Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . At the lodge of Benevolence on Wednesday last , 19 petitioners were relieved with various sums , amounting to £ 191 , in addition to one being recommended to Grand Lodge for £ 50 ancl another for £ 30 . Bro . John Williams , the new Prov . G . M . for Kew South Wales ,
was duly installed with office afc Sydney on the 1-lfch August . Sir Henry L . Bulwer , Prov . Grand Master for Turkey and Greece , has appointed our distinguished brother , Hyde Clarke , D . C . L ., as his D . Prov . Grand Master .
The Boys' School.
A Quarterly General Court of this institution was held on Monday at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . John Symonds , A . G . D . C . vice president , in the chair . The object of the meeting was to transact the usual business of the Institution and to consider certain notices of motion for addition to , and alterations in , tbe laws ; ancl to elect seven boys to the school out of a list of 16 approved
candidates . The regular minutes having heen read ancl approved , it was moved by Bro . Udall , P . G . D ., and seconded by Bro . Empson , " That no motion for a grant of money can be received at a Quarterly General Court unless notice thereof shall have been given at a previous General Court or General Committee ; nor shall the same
hecome payahle until confirmed at a subsequent Quarterly General Court . " Carried unanimously . It was then proposed by Bro . Benjamin Head : — " In Rule VIII ., to strike out the first clause and substitute the following . — < Every donor of 50 guineas , by one or more payments of not less than five guineas each within ten years , shall be a vice-president of the
institution . . Any previous donation of not less than five guineas , paid within three years prior to the date of the passing of this law , shall be reckoned as a contribution towards such sum of 50 guineas , " Bro . Udall seconded the motion .
Bro . John Savage , P . G . D ., thought that three years was the outside period which should be named . The practical effect of this principle wouldbeto give too many years to qualify as vice president , which would lose all distinction by the number who would aspire to it . He held it to he an objectionable mode of creating vice presidents .
Bro . H . G . Warren supported the motion , and wished that every subscriber was a vice president . Every facility should he given to this object . Some discussion ensued , in which Bro . Warren maintained that now that they had added something like twenty-five per cent , to their expenses in order to add to the efficiency of the school , it
behoved them to take every means to increase their funds , and he believed that the proposed measure would materially do so . Bro . Binckes , the Secretary , said he was bound to state that he had received various communications from subscribers in the country and elsewhere , who had seen the notice of the motion , and who had expressed their anxiety to hecome Vice-Presidents .
Bro . Savage proposed , as an amendment , to the effect that five years should be the limit . i A long irregular discussion ensued , ancl ultimately the origina resolution passed , it being deprived , however , of its retrospective character , The Court then proceeded to the ballot for the election of seven hoys from a list of sixteen approved candidates . The following boys were elected : —
The Boys' School.
Jenkins , Henry , London 4794 Chase , Henry Charles , London 4163 Perry , Henry Jno ., London 4004 Smith , Arthur , Portsmouth 3560 Eidgway , C . J ., Spalding 3367 Osborne , F . C ., London 3257 Melsor , Thos . H ., Hull 2621
The following were the unsuccessful candidates : — Davis , Jno . Wm ., Greenwich 1471 Weeks , Walter P ., London 417 Lidsfcone , P . B ., Stonehouse 384 Mariner , J . Pyke , London 327 Eead , Prank H ., Isle of Wight 28 S
Wilson , Robert C , Kendal 97 Bird , Henry G ., Hereford 32 Bice , Henry , Bengal 15 Crabtree , 13 . T ., London 4
PAXMUHE LODOE ( NO . 1017 ) . —The last meeting for the season of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 19 th inst ., at the Pemhury Tavern , Lower Clapton , Hackney . The W . M ., Bro . Robt . Clarke , having opened the lodge hi the three degrees , in a very admirable manner raised Bro . Wm . Benjamin Lake , of the western coast of Africa , to the sublime degree of Master Mason , and afterwards passed Bro . Faithful , of a lodge in New Zealand , to the degree of
Fellow Craft . Bro . Henry Muggeridge then took the chair and installed Bro . Alex . Mitchell Dewar into the chair of the lodge . The new W . M . appointed Bro . Paddle , S . W . ; Watkin Williams , J . W . ; Wright , S . D . ; Vines , J . D . ; Collins , I . G . ; Muggeridge , P . M ., Sec . Bro . Myers , P . M ., was invested as Treasurer . A very handsome gold jewel was presented to Bro . Clarke , the immediate P . M ., for the very efficient manner he discharged the duties of W . M . during the year 1 | S 60-1 . The lodge was then closedwhen the
, members ancl visitors , among whom were Bro . Patten , Prov . G . S . B ., Bro . Hubbuck , Grand Steward of Lodge No . 66 , and Bros . Osborne , Collington , and Packwood , partook of dinner , the after proceedings of which were enlivened hy the vocal exertions of Bros . George Tedder , Mobbs , and several other brethren .
WESTBOUESE LODGE ( NO . 1035 . )—This young but flourishing lodge held its usual meeting on Thursday , the 17 th , at Bro . Fisher ' s , Mitre Hotel , Craven-terrace , Upper Hyde-park Gardens . Bro . II . A . Stacey , W . M ., Bro . Dietrich , S . W ., Bro . Harrison , J . W ., and all the officers , besides numerous brethren , were present . The business consisted of raisings and passings . Bros . E . Hill , Bal , ancl Holmes were raised , and Bros . Boreham and Grossfcette were passed . This being the niht for the election of W . M . and other
g officers , for the enstiingyear , Bro . Dietrich , the S . W ., wasunanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Treasurer ( vice Bro . D . Little , who resigned ) , Bro . Bradley , re-elected Tyler , and Bros . Oherdoefl ' er , Borrham , and Welch were elected Auditors . It was proposed by Bro . Cottebrune , seconded by Bro . Lowenstark , P . M ., and . carried unanimously , that a five guinea jewel he presented to Bro . H . A . Stacey , for his able ancl efficient services during the time he had occupied the chair ; ancl after some formal business the brethren
retired to an excellent banquet , laid out in Bro . Fisher ' s usual style , to which ample justice was clone . After enjoying the good things of this life , the W . M . proposed " The Health of Her Majesty the Queen , " then " The Earl of Zetland , Earl de Grey and Bipon , ancl the rest of the Grand Officers , " coupling with this toast the name of our respected , ancl talented Bro . Adams , G . Purst ., who responded thereto in an able speech . —The W . M . then gave the toast of the eveningviz" The Health of Bro . Dietrichthe
, ., , W . M . elect , " remarking that he hacl known Bro . Dietrich for many years , ancl had always found him to be both a good man and Mason . He felt sure that the lodge had done rig ht hi electing him to the chair , ancl that they might well anticipate a happy year nnder his able auspices . In their and on his own behalf , he begged to wish Bro . Dietrich a happy ancl prosperous year of office . This was drunk most cordially . —Bro . DIETRICH thanked them very sincerely ancl
heartily for the kind reception they had given to the toast , and said he felt grateful for having been elected unanimousl y to take the chair , now so ahly filled by Bro . Stacey . He would promise them that he would do all he could during the next year to maintain the lodge in its present prosperous position , and nothing should be wanting on his part to make every member comfortable and contented j he felt sure he should receive the generous aid of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . At the lodge of Benevolence on Wednesday last , 19 petitioners were relieved with various sums , amounting to £ 191 , in addition to one being recommended to Grand Lodge for £ 50 ancl another for £ 30 . Bro . John Williams , the new Prov . G . M . for Kew South Wales ,
was duly installed with office afc Sydney on the 1-lfch August . Sir Henry L . Bulwer , Prov . Grand Master for Turkey and Greece , has appointed our distinguished brother , Hyde Clarke , D . C . L ., as his D . Prov . Grand Master .
The Boys' School.
A Quarterly General Court of this institution was held on Monday at the Freemasons' Tavern , Bro . John Symonds , A . G . D . C . vice president , in the chair . The object of the meeting was to transact the usual business of the Institution and to consider certain notices of motion for addition to , and alterations in , tbe laws ; ancl to elect seven boys to the school out of a list of 16 approved
candidates . The regular minutes having heen read ancl approved , it was moved by Bro . Udall , P . G . D ., and seconded by Bro . Empson , " That no motion for a grant of money can be received at a Quarterly General Court unless notice thereof shall have been given at a previous General Court or General Committee ; nor shall the same
hecome payahle until confirmed at a subsequent Quarterly General Court . " Carried unanimously . It was then proposed by Bro . Benjamin Head : — " In Rule VIII ., to strike out the first clause and substitute the following . — < Every donor of 50 guineas , by one or more payments of not less than five guineas each within ten years , shall be a vice-president of the
institution . . Any previous donation of not less than five guineas , paid within three years prior to the date of the passing of this law , shall be reckoned as a contribution towards such sum of 50 guineas , " Bro . Udall seconded the motion .
Bro . John Savage , P . G . D ., thought that three years was the outside period which should be named . The practical effect of this principle wouldbeto give too many years to qualify as vice president , which would lose all distinction by the number who would aspire to it . He held it to he an objectionable mode of creating vice presidents .
Bro . H . G . Warren supported the motion , and wished that every subscriber was a vice president . Every facility should he given to this object . Some discussion ensued , in which Bro . Warren maintained that now that they had added something like twenty-five per cent , to their expenses in order to add to the efficiency of the school , it
behoved them to take every means to increase their funds , and he believed that the proposed measure would materially do so . Bro . Binckes , the Secretary , said he was bound to state that he had received various communications from subscribers in the country and elsewhere , who had seen the notice of the motion , and who had expressed their anxiety to hecome Vice-Presidents .
Bro . Savage proposed , as an amendment , to the effect that five years should be the limit . i A long irregular discussion ensued , ancl ultimately the origina resolution passed , it being deprived , however , of its retrospective character , The Court then proceeded to the ballot for the election of seven hoys from a list of sixteen approved candidates . The following boys were elected : —
The Boys' School.
Jenkins , Henry , London 4794 Chase , Henry Charles , London 4163 Perry , Henry Jno ., London 4004 Smith , Arthur , Portsmouth 3560 Eidgway , C . J ., Spalding 3367 Osborne , F . C ., London 3257 Melsor , Thos . H ., Hull 2621
The following were the unsuccessful candidates : — Davis , Jno . Wm ., Greenwich 1471 Weeks , Walter P ., London 417 Lidsfcone , P . B ., Stonehouse 384 Mariner , J . Pyke , London 327 Eead , Prank H ., Isle of Wight 28 S
Wilson , Robert C , Kendal 97 Bird , Henry G ., Hereford 32 Bice , Henry , Bengal 15 Crabtree , 13 . T ., London 4
PAXMUHE LODOE ( NO . 1017 ) . —The last meeting for the season of this lodge was held on Saturday , the 19 th inst ., at the Pemhury Tavern , Lower Clapton , Hackney . The W . M ., Bro . Robt . Clarke , having opened the lodge hi the three degrees , in a very admirable manner raised Bro . Wm . Benjamin Lake , of the western coast of Africa , to the sublime degree of Master Mason , and afterwards passed Bro . Faithful , of a lodge in New Zealand , to the degree of
Fellow Craft . Bro . Henry Muggeridge then took the chair and installed Bro . Alex . Mitchell Dewar into the chair of the lodge . The new W . M . appointed Bro . Paddle , S . W . ; Watkin Williams , J . W . ; Wright , S . D . ; Vines , J . D . ; Collins , I . G . ; Muggeridge , P . M ., Sec . Bro . Myers , P . M ., was invested as Treasurer . A very handsome gold jewel was presented to Bro . Clarke , the immediate P . M ., for the very efficient manner he discharged the duties of W . M . during the year 1 | S 60-1 . The lodge was then closedwhen the
, members ancl visitors , among whom were Bro . Patten , Prov . G . S . B ., Bro . Hubbuck , Grand Steward of Lodge No . 66 , and Bros . Osborne , Collington , and Packwood , partook of dinner , the after proceedings of which were enlivened hy the vocal exertions of Bros . George Tedder , Mobbs , and several other brethren .
WESTBOUESE LODGE ( NO . 1035 . )—This young but flourishing lodge held its usual meeting on Thursday , the 17 th , at Bro . Fisher ' s , Mitre Hotel , Craven-terrace , Upper Hyde-park Gardens . Bro . II . A . Stacey , W . M ., Bro . Dietrich , S . W ., Bro . Harrison , J . W ., and all the officers , besides numerous brethren , were present . The business consisted of raisings and passings . Bros . E . Hill , Bal , ancl Holmes were raised , and Bros . Boreham and Grossfcette were passed . This being the niht for the election of W . M . and other
g officers , for the enstiingyear , Bro . Dietrich , the S . W ., wasunanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , Treasurer ( vice Bro . D . Little , who resigned ) , Bro . Bradley , re-elected Tyler , and Bros . Oherdoefl ' er , Borrham , and Welch were elected Auditors . It was proposed by Bro . Cottebrune , seconded by Bro . Lowenstark , P . M ., and . carried unanimously , that a five guinea jewel he presented to Bro . H . A . Stacey , for his able ancl efficient services during the time he had occupied the chair ; ancl after some formal business the brethren
retired to an excellent banquet , laid out in Bro . Fisher ' s usual style , to which ample justice was clone . After enjoying the good things of this life , the W . M . proposed " The Health of Her Majesty the Queen , " then " The Earl of Zetland , Earl de Grey and Bipon , ancl the rest of the Grand Officers , " coupling with this toast the name of our respected , ancl talented Bro . Adams , G . Purst ., who responded thereto in an able speech . —The W . M . then gave the toast of the eveningviz" The Health of Bro . Dietrichthe
, ., , W . M . elect , " remarking that he hacl known Bro . Dietrich for many years , ancl had always found him to be both a good man and Mason . He felt sure that the lodge had done rig ht hi electing him to the chair , ancl that they might well anticipate a happy year nnder his able auspices . In their and on his own behalf , he begged to wish Bro . Dietrich a happy ancl prosperous year of office . This was drunk most cordially . —Bro . DIETRICH thanked them very sincerely ancl
heartily for the kind reception they had given to the toast , and said he felt grateful for having been elected unanimousl y to take the chair , now so ahly filled by Bro . Stacey . He would promise them that he would do all he could during the next year to maintain the lodge in its present prosperous position , and nothing should be wanting on his part to make every member comfortable and contented j he felt sure he should receive the generous aid of the