Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 3 of 3 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
the brethren were practised in opening and closing the Lodge . On the 2 nd November a Lodge of emergency was held , when Bro . France being in attendance , and wishing to be passed to the second degree , was examined by the AV . M ., Bro . "Willis , received a test of merit , and the Lodge being opened in the second degree , was then passed to tho degree of Fellow Craft by the AV . AI ., who explained the working tools , and gave the charge iu that degree . Tho Lodge was then closed in the second , and opened in tho first degreewhen Bro . J . BannisterP . M . AV . AI . No . 56 P . G .
, , , , , S . W ., & c , gave the lecture ou tho tracing board in that degree . A vote of thanks to Bro . Bannister was then proposed by tho AA . M ., and being carried unanimously , was ordered to be recorded in the minute book . The Lodgo was then closed by tho AV . AI . in peace , love , aud harmony , tit half-past nine o ' clock , r . M .
LANCASHIRE ( AYEST ) . LIVERPOOL . — Lodge of Ancient Union ( No . 245 ) . — -The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge took placo on Thursday week , at the Alasonic Temple , Hope-street . It has long been remarked , and not without some considerable amount of truth , that this Lodge is the best conducted and most perfect in its working of any Lodgo iu the province . In its finances it certainly possesses the merit of being tho most opulent iuAVest Lancashireas well as having tho regular attendance and
, active support of several of its Past Masters . The only business of the evening was the initiation of Mr . Robert J . Ellis , which was efficiently performed by Bro . C . Bromley , AV . AI ., after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment , supplied by the keeper of the Temple . At the conclusion of the repast the AVorshipful Alaster gave " The Queen , " " Prince Albert , Albert Prince of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " which wore warmly received . The AVorshipful Alaster then said the next was tho first Alasonic toast of the evening , which he always
felt great pleasure in introducing , it was " The health of the JI . AV . Grand Alaster the Earl of Zetland . " He trusted he would long be spared to preside over them , to exercise those truly Alasonic qualities which he so eminently possessed , and was always admired for . ( Cheers ) . Bro . T . Clark , P . M ., gave "The R . AV . Deputy Grand Alaster , Lord Panmure , " amid great applause . The Senior Warden , iu proposing tho health of the R . AV . Prov . Grand Master Bro . Lo Gendro N . Starkie , said he regretted tho bodily infirmities of their worthy brother prevented him from taking the activo part which he formerly did in tho business of the province . The Junior AA ' arden said he felt proud in being
entrusted with the next toast , that of " The health of the D . Prov . Grand Alaster , Sir Thomas G . Hesketh , Part ., " who had always shown a largo amount of interest in the . affairs of the province , and had devoted a great deal of time to the business connected with the county . He was sure there was no province in the country where they could boast of a more devoted and attentive Grand Alaster than Sir Thomas Hesketh , Part . ( Cheers ) . Bro . R . AVearing , P . M ., proposed « Tho health of tho AVorshipful Master , " with Alasonic honours . Bro . Bromley , WM . , said it
was pleasing to him to witness the manner iu which his health had been drunk . Although it was the last time be should occupy that chair , it would ever afford him pleasure in being connected with Lodge No . 245 ; and -it would be long before ho would cease to be connected with it . Tho ' AVorshipful Master afterwards gave "The health of Bro . Clark , P . AI ., Bro . AVearing , P . M ., and the Officers of tho Lodge , " which were severally responded to . Before separating Bro . AVearingP . AI . wished
, , to call the attention of the brethren to the suggestion proposed by the members of Lodgo No . 294 , to have a full length portrait , to be placed in that hall , of their much valued and respected Bro . AValmesloy , Prov . G . Treasurer , who was tho originator and founder of the AVest Lancashire Alasonic Institution for the education aud advancement in life of children of distressed Masons . He was certain no brother acquainted with the . claims of Bro . AValmosley would refuse to subscribe to the testimonialand ark their of his services
, m sense on their behalf , and their appreciation of a life devoted to their interests . The subscription list was limited to 5 s . each . After a number of tho brethren had added their names to the list of contributors the Lodge closed iu harmony .
LEICESTERSHIRE . ASHBT-DE-LA-ZOUCII . —Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge ( No . ( 1031 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge took place at the Town Hall , on Monday , tho 14 th instant . Among those present were—Bros . Bowley I ' . At ., No . 907 , as AV . AI . ; ltd . AVarner , S . AV ; T . H . Bobart , J . AV . ; H . T . . Bobart , Sec . ; J . Rcdfern , S . D . ; S . Love , as I . G . ; J . Goodman , F . Hamp , Bithrcy , & c . The Lodge was opened in tho first degree , and the
minutes of the last Lodge read and confirmed . Bro . C . T . Hawkins , of the Alfred Lodge , No . 4 S 5 , O . xfoi-d , was balloted for and approved as a joining member . Bro . Goodman was examined in tho questions appertaining to the first degree . The Lodgo having been opened in tho second degree , Bro . Goodman was passed . The Lodge was then closed in the second degree . The AV . AI . directed the attention of the Lod go to a circular from the Board of General Purposes , respecting a spurious Lodat Stratfordcalled "The Reformed Alasonic Order of Memphis
ge , . " 1 'ho Lodge was then closed according to antient custom , and adjourned . AVARWICKSHIRE . AVARWIOK . —Shuhspcarc Lodge ( No . 350 ) . —The members of this old Lodge assembled for their customary meeting on Tuesday , the Sth instant , at the AVarwiok Arms Hotel . Lodge was opened at seven v clock by the AV . AI ., Bro . Mauchio , assisted by his officers . A brother
The Masonic Mirror.
was then examined as to his proficiency iu tho first degree , aud the answer being satisfactory he was duly passed , the ceremony being well and impressively performed by the AVorshipful Master , who also gave the beautiful explanation of the second tracing board . The AV . AI . having been unanimously re-elected Master for the ensuing year , and the installation fixed for Thursday , December the 29 th , the minutes of the former meeting were read by the Secretary , the Rev . Bro . Dickiu , Prov . G . Chaplain . Lodgo was then closed in due form and with solemn
prayer , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Tho visitors present were Bros . AV . Russell , P . M . No . 556 , and AV . AVigginton , S . AV . No . 819 , and Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . for AVorcestershire . The usual loyal and leading Alasonic toasts having been drunk , the S . AV . pro Icm ., Bro . G . T . Robinson proposed , by permission , " The R . AV . Prov . Grand Alaster for AVorcester , Bro . Henry Charles Vernon , and the Officers of his Prov . Grand Lodge , " one of whom ( tho Trov . Asst . G . Dir . of Cers . ) , was present . Ho spoko in tho hihest terms of the reputation of Bro .
g Vernon as a skilful working Mason , and of the care and attention bestowed by him upon 4 ho sevoral Lodges in his province . Bro . AVigginton , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . for AVorcestershire , replied to the toast , and stated that his own experience fully proved that the high culogium passed upon Bro . Vernon was deserved . As a mark of respect to the head of a neighbouring province ho highly valued the propositions , and he was sure that it would bo very pleasing to tho principal personage referred toHe then proposed the health of tho AVorshipful Master in
. eulogistic terms , alluding ^ to . the able manner in which the ceremonies were performed , and to the few examples met with where the AVorshipful Alaster went through the lectures , & c , as well as that portion of the ceremony which naturally devolved upon tho chair . He congratulated the Lodge upon having so excellent a AVorshipful Master , and gave , with his health , " Prosperity to the Shakspearo Lodge . " _ Bro . Blanchie , in returning thanks , expressed his delight that " Prosperity to
the Shakspeare Lodge" had been coupled with bis name . The success of his Lodge was a matter very dear to him , and he should always use his utmost endeavours to promote its prosperity . To " The Visitors , " Bro . Russell replied .
Royal Arch.
J 1 ETROPOLITAN . CONSECRATION OF THE ST . JAMES ' S UNION CUArTEB , KO . 211 . Tins important event took placo on Tuesday last in the Temple of Freemasons Hall . For a considerable period it has been looked forward to with interest , from the deservedly high position Comp . Gurton—the individual on whom it chiefly rested—is held , both by bis Companions in Arch Alasonry and his brethren of the Craft . Everything being in readiness , the following wero the Companions
present whose names we could obtain : —Comps . Spencer , No . 3 ; Farnfield , No . 5 ; S . B . AVilson , No . 7 ; J . AV . Adams , H . Carpenter , Blackburn , Kirby , No . 25 ; Cant , AV . H . Andrew , Cooper , No . 43 ; T . A . Adams , Joseph Smith , G . Purst , and Buss , No . 206 , P . Zs . Figg , No . 3 ; Kennedy , No . 11 ; Allen , No . 25 ; George Gurton , No . 11 ; Copus , No . 49 ; R . AI . Smith , No . 778 ; J . Harrison , No . 25 ; II . Norman , No . 49 ; Suter , No . 200 ; Cosens , No . 77 S ; Lambert , No . 7 ; Brett , No . 206 ; Emmens , Alurray , Barnshaw , No . 25 ; V . Levinson , Quooly , Collard , Piatt ,
No . 49 ; Alatthew Cooke , No . 206 ; Boutcher , Quelch , No . 218 ; Snow , No . 338 ; and Garrod , No . 745 , besides several others . Some disappointment was felt at the absence of Comp . John Savage , who was to have consecrated the Chapter , but had been compelled to leave town hurriedly , in consequence of a death in his family . Comp . Blackburn was prevailed on to open tho Chapter , and when ho had dono so of course he was in charge of the whole of the proceedings . The Chapter was opened by Comps . Blackburn as Z ., Allen as H ., and T . A . Adams as J . ; Comp . Alatthew Cooke took his seat at the
harmonium . Comp . Blackburn then addressed the Chapter , explaining tho absence of Comp . Savage , and stating that the Principals had deter , mined to do their best , though in want of the necessary preparation . The imposing ceremonies of constitution and consecration were then proceeded with , Comp . Matthew Cooke performing tho appropriate music . The installation of Comps . Gurton as AI . E . Z ., Stacey as II ., and AVoodstock as J ., was performed by Comp . T . A . Adams with that iirecision for which he is so well known . None of the three Principals had been
in the chairs previously . After tlus ceremony , the Companions below this rank were again admitted to the Chapter , and Comps . Gurton , Stacey , and AVoodstock commenced to exalt the following brethren—Bro . Cockcraft , S . AV ., No . 166 ; H . Robinson ; D . Pinder , No . 211 ; Newall , No . 25 ; Hoskins , No . 168 ; T . Simpson ; T . AV . Sedgwick , I . G . ; F . F . Smith ; C . Jackson , Sec ; G . AV . 0 . Dean ; AV . H . Roberts ; H . Hart ; G . Gill , J . AV . ; AV . Luce , AV . M . ; C . Annoot , all of No . 211 ; Donald AV . King , P . AI .,
( the eminent tenor ); O . Kloop , No . 211 ; the Principals performing their duties admirably . Comps . Piatt ( of No . 49 ) , Carruthers , and another , were also elected joining members . The M . E . Z . then appointed and invested the following Companions—Simpson , Treas . ; AValkley , E . ; Sedgwick , N . ; Cockcraft , P . Soj . ; Jackson aud Smith , Assist . Sojs . ; Gill , I ) , of Cers . ; Newall , Asst . D . of Cers . ; W . H . Roberts , Steward ; and Alatthew Cooke , Org . The Chapter was then closed in due form , and the Companions adjourned to refreshment in the Hall , Tho very chaste and elegant appear-.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
the brethren were practised in opening and closing the Lodge . On the 2 nd November a Lodge of emergency was held , when Bro . France being in attendance , and wishing to be passed to the second degree , was examined by the AV . M ., Bro . "Willis , received a test of merit , and the Lodge being opened in the second degree , was then passed to tho degree of Fellow Craft by the AV . AI ., who explained the working tools , and gave the charge iu that degree . Tho Lodge was then closed in the second , and opened in tho first degreewhen Bro . J . BannisterP . M . AV . AI . No . 56 P . G .
, , , , , S . W ., & c , gave the lecture ou tho tracing board in that degree . A vote of thanks to Bro . Bannister was then proposed by tho AA . M ., and being carried unanimously , was ordered to be recorded in the minute book . The Lodgo was then closed by tho AV . AI . in peace , love , aud harmony , tit half-past nine o ' clock , r . M .
LANCASHIRE ( AYEST ) . LIVERPOOL . — Lodge of Ancient Union ( No . 245 ) . — -The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge took placo on Thursday week , at the Alasonic Temple , Hope-street . It has long been remarked , and not without some considerable amount of truth , that this Lodge is the best conducted and most perfect in its working of any Lodgo iu the province . In its finances it certainly possesses the merit of being tho most opulent iuAVest Lancashireas well as having tho regular attendance and
, active support of several of its Past Masters . The only business of the evening was the initiation of Mr . Robert J . Ellis , which was efficiently performed by Bro . C . Bromley , AV . AI ., after which the brethren adjourned to refreshment , supplied by the keeper of the Temple . At the conclusion of the repast the AVorshipful Alaster gave " The Queen , " " Prince Albert , Albert Prince of AVales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " which wore warmly received . The AVorshipful Alaster then said the next was tho first Alasonic toast of the evening , which he always
felt great pleasure in introducing , it was " The health of the JI . AV . Grand Alaster the Earl of Zetland . " He trusted he would long be spared to preside over them , to exercise those truly Alasonic qualities which he so eminently possessed , and was always admired for . ( Cheers ) . Bro . T . Clark , P . M ., gave "The R . AV . Deputy Grand Alaster , Lord Panmure , " amid great applause . The Senior Warden , iu proposing tho health of the R . AV . Prov . Grand Master Bro . Lo Gendro N . Starkie , said he regretted tho bodily infirmities of their worthy brother prevented him from taking the activo part which he formerly did in tho business of the province . The Junior AA ' arden said he felt proud in being
entrusted with the next toast , that of " The health of the D . Prov . Grand Alaster , Sir Thomas G . Hesketh , Part ., " who had always shown a largo amount of interest in the . affairs of the province , and had devoted a great deal of time to the business connected with the county . He was sure there was no province in the country where they could boast of a more devoted and attentive Grand Alaster than Sir Thomas Hesketh , Part . ( Cheers ) . Bro . R . AVearing , P . M ., proposed « Tho health of tho AVorshipful Master , " with Alasonic honours . Bro . Bromley , WM . , said it
was pleasing to him to witness the manner iu which his health had been drunk . Although it was the last time be should occupy that chair , it would ever afford him pleasure in being connected with Lodge No . 245 ; and -it would be long before ho would cease to be connected with it . Tho ' AVorshipful Master afterwards gave "The health of Bro . Clark , P . AI ., Bro . AVearing , P . M ., and the Officers of tho Lodge , " which were severally responded to . Before separating Bro . AVearingP . AI . wished
, , to call the attention of the brethren to the suggestion proposed by the members of Lodgo No . 294 , to have a full length portrait , to be placed in that hall , of their much valued and respected Bro . AValmesloy , Prov . G . Treasurer , who was tho originator and founder of the AVest Lancashire Alasonic Institution for the education aud advancement in life of children of distressed Masons . He was certain no brother acquainted with the . claims of Bro . AValmosley would refuse to subscribe to the testimonialand ark their of his services
, m sense on their behalf , and their appreciation of a life devoted to their interests . The subscription list was limited to 5 s . each . After a number of tho brethren had added their names to the list of contributors the Lodge closed iu harmony .
LEICESTERSHIRE . ASHBT-DE-LA-ZOUCII . —Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge ( No . ( 1031 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge took place at the Town Hall , on Monday , tho 14 th instant . Among those present were—Bros . Bowley I ' . At ., No . 907 , as AV . AI . ; ltd . AVarner , S . AV ; T . H . Bobart , J . AV . ; H . T . . Bobart , Sec . ; J . Rcdfern , S . D . ; S . Love , as I . G . ; J . Goodman , F . Hamp , Bithrcy , & c . The Lodge was opened in tho first degree , and the
minutes of the last Lodge read and confirmed . Bro . C . T . Hawkins , of the Alfred Lodge , No . 4 S 5 , O . xfoi-d , was balloted for and approved as a joining member . Bro . Goodman was examined in tho questions appertaining to the first degree . The Lodgo having been opened in tho second degree , Bro . Goodman was passed . The Lodge was then closed in the second degree . The AV . AI . directed the attention of the Lod go to a circular from the Board of General Purposes , respecting a spurious Lodat Stratfordcalled "The Reformed Alasonic Order of Memphis
ge , . " 1 'ho Lodge was then closed according to antient custom , and adjourned . AVARWICKSHIRE . AVARWIOK . —Shuhspcarc Lodge ( No . 350 ) . —The members of this old Lodge assembled for their customary meeting on Tuesday , the Sth instant , at the AVarwiok Arms Hotel . Lodge was opened at seven v clock by the AV . AI ., Bro . Mauchio , assisted by his officers . A brother
The Masonic Mirror.
was then examined as to his proficiency iu tho first degree , aud the answer being satisfactory he was duly passed , the ceremony being well and impressively performed by the AVorshipful Master , who also gave the beautiful explanation of the second tracing board . The AV . AI . having been unanimously re-elected Master for the ensuing year , and the installation fixed for Thursday , December the 29 th , the minutes of the former meeting were read by the Secretary , the Rev . Bro . Dickiu , Prov . G . Chaplain . Lodgo was then closed in due form and with solemn
prayer , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . Tho visitors present were Bros . AV . Russell , P . M . No . 556 , and AV . AVigginton , S . AV . No . 819 , and Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . for AVorcestershire . The usual loyal and leading Alasonic toasts having been drunk , the S . AV . pro Icm ., Bro . G . T . Robinson proposed , by permission , " The R . AV . Prov . Grand Alaster for AVorcester , Bro . Henry Charles Vernon , and the Officers of his Prov . Grand Lodge , " one of whom ( tho Trov . Asst . G . Dir . of Cers . ) , was present . Ho spoko in tho hihest terms of the reputation of Bro .
g Vernon as a skilful working Mason , and of the care and attention bestowed by him upon 4 ho sevoral Lodges in his province . Bro . AVigginton , Prov . G . Asst . Dir . of Cers . for AVorcestershire , replied to the toast , and stated that his own experience fully proved that the high culogium passed upon Bro . Vernon was deserved . As a mark of respect to the head of a neighbouring province ho highly valued the propositions , and he was sure that it would bo very pleasing to tho principal personage referred toHe then proposed the health of tho AVorshipful Master in
. eulogistic terms , alluding ^ to . the able manner in which the ceremonies were performed , and to the few examples met with where the AVorshipful Alaster went through the lectures , & c , as well as that portion of the ceremony which naturally devolved upon tho chair . He congratulated the Lodge upon having so excellent a AVorshipful Master , and gave , with his health , " Prosperity to the Shakspearo Lodge . " _ Bro . Blanchie , in returning thanks , expressed his delight that " Prosperity to
the Shakspeare Lodge" had been coupled with bis name . The success of his Lodge was a matter very dear to him , and he should always use his utmost endeavours to promote its prosperity . To " The Visitors , " Bro . Russell replied .
Royal Arch.
J 1 ETROPOLITAN . CONSECRATION OF THE ST . JAMES ' S UNION CUArTEB , KO . 211 . Tins important event took placo on Tuesday last in the Temple of Freemasons Hall . For a considerable period it has been looked forward to with interest , from the deservedly high position Comp . Gurton—the individual on whom it chiefly rested—is held , both by bis Companions in Arch Alasonry and his brethren of the Craft . Everything being in readiness , the following wero the Companions
present whose names we could obtain : —Comps . Spencer , No . 3 ; Farnfield , No . 5 ; S . B . AVilson , No . 7 ; J . AV . Adams , H . Carpenter , Blackburn , Kirby , No . 25 ; Cant , AV . H . Andrew , Cooper , No . 43 ; T . A . Adams , Joseph Smith , G . Purst , and Buss , No . 206 , P . Zs . Figg , No . 3 ; Kennedy , No . 11 ; Allen , No . 25 ; George Gurton , No . 11 ; Copus , No . 49 ; R . AI . Smith , No . 778 ; J . Harrison , No . 25 ; II . Norman , No . 49 ; Suter , No . 200 ; Cosens , No . 77 S ; Lambert , No . 7 ; Brett , No . 206 ; Emmens , Alurray , Barnshaw , No . 25 ; V . Levinson , Quooly , Collard , Piatt ,
No . 49 ; Alatthew Cooke , No . 206 ; Boutcher , Quelch , No . 218 ; Snow , No . 338 ; and Garrod , No . 745 , besides several others . Some disappointment was felt at the absence of Comp . John Savage , who was to have consecrated the Chapter , but had been compelled to leave town hurriedly , in consequence of a death in his family . Comp . Blackburn was prevailed on to open tho Chapter , and when ho had dono so of course he was in charge of the whole of the proceedings . The Chapter was opened by Comps . Blackburn as Z ., Allen as H ., and T . A . Adams as J . ; Comp . Alatthew Cooke took his seat at the
harmonium . Comp . Blackburn then addressed the Chapter , explaining tho absence of Comp . Savage , and stating that the Principals had deter , mined to do their best , though in want of the necessary preparation . The imposing ceremonies of constitution and consecration were then proceeded with , Comp . Matthew Cooke performing tho appropriate music . The installation of Comps . Gurton as AI . E . Z ., Stacey as II ., and AVoodstock as J ., was performed by Comp . T . A . Adams with that iirecision for which he is so well known . None of the three Principals had been
in the chairs previously . After tlus ceremony , the Companions below this rank were again admitted to the Chapter , and Comps . Gurton , Stacey , and AVoodstock commenced to exalt the following brethren—Bro . Cockcraft , S . AV ., No . 166 ; H . Robinson ; D . Pinder , No . 211 ; Newall , No . 25 ; Hoskins , No . 168 ; T . Simpson ; T . AV . Sedgwick , I . G . ; F . F . Smith ; C . Jackson , Sec ; G . AV . 0 . Dean ; AV . H . Roberts ; H . Hart ; G . Gill , J . AV . ; AV . Luce , AV . M . ; C . Annoot , all of No . 211 ; Donald AV . King , P . AI .,
( the eminent tenor ); O . Kloop , No . 211 ; the Principals performing their duties admirably . Comps . Piatt ( of No . 49 ) , Carruthers , and another , were also elected joining members . The M . E . Z . then appointed and invested the following Companions—Simpson , Treas . ; AValkley , E . ; Sedgwick , N . ; Cockcraft , P . Soj . ; Jackson aud Smith , Assist . Sojs . ; Gill , I ) , of Cers . ; Newall , Asst . D . of Cers . ; W . H . Roberts , Steward ; and Alatthew Cooke , Org . The Chapter was then closed in due form , and the Companions adjourned to refreshment in the Hall , Tho very chaste and elegant appear-.