , being about to leave England , appointed him D . Prov . G , M . Having read the appointment , he said he felt that a brother of greater position ought to hold the office , and he never registered
the appointment . After dwelling , in eloquent terms , upon the pleasure derived from Fremasonry , and the world-wide dissemination of its principles , lie congratulated the Gosport Lodge npon its prosperity , after having survived great difficulties , and upon the hospitality shown that day . The D . Prov . G . M . then gnye "the Prov . Grand Officers , " to which Bro . Eve , Prov . G . S . W ., responded . Bro . Colonel Owen proposed "thePast Prov . Grand Officers , "
and Bros . AA ' allingford , 1 ' . Prov . G . J . AA' . ; Frost , P . G . T . ; and Le Fcuvre , Prov . G . S ., severally responded . The D . Prov . G . M . next gave "the Gosport Lodge , " to which Bro . Miller , the AA' . M ., responded in an able speech . Other toasts of a complimentary character followed , and the pleasure of the company was increased by the vocal efforts of some of the brethren . During the banquet and between the toasts the splendid well-strained hand of the Royal Marine Light Infantry was stationed in the balcony , and under the direction Herr Kreyer , discoursed sweet music to the great delight of all present .
LINCOLNSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GBAND LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Lincolnshire met on Thursday , the 17 th inst ., in the City of Lincoln . The D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . W . H . Smyth , presided , in tbe unavoidable absence of the Prov . G . M ., his Grace the Duke of St . Albans .
The roll of the lodges was called over . The roll of Provincial Grand Officers was also called . The minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge , holden at Gainsborough , on Thursday , the 3 rd November , 1870 , were read , put for confirmation and duly confirmed . The Provincial Grand Treasurer read his Financial Statement . The Provincial Grand Secretary read the Report of the Committee of the Prov . G . Lodge Fund of Benevolence and an
abstract of the accounts to the present time . Tho Provincial Grand Registrar read the Returns for tbe past year from the several lodges in the province . The Benevolent Committee having transacted their business , the D . Prov . G . M . appointed and invested the Provincial Grand Officers for the ensuing twelve months as follows : — Bro . Sufccliffe , ... Prov . G . S . AV .
„ Dr . C . Harrison Prov . G . J . AV . „ G . C . Brown ... , Prov . G . Chaplain . „ W . G . Moore Prov . G . Registrar . „ C . M . Nesbitt Prov . G . Treasurer . „ F . D . Marsden Prov . G . Secretary . „ Crowden Prov . G . S . D . „ Laughton Prov . G . J . D . AV . Watkins Prov . G . Sup . of Works .
„ „ T . M . Ramplen ... ., Prov . G . Sword Bearer . „ J . G . Bayles ... Prov . G . Organist . „ B . Fountain ... Prov . G . Pursuivant . „ S . S . Mossop ... Prov . G . Steward . „ G . Jackson Prov . G . „ , Ashton , Prov . G . „ „ A . Kirk Prov . G . „
On the motion of Bro . Smyth , D . Prov . G . M ., seconded by Bro . Hall , P . Prov . G . S . W ., the following resolution was adopted : — "That this Provincial Grand Lrdge desires to record its appreciation of the services of the late Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . Lucas , und of the irreparable loss the Province has sustained by his death ; and the brethren do hereby direct the Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . Marsden , to express to the widow and family of our late esteemed brother their heartfelt sympathy with them
in their bereavement . " AV . Bro . E . Locock , P . Prov . J . G . W ., then proposed —• " Tbat in order tbat this province should be properly represented at the festivals of the Masonic Charities , it is resolved that one of those charities shall be selected each year at the annual meeting , and a representative steward be chosen to communicate with all the lodges of the province , and to receive contributions from such lodges as may havo no Steward of their own , " which was
carried-AV . Bro . AV . H . Radley , P . M ., 838 , Prov . J . G . AV ., and Secretary to the Provincial Chaiity Committee , read the Report for the past year as follows : — " The Charity Committee of the Province are glad to be able to meet their brethren again , with a favourable report of fche continued success of their candidates for the Great Central Charities of the Order . Since the last reportone male and one female annuitant have
, been elected . In the Boys'School we have nocandidale , the votes therefore were exchanged to aid our candidate in the Girls' School , Letitia AA'halley , who was elected on her first application , on the llth April , 1871 , by 1210 votes . We have now two female and three male annuitants , receiving yearly grants ; also one hoy and one girl in each school , and 50 Boys' votes to our credit for the election in October
. For the Girls ' and Boys' Schools — Furley , the first and only candidate for the latter ; and , as we have no candidate for the Girls' School , the girls' votes will be exchanged for the October election . For tbe Annuitants' Election in Ms » y next , Snsan Howell , of Boston , is the only candidate . The committee especially bring before the members and brethren the valuable services of Bro . Tiarkof Londonand
, , Bro . C . Lilley , of the Cumberland and Fortitude Lodge , London , for their provincial services rendered to Letitia Whnlley ; also to Bro . Jesse Owens , of London , for the great assistance he gave in the election of widow Jackson , and this committee proposes that Grand Lodge should he asked to pay a special vote of thanks to these brethren for their disinterested services