Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article AUSTRALIA. Page 1 of 2 →
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with enthusiasm . The weather having been propitious the party , after thoroughly enjoying themselves , returned by special steamer to Liverpool . AVAVERTREE . —Duke of Ediiibargti Lodge ( No . 1182 ) . —This flourishing lodge—now entering upon the fifth year of a prosperous life—met at the AA ' aterfcree Coffee House ( neai-Liverpool ) , onAA ' ednesday afternoon , the 16 th inst ., the principal business ou the summons being the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . Philip
Richard Thorn . Great interest attached to the occasion , as was clearly shown by a large attendance of members , and no fewer than about twenty visitors , amongst whom were Bro . J . Hamer , Prov . G . Trea « . W . L . After the transaction of some formal business , the ceremony of installation was performed in an impressive manner by Bro . AA' oods , P . M ., and the AV . M . subsequently invested tbo following officers : —Bros . S . Cookson , h Williams lor
I . P . M . ; AV . Pug , S . W . ; J . , J . W .. ; J . Tay , S . D . ; J . Edgington , j " . D . ; W . Brown , Treas . ; J . C . Bales , Sec . ; E . 0 . C . Rothwell , I . G , ; T . F . Jones , F . F . Meyers , and R . Martin , Stewards ; J . Thornton , P . M ., as M . C .,-and Crawford , Tyler . It may be interesting to know that this is the fifth year during which Bro . Bales has occupied the post of Secretary , having heen most indefatigable in his exertions not only in his present office , but also at the foundation and formation of the lodge . After the
officers had been invested and charged , the first ; degree was given by Bro . Thorn , the newly installed W . M ., to two candidates , and the highly impressive , efficient , and complete manner in which the second degree was given , proved that he is not only a studious Mason , but a master who is likely to attend well to the working during his year of office . After labour , the brethren
adjourned to banquet , which was provided with the greatest liberalit y and excellence by the hostess ( Mrs . Wright ) . AVhen desseit had been placed on the table the AVorshipful Master gave , in happy and appropriate terms , " The Queen , Bro . Albert Edward , Prince of AA'ales , P . G . M .. the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " "The Marquis of Ripon , M . AV . G . M ., and the Earl of Carnarvon . R . AV . D . P . M . " "Sir T . G . Fermor-Hesketh ,
Bart ., M . P ., R . W-P . G . M ., Lord Skelinersdale , AV . D-P . G . M ., and the Provincial Grand Officers . " Bro . Cookson , I . P . M ., then proposed " The AVorshipful Master , " and in doing so , paid a high compliment to him , referring to his zeal and wisdom , and expressing full confidence that , under his direction , the coming year would be a very prosperous one for " 1182 . " The toast was honoured with immense enthusiasm . The AV . M ., in respondingsaid he was glad he had merited tho euloguims passed
, upon him , and secured the approbation of his brethren . He assured them thafc ho would do all in his power for the good of Freemasonry , which he cherished in his heart . The duties of that lodge , too , would have his careful attention , and its workings would be carried out to the very letter . The other toasts were "The Installing Master , " . given by the WM ., and acknowledged bBroWoods"The Past Masters" responded to h
y . . , y Bro . Thornton . ¦ ' The Newly-Initiated Brethren , " " The Officers of the Lodge , " " The AVest Lancashire Masonic Educational Institdtion , " proposed by Bro . Thornton . " Visiting-Brethren , " acknowledged hy Bro . AV . C . Council , K . T ., 137 , & c A number of excellent songs were suug , Bro . Scott presiding at the harmonium , and the brethren separated at an early hour , after spending a most delightful evening .
Channel Islands.
. TEltSEV . ST . HELIEB . —St . Aubin ' s Lodge ( No . 953 ) . —The stated monthly meeting was held at tlie Masonic Temple , on Thursday , August 15 th ., which was attended hy an unusually large number of Brethren , every lodee in the Island being represented , four of them by their W . M ' s Among those in attendance were Bros . Dr . SmithAV . M 87 ^ BarrowAVM 491 Dod AVAI 245
, . ; , .. ; ge , .. ; A . Schmitt , P . M . 590 ; Long , P . M . 958 ; Baker , P . M . 244 ; Scott , P . M . 491 ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., and Honorary Member of 43 and 958 . The lodge was opened at 7-15 by Bro . Oatley , WM ., assisted by Bros . Banow , as S . AV . ; Martell , J . AV . ; Bouillier , Sec . ; Dr . Smith , as S . D . ; Huelin , I . G . ; Rogers , Tyler ; Dr . Hopkins , as I . P . M ., and others . The minutes of the
Channel Islands.
previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree . Bros . Hewett , Le Bas , and Heath , were presented as candidates for the third degree , examined , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . In the accustomed form , a Lodge of Master Masons was then opened , and by request of the AA ^ . M ., the chair was taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , the founder of the lodge , who , being now a resident in England , was present for the first time since 1866 . The
candidates were re-admitted , properly prepared , and they unitedly went through the first part of the ceremony . The second portion was communicated to each separately , and after they had been duly invested , they were together made acquainted with the traditionary history of the degree , the explanation of the working tools , & c . A lecture in further illustration would have been given , had time permitted . The Lodge was resumed in the second degree , afterwards in the first degree , and no other
business offering , was finally closed about 9 o ' clock . The brethren adjourned to the hanquetting room for light refreshment , and by special wish of fche W . M ., the founder of the lodge continued to preside over the meeting . The usual routine of toasts wss adhered to , and in the different addresses which were given in the course of the proceedings , many interesting reminiscences were indulged in of the early years of the Lodge , when the meetings were held afc the little town of St .
Aubin , and though ifc has been considered advisable for various reasons to change the venue to St . Helier , a general desire was expressed , aud a hope entertained , that at no distant period the original plan would be again adopted , for which the opening of the railway between the two towns affords great facilities . It need hardly be added , thafc under the circumstances the proceedings were characterised by some feelings of excitement , though but few of the original members of the lodge are now connected with it , and that a most agreeable evening was spent . The brethren separating at half-past . ten .
NEAV SOUTH WALES . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( 117 , E . C . )—The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 8 th of May last , AV . Bro . M . A . Vernard in the chair . Two E . Apprentices were passed to the second degree , AV . Bro . Cassidy officiating . Afterwards Lodge went into a consideration of the sub-committee ' s amendments of the bye-laws , which , after considerable discussion , were correctednew clauses addedaud other improvements effected .
, , They were finally ( as amended ) adopted , and ordered to be forwarded to the R . W ., the D . G . Master , for approval . Lod ^ e finally closed in peace and harmony at ten minutes past 10 p . m . LEINSTEB MARINE LODGE ( NO . 266 , I . C . )—The monthly meeting of the above lodge was held on Monday , the 8 th of May last . The minutes of the last monthly meeting having been been confirmed , and some unimportant correspondence dealt with , a candidate who had been balloted for and accepted at a
previous meeting of the lodge , was duly initiated . The officers for the ensuing six months were then elected as follows—Bros . James Hurley , AV . AI ., James Murphy , S . W ., J . B . Easton , J . IV . ; A \' . G . Yates , Treasurer ; E : H . AVilliams , P . G . S ., I . C , Secretary . Lodge closed in peace , love and harmony at 1030 p . m . ZETLAND LODGE ( NO . 655 , E . C . )—This lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 9 th May . A candidate was dulpassedand received instruction blecture on the
y , y tracing board , 'file lodge then resumed in the first degree , when matters of a trifling character were discussed . We are much pleased to learn that instruction on the tracing board is never neglected in this lodge when time permits . GOUXDURN LODGE OP AUSTRALIA ( NO . 577 , E . C . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , May 9 th , hut , owing to the inclemency of the weather , only a lew members were presentand the W . M . consequently postponed
, all business for one week , and formally adjourned the lodge . The adjourned meeting was holden on Tuesday , the IGth of May , when there was a large attendance of officers and brethren , only one officer , the I . G ., being absent . Lodge was opened in due form hy the W . M ., Bro . F . S . Cohen , when the minutes of last meeting were read and signed . A ballot was taken for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
with enthusiasm . The weather having been propitious the party , after thoroughly enjoying themselves , returned by special steamer to Liverpool . AVAVERTREE . —Duke of Ediiibargti Lodge ( No . 1182 ) . —This flourishing lodge—now entering upon the fifth year of a prosperous life—met at the AA ' aterfcree Coffee House ( neai-Liverpool ) , onAA ' ednesday afternoon , the 16 th inst ., the principal business ou the summons being the installation of the W . M . elect , Bro . Philip
Richard Thorn . Great interest attached to the occasion , as was clearly shown by a large attendance of members , and no fewer than about twenty visitors , amongst whom were Bro . J . Hamer , Prov . G . Trea « . W . L . After the transaction of some formal business , the ceremony of installation was performed in an impressive manner by Bro . AA' oods , P . M ., and the AV . M . subsequently invested tbo following officers : —Bros . S . Cookson , h Williams lor
I . P . M . ; AV . Pug , S . W . ; J . , J . W .. ; J . Tay , S . D . ; J . Edgington , j " . D . ; W . Brown , Treas . ; J . C . Bales , Sec . ; E . 0 . C . Rothwell , I . G , ; T . F . Jones , F . F . Meyers , and R . Martin , Stewards ; J . Thornton , P . M ., as M . C .,-and Crawford , Tyler . It may be interesting to know that this is the fifth year during which Bro . Bales has occupied the post of Secretary , having heen most indefatigable in his exertions not only in his present office , but also at the foundation and formation of the lodge . After the
officers had been invested and charged , the first ; degree was given by Bro . Thorn , the newly installed W . M ., to two candidates , and the highly impressive , efficient , and complete manner in which the second degree was given , proved that he is not only a studious Mason , but a master who is likely to attend well to the working during his year of office . After labour , the brethren
adjourned to banquet , which was provided with the greatest liberalit y and excellence by the hostess ( Mrs . Wright ) . AVhen desseit had been placed on the table the AVorshipful Master gave , in happy and appropriate terms , " The Queen , Bro . Albert Edward , Prince of AA'ales , P . G . M .. the Princess of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family . " "The Marquis of Ripon , M . AV . G . M ., and the Earl of Carnarvon . R . AV . D . P . M . " "Sir T . G . Fermor-Hesketh ,
Bart ., M . P ., R . W-P . G . M ., Lord Skelinersdale , AV . D-P . G . M ., and the Provincial Grand Officers . " Bro . Cookson , I . P . M ., then proposed " The AVorshipful Master , " and in doing so , paid a high compliment to him , referring to his zeal and wisdom , and expressing full confidence that , under his direction , the coming year would be a very prosperous one for " 1182 . " The toast was honoured with immense enthusiasm . The AV . M ., in respondingsaid he was glad he had merited tho euloguims passed
, upon him , and secured the approbation of his brethren . He assured them thafc ho would do all in his power for the good of Freemasonry , which he cherished in his heart . The duties of that lodge , too , would have his careful attention , and its workings would be carried out to the very letter . The other toasts were "The Installing Master , " . given by the WM ., and acknowledged bBroWoods"The Past Masters" responded to h
y . . , y Bro . Thornton . ¦ ' The Newly-Initiated Brethren , " " The Officers of the Lodge , " " The AVest Lancashire Masonic Educational Institdtion , " proposed by Bro . Thornton . " Visiting-Brethren , " acknowledged hy Bro . AV . C . Council , K . T ., 137 , & c A number of excellent songs were suug , Bro . Scott presiding at the harmonium , and the brethren separated at an early hour , after spending a most delightful evening .
Channel Islands.
. TEltSEV . ST . HELIEB . —St . Aubin ' s Lodge ( No . 953 ) . —The stated monthly meeting was held at tlie Masonic Temple , on Thursday , August 15 th ., which was attended hy an unusually large number of Brethren , every lodee in the Island being represented , four of them by their W . M ' s Among those in attendance were Bros . Dr . SmithAV . M 87 ^ BarrowAVM 491 Dod AVAI 245
, . ; , .. ; ge , .. ; A . Schmitt , P . M . 590 ; Long , P . M . 958 ; Baker , P . M . 244 ; Scott , P . M . 491 ; Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., and Honorary Member of 43 and 958 . The lodge was opened at 7-15 by Bro . Oatley , WM ., assisted by Bros . Banow , as S . AV . ; Martell , J . AV . ; Bouillier , Sec . ; Dr . Smith , as S . D . ; Huelin , I . G . ; Rogers , Tyler ; Dr . Hopkins , as I . P . M ., and others . The minutes of the
Channel Islands.
previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the lodge was opened in the second degree . Bros . Hewett , Le Bas , and Heath , were presented as candidates for the third degree , examined , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . In the accustomed form , a Lodge of Master Masons was then opened , and by request of the AA ^ . M ., the chair was taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , the founder of the lodge , who , being now a resident in England , was present for the first time since 1866 . The
candidates were re-admitted , properly prepared , and they unitedly went through the first part of the ceremony . The second portion was communicated to each separately , and after they had been duly invested , they were together made acquainted with the traditionary history of the degree , the explanation of the working tools , & c . A lecture in further illustration would have been given , had time permitted . The Lodge was resumed in the second degree , afterwards in the first degree , and no other
business offering , was finally closed about 9 o ' clock . The brethren adjourned to the hanquetting room for light refreshment , and by special wish of fche W . M ., the founder of the lodge continued to preside over the meeting . The usual routine of toasts wss adhered to , and in the different addresses which were given in the course of the proceedings , many interesting reminiscences were indulged in of the early years of the Lodge , when the meetings were held afc the little town of St .
Aubin , and though ifc has been considered advisable for various reasons to change the venue to St . Helier , a general desire was expressed , aud a hope entertained , that at no distant period the original plan would be again adopted , for which the opening of the railway between the two towns affords great facilities . It need hardly be added , thafc under the circumstances the proceedings were characterised by some feelings of excitement , though but few of the original members of the lodge are now connected with it , and that a most agreeable evening was spent . The brethren separating at half-past . ten .
NEAV SOUTH WALES . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( 117 , E . C . )—The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 8 th of May last , AV . Bro . M . A . Vernard in the chair . Two E . Apprentices were passed to the second degree , AV . Bro . Cassidy officiating . Afterwards Lodge went into a consideration of the sub-committee ' s amendments of the bye-laws , which , after considerable discussion , were correctednew clauses addedaud other improvements effected .
, , They were finally ( as amended ) adopted , and ordered to be forwarded to the R . W ., the D . G . Master , for approval . Lod ^ e finally closed in peace and harmony at ten minutes past 10 p . m . LEINSTEB MARINE LODGE ( NO . 266 , I . C . )—The monthly meeting of the above lodge was held on Monday , the 8 th of May last . The minutes of the last monthly meeting having been been confirmed , and some unimportant correspondence dealt with , a candidate who had been balloted for and accepted at a
previous meeting of the lodge , was duly initiated . The officers for the ensuing six months were then elected as follows—Bros . James Hurley , AV . AI ., James Murphy , S . W ., J . B . Easton , J . IV . ; A \' . G . Yates , Treasurer ; E : H . AVilliams , P . G . S ., I . C , Secretary . Lodge closed in peace , love and harmony at 1030 p . m . ZETLAND LODGE ( NO . 655 , E . C . )—This lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 9 th May . A candidate was dulpassedand received instruction blecture on the
y , y tracing board , 'file lodge then resumed in the first degree , when matters of a trifling character were discussed . We are much pleased to learn that instruction on the tracing board is never neglected in this lodge when time permits . GOUXDURN LODGE OP AUSTRALIA ( NO . 577 , E . C . )—The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , May 9 th , hut , owing to the inclemency of the weather , only a lew members were presentand the W . M . consequently postponed
, all business for one week , and formally adjourned the lodge . The adjourned meeting was holden on Tuesday , the IGth of May , when there was a large attendance of officers and brethren , only one officer , the I . G ., being absent . Lodge was opened in due form hy the W . M ., Bro . F . S . Cohen , when the minutes of last meeting were read and signed . A ballot was taken for