Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
TOLAND . —PANTHEISTICON Sie Bro . Findel's History , page 133 . According tc the " Biographic TJniverselle , " first edition , the Pantheiafcicon was published in 1720 , and Toland died in 1722 . Toland would never have recognised our Glorious Architect of Heaven and Earth . In his
Philosophic Letters to Serena , ( Queen of Prussia ) , he questions , if I recollect right , our doctrine of the soul ' s immortality . —CHARLES PURTON COOPEII .
INDIVIDUALS—FREEMASONS—SOCIETIES—LODGESAs Individual Christians , Jews , Mahommedans and Parsees , may become Freemasons ; so Christian , Jew , Mahommedan and Parsee societies may become Lodges . —CHARLES PURTON COOPER .
A SYSTEMATIC ATTEMPT . " A systematic attempt is now being made to turn the stronghold of Masonry into a Christian Institution . It is time thafc this spirit should be resisted . " Brother , —Thanks for your Extract from our Periodical . Occasionall y for several years past I have
read words in no respects differing from the foregoing , as regard signification . The author seems little versed in the history of our English Masoury , or he would have known that instead of the inroads made upon ifc since A . D . 1738 , having been the inroada of Christianity , they have been the inroads of Judaism , Mahommedanism , and Parseeism . — CHAELES PURTON COOPEE .
ENGLISH MASONS , NATURAL RELIGION , CHRISTIANITY . The 24 volumes of the present series of the - '' Freemasons' Magazine , " contain , occasionally indications that whilst some members of the Craft have no inclination for a closer union with Natural Reliion
g apart from the Religion of the Holy Jesus , others would gladly see what , of late , has so often been witnessed elsewhere — the total disappearance of Christianity . —CHARLES BURTON COOPER .
A DOUBT . A Correspondent admits that there are some points of resemblance . The words are put together in the same loose manner . There are numerous needless synonyms and repetitions , and vulgarism is not wanting —moreover , it is known that a contributor sometimes
affixes a fei gned name to his communications . Stili my Correspondent entertains a doubt of the communication , respecting which inquiry is being made coming from the said Contributor . The doubt is occasioned by these circumstances : —Pirsfc : there is in the communication no bad grammar ; next , there is in it no had logic ; and lastly and chiefly , there is in it no bad Masonry . — A PAST PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER .
QUESTION AND ANSWER . Entered Apprentice ' s question : "Wh y does a certain Contributor eschew the Legend of the Craft ? Eetlow-Craft's , answer : Because the Legend of the Craft enjoins instruction in grammar and in logic . —A PASO ? PROVINCIAL GEAND MASTER .
AVHAT IS FREEMASONRY ? "Very many definitions have been given to the term Ereeinasonry , all agreeing in one essential particular ,, declaring it to be a system of morality , the teaching of which makes men better and happier , and leads them to live while on earth with a reference to an
eternal life after death . "We give below a few definitions by different men , which cannot fail to prove of interest to all Craftsmen : — " Preemasonry is a beautiful system of morality , veiled in allegory , and illustrated by symbols . "Hemming .
MASONIC LITERARY CONTROVERSY . A Brother is right in declining to consider a theory which is propounded in language , not befiting Masonic literary controversy . —A PAST PROVINCIALGRAND MASTER . ' Preemasonry is an establishment founded on the
benevolent intention of extending and conferring mutual happiness upon the best and truest princip lesof moral life and social virtue . "—Galeolt . "Preemasonry is an institution calculated to benefit mankind . "—Andrew Jackson . " Prom its origin to the present hourin all its
, vicissitudes , Masonry has been the steady unvarying friend of man . " —Hev . JErastus Burr . " Preemasonry is an order whose leading star is philanthropy , and whose principles inculcate an unceasing devotion to the cause of virtue and morality . "—La Fayette .
"The grand object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race . "—Washington . " Masonry is an art , useful and extensive , which comprehends within its circle every branch of useful knowledge and learning , and stamps an indelible mark of pre-eminence on its genuine professors , which neither chance , power nor fortune can bestow . "—Tireston .
APPLICATION OF THE TITLE "SOLOMON . " The name of Solomon has been often used , but chiefly to designate the wise . We find in history the following application : " Solomon of England " was bestowed upon Henry VII ., the first of the Tudor Kings of Englandwhose reignconducted upon
, , pacific principles , was , upon the whole , beneficial to his country , aud gave an opportunity for the nation to flourish by the development of its resources . The same title has been satirically awarded to James I . ( 15 GG-1625 , ) on account of his pedantry and puerility .. Buchanan , his instructor , said that he " made him a
pedant because he could make nothing else of him . " The appellation of " Solomon of Prance '' was conferred upon Charles V ., who was also called "the " Wise . " The same title was bestowed upon Louis IX ., or St . Louis ( 1215-1270 ) , who summoned to his council the most able aud virtuous men of his kingdom , put an end to many ecclesiastical abuses , and was always intent upon promoting the happiness of his subjects . —Beptasoph .
A PLEASANT DISPUTATION , ( PAGE 14 G ) . Excuse mo observing that the " proof" of an " Entered Apprentice , " as brought forward by him at page 147 , is ail imaginary , and is simply based upou mis-conception and mis-application . The doctrine oi"
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
TOLAND . —PANTHEISTICON Sie Bro . Findel's History , page 133 . According tc the " Biographic TJniverselle , " first edition , the Pantheiafcicon was published in 1720 , and Toland died in 1722 . Toland would never have recognised our Glorious Architect of Heaven and Earth . In his
Philosophic Letters to Serena , ( Queen of Prussia ) , he questions , if I recollect right , our doctrine of the soul ' s immortality . —CHARLES PURTON COOPEII .
INDIVIDUALS—FREEMASONS—SOCIETIES—LODGESAs Individual Christians , Jews , Mahommedans and Parsees , may become Freemasons ; so Christian , Jew , Mahommedan and Parsee societies may become Lodges . —CHARLES PURTON COOPER .
A SYSTEMATIC ATTEMPT . " A systematic attempt is now being made to turn the stronghold of Masonry into a Christian Institution . It is time thafc this spirit should be resisted . " Brother , —Thanks for your Extract from our Periodical . Occasionall y for several years past I have
read words in no respects differing from the foregoing , as regard signification . The author seems little versed in the history of our English Masoury , or he would have known that instead of the inroads made upon ifc since A . D . 1738 , having been the inroada of Christianity , they have been the inroads of Judaism , Mahommedanism , and Parseeism . — CHAELES PURTON COOPEE .
ENGLISH MASONS , NATURAL RELIGION , CHRISTIANITY . The 24 volumes of the present series of the - '' Freemasons' Magazine , " contain , occasionally indications that whilst some members of the Craft have no inclination for a closer union with Natural Reliion
g apart from the Religion of the Holy Jesus , others would gladly see what , of late , has so often been witnessed elsewhere — the total disappearance of Christianity . —CHARLES BURTON COOPER .
A DOUBT . A Correspondent admits that there are some points of resemblance . The words are put together in the same loose manner . There are numerous needless synonyms and repetitions , and vulgarism is not wanting —moreover , it is known that a contributor sometimes
affixes a fei gned name to his communications . Stili my Correspondent entertains a doubt of the communication , respecting which inquiry is being made coming from the said Contributor . The doubt is occasioned by these circumstances : —Pirsfc : there is in the communication no bad grammar ; next , there is in it no had logic ; and lastly and chiefly , there is in it no bad Masonry . — A PAST PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER .
QUESTION AND ANSWER . Entered Apprentice ' s question : "Wh y does a certain Contributor eschew the Legend of the Craft ? Eetlow-Craft's , answer : Because the Legend of the Craft enjoins instruction in grammar and in logic . —A PASO ? PROVINCIAL GEAND MASTER .
AVHAT IS FREEMASONRY ? "Very many definitions have been given to the term Ereeinasonry , all agreeing in one essential particular ,, declaring it to be a system of morality , the teaching of which makes men better and happier , and leads them to live while on earth with a reference to an
eternal life after death . "We give below a few definitions by different men , which cannot fail to prove of interest to all Craftsmen : — " Preemasonry is a beautiful system of morality , veiled in allegory , and illustrated by symbols . "Hemming .
MASONIC LITERARY CONTROVERSY . A Brother is right in declining to consider a theory which is propounded in language , not befiting Masonic literary controversy . —A PAST PROVINCIALGRAND MASTER . ' Preemasonry is an establishment founded on the
benevolent intention of extending and conferring mutual happiness upon the best and truest princip lesof moral life and social virtue . "—Galeolt . "Preemasonry is an institution calculated to benefit mankind . "—Andrew Jackson . " Prom its origin to the present hourin all its
, vicissitudes , Masonry has been the steady unvarying friend of man . " —Hev . JErastus Burr . " Preemasonry is an order whose leading star is philanthropy , and whose principles inculcate an unceasing devotion to the cause of virtue and morality . "—La Fayette .
"The grand object of Masonry is to promote the happiness of the human race . "—Washington . " Masonry is an art , useful and extensive , which comprehends within its circle every branch of useful knowledge and learning , and stamps an indelible mark of pre-eminence on its genuine professors , which neither chance , power nor fortune can bestow . "—Tireston .
APPLICATION OF THE TITLE "SOLOMON . " The name of Solomon has been often used , but chiefly to designate the wise . We find in history the following application : " Solomon of England " was bestowed upon Henry VII ., the first of the Tudor Kings of Englandwhose reignconducted upon
, , pacific principles , was , upon the whole , beneficial to his country , aud gave an opportunity for the nation to flourish by the development of its resources . The same title has been satirically awarded to James I . ( 15 GG-1625 , ) on account of his pedantry and puerility .. Buchanan , his instructor , said that he " made him a
pedant because he could make nothing else of him . " The appellation of " Solomon of Prance '' was conferred upon Charles V ., who was also called "the " Wise . " The same title was bestowed upon Louis IX ., or St . Louis ( 1215-1270 ) , who summoned to his council the most able aud virtuous men of his kingdom , put an end to many ecclesiastical abuses , and was always intent upon promoting the happiness of his subjects . —Beptasoph .
A PLEASANT DISPUTATION , ( PAGE 14 G ) . Excuse mo observing that the " proof" of an " Entered Apprentice , " as brought forward by him at page 147 , is ail imaginary , and is simply based upou mis-conception and mis-application . The doctrine oi"