Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and respect . Recently , he had suffered a lamentable family bereavement , and he ( the chairman ) felt sure there was not a man in tho room who did not most deeply sympathize with him . The toast was drunk with the greatest enthusiasm . "The Army and Navy" was next given , aud responded to by Col . Thomson , iu a speech , and Col . Duggau by a song . The chairman called for a bumper for the next toast , and in proposing it adverted to tho occasion which had brought the company together
, giving a history of tho difficulties which had attended tho efforts to obtain a suitable jail—difficulties which , however , had at last been overcome , mainly through the exertions—the untiring exertions—of Aid . Titlly , the chairman of the Board of Jail Inspectors , whose modesty had prevented him from taking the chair in the absence of the mayor , and through whom we were indebted for the presence of the Al . AV . Grand Alaster of the distinguished Alasonic fraternity . ( Cheers ) . Col . AVilson hadno doubtattended at groat personal inconveniencehaving
, , , travelled from Simooe to be here , and he had attended , no doubt , much to the neglect of his private interests , in order to give cclal to a ceremonial interesting in the highest degree to all . The Grand Alaster of the Alasonic Order was as worthy a man as ever breathed . ( Applause ) . He was a mail whoso heart was in the right place , and the friend who grasped his hand always found this to bo the fact . He had been elected three times successively to his present high position . He had served his country in the army , and he was an esteemed member of the
profession of the law . He ( the chairman ) gave most heartily " The Most AVorshipful the Grand Master ; long life and happiness to him . " The Grand Alaster responded briefly , but eloquently , expressing his satisfaction at tho manner in which tho arrangements for the day's proeeediugs had been conducted , and his gratification at the cordial and respectful welcome which had been accorded to him . He concluded by giving " The City of Toronto , and the Mayor and Corporation . After some other toasts of local interest , the company broke up . "
ROYAL ARCH . A CONVOCATION of the District Grand Chapter of Bengal and its territories , was holden at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Monday , the 29 th August , 1 S 59 ; present : —M . E . Comps . J . J . L . Hoff , Dop . Prov . G . Supt . and Z . ; F . Jennings , P . G . Prov . H . ; J . B . Roberts , P . G . Prov . J . ; AV . H . Hoff , Prov . G . Scribe E . ; T . Jones , P . G . Prov . Sec . ; H . Frasor , Prov . G . 1 st Asst . Soj . ; AV . Clark , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . G . Llewelyn , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; J . AV . Brown , Prov . Dir . of Cers . ; D . J . Daniel , Prov . G . J . ; representatives o £ Chapters , Hope , No . 126 ; Holy Zion , No . 551 , and others .
Tho District Grand Chapter was opened in duo form and with solemn prayer . Apologies were made for tho absence of E . Comps . G . 0 . AVray , Prov . G . St . B . ; J . E . Clinger , Prov . G . Org . - . and J . K . Hamilton , P . J . of Chapter Holy Zion , No . 551 . The minutes of tho convocation holden on the 19 th August , 1858 , were road and confirmed . The Deputy Prov . Grand Superintendent stated that he would not
make any alteration iu the offices of tho District Grand Chapter , at present . Ou a motion made by E . Comp . Frasor , seconded by M . E . Comp . Jennings , it was resolved that the thanks of the District Grand Chapter he tendered to E . Comp . Clark , for his services as Treasurer , since the demise of ALE . Comp . Chaunce , in 1855 . It was moved by AI . E . Comp . Roberts , and seconded by E . Comp . Llewelyn , that E . Comp . Clark be re-elected to tho office of Treasurer .
Carried by acclamation . On motions made and seconded , the following grants were made from the funds of the District Grand Chapter : — That five hundred rupees be transferred to the District Grand Lodge , in aid ' of the expense incurred for refitting Freemasons' Hall . That three hundred rupees be given to the Masonie Fund of Benevolence , as a donation to that fund . AVith reference to paragraph thirteen of the report of the District Grand Chapter , held 19 th August , 1858 , the Deputy Prov . Grand Superintendent submitted the following correspondence with the Grand Scribe E ., London , for general information : —¦
lo AV . Gray Clarke , Esq ., Grand Scribe E ., Supreme Grand Chapter of England , London . " DEAB SIB AND V . E . COMPANION , —I have the honour to transmit an extract ( paragraph thirteen ) from the proceedings of a convocation of tho District Grand Chapter of Bengal , held on the 19 th instant , and to state , for the information of the Supremo Grand Chapter , that , under the circumstances therein stated , I have deemed it absolutely necessary to authorize the exaltation of brethren to the Royal Arch four weeks after
receiving the degree of Alaster Mason , instead of considering that to bo the term of probation in cases of emergency only , as directed in the resolution of the Supremo Grand Chapter , communicated in your predecessor ' s letter to the Deputy Prov . Grand Superintendent , dated 11 th May , 1 S 57 . As no restrictive rule exists in the Scottish Chapter working in Calcutta , brethren desirous of exaltation to tho Royal Arch do not feci disposed to wait twelve mouths for it , aud they naturally take the
degree where they can obtain it with facility . Thus , the Chapters working under the Supremo Grand Chapter of England , are deserted , aud will ultimately have to bo closed , if a remedy be not applied speedily . Under these circumstances , I beg that tho peculiar position of the Chapters iu Calcutta , where there is no hindrance to Lodges and Chapters under other Constitutions being established , will be taken into the early consideration of tho Supreme Grand Council ; and that the measure which I have been induced to adopt , in conformity with the representation of the District Grand Chapter , will be confirmed and sanctioned . I have , & c , J . RAMSAY , Prov . Grand Superintendent . "
" To Colonel James Ramsay , Provincial Grand Superintendent of Bengal , Calcutta . " AI . E . COMPANION AND DBAU SIB , —I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25 th August , inclosing an extract from the proceedings of the District Grand Chapter of Bengal . Your letter tin fortunately did not arrive until after tho meeting of the General Committee , and consequently could not be laid before tho Supreme Grand Chapter at the convocation held on tho 4 th of this month .
The difficulty with which Chapters under your jurisdiction have to contend in being , as it were , brought into competition with Chapters under other Constitutions , will , I feel confident , receive due and prompt attention from the Supreme Grand Chapter . From the printed report of the proceedings of that body , which was forwarded to you in the spring , you will perceive that the subject has already been under discussion , and that tho General Committee recommended that the power now in the hands of Grand Superintendents
should be extended to the Principals of Chapters , who , under certain circumstances , should be allowed to exalt brethren in four weeks from their taking the Alaster Mason ' s degree . The recommondatioii , it is true , was not adopted at tho time the report was made , and is not therefore law ; but it will , I believe , be again brought forward , and no doubt some remedy will bo proposed . I have , & e ., AVM , GEAY CLAUKE , Grand Scribe E . Freemasons' Hall , London , 10 th Nov ., 1 S 59 .
Tho Deputy Provincial Grand Superintendent stated that , with the exception of two Chapters , the other Chapters in tho north west provinces which had suffered by the disturbances of 1 S 57 , had revived , and were again working ; and that a now Chapter had recently been established at Lahore , attached to Lodgo No . 1084 , and designated the Punjab Chapter . Tho Chapters in this province now stand as follows : —No . 126 , Hope , Calcutta ; * No . 550 Valour with PerseveranceAllahabad ; No . 551
, , , Hol y Zion , Calcutta ; No . 596 , Firm Hope , Aleerut ; * No . 641 , Harmony and Fidelity , Cawnpore ; No . 073 , Dalhousio , Simla ; * No . 761 , Holy Jerusalem , Agra ; No . S 23 , Umballa , Umballa ; No . 852 , Border , Peshawnr ; No . 922 , St . John tho . Baptist , Mussoorie ; No . 10 S 4 , Punjab , Lahore . The District Grand Chapter was then closed with prayer , and in due form . * These Chapters are in abeyance .
The Week.
THE COURT . —On Alonday , being the birthday of the Princess Frederick AVilliam of Prussia , the band of the 1 st Life Guards serenaded the Princess , at AVindsor Castle , early in the morning ; and in the evening her Majesty gave a banquet in tho AA aterloo Chamber , which was followed by an evening party . The Prince of AA ' ales arrived from Oxford on Saturday to do honour to the occasion , and returned to his studies on Tuesday . Among the visitors this week have been the Duke of Cambridge , the Duchess and Princess Alary of Cambridge , the Earl aud
Countess of Clarendon , with the Ladies Constance and Alice Villiers , Lord and Lady Raglan , the Lord Steward ( Earl of St . Germans ) Viscount Sydney ^ Viscount Vallctort , and Lord and Lady Bloomfield . The Phipps is in waiting again . On the 5 th p > roximo ; lkcr Majesty and the Prince Consort , and Princess Frederick AVilliam of Prussia , with the other members of tho Royal family , will leave the Castle for Osborne , and will remain there until the 24 th , when her JIajcsty will return to AVindsor for the Christmas holidays . Tho Haymarkct and Olympic
Companies performed before the Queen at AVindsor on AVednesday . The pieces performed were " The Evil Genius , " by Air . Baylo Bernard , in which the principal characters wero represented by Mdlles . Reynolds and Swanborough , and Messrs . Buckstone and C ' omptou ; and tho comedietta "To Oblige Benson , " by Airs . Stirling and Mr . Robson . About sixty or seventy invitations were issued by tho Queen . FOREICIN NEWS . —The Emperor Napoleon , with his glittering court and a host of visitors , is again at Compiegne , holding his state with a
magnificence which seems unnecessarily ostentatious in the face of tho reports of the badness of trade and discontent at the increase of taxation . AVar preparations in the French army and navy continue to bo pushed forward with the greatest energy ; and this , however the national pride may be gratified , must necessarily add to the pressure which is even now but moodily borne . In well-informed -nrclcs , tho existence of the circular affirmed by the Times to have been issued by the Alinistor of the Interior to restrain the attacks of the semi-official papers against England is denied . The state of Italy is still the prominent topic in Paris . Garibaldi ' s resignation is not firmly believed in , while it is thought that ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
and respect . Recently , he had suffered a lamentable family bereavement , and he ( the chairman ) felt sure there was not a man in tho room who did not most deeply sympathize with him . The toast was drunk with the greatest enthusiasm . "The Army and Navy" was next given , aud responded to by Col . Thomson , iu a speech , and Col . Duggau by a song . The chairman called for a bumper for the next toast , and in proposing it adverted to tho occasion which had brought the company together
, giving a history of tho difficulties which had attended tho efforts to obtain a suitable jail—difficulties which , however , had at last been overcome , mainly through the exertions—the untiring exertions—of Aid . Titlly , the chairman of the Board of Jail Inspectors , whose modesty had prevented him from taking the chair in the absence of the mayor , and through whom we were indebted for the presence of the Al . AV . Grand Alaster of the distinguished Alasonic fraternity . ( Cheers ) . Col . AVilson hadno doubtattended at groat personal inconveniencehaving
, , , travelled from Simooe to be here , and he had attended , no doubt , much to the neglect of his private interests , in order to give cclal to a ceremonial interesting in the highest degree to all . The Grand Alaster of the Alasonic Order was as worthy a man as ever breathed . ( Applause ) . He was a mail whoso heart was in the right place , and the friend who grasped his hand always found this to bo the fact . He had been elected three times successively to his present high position . He had served his country in the army , and he was an esteemed member of the
profession of the law . He ( the chairman ) gave most heartily " The Most AVorshipful the Grand Master ; long life and happiness to him . " The Grand Alaster responded briefly , but eloquently , expressing his satisfaction at tho manner in which tho arrangements for the day's proeeediugs had been conducted , and his gratification at the cordial and respectful welcome which had been accorded to him . He concluded by giving " The City of Toronto , and the Mayor and Corporation . After some other toasts of local interest , the company broke up . "
ROYAL ARCH . A CONVOCATION of the District Grand Chapter of Bengal and its territories , was holden at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Monday , the 29 th August , 1 S 59 ; present : —M . E . Comps . J . J . L . Hoff , Dop . Prov . G . Supt . and Z . ; F . Jennings , P . G . Prov . H . ; J . B . Roberts , P . G . Prov . J . ; AV . H . Hoff , Prov . G . Scribe E . ; T . Jones , P . G . Prov . Sec . ; H . Frasor , Prov . G . 1 st Asst . Soj . ; AV . Clark , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . G . Llewelyn , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; J . AV . Brown , Prov . Dir . of Cers . ; D . J . Daniel , Prov . G . J . ; representatives o £ Chapters , Hope , No . 126 ; Holy Zion , No . 551 , and others .
Tho District Grand Chapter was opened in duo form and with solemn prayer . Apologies were made for tho absence of E . Comps . G . 0 . AVray , Prov . G . St . B . ; J . E . Clinger , Prov . G . Org . - . and J . K . Hamilton , P . J . of Chapter Holy Zion , No . 551 . The minutes of tho convocation holden on the 19 th August , 1858 , were road and confirmed . The Deputy Prov . Grand Superintendent stated that he would not
make any alteration iu the offices of tho District Grand Chapter , at present . Ou a motion made by E . Comp . Frasor , seconded by M . E . Comp . Jennings , it was resolved that the thanks of the District Grand Chapter he tendered to E . Comp . Clark , for his services as Treasurer , since the demise of ALE . Comp . Chaunce , in 1855 . It was moved by AI . E . Comp . Roberts , and seconded by E . Comp . Llewelyn , that E . Comp . Clark be re-elected to tho office of Treasurer .
Carried by acclamation . On motions made and seconded , the following grants were made from the funds of the District Grand Chapter : — That five hundred rupees be transferred to the District Grand Lodge , in aid ' of the expense incurred for refitting Freemasons' Hall . That three hundred rupees be given to the Masonie Fund of Benevolence , as a donation to that fund . AVith reference to paragraph thirteen of the report of the District Grand Chapter , held 19 th August , 1858 , the Deputy Prov . Grand Superintendent submitted the following correspondence with the Grand Scribe E ., London , for general information : —¦
lo AV . Gray Clarke , Esq ., Grand Scribe E ., Supreme Grand Chapter of England , London . " DEAB SIB AND V . E . COMPANION , —I have the honour to transmit an extract ( paragraph thirteen ) from the proceedings of a convocation of tho District Grand Chapter of Bengal , held on the 19 th instant , and to state , for the information of the Supremo Grand Chapter , that , under the circumstances therein stated , I have deemed it absolutely necessary to authorize the exaltation of brethren to the Royal Arch four weeks after
receiving the degree of Alaster Mason , instead of considering that to bo the term of probation in cases of emergency only , as directed in the resolution of the Supremo Grand Chapter , communicated in your predecessor ' s letter to the Deputy Prov . Grand Superintendent , dated 11 th May , 1 S 57 . As no restrictive rule exists in the Scottish Chapter working in Calcutta , brethren desirous of exaltation to tho Royal Arch do not feci disposed to wait twelve mouths for it , aud they naturally take the
degree where they can obtain it with facility . Thus , the Chapters working under the Supremo Grand Chapter of England , are deserted , aud will ultimately have to bo closed , if a remedy be not applied speedily . Under these circumstances , I beg that tho peculiar position of the Chapters iu Calcutta , where there is no hindrance to Lodges and Chapters under other Constitutions being established , will be taken into the early consideration of tho Supreme Grand Council ; and that the measure which I have been induced to adopt , in conformity with the representation of the District Grand Chapter , will be confirmed and sanctioned . I have , & c , J . RAMSAY , Prov . Grand Superintendent . "
" To Colonel James Ramsay , Provincial Grand Superintendent of Bengal , Calcutta . " AI . E . COMPANION AND DBAU SIB , —I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25 th August , inclosing an extract from the proceedings of the District Grand Chapter of Bengal . Your letter tin fortunately did not arrive until after tho meeting of the General Committee , and consequently could not be laid before tho Supreme Grand Chapter at the convocation held on tho 4 th of this month .
The difficulty with which Chapters under your jurisdiction have to contend in being , as it were , brought into competition with Chapters under other Constitutions , will , I feel confident , receive due and prompt attention from the Supreme Grand Chapter . From the printed report of the proceedings of that body , which was forwarded to you in the spring , you will perceive that the subject has already been under discussion , and that tho General Committee recommended that the power now in the hands of Grand Superintendents
should be extended to the Principals of Chapters , who , under certain circumstances , should be allowed to exalt brethren in four weeks from their taking the Alaster Mason ' s degree . The recommondatioii , it is true , was not adopted at tho time the report was made , and is not therefore law ; but it will , I believe , be again brought forward , and no doubt some remedy will bo proposed . I have , & e ., AVM , GEAY CLAUKE , Grand Scribe E . Freemasons' Hall , London , 10 th Nov ., 1 S 59 .
Tho Deputy Provincial Grand Superintendent stated that , with the exception of two Chapters , the other Chapters in tho north west provinces which had suffered by the disturbances of 1 S 57 , had revived , and were again working ; and that a now Chapter had recently been established at Lahore , attached to Lodgo No . 1084 , and designated the Punjab Chapter . Tho Chapters in this province now stand as follows : —No . 126 , Hope , Calcutta ; * No . 550 Valour with PerseveranceAllahabad ; No . 551
, , , Hol y Zion , Calcutta ; No . 596 , Firm Hope , Aleerut ; * No . 641 , Harmony and Fidelity , Cawnpore ; No . 073 , Dalhousio , Simla ; * No . 761 , Holy Jerusalem , Agra ; No . S 23 , Umballa , Umballa ; No . 852 , Border , Peshawnr ; No . 922 , St . John tho . Baptist , Mussoorie ; No . 10 S 4 , Punjab , Lahore . The District Grand Chapter was then closed with prayer , and in due form . * These Chapters are in abeyance .
The Week.
THE COURT . —On Alonday , being the birthday of the Princess Frederick AVilliam of Prussia , the band of the 1 st Life Guards serenaded the Princess , at AVindsor Castle , early in the morning ; and in the evening her Majesty gave a banquet in tho AA aterloo Chamber , which was followed by an evening party . The Prince of AA ' ales arrived from Oxford on Saturday to do honour to the occasion , and returned to his studies on Tuesday . Among the visitors this week have been the Duke of Cambridge , the Duchess and Princess Alary of Cambridge , the Earl aud
Countess of Clarendon , with the Ladies Constance and Alice Villiers , Lord and Lady Raglan , the Lord Steward ( Earl of St . Germans ) Viscount Sydney ^ Viscount Vallctort , and Lord and Lady Bloomfield . The Phipps is in waiting again . On the 5 th p > roximo ; lkcr Majesty and the Prince Consort , and Princess Frederick AVilliam of Prussia , with the other members of tho Royal family , will leave the Castle for Osborne , and will remain there until the 24 th , when her JIajcsty will return to AVindsor for the Christmas holidays . Tho Haymarkct and Olympic
Companies performed before the Queen at AVindsor on AVednesday . The pieces performed were " The Evil Genius , " by Air . Baylo Bernard , in which the principal characters wero represented by Mdlles . Reynolds and Swanborough , and Messrs . Buckstone and C ' omptou ; and tho comedietta "To Oblige Benson , " by Airs . Stirling and Mr . Robson . About sixty or seventy invitations were issued by tho Queen . FOREICIN NEWS . —The Emperor Napoleon , with his glittering court and a host of visitors , is again at Compiegne , holding his state with a
magnificence which seems unnecessarily ostentatious in the face of tho reports of the badness of trade and discontent at the increase of taxation . AVar preparations in the French army and navy continue to bo pushed forward with the greatest energy ; and this , however the national pride may be gratified , must necessarily add to the pressure which is even now but moodily borne . In well-informed -nrclcs , tho existence of the circular affirmed by the Times to have been issued by the Alinistor of the Interior to restrain the attacks of the semi-official papers against England is denied . The state of Italy is still the prominent topic in Paris . Garibaldi ' s resignation is not firmly believed in , while it is thought that ,