Article AUSTRALIA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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Bro . Dooner as a joining member , which was unanimously in his favour . Bro . Stanford being unable to attend regularly to his duties , resigned the office of J . D . The W . M ., approving the truly Masonic spirit which had actuated Bro . Stanford , accepted his resignation , it being absolutely necessary for the good working of the lodge that each brother holding office , should be punctual in his attendance . Bro . Sutherland , M . C . was then appointed J . D . and invested . Bro . J . Hawkins
accepted the office of M . C , and was likewise invested . Lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Hessy Zoueh was examined as to proficiency . Having acquitted himself in a very satisfactory manner , ho was raised to tbe sublime degree of Master Mason by the AV . M . in a most able and impressive manner . A brother from a distance was then proposed by the W . M . and seconded by P . M . Maybury as a joining member , the ballot to be taken at next regular meeting . W . Bro . VV . H .
Maybury , P . M . suggested some alterations in the by-laws , and proposed that tbe AV . M ., P . M . Clarke , and the mover , be a commmittee to consider what amendments are necessary , and to report to next lodge . Bro . J . W . seconded the proposition , which was unanimously carried . W . Bro . W . H . Maybury then directed the attention of the AV . M . and brethren to the Ross monument , around which a proper fence ought immediately to be placed , and proposed that with a view of raising funds for that purpose an
amateur concert be given on or about St . John ' s day . AV . Bro . Rev . R . Leigh , D . G . Chaplain seconded the proposition , which was put and carried nem . con . The W . M ., Past Masters and officers of the lodge , were appointed a committee to make and carry out the necessary arrangements for the concert . Ifc was determined to have a luncheon on Monday , the 26 th Juno , in celebration of St . John ' s day . Lodge closed in peace love and harmony , and the brethren partook of a slight refreshment in an adjoining room . The usual complimentary toasts were given and responded to . In replying to " Our visiting brethren , " a visitor from Sydney passed a high eulogium upon
tho AV . M . and officers of the lodge , remarking that in his travels he had visited many lodges , but had never been in one where the ceremony of raising had been better performed , and where the whole arrangements of the lodge had been more perfectly carried out . SYDNEY . —Volunteer- Artillery Lodge ( No . 973 . E . G . ) - —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 25 th April . The Lodge was opened in due form afc 7 " 40 p . m .
Present : AV . Bro . Dr . Paterson in the chair , supported by numerous officers and brethren . The minutes of the last regular monthly meeting having been road and confirmed , a ballot was taken for AV . Bro . Nicholas Hopson , P . M . Zetland Lodge , No . 655 , E . G ., Regimental Staff Serjeant-Major , Volunteer Artillery , and D . G ., Pursuivant , which being unanimously in his favour , be was elected a joining member of the lodge . The initiation of a candidatepreviously acceptedwas postponed until the next
, , meeting of the lodge . A ballot for a joining member ( Bro . W . H . Cooper ) was also postponed ; likewise the passing of a brother . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when a brother passed a creditable examination , and he was subsequently raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , the Deputy Grand Master , E . 0 . Smith , having taken a prominent Dart in the ceremony . Then the lodge was lowered . The Deputy Grand Master complimented the AA ' . M . and his officers upon the
efficient manner in whicli their several important duties were performed . An emergency meeting was ordered by the AV . M ., for the purpose of conferring the M . M . degree upon two brethren . A committee of tlie lodge was then formed for tlie purpose of revising the rules and bye-laws of the lodge , to enable officers , & c , of H . M . ships of war , foreign men of war , commissiariatmembers of the naval brigadeand all military men to
, , become members , and also the propriety of altering the designation of the lodge , so as to carry out the object intended . There being no other business before the lodge , it closed in peace , love and harmony , at 10 o ' clock p . m ., when the brethren adjourned to the festive board by invitation from the W . M .
AYRSHIRE MASONIC BURSARY . At a meeting of the Ayrshire Provincial Grand Lodge Committee , held at the George Hotel , Kilmarnock , on Thursday , 17 th August , the IVghc AV . Prov . G . M ., Colonel Mure , of Cald-
well , presiding , ifc was resolved , on full consideration of the many advantages which would result therefrom to Masonry , and to higher education in Ayrshire , that an Ayrshire Masonic Bursary be instituted . The Committee having received many suggestions from professors , __nA others , regarding the best means of promoting this object , it was agreed that subscriptions be solicited from the several Lodges in Ayrshire , from all Ayrshire Masons , and from all friendly to the cause of education .
Royal Arch.
ESSEX . " ROMPOIID . — Essex Chapter of Faith and Unity ( No . 214 . )—¦ A Convocation of this Chapter was held on Friday the 4 fch insfc ., at the White Hart Hotel , Romford , Essex . Comp . Jas . Self , M . D ., M . E . Z ,, in the chair ; Rev . W . J . Skilton , H . ; YC . P . Scott , as J . ; E . J . Barron , P . Z ., Treas . ; G . Cooper , S . E . ; Oldfield , S . N . ; Gower , P . S , ; Major , E . H . Finney , 1 st Asst . Soj . ; J . Jordan , 2 nd Asst . Soj . P . Z's ; F . Adlard , D . C . ; W . P . Scott , Goddard ,
and Comps . Nicholls , Godfrey , Major . Du Cane , H . Pearce , and Speight , Janitor . The chapter was opened and the minutes eonfirmed Comp . Nicholls , who was absent on the former occasion , and was elected to the office of J ., was duly installed by the M . E . Z . The resignation of a iompanion was tendered and accepted- There being no candidate present , at the request of the companions , the ceremony of exaltation was worked , Comp . Jeffrey , acting as candidate . The ceremony was beautifully and impressively
rendered by the M . E . Z ., Comps . J . Boyd , and T . W . AVhite , giving the addresses of H . and J ., the various officers were also perfect in their workings . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Comps . J . Boyd and White , for their valuable assistance . The chapter was then closed until May next . The companions then roamed about the town . The companions then returned to the hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was provided b the worth hostMr . J . Hawley
y y , , whicli gave great satisfaction ; the viands and wines being of first rate quality . The usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts were given , Comp . W . Pulteney Scott responding to the toast of the " Officers of Grand Chapter . " Comp . Barron , P . Z ., in eloquent and eulogistic terms proposed the toast of the " M . E . Z ., " who duly responded with his usual ability . The M . E . Z . proposed the toast of tho the " Newly Installed Comp . Nicholls . " The toasts of the " P . Z . ' s " was responded to b
y Comp . Goddard . The visitors present were : —Comps . John Boyd , Z . 145 ; T . AV . AVhite , Cyrus Chapter , 21 ; Dr . Saunders , 12 ; T . Cochrane , Shakespeare Chapter , aud H . M . Levy , S . E . 188 ; each companion responding to the toast . The toast of the officers , and the Janitor's toast concluded a very agreeable day and evening . The companions returned to town by an early train .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LANCASTER . —Poivley Chapter ( No . 1051 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Rooms , Atlienamm , Lancaster , on Monday evening the 21 st inst . There were present Ex . Comps . Dr . Moore , P . Z . as M . E . Z . ; W . Hall , H . ; W . H . Bagnall , P . Z ., J . ; Comps . Wbimpray , E . ; James M . Moore , N . ; E . Simpson , P . S . ; John Barrow , and R . Taylor
as Assist . Soj . ; J . AVatson , Janitor ; and R . S . Bateson . Visitor : Comp . Robert AValker , S . T ., Third Chapter of Ireland . After the usual business of the chapter had been transacted , the ballot was taken for Bro . AA'illiam Bradshaw , of Lancaster , who , being in attendance , was duly exalted to the degree of the Royal Arch by Comp . Moore , the Acting M . E . Z ., who afterwards delivered the Historical and Mystical Lecture , the Symbolical Lecture being rendered by Comp . Hal ] , H . A candidate was proposed by the M . E . Z . for exaltation in the chapter , which was then closed in dueforin .
Knights Templar.
SUFFOLK AND CAMBRIDGE . A con clave of the Plantagenfc Encampment was held afc the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Monday , the 21 st inst . Present : — Sir Knights J . H . Townsend , E . G . ; Emra Holes , 2 nd Grand Captian of Lines , as 1 st Captain ; C . T . Townsend , P . E . C , P . 2 nd G . C . of L . ; AV . T . AVestgate , P . E . C ; Capt . Terry , P . G . A . D . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . Dooner as a joining member , which was unanimously in his favour . Bro . Stanford being unable to attend regularly to his duties , resigned the office of J . D . The W . M ., approving the truly Masonic spirit which had actuated Bro . Stanford , accepted his resignation , it being absolutely necessary for the good working of the lodge that each brother holding office , should be punctual in his attendance . Bro . Sutherland , M . C . was then appointed J . D . and invested . Bro . J . Hawkins
accepted the office of M . C , and was likewise invested . Lodge was then opened in the second degree , when Bro . Hessy Zoueh was examined as to proficiency . Having acquitted himself in a very satisfactory manner , ho was raised to tbe sublime degree of Master Mason by the AV . M . in a most able and impressive manner . A brother from a distance was then proposed by the W . M . and seconded by P . M . Maybury as a joining member , the ballot to be taken at next regular meeting . W . Bro . VV . H .
Maybury , P . M . suggested some alterations in the by-laws , and proposed that tbe AV . M ., P . M . Clarke , and the mover , be a commmittee to consider what amendments are necessary , and to report to next lodge . Bro . J . W . seconded the proposition , which was unanimously carried . W . Bro . W . H . Maybury then directed the attention of the AV . M . and brethren to the Ross monument , around which a proper fence ought immediately to be placed , and proposed that with a view of raising funds for that purpose an
amateur concert be given on or about St . John ' s day . AV . Bro . Rev . R . Leigh , D . G . Chaplain seconded the proposition , which was put and carried nem . con . The W . M ., Past Masters and officers of the lodge , were appointed a committee to make and carry out the necessary arrangements for the concert . Ifc was determined to have a luncheon on Monday , the 26 th Juno , in celebration of St . John ' s day . Lodge closed in peace love and harmony , and the brethren partook of a slight refreshment in an adjoining room . The usual complimentary toasts were given and responded to . In replying to " Our visiting brethren , " a visitor from Sydney passed a high eulogium upon
tho AV . M . and officers of the lodge , remarking that in his travels he had visited many lodges , but had never been in one where the ceremony of raising had been better performed , and where the whole arrangements of the lodge had been more perfectly carried out . SYDNEY . —Volunteer- Artillery Lodge ( No . 973 . E . G . ) - —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on the 25 th April . The Lodge was opened in due form afc 7 " 40 p . m .
Present : AV . Bro . Dr . Paterson in the chair , supported by numerous officers and brethren . The minutes of the last regular monthly meeting having been road and confirmed , a ballot was taken for AV . Bro . Nicholas Hopson , P . M . Zetland Lodge , No . 655 , E . G ., Regimental Staff Serjeant-Major , Volunteer Artillery , and D . G ., Pursuivant , which being unanimously in his favour , be was elected a joining member of the lodge . The initiation of a candidatepreviously acceptedwas postponed until the next
, , meeting of the lodge . A ballot for a joining member ( Bro . W . H . Cooper ) was also postponed ; likewise the passing of a brother . The lodge was opened in the second degree , when a brother passed a creditable examination , and he was subsequently raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason , the Deputy Grand Master , E . 0 . Smith , having taken a prominent Dart in the ceremony . Then the lodge was lowered . The Deputy Grand Master complimented the AA ' . M . and his officers upon the
efficient manner in whicli their several important duties were performed . An emergency meeting was ordered by the AV . M ., for the purpose of conferring the M . M . degree upon two brethren . A committee of tlie lodge was then formed for tlie purpose of revising the rules and bye-laws of the lodge , to enable officers , & c , of H . M . ships of war , foreign men of war , commissiariatmembers of the naval brigadeand all military men to
, , become members , and also the propriety of altering the designation of the lodge , so as to carry out the object intended . There being no other business before the lodge , it closed in peace , love and harmony , at 10 o ' clock p . m ., when the brethren adjourned to the festive board by invitation from the W . M .
AYRSHIRE MASONIC BURSARY . At a meeting of the Ayrshire Provincial Grand Lodge Committee , held at the George Hotel , Kilmarnock , on Thursday , 17 th August , the IVghc AV . Prov . G . M ., Colonel Mure , of Cald-
well , presiding , ifc was resolved , on full consideration of the many advantages which would result therefrom to Masonry , and to higher education in Ayrshire , that an Ayrshire Masonic Bursary be instituted . The Committee having received many suggestions from professors , __nA others , regarding the best means of promoting this object , it was agreed that subscriptions be solicited from the several Lodges in Ayrshire , from all Ayrshire Masons , and from all friendly to the cause of education .
Royal Arch.
ESSEX . " ROMPOIID . — Essex Chapter of Faith and Unity ( No . 214 . )—¦ A Convocation of this Chapter was held on Friday the 4 fch insfc ., at the White Hart Hotel , Romford , Essex . Comp . Jas . Self , M . D ., M . E . Z ,, in the chair ; Rev . W . J . Skilton , H . ; YC . P . Scott , as J . ; E . J . Barron , P . Z ., Treas . ; G . Cooper , S . E . ; Oldfield , S . N . ; Gower , P . S , ; Major , E . H . Finney , 1 st Asst . Soj . ; J . Jordan , 2 nd Asst . Soj . P . Z's ; F . Adlard , D . C . ; W . P . Scott , Goddard ,
and Comps . Nicholls , Godfrey , Major . Du Cane , H . Pearce , and Speight , Janitor . The chapter was opened and the minutes eonfirmed Comp . Nicholls , who was absent on the former occasion , and was elected to the office of J ., was duly installed by the M . E . Z . The resignation of a iompanion was tendered and accepted- There being no candidate present , at the request of the companions , the ceremony of exaltation was worked , Comp . Jeffrey , acting as candidate . The ceremony was beautifully and impressively
rendered by the M . E . Z ., Comps . J . Boyd , and T . W . AVhite , giving the addresses of H . and J ., the various officers were also perfect in their workings . A vote of thanks was unanimously accorded to Comps . J . Boyd and White , for their valuable assistance . The chapter was then closed until May next . The companions then roamed about the town . The companions then returned to the hotel , where a sumptuous banquet was provided b the worth hostMr . J . Hawley
y y , , whicli gave great satisfaction ; the viands and wines being of first rate quality . The usual loyal and Royal Arch toasts were given , Comp . W . Pulteney Scott responding to the toast of the " Officers of Grand Chapter . " Comp . Barron , P . Z ., in eloquent and eulogistic terms proposed the toast of the " M . E . Z ., " who duly responded with his usual ability . The M . E . Z . proposed the toast of tho the " Newly Installed Comp . Nicholls . " The toasts of the " P . Z . ' s " was responded to b
y Comp . Goddard . The visitors present were : —Comps . John Boyd , Z . 145 ; T . AV . AVhite , Cyrus Chapter , 21 ; Dr . Saunders , 12 ; T . Cochrane , Shakespeare Chapter , aud H . M . Levy , S . E . 188 ; each companion responding to the toast . The toast of the officers , and the Janitor's toast concluded a very agreeable day and evening . The companions returned to town by an early train .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . LANCASTER . —Poivley Chapter ( No . 1051 ) . —The regular convocation of this chapter was held at the Masonic Rooms , Atlienamm , Lancaster , on Monday evening the 21 st inst . There were present Ex . Comps . Dr . Moore , P . Z . as M . E . Z . ; W . Hall , H . ; W . H . Bagnall , P . Z ., J . ; Comps . Wbimpray , E . ; James M . Moore , N . ; E . Simpson , P . S . ; John Barrow , and R . Taylor
as Assist . Soj . ; J . AVatson , Janitor ; and R . S . Bateson . Visitor : Comp . Robert AValker , S . T ., Third Chapter of Ireland . After the usual business of the chapter had been transacted , the ballot was taken for Bro . AA'illiam Bradshaw , of Lancaster , who , being in attendance , was duly exalted to the degree of the Royal Arch by Comp . Moore , the Acting M . E . Z ., who afterwards delivered the Historical and Mystical Lecture , the Symbolical Lecture being rendered by Comp . Hal ] , H . A candidate was proposed by the M . E . Z . for exaltation in the chapter , which was then closed in dueforin .
Knights Templar.
SUFFOLK AND CAMBRIDGE . A con clave of the Plantagenfc Encampment was held afc the Masonic Hall , Ipswich , on Monday , the 21 st inst . Present : — Sir Knights J . H . Townsend , E . G . ; Emra Holes , 2 nd Grand Captian of Lines , as 1 st Captain ; C . T . Townsend , P . E . C , P . 2 nd G . C . of L . ; AV . T . AVestgate , P . E . C ; Capt . Terry , P . G . A . D . C .