Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1 Article LIST OF LODGE MEETINGS &c., FOR WEEK ENDING SEPTEMBER 2ND , 1871. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities.
" Let's garotte him , and take away his watches . " Mr . Maynard entering into the joke , went into a room adjoining the shop , and returned with a breech-loading revolver in his hand , and , pointing the pistol at Bro . Shriinpton , said , " This is the thing that settles garotfcers ! " Mr . Bickford exclaimed , - 'Don't point it , it mav be loaded , " and Mr . Maynard replied , " Oh , it is not loaded ; " bufc tho words had no sooner escaped from him lips than the pistol went off , and Bro . Shriinpton ejaculated ,
" 01 ) , George , you ' ve shot me ! " It was quickly ascertained thafc a ball from the pistol had entered Bro . Shrimptoti's body , near the right shoulder . The services of two surgeons were immediately procured , and the wounded man was conveyed to his residence , adjoining the railway-station . The ball , it was found , had traversed the lungs , and the sufferer had to he informed that there was little or no hope of his recovery . The doctors remained with their patient until his death , whicli
occurred at two o'clock ou Thursday morning . Deceased was 35 years of age , a married man , and his wife happened to ho absent on a visit to some friends afc a distance . Bro . Shriinpton was AV . M . of the Sun Lodge , No . 106 , afc Exmoufch , and greatly esteemed on account of his genial and obliging disposition . The police-constable who took possession of the revolver —a six-chamber one—on Thursday morning , found that four other of the chambers were loaded . An inquest has been held on the body , and the Coroner ' s jury have returned a verdict of ¦ " Homicide by misadventure . "
Poetry .
THE TRUE MASON . BY ZETA . No Mason is he who is deaf to the wailings Of those whom misfortune hath placed under ban ; Who is harsh , unforgiving towards other men's failings , Or does any act that debases the man .
He may seem a good brother in sight of his fellow , Be high in his order , and learn'd in its code ; But still his pretensions are truthless and shallow , And he is no Mason iu sight of his God . But he's a true Mason whose soul ever rises Above the small honours and glories of earth ;
AA'ho all the poor glitter of tinsel despises , And loves to be measured alone by his worth . AVith the square and the plumb-lead as emblems to guide him , From the lino of strict duty he scorns to depart ; AA'ith the rule and the compass , both ready beside him , He rears a true temple of God in his heart .
His thoughts are as pure ns the snow when it failed ; His zeal is enlisted on rectitude's side ; No fear of men ' s scoffing his courage appalloth , As ho stands the oppressed and the friendless beside . Afc the cry of misfortune his love is awakened ; Large-mindedhe succours with nought of display ;
, The widow , the orphan , the hungry , and naked , From his portals are never sent empty away . In precept , though firm , he is soft as a mother , AA'ho seeks in affection her offspring to mould ; More apt by example to win a lost brother , And wavcrers keep in the Guod Shepherd ' s fold .
Unsullied by contract with lusts that surround him , Large-hearted , he loves with u God-like regard : He lives a rich blessing to all who are round him , And dies to receive the true Mason ' s reward .
List Of Lodge Meetings &C., For Week Ending September 2nd , 1871.
METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS . Monday , August 28 th . LODGES . —British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Bancroftplace , Mile End ; De Grey and Ripon , Angel Hotel , Great Ilford . Wednesday , August oOtlt .
LODGE . —Temperance iu the East , Private Assembly Rooms , G > Newby-place , Poplar . Thursday , August Slst . General Committee Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . Friday , September 1 st . LODGES . —StarAlarquis of GranbTavernNew Cross Road
, y , ; St . Marylebone , Eyre Arms Tavern , St . John ' s AVood . Saturday , September Ind . General Committee Boys' School at Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . CHAPTER . —Rose of Denmark , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
A nnrnbe-r of Lodges and Giavpiers of Instruction do nomeet during the summer months , ive shall , therefore dis continue the publication of our usual list until the re-coin mencement of the season . We shall , however , give the announcements of those Lodges and Chapters of Instruction which continue to meet during the summer on receiving authoritative intimation thereof .
The following Lodges of Instruction , we are informed , by the Secretaries , meet all tha year round . — ROYAL UNION LODGE ( NO . 382 ) , Horse and Groom , AA'insley Street , Oxford Street , at 8 . Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . PANMURE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) , Balham Hotel , Balham , Fridays at 8 . Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . AA ' ESTEOUENE LODGE ( No . 733 ) Horse and GroomAA'insley
, , Street , Oxford Street , Fridays at 8 . Bro . Ash , Preceptor . STRONG MAN , St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell , Monday , afc 8 . Bro . Terry , Preceptor . ST . JAMES ' , ( NO . 765 ) , Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica Road , Bermondsey , Fridays at 8 . TEMPERANCE , ( No . 169 ) , A'ictoria Tavern , A'ictoria Road , Deptford , Fridays at 8 .
STAR , ( Xo . 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross Road Deptford , Saturdays at 7 . BURDETT COUTTS LODGE OE INSTRUCTION , Approach Tavern A'ictoria Park , Fridays . AVe have been requested to announce thafc Radley ' s Hotel being closed , no meetings of Lodges or Chapters can he held there for tbe present .
To Correspondents.
* V * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , W . C . AA ' shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Masonic meetings , which shall he duly inserted . Communications should be forwarded so as to reach us as early in the week as convenient—not later than Wednesday if possible . AVe have to request our correspondents to be particular in writing names distinctly . Bro . AV ., ( Liverpool ) . —The report referred to will be found under its proper heading .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Festivities.
" Let's garotte him , and take away his watches . " Mr . Maynard entering into the joke , went into a room adjoining the shop , and returned with a breech-loading revolver in his hand , and , pointing the pistol at Bro . Shriinpton , said , " This is the thing that settles garotfcers ! " Mr . Bickford exclaimed , - 'Don't point it , it mav be loaded , " and Mr . Maynard replied , " Oh , it is not loaded ; " bufc tho words had no sooner escaped from him lips than the pistol went off , and Bro . Shriinpton ejaculated ,
" 01 ) , George , you ' ve shot me ! " It was quickly ascertained thafc a ball from the pistol had entered Bro . Shrimptoti's body , near the right shoulder . The services of two surgeons were immediately procured , and the wounded man was conveyed to his residence , adjoining the railway-station . The ball , it was found , had traversed the lungs , and the sufferer had to he informed that there was little or no hope of his recovery . The doctors remained with their patient until his death , whicli
occurred at two o'clock ou Thursday morning . Deceased was 35 years of age , a married man , and his wife happened to ho absent on a visit to some friends afc a distance . Bro . Shriinpton was AV . M . of the Sun Lodge , No . 106 , afc Exmoufch , and greatly esteemed on account of his genial and obliging disposition . The police-constable who took possession of the revolver —a six-chamber one—on Thursday morning , found that four other of the chambers were loaded . An inquest has been held on the body , and the Coroner ' s jury have returned a verdict of ¦ " Homicide by misadventure . "
Poetry .
THE TRUE MASON . BY ZETA . No Mason is he who is deaf to the wailings Of those whom misfortune hath placed under ban ; Who is harsh , unforgiving towards other men's failings , Or does any act that debases the man .
He may seem a good brother in sight of his fellow , Be high in his order , and learn'd in its code ; But still his pretensions are truthless and shallow , And he is no Mason iu sight of his God . But he's a true Mason whose soul ever rises Above the small honours and glories of earth ;
AA'ho all the poor glitter of tinsel despises , And loves to be measured alone by his worth . AVith the square and the plumb-lead as emblems to guide him , From the lino of strict duty he scorns to depart ; AA'ith the rule and the compass , both ready beside him , He rears a true temple of God in his heart .
His thoughts are as pure ns the snow when it failed ; His zeal is enlisted on rectitude's side ; No fear of men ' s scoffing his courage appalloth , As ho stands the oppressed and the friendless beside . Afc the cry of misfortune his love is awakened ; Large-mindedhe succours with nought of display ;
, The widow , the orphan , the hungry , and naked , From his portals are never sent empty away . In precept , though firm , he is soft as a mother , AA'ho seeks in affection her offspring to mould ; More apt by example to win a lost brother , And wavcrers keep in the Guod Shepherd ' s fold .
Unsullied by contract with lusts that surround him , Large-hearted , he loves with u God-like regard : He lives a rich blessing to all who are round him , And dies to receive the true Mason ' s reward .
List Of Lodge Meetings &C., For Week Ending September 2nd , 1871.
METROPOLITAN LODGES AND CHAPTERS . Monday , August 28 th . LODGES . —British Oak , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Bancroftplace , Mile End ; De Grey and Ripon , Angel Hotel , Great Ilford . Wednesday , August oOtlt .
LODGE . —Temperance iu the East , Private Assembly Rooms , G > Newby-place , Poplar . Thursday , August Slst . General Committee Girls' School , Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . Friday , September 1 st . LODGES . —StarAlarquis of GranbTavernNew Cross Road
, y , ; St . Marylebone , Eyre Arms Tavern , St . John ' s AVood . Saturday , September Ind . General Committee Boys' School at Freemasons' Hall , at 4 . CHAPTER . —Rose of Denmark , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge .
Metropolitan Lodges And Chapters Of Instruction.
A nnrnbe-r of Lodges and Giavpiers of Instruction do nomeet during the summer months , ive shall , therefore dis continue the publication of our usual list until the re-coin mencement of the season . We shall , however , give the announcements of those Lodges and Chapters of Instruction which continue to meet during the summer on receiving authoritative intimation thereof .
The following Lodges of Instruction , we are informed , by the Secretaries , meet all tha year round . — ROYAL UNION LODGE ( NO . 382 ) , Horse and Groom , AA'insley Street , Oxford Street , at 8 . Bro . T . A . Adams , Preceptor . PANMURE LODGE ( NO . 720 ) , Balham Hotel , Balham , Fridays at 8 . Bro . John Thomas , Preceptor . AA ' ESTEOUENE LODGE ( No . 733 ) Horse and GroomAA'insley
, , Street , Oxford Street , Fridays at 8 . Bro . Ash , Preceptor . STRONG MAN , St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell , Monday , afc 8 . Bro . Terry , Preceptor . ST . JAMES ' , ( NO . 765 ) , Gregorian Arms Tavern , Jamaica Road , Bermondsey , Fridays at 8 . TEMPERANCE , ( No . 169 ) , A'ictoria Tavern , A'ictoria Road , Deptford , Fridays at 8 .
STAR , ( Xo . 1275 ) , Marquis of Granby Tavern , New Cross Road Deptford , Saturdays at 7 . BURDETT COUTTS LODGE OE INSTRUCTION , Approach Tavern A'ictoria Park , Fridays . AVe have been requested to announce thafc Radley ' s Hotel being closed , no meetings of Lodges or Chapters can he held there for tbe present .
To Correspondents.
* V * All Communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , W . C . AA ' shall be glad to receive from brethren any proceedings of Masonic meetings , which shall he duly inserted . Communications should be forwarded so as to reach us as early in the week as convenient—not later than Wednesday if possible . AVe have to request our correspondents to be particular in writing names distinctly . Bro . AV ., ( Liverpool ) . —The report referred to will be found under its proper heading .