Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 5 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 5 of 5 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SITE- Page 1 of 2 →
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Wainman Holmes , and Jo . AValker ; and Bros . Read , Mann , and John Joes . The business concluded afc half-past eight , when several of the brethren retired to the refreshment room , where Mrs . Walker had provided an excellent repast , for which the house has been long celebrated . Unfortunately several of the brethren were obliged to retire before the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given—regret was expressed at the very small muster of young members of the lodge , and a desire that for the future they would he more punctual . A lodge of instruction was ordered for the 30 fch at the Sun Hotel , Shipley .
BBADEOED . —Lodge of Mope ( No . 379 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , October 21 st , in the new Masonic rooms , Market-place , at which there was agoodly number of members of the lodge , and visitors , amongst whom we noticed Bros . J . Lumb , W . M . ; J . Gaunt , S . AV . ; A . Hunter , J . AV . ; Rev . AVm . Fearnsides , Chap . ; Henry Smith , as Sec ; George Beauland , Treas . ; J . Ibhleson , as S . D . ; James Pickland , J . D . ; L . Borrison , Org ., and the rest of
the officers ; also the following P . M's .: J . T . Robinson , AV . Rogerson , Thomas Hill , C . H . Taylor , M . D ., William Mawson , AVilliam Gath , and Bros . George Coleman , Arthur Briggs , H . D . Mawson , AVilliam Bottomley , S . AA oodhead , J . L . AV . Miehan , Henry Berton , H . Butterworth , F . C . Hope , A . M . Matthews , J . J . Schaeppi , G . Harrison , J . C . Pearson , C . AVoodhead , J . J . Holmes ,, James Holt Buckley , Curator , & c , ; also the following visitors : — Rev . A . F . A . AVoodfordM . A . P . Prov . G . AV . 382 T . R . AA .
, , , ; Porritt , AV . M ., 382 ; Thomas Eagland , P . Prov . G . AV ., 364 ; George Hammond , 364 ; J . B . Heeles , Sec , 364 ; S . Reinhertz , S . AV ., 364 ; J . D . Kay , J . W ., 364 ; Dr . AV . Spark , Prov . G . Org ., 364 ; J . AV . Atkinson , 364 ; Henry Inchbold , AV . M ., 364 ; Bro . Dixon ; Bro . Ingram , 221 . The lodge was opened at 7 P . M ., and the minutes read and confirmed ; after which the ballot was taken for Mr . Emil Goldschmidt as a candidate for Masonry . Bro . G . Harrison
was then duly examined as to his proficiency in the first degree , and giving satisfaction was passed to the degree of F . C . Mr . Emil Goldschmidt was then initiated into the mysteries of the Order . By request of the AV . M ., Bro . Dr . Spark presided at the organ , ancl highly delighted the brethren by his masterly and appropriate accompaniment to the ceremonies . —Bro . J . Gaunt proposed , and Bro . A . Hunter seconded , that permission be given to hold a soiree in these roomsancl that a dispensation be applied
, for to wear Masonic clothing on the occasion . —Bro . AVm . Gath , P . Prov . G . AV ., then in a most feeling manner announced the sudden death of our highly respected brother George Calvert Tetley , S . D . of this lodge , which had taken place shortly before the meeting of the lodge , and proposed that a letter of condolence be prepared and forwarded to his widow , expressive of the high respect in which he was held by every brother of the lodge ,
ana tne deep regret experienced at Ins sudden demise . A profound silence reigned during the foregoing remarks , showing the deep sympathy felt by every member in the sentiments expressed . —Bro . Arthur Briggs seconded the proposition , ancl the following brethren were requested to undertake that duty , viz ., Rev . Wm . Fearnsides , B . A ., Chaplain , C . II . Taylor , P . M ., J . Lumb , AV . M ., and A . Smith , P . M . The brethren requested the W . M . to report his visit to Prov . G . Lodge , held at AVakefield , Oct . 2 , and great disappointment was
felt on hearing that Prov . G . Lodge had declined their earnest invitation to hold the January meeting here , and dedicate these suitable and appropriate rooms to Freemasonry , thereby postponing the ceremony , as far as Prov . Grand . Lodge is concerned , at least nine months , the annual meeting in April being fixed in Huddersfield ; and the general feeling of the brethren seemed to favour the suggestion that tbe usual ceremony of dedication should be connected with their St . John's Festival in December . —Itwasproposedby
Bro . Thos . Hill , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Michael Rogerson , and J . F . Robinson , P . M . ' s , that Bros . Harrison and Goldschmidt be respectively raised and passed in due course . The lodge was closed at 9 p . - jr ., when the brethren aud visitors retired to a refreshment-room . After ample justice hacl been done to the substantial repast , on the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given and duly honored . —Revd . Bro . Woodford , in responding on behalf of Prov . Grand Lodge , expressed a hope that however severely the
disappointment might be felt at the adverse vote of the Prov . Grand Lodge , the brethren would , as in duty bound , readily and cheerfully acquiesce in every decision , whether carried by a large or small majority . —Bro . C . H . Taylor , proposed the health of Bro . George Harrison , on being passed ; and Bro . J . T . Robinson , that of the initiate Bro . Goldschmidt , whieh were responded to in a few appropriate sentences . —The AVM . then called upon Bro . Gath to give the toast of the evening « The Visiting Brethren" which he didfull
. , , y expressing the feelings of pleasure the brethren of 379 always felt on being honoured by a visit from neighbouring lodges , as well as those from a greater distance , this was responded to on behalf of the Leeds brethren by Bro . Inchbold , who spoke in flattering terms of the beautiful arrangement of the suite of rooms , as well
as the good working of the ceremonies , but above all commending the lodge for its well known liberality to the various charities of the Order , which he characterized as the brightest jewel in the Masonic crown . Bro . Ingram , also briefly responded to the toast . —Duringthe evening the subject of the numerous addition of lodges and increase of brethren , gave rise to an opinion thafc at no distant date it would be found necessary to make a similar division of this
Masonicprovince , as hacl been done with respect tothe Parliamentary representation . The various speeches were interspersed with songs and glees , in which the Prov . G . Org ., Bros . Jowett , Matthews , Coleman , Borrissow , Hunter , Hammond , and Gaunt , assisted , addinggreatly to the pleasure of the evening .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . - " PlY . vroUTit . —Chapter of Sincerity ( No . 224 ) . —The quarterlyconvocation of the above chapter was held in the Masonic chapterroom , St . George ' s Hall , on Friday evening , the 18 th October , 1861 ,. at which there was a full attendance of companions . The chapter was opened in solemn form afc half-past seven o ' clock , the following-E . Companions presiding in the absence of the regular
Principalsof the chapter : —E . Comps . Dowse , P . 1 st Principal , as Z . ; Gorham , P . 2 nd Principal , as H . ; Brizzi , P . 3 rd Principal , as J . After the confirmation of the minutes of the former chapter , the Rev . Comp . AAliitmarsh , Chaplain , B . N ., of Chapter No . 437 , Malta , was unanimously elected by ballot a joining member of the chapter , after which Bro . the Rev . Erskin Risk , B . A . of Lodge Sincerity ( No .. 224 ) , who had been balloted for at the previous meeting , having ' signed the required declaration , was introduced in ancient and
solemn form , and duly exalted to the supreme degree of the Royal Arch . There being no other business before the meeting , the chapter'was closed in solemn form with prayer at half-past nine o'clock .
Ancient And Accepted Site-
S UPKEME G EAND C OUNCIL . The Supreme Council of the 33 rd degree for England ancl AA ale s held its quarterly communication of their Grand East , Ludgatestreet , on Tuesday , the Sth October , present the 111 . Bros . Dr .. Henry Beaumont Leeson . P . M . Sov . G . C ; H . G . Algne , Lt . G . C . Henry Atkins Bowyer , G . Treas . ; II . C . Vernon , G . Sec . ; and Sir John De la Pole , Bart ; Grand Chanc . The 111 . Bro . R . J .
Shuttleworth , was admitted into the degree of Grand Inspectors General , and took his seat in the council . A consistory of S . P . R . aJi of the 32 nd degree was afterwards held , as also a Sovereign Tribunal of Grand Sov . Commanders . At Four o'clock a Grand Council of the 111 . Knights , K . H . 30 th degree was held , the 111 . Sov . AV . Commander presided , attended by the other 111 . Brethren of the Supreme-Council , also the 111 . Bros . Hyde Pullen , G . Sec General ; Dr . H . R . Goolden , Dr . B . A . Kent , Col . H . Clerk , and C . E . Bering , of the
32 nd degree ; the 111 . Bros . R , Costa , ancl Dr . H . J . Hinxman , 31 st degree ; Col . J . Goddard , Capt . Mittlebury , AV . Blenkin , H . Halken , Rev . CM . Style , AA almisley , R . Spencer , J . How , C . Beaumont , ancl others , Capt . H . B . Courthope , and Lt . AA . D . Carey , of the Invicta Chapter , presented themselves and were admitted into tho degree , Bro . Hycle Pullen being the Grand Marshal on the occasion . The Sov . Grand Commander , prior to closing the Council , entered into a brief history of Freemasonry , and especially referred to some ancient writers , whose works satisfactorily proved the longstanding of the degrees in the rite . The usual banquet followed the proceedings .
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OE SOVEREIGN PRINCES ROSE CROIX OF HEBEDOJI . —A convocation of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , October 7 th . The 111 . Bro . Dr . George Harcourt 30 ° , the M . A \ . S ., presided . Bros . AV . Blenkin , and Col . Goddard , acting as Generals , Bro . J . How as Grand Marshal . This being an emergency meeting there was no other business besides the reception of candidates , of whom there were eighteen proposed for admission , the following brethren presented the mselves
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Wainman Holmes , and Jo . AValker ; and Bros . Read , Mann , and John Joes . The business concluded afc half-past eight , when several of the brethren retired to the refreshment room , where Mrs . Walker had provided an excellent repast , for which the house has been long celebrated . Unfortunately several of the brethren were obliged to retire before the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given—regret was expressed at the very small muster of young members of the lodge , and a desire that for the future they would he more punctual . A lodge of instruction was ordered for the 30 fch at the Sun Hotel , Shipley .
BBADEOED . —Lodge of Mope ( No . 379 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Monday , October 21 st , in the new Masonic rooms , Market-place , at which there was agoodly number of members of the lodge , and visitors , amongst whom we noticed Bros . J . Lumb , W . M . ; J . Gaunt , S . AV . ; A . Hunter , J . AV . ; Rev . AVm . Fearnsides , Chap . ; Henry Smith , as Sec ; George Beauland , Treas . ; J . Ibhleson , as S . D . ; James Pickland , J . D . ; L . Borrison , Org ., and the rest of
the officers ; also the following P . M's .: J . T . Robinson , AV . Rogerson , Thomas Hill , C . H . Taylor , M . D ., William Mawson , AVilliam Gath , and Bros . George Coleman , Arthur Briggs , H . D . Mawson , AVilliam Bottomley , S . AA oodhead , J . L . AV . Miehan , Henry Berton , H . Butterworth , F . C . Hope , A . M . Matthews , J . J . Schaeppi , G . Harrison , J . C . Pearson , C . AVoodhead , J . J . Holmes ,, James Holt Buckley , Curator , & c , ; also the following visitors : — Rev . A . F . A . AVoodfordM . A . P . Prov . G . AV . 382 T . R . AA .
, , , ; Porritt , AV . M ., 382 ; Thomas Eagland , P . Prov . G . AV ., 364 ; George Hammond , 364 ; J . B . Heeles , Sec , 364 ; S . Reinhertz , S . AV ., 364 ; J . D . Kay , J . W ., 364 ; Dr . AV . Spark , Prov . G . Org ., 364 ; J . AV . Atkinson , 364 ; Henry Inchbold , AV . M ., 364 ; Bro . Dixon ; Bro . Ingram , 221 . The lodge was opened at 7 P . M ., and the minutes read and confirmed ; after which the ballot was taken for Mr . Emil Goldschmidt as a candidate for Masonry . Bro . G . Harrison
was then duly examined as to his proficiency in the first degree , and giving satisfaction was passed to the degree of F . C . Mr . Emil Goldschmidt was then initiated into the mysteries of the Order . By request of the AV . M ., Bro . Dr . Spark presided at the organ , ancl highly delighted the brethren by his masterly and appropriate accompaniment to the ceremonies . —Bro . J . Gaunt proposed , and Bro . A . Hunter seconded , that permission be given to hold a soiree in these roomsancl that a dispensation be applied
, for to wear Masonic clothing on the occasion . —Bro . AVm . Gath , P . Prov . G . AV ., then in a most feeling manner announced the sudden death of our highly respected brother George Calvert Tetley , S . D . of this lodge , which had taken place shortly before the meeting of the lodge , and proposed that a letter of condolence be prepared and forwarded to his widow , expressive of the high respect in which he was held by every brother of the lodge ,
ana tne deep regret experienced at Ins sudden demise . A profound silence reigned during the foregoing remarks , showing the deep sympathy felt by every member in the sentiments expressed . —Bro . Arthur Briggs seconded the proposition , ancl the following brethren were requested to undertake that duty , viz ., Rev . Wm . Fearnsides , B . A ., Chaplain , C . II . Taylor , P . M ., J . Lumb , AV . M ., and A . Smith , P . M . The brethren requested the W . M . to report his visit to Prov . G . Lodge , held at AVakefield , Oct . 2 , and great disappointment was
felt on hearing that Prov . G . Lodge had declined their earnest invitation to hold the January meeting here , and dedicate these suitable and appropriate rooms to Freemasonry , thereby postponing the ceremony , as far as Prov . Grand . Lodge is concerned , at least nine months , the annual meeting in April being fixed in Huddersfield ; and the general feeling of the brethren seemed to favour the suggestion that tbe usual ceremony of dedication should be connected with their St . John's Festival in December . —Itwasproposedby
Bro . Thos . Hill , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Michael Rogerson , and J . F . Robinson , P . M . ' s , that Bros . Harrison and Goldschmidt be respectively raised and passed in due course . The lodge was closed at 9 p . - jr ., when the brethren aud visitors retired to a refreshment-room . After ample justice hacl been done to the substantial repast , on the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal ancl Masonic toasts were given and duly honored . —Revd . Bro . Woodford , in responding on behalf of Prov . Grand Lodge , expressed a hope that however severely the
disappointment might be felt at the adverse vote of the Prov . Grand Lodge , the brethren would , as in duty bound , readily and cheerfully acquiesce in every decision , whether carried by a large or small majority . —Bro . C . H . Taylor , proposed the health of Bro . George Harrison , on being passed ; and Bro . J . T . Robinson , that of the initiate Bro . Goldschmidt , whieh were responded to in a few appropriate sentences . —The AVM . then called upon Bro . Gath to give the toast of the evening « The Visiting Brethren" which he didfull
. , , y expressing the feelings of pleasure the brethren of 379 always felt on being honoured by a visit from neighbouring lodges , as well as those from a greater distance , this was responded to on behalf of the Leeds brethren by Bro . Inchbold , who spoke in flattering terms of the beautiful arrangement of the suite of rooms , as well
as the good working of the ceremonies , but above all commending the lodge for its well known liberality to the various charities of the Order , which he characterized as the brightest jewel in the Masonic crown . Bro . Ingram , also briefly responded to the toast . —Duringthe evening the subject of the numerous addition of lodges and increase of brethren , gave rise to an opinion thafc at no distant date it would be found necessary to make a similar division of this
Masonicprovince , as hacl been done with respect tothe Parliamentary representation . The various speeches were interspersed with songs and glees , in which the Prov . G . Org ., Bros . Jowett , Matthews , Coleman , Borrissow , Hunter , Hammond , and Gaunt , assisted , addinggreatly to the pleasure of the evening .
Royal Arch.
DEVONSHIRE . - " PlY . vroUTit . —Chapter of Sincerity ( No . 224 ) . —The quarterlyconvocation of the above chapter was held in the Masonic chapterroom , St . George ' s Hall , on Friday evening , the 18 th October , 1861 ,. at which there was a full attendance of companions . The chapter was opened in solemn form afc half-past seven o ' clock , the following-E . Companions presiding in the absence of the regular
Principalsof the chapter : —E . Comps . Dowse , P . 1 st Principal , as Z . ; Gorham , P . 2 nd Principal , as H . ; Brizzi , P . 3 rd Principal , as J . After the confirmation of the minutes of the former chapter , the Rev . Comp . AAliitmarsh , Chaplain , B . N ., of Chapter No . 437 , Malta , was unanimously elected by ballot a joining member of the chapter , after which Bro . the Rev . Erskin Risk , B . A . of Lodge Sincerity ( No .. 224 ) , who had been balloted for at the previous meeting , having ' signed the required declaration , was introduced in ancient and
solemn form , and duly exalted to the supreme degree of the Royal Arch . There being no other business before the meeting , the chapter'was closed in solemn form with prayer at half-past nine o'clock .
Ancient And Accepted Site-
S UPKEME G EAND C OUNCIL . The Supreme Council of the 33 rd degree for England ancl AA ale s held its quarterly communication of their Grand East , Ludgatestreet , on Tuesday , the Sth October , present the 111 . Bros . Dr .. Henry Beaumont Leeson . P . M . Sov . G . C ; H . G . Algne , Lt . G . C . Henry Atkins Bowyer , G . Treas . ; II . C . Vernon , G . Sec . ; and Sir John De la Pole , Bart ; Grand Chanc . The 111 . Bro . R . J .
Shuttleworth , was admitted into the degree of Grand Inspectors General , and took his seat in the council . A consistory of S . P . R . aJi of the 32 nd degree was afterwards held , as also a Sovereign Tribunal of Grand Sov . Commanders . At Four o'clock a Grand Council of the 111 . Knights , K . H . 30 th degree was held , the 111 . Sov . AV . Commander presided , attended by the other 111 . Brethren of the Supreme-Council , also the 111 . Bros . Hyde Pullen , G . Sec General ; Dr . H . R . Goolden , Dr . B . A . Kent , Col . H . Clerk , and C . E . Bering , of the
32 nd degree ; the 111 . Bros . R , Costa , ancl Dr . H . J . Hinxman , 31 st degree ; Col . J . Goddard , Capt . Mittlebury , AV . Blenkin , H . Halken , Rev . CM . Style , AA almisley , R . Spencer , J . How , C . Beaumont , ancl others , Capt . H . B . Courthope , and Lt . AA . D . Carey , of the Invicta Chapter , presented themselves and were admitted into tho degree , Bro . Hycle Pullen being the Grand Marshal on the occasion . The Sov . Grand Commander , prior to closing the Council , entered into a brief history of Freemasonry , and especially referred to some ancient writers , whose works satisfactorily proved the longstanding of the degrees in the rite . The usual banquet followed the proceedings .
METROPOLITAN CHAPTER OE SOVEREIGN PRINCES ROSE CROIX OF HEBEDOJI . —A convocation of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Monday , October 7 th . The 111 . Bro . Dr . George Harcourt 30 ° , the M . A \ . S ., presided . Bros . AV . Blenkin , and Col . Goddard , acting as Generals , Bro . J . How as Grand Marshal . This being an emergency meeting there was no other business besides the reception of candidates , of whom there were eighteen proposed for admission , the following brethren presented the mselves