Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 5 →
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P . M ' s . which gave him greater confidence in accepting the high honour they had conferred upon him . —The W . M . gave "TheVisitors , " Bros . Cobham , J . D . 536 , Williams , 536 , and Baker , of 1006 . —Bro . COBUAM returned thanks , observing that it was his second visit , and that it hacl afforded him and his brother visitors very great satisfaction to see the lodge progressing so successfully , ancl the fraternal feeling which existed amongst its members . He
complimented the W . M . upon his working and remarked that whilst the lodge had so ) many able P . M ' s ., as Bros . Stacey , Cottebrune , Loewenstark , and Caldwell , it was certain to flourish , ancl afford satisfaction to every member . —Bro . COTTEBBUNE , P . M ., proposed "The Health of the W . M . " —Bro , STACEY returned thanks , ancl highly eulogised the conduct of his officers , ancl said it was owing principally to their being so well versed in their various offices that enabled him to perform his duties in the way he had , and he was
pleased to find that his conduct in the chair had been so satisfactory to them . He assured them that he had spent a very happy year , and he thanked them all for their kindness towards him . —Bro . COTTEBBTCS- returned thanks for the P . M ' s ., Bro . Harrison for the Officers , ancl Bro . Fisher ( who was especially thanked for the manner he hacl supplied the lodge wifch the creature comforts ) , also responded , and after having spent a very pleasant evening the members separated , highly delighted . We cannot omit mentioning that Bros . Hill , Jones , Emler , Carter , Dietrich , Cottebrune , and Baker , sang some very good songs , which added considerably to the enjoyment of the evening .
PECKHAM LODGE ( NO . 1 , 181 ) . —On Monday week , Bro . H . Muggeridge , P . M . 227 . assisted by Bro . P . M . AV . Watson , 25 , as the S . W . ; Bro . Palmer , W . M . 1 , 044 , in the J . W . chair ; Bro . J . Lines , 1136 , as I . G . ; ancl Bro . Packwood , P . M . of 680 , M . C . ; consecrated this lodge at the Red Bull Inn , Peckham . The consecration having been performed , the Presiding Officer commenced the installation ofthe W . M ., Bro . E . C . Rowley . TheW . M ., on taking the chairappointed Bros . AmosSWMadgetJWSisson
, , .. ; , .. ; , S . D . ; Allsopp , J . D . ; Smaile , I . G . ; Petorson , Tyler ; P . M . Purbrook , Secretary . The Installing Master delivered a very good address to each of the Officers and an oration hy Bro . Packwood on the consecration , was given with great eloquence . The ballot was then taken for M . J . Borland , W . Warren , J . Peckworth , H . Weedon , and B . Scales , all of whom were initiated into die mysteries ¦ and privileges of tbe order by the new Master in a very efficient
manner . Among the P . M ' s . present were Bros . H . J . Thompson , Prov . G . P . for Herts ; Packwood , 680 ; Davis , 172 ; Partridge , 22 ; Warren , 234 ; Noble , 93 ; Binckes , 10 ; Platt , 168 ; Bolton , 198 ; Palmer , W . M ., 1 , 044 ; Anslow , W . M ., 15 ; Clark , 1 , 136 ; and the W . M . 118 ; Grimes , Treasurer , 1 , 138 ; Thompson , S . W . 1 , 136 ; Thompson , S . W ., and Oliver , J . W . 1 , 044 ; John T . Griffiths , M . D ., J . W , 200 ; and about forty other brethren . The lodge was called off at half-past sixand the brethren then retired to banquetwhich
, , reflected great credit on Bro . Hayward . The usual toasts having been gone through , tbe brethren were much pleased with the harmony of Bros . Holmes and Tate , & c , who , with the assistance of Bro . Charles Amos , organist , conducted the musical arrangements of the consecration in a manner highly satisfactory , adding greatly to -the solemnity of that beautiful ceremony ,
HEREFORDSHIRE . PBOVIKCIAI , GEAED LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Herefordshire held its annual meeting in tbe Eastnor Lodge ( No . 1053 ) , at the Feathers Hotel , Ledbury , on Monday last , the 21 st inst . The proceedings were inaugurated by the opening of tbe Prov . G . Lodge at one o ' clock , when the Grand Master of the Province
, the Rev . J . Bowlos , D . D ., for the first time honoured the Eastnor Lodge with his presence , and w-as received by the brethren with the most cordial Masonic feelings of welcome ancl congratulation . The Treasurer ' s accounts of the province having been examined , the funds were found to be ' m the most satisfactory and flourishing condition ; the various officers were appointed , and the general state of the province was Masonicall considered to be one calling for expression of
y unqualified approval . After the transaction of the business , there was expressed a general feeling of regret at the loss of Captain Aynsley , the late Prov . S . G . W ., unci it was proposed , ancl carried unanimously , than an address conveying these sentiments to the worthy captain , should he forwarded to him . The document , of which the following is a
copy , was then written by the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master : — " We , the Freemasons of the Province of Herefordshire , in Grand Lodge assembled , unanimously desire to assure you of our deepest sympathy , ancl to express the heartfelt regret with which we deplore your departure . " The simplicity ancl unostentatious benevolence of your
character , your self-forgetfulness , your hearty ancl tender concern for all by whom you were surrounded , have endeared you to the large circle among whom you moved and were known , and more especially to your Masonic brethren of the province of Herefordshire . " We do not despair of . seeing you once more amongst us ; and , meanwhile , with all reverence ancl humility , we commend you to Godthe only wise ancl everlasting Father ; may He give you
, courage , strength , and belief , amidst the changes and sore temptations of life ; and may His word be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path . " At four o'clock the grand banquet was served in the large room at the Feathers Hotel . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Jabez Jones , of Worcester , who presided at tbe pianoforte . As a matter of course the chair was filled hy tbe R . AV . the Prov .
G . Master of the Province , having on his right Bro . the Rev . AV . H . Gretton , the Prov . G . Chaplain No . 141 , and Bro . the Rev . W . J . Sawyer , Prov . G . Chaplain No . 423 , and on his left Bro . Dr . W . Jones , P . M . of Lodge . No . 7 . Bro . Capt . Peyton , AV . M .-and Bro . the Rev . AV . J . Morrish , Chaplain of Eastnor Lodge ( No , 1053 ) , occupied tbe vice-chairs . The following brethren were also present : —Bro . II . Clarkson , P . Prov . G . Sec . No . 141 , Bro . AVilliams , P . M . and G . T . No . 141 , Bro . Dr . C . F . Lewis , S . AV ., Bro . Henry Pitt , Sec , Bro . Charles Price , Bro . AVilliam Edwards , Bro . AVilliam AVoodvafct , Bro . Chas . Clarke , Bro . Edwin Gregg , Bro . Geo .
H . Piper , Bro . . 1 . Sparksman , Bro . V . Barber , ancl Bro . W . Pitt , of Eastnor Lodge ( No . 1053 ); Bro . Thomas Duekham , Bro . J . Gardiner , Sec , Bro . J . AV . Lacy , Prov . G . D . C , Bro . G . Hill , Bro . AV . Russell , A . Prov . G . D . C ., Bro . H . Carless , Prov . G . S . C ., Bro . R . Pritchard , Bro . H . Vevers , Bro . E . George , Prov . G . S ., Bro . J . Bradford , Bro . AV . Prosser , Bro . A . Myer , ancl Bro . J . AV . Burvill , of the Palladian Lodge , Hereford ( No . 141 ) ; Bro . C . Geary , No . 7 ; Piper , No . 141 , Bro . Dr , Rootes , Bro . A . Osborne , Bro . J . E . Perris , Bro . Palmer ,
Vitruvian Lodge , Ross ; Bro . Jabez Jones , P . M ., Bro . Tirbutt , Prov . G . O ., ancl Bro . Brookes , No . 772 ; and Bro . T . H . Peake , No . 249 . Grace was said by the Prov . G . M . On the withdrawal of the cloth the R . AV . Pnov . GEAND MASTER said : Grand Officers and brothers , I rise to propose a toast which asks no rhetoric ancl requires no eloquence—need I say that it is the health of our beloved Queen . ( Applause ) . The example she sets as a wife and mother is beyond all price , ancl her conduct as a
constitutional sovereign is beyond all praise in the minds of those who belive that a nation's destiny lies in its character , and stands or falls with the sanctity of its domestic ties . ( Applause ) . Brethren , I give you " Her Majesty the Queen . " ( Cheers ) . Tha National Anthem was then sung . The Pnov . GEAND MASTEB then said : Thenexttoastisoneofpecu-Har interest . Itis"The Health of the Prince Consort , the Prince of AAliles , and the vest of the Royal Family . " ( Cheers . ) I cannot expect to live to see the manner in which the young Prinee will exercise the privileges ancl discharge the duties of kingship , but I do hope to live to see him initiated into those great truths which constitute tne central wnien win teacn
principles or masonry , ana him to govern this great empire , so as to leave its glories untarnished , its laurels uusullied , and its liberties unimpaired . " ( Cheers . ) The Pitov . GEAJTD MASTEB again rose ancl said : — " I now rise to propose a toast which is peculiarly interesting to all free and accepted Masons . Many , very many , years have passed away since I first met my noble friend , Lord Zetland , at Kensington Palace , when the Most AVorshipful Grand Master of England , was , as you
all know , his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex . Upon his death Lord Zetland succeeded to the Masonic throne , and has filled it worthily for many years , and I am sure you will have great satisfaction in drinking with true Masonic feeling the health of your Most AA orshipful Grand Master . '" ( Masonic honours . ) The Pnov . GEAND MASTEE then said : —¦ " Those who have the honour of Lord Zetland ' s personal acquaintance must know how very careful he is in making his Masonic appointments . ( Hear ,
hear . ) We may safely depend on any appointment made hy Lord Zetland . I have no knowledge myself of the nobleman he has chosen as his deputy ; but having every confidence in his ( Lord Zetland's ) judgment , I have great pleasure in proposing "the health of Earl de Grey ancl Ripon , " the Deputy Grand Master of England . " ( Drunk with honours . ) Bro . CABT . PEI'TOTS said , the next toast has been entrusted to me ; and there is no Mason in the province to whom it will not be most acceptable . Fortunately for me the toast requires no rehetorie
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
P . M ' s . which gave him greater confidence in accepting the high honour they had conferred upon him . —The W . M . gave "TheVisitors , " Bros . Cobham , J . D . 536 , Williams , 536 , and Baker , of 1006 . —Bro . COBUAM returned thanks , observing that it was his second visit , and that it hacl afforded him and his brother visitors very great satisfaction to see the lodge progressing so successfully , ancl the fraternal feeling which existed amongst its members . He
complimented the W . M . upon his working and remarked that whilst the lodge had so ) many able P . M ' s ., as Bros . Stacey , Cottebrune , Loewenstark , and Caldwell , it was certain to flourish , ancl afford satisfaction to every member . —Bro . COTTEBBUNE , P . M ., proposed "The Health of the W . M . " —Bro , STACEY returned thanks , ancl highly eulogised the conduct of his officers , ancl said it was owing principally to their being so well versed in their various offices that enabled him to perform his duties in the way he had , and he was
pleased to find that his conduct in the chair had been so satisfactory to them . He assured them that he had spent a very happy year , and he thanked them all for their kindness towards him . —Bro . COTTEBBTCS- returned thanks for the P . M ' s ., Bro . Harrison for the Officers , ancl Bro . Fisher ( who was especially thanked for the manner he hacl supplied the lodge wifch the creature comforts ) , also responded , and after having spent a very pleasant evening the members separated , highly delighted . We cannot omit mentioning that Bros . Hill , Jones , Emler , Carter , Dietrich , Cottebrune , and Baker , sang some very good songs , which added considerably to the enjoyment of the evening .
PECKHAM LODGE ( NO . 1 , 181 ) . —On Monday week , Bro . H . Muggeridge , P . M . 227 . assisted by Bro . P . M . AV . Watson , 25 , as the S . W . ; Bro . Palmer , W . M . 1 , 044 , in the J . W . chair ; Bro . J . Lines , 1136 , as I . G . ; ancl Bro . Packwood , P . M . of 680 , M . C . ; consecrated this lodge at the Red Bull Inn , Peckham . The consecration having been performed , the Presiding Officer commenced the installation ofthe W . M ., Bro . E . C . Rowley . TheW . M ., on taking the chairappointed Bros . AmosSWMadgetJWSisson
, , .. ; , .. ; , S . D . ; Allsopp , J . D . ; Smaile , I . G . ; Petorson , Tyler ; P . M . Purbrook , Secretary . The Installing Master delivered a very good address to each of the Officers and an oration hy Bro . Packwood on the consecration , was given with great eloquence . The ballot was then taken for M . J . Borland , W . Warren , J . Peckworth , H . Weedon , and B . Scales , all of whom were initiated into die mysteries ¦ and privileges of tbe order by the new Master in a very efficient
manner . Among the P . M ' s . present were Bros . H . J . Thompson , Prov . G . P . for Herts ; Packwood , 680 ; Davis , 172 ; Partridge , 22 ; Warren , 234 ; Noble , 93 ; Binckes , 10 ; Platt , 168 ; Bolton , 198 ; Palmer , W . M ., 1 , 044 ; Anslow , W . M ., 15 ; Clark , 1 , 136 ; and the W . M . 118 ; Grimes , Treasurer , 1 , 138 ; Thompson , S . W . 1 , 136 ; Thompson , S . W ., and Oliver , J . W . 1 , 044 ; John T . Griffiths , M . D ., J . W , 200 ; and about forty other brethren . The lodge was called off at half-past sixand the brethren then retired to banquetwhich
, , reflected great credit on Bro . Hayward . The usual toasts having been gone through , tbe brethren were much pleased with the harmony of Bros . Holmes and Tate , & c , who , with the assistance of Bro . Charles Amos , organist , conducted the musical arrangements of the consecration in a manner highly satisfactory , adding greatly to -the solemnity of that beautiful ceremony ,
HEREFORDSHIRE . PBOVIKCIAI , GEAED LODGE . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Herefordshire held its annual meeting in tbe Eastnor Lodge ( No . 1053 ) , at the Feathers Hotel , Ledbury , on Monday last , the 21 st inst . The proceedings were inaugurated by the opening of tbe Prov . G . Lodge at one o ' clock , when the Grand Master of the Province
, the Rev . J . Bowlos , D . D ., for the first time honoured the Eastnor Lodge with his presence , and w-as received by the brethren with the most cordial Masonic feelings of welcome ancl congratulation . The Treasurer ' s accounts of the province having been examined , the funds were found to be ' m the most satisfactory and flourishing condition ; the various officers were appointed , and the general state of the province was Masonicall considered to be one calling for expression of
y unqualified approval . After the transaction of the business , there was expressed a general feeling of regret at the loss of Captain Aynsley , the late Prov . S . G . W ., unci it was proposed , ancl carried unanimously , than an address conveying these sentiments to the worthy captain , should he forwarded to him . The document , of which the following is a
copy , was then written by the Right Worshipful the Provincial Grand Master : — " We , the Freemasons of the Province of Herefordshire , in Grand Lodge assembled , unanimously desire to assure you of our deepest sympathy , ancl to express the heartfelt regret with which we deplore your departure . " The simplicity ancl unostentatious benevolence of your
character , your self-forgetfulness , your hearty ancl tender concern for all by whom you were surrounded , have endeared you to the large circle among whom you moved and were known , and more especially to your Masonic brethren of the province of Herefordshire . " We do not despair of . seeing you once more amongst us ; and , meanwhile , with all reverence ancl humility , we commend you to Godthe only wise ancl everlasting Father ; may He give you
, courage , strength , and belief , amidst the changes and sore temptations of life ; and may His word be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path . " At four o'clock the grand banquet was served in the large room at the Feathers Hotel . The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Jabez Jones , of Worcester , who presided at tbe pianoforte . As a matter of course the chair was filled hy tbe R . AV . the Prov .
G . Master of the Province , having on his right Bro . the Rev . AV . H . Gretton , the Prov . G . Chaplain No . 141 , and Bro . the Rev . W . J . Sawyer , Prov . G . Chaplain No . 423 , and on his left Bro . Dr . W . Jones , P . M . of Lodge . No . 7 . Bro . Capt . Peyton , AV . M .-and Bro . the Rev . AV . J . Morrish , Chaplain of Eastnor Lodge ( No , 1053 ) , occupied tbe vice-chairs . The following brethren were also present : —Bro . II . Clarkson , P . Prov . G . Sec . No . 141 , Bro . AVilliams , P . M . and G . T . No . 141 , Bro . Dr . C . F . Lewis , S . AV ., Bro . Henry Pitt , Sec , Bro . Charles Price , Bro . AVilliam Edwards , Bro . AVilliam AVoodvafct , Bro . Chas . Clarke , Bro . Edwin Gregg , Bro . Geo .
H . Piper , Bro . . 1 . Sparksman , Bro . V . Barber , ancl Bro . W . Pitt , of Eastnor Lodge ( No . 1053 ); Bro . Thomas Duekham , Bro . J . Gardiner , Sec , Bro . J . AV . Lacy , Prov . G . D . C , Bro . G . Hill , Bro . AV . Russell , A . Prov . G . D . C ., Bro . H . Carless , Prov . G . S . C ., Bro . R . Pritchard , Bro . H . Vevers , Bro . E . George , Prov . G . S ., Bro . J . Bradford , Bro . AV . Prosser , Bro . A . Myer , ancl Bro . J . AV . Burvill , of the Palladian Lodge , Hereford ( No . 141 ) ; Bro . C . Geary , No . 7 ; Piper , No . 141 , Bro . Dr , Rootes , Bro . A . Osborne , Bro . J . E . Perris , Bro . Palmer ,
Vitruvian Lodge , Ross ; Bro . Jabez Jones , P . M ., Bro . Tirbutt , Prov . G . O ., ancl Bro . Brookes , No . 772 ; and Bro . T . H . Peake , No . 249 . Grace was said by the Prov . G . M . On the withdrawal of the cloth the R . AV . Pnov . GEAND MASTER said : Grand Officers and brothers , I rise to propose a toast which asks no rhetoric ancl requires no eloquence—need I say that it is the health of our beloved Queen . ( Applause ) . The example she sets as a wife and mother is beyond all price , ancl her conduct as a
constitutional sovereign is beyond all praise in the minds of those who belive that a nation's destiny lies in its character , and stands or falls with the sanctity of its domestic ties . ( Applause ) . Brethren , I give you " Her Majesty the Queen . " ( Cheers ) . Tha National Anthem was then sung . The Pnov . GEAND MASTEB then said : Thenexttoastisoneofpecu-Har interest . Itis"The Health of the Prince Consort , the Prince of AAliles , and the vest of the Royal Family . " ( Cheers . ) I cannot expect to live to see the manner in which the young Prinee will exercise the privileges ancl discharge the duties of kingship , but I do hope to live to see him initiated into those great truths which constitute tne central wnien win teacn
principles or masonry , ana him to govern this great empire , so as to leave its glories untarnished , its laurels uusullied , and its liberties unimpaired . " ( Cheers . ) The Pitov . GEAJTD MASTEB again rose ancl said : — " I now rise to propose a toast which is peculiarly interesting to all free and accepted Masons . Many , very many , years have passed away since I first met my noble friend , Lord Zetland , at Kensington Palace , when the Most AVorshipful Grand Master of England , was , as you
all know , his Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex . Upon his death Lord Zetland succeeded to the Masonic throne , and has filled it worthily for many years , and I am sure you will have great satisfaction in drinking with true Masonic feeling the health of your Most AA orshipful Grand Master . '" ( Masonic honours . ) The Pnov . GEAND MASTEE then said : —¦ " Those who have the honour of Lord Zetland ' s personal acquaintance must know how very careful he is in making his Masonic appointments . ( Hear ,
hear . ) We may safely depend on any appointment made hy Lord Zetland . I have no knowledge myself of the nobleman he has chosen as his deputy ; but having every confidence in his ( Lord Zetland's ) judgment , I have great pleasure in proposing "the health of Earl de Grey ancl Ripon , " the Deputy Grand Master of England . " ( Drunk with honours . ) Bro . CABT . PEI'TOTS said , the next toast has been entrusted to me ; and there is no Mason in the province to whom it will not be most acceptable . Fortunately for me the toast requires no rehetorie