Article ATTACKS ON FREEMASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1
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Attacks On Freemasonry.
losophev , the patriot , the warrior , the statesman , have all felt and acknowledged the blessings that flow from its inviolable bond of brotherhood , and such a league can afford to smile at any attempt which the arch enemy of Masonry may institute to disturb the universal harmony of this distinguished Order . " "We are reviled on both sides . A lecturer at a
Young- Men's Christian Association Avishes to find a larger audience for his attack , and selects a country paper for its medium . So , too , does the Irish " Catholicus , " replied to , as above , by the Southern Chronicle , aud Erastianism and Popery may thus be
seen walking hand in hand together to damage a system the former cannot comprehend and the latter fears .
Wo haA e before stated that to all the outpouring of the lecturer ' s indignation we shall not reply . Our rituals and their language would be , if quoted , incomprehensible to such obtuse perceptions , aud we can neither give brains to those devoid of them nor think of " throwing pearls before swine . "
We seriously deprecate the unwarrantably glib manner in which the elect , amongst professing religionists , as they term themselves , on all occasions , torture , distract , and profane the Holy Scriptures , by quoting God ' s Word , as if it was to be lightly used , on every occasion ; but , in a spirit of humble
reverence to that New Testament they so often parody , we would entreat them to peruse ihe Avhole of the vii . chapter of S . Matthew ' s Gospel , and apply it to themselves .
Freemasonry has nothing to fear from such puerile attacks as those of the advertising lecturer , but our brethren should be warned of one danger—each of i-Iiem ivill understand us—that however speciously ihe attack on them is made , Jet them not refute it b y quoting our ceremonial , but hy treating such
insinuations with contempt , and eviuciug , by their demeanour in the house of God—their parish church—in their homes , in their lives and actions , and everywhere that the mysterious eye of the Almighty penetrates , that ivhilst thej r are Freemasons they are Christians , as
much superior in Faith , Hope , ancl Charity , as Freemasonry is superior to all the Young Men ' s Christian Associations in the universe .
Arrr . vry . —Hon- beautiful is this most glorious season of the year . The trees are tinged with yellow , and the fields look pleased that they are relieved from their labours—the air is bracing and healthy ; then does the farmer smile upon the happy result of his industry , and places his hand upon his heart and thanks God his efforts ' have proved so successful . It is a season of the year when life can be enjoyed . Tho human frame is
strengthened and becomes inoculated with its former elasticity , after having experienced the prostrating effects of the heat of summer . Tun ; happiness is of a retired nature , and an enemy to pomp and noise : it arises , in the first place , from the enjoyment of one's self ; and in the next , from the friendship and conversation of a few select companions .
The Masonic Mirror.
GLOBE LODGE ( NO . 23 ) . —At a regular meeting of this red apron lodge , held at the Freemasons' Tavern on the 19 th inst ., there were present : Bros . Ralph M . Smith , AV . M " . ; R . Gibbons , S . W . ; George Smith , J . AV . ; A . H . Heivlett , P . M . and Treas . ; Matthew Cooke , Sec ; L . D . Phillips , S . D . ; E . J . Page , J . D . ; P . D . Collins , I . G . ; AV . AVatson and G . S . Brandon , P . M . ' s ; G . P . Bonner , G . AV . Yates , AV . H . AVarr , L . AV . Besanges , and VV . Kirhy . Visitors : R . Eckford , S 19 ; AV . J " . Eckford , 753 ;
¦ T . D . Caulclier , 753 ; 11 . Mills , 251 ; aud J . Vause , 9 Q 5 . Bros . Bonner , Desanges , and Vause were passed to the second degree . Tin ' s being the night of election , Br . i . Gibbons , S . AA ., was unanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . Hewlett , re-elected Treas . ; and Bro . Crawley , re-elected Tyler . A P . M . 's jewel was voted to Bro . R . M . Smith , the outgoing W . JI ., and the brethren separated . MOUNT ; LEBAXOX LODCB ( So . 73 ) . —This old-established
lodge held an emergency meeting on Thursday , December 17 th , at Bro . C . A . Cathies ' s , Green Man Tavern , Tooiey-street , Southwark . Bro . Frederick AA aUers , AA . M ., assisted by Bros . D . Davies , W . E . Jackson , , T . Donkin , and E . Smith , P . M . ' s ; E . ST . Levy , S . W . ; Moore , J . AV . ; Lake , J . D . ; J . C . Gooddjr , I . G . ; C . A . Cathie , II . Dunycr , Watkins , Morris , and many other brethren opened the lodge , and performed the business of tiie meeting . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . A .
Avery , P . M . 619 ; R . Welsford , P . M . 548 ; W . Y . Laing , S . AV . 45 ; and some others . In consequence of the unavoidable absence of two of tho initiates and one of the passings , there only remained Bro . AV . Bishop , who was passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft Freemason in a superior manner , which rendered the work very impressive , the AA . M . being able to devote his entire energy to this one ceremony . The AA . M . electBro . E . 1 ST . Levyrequested the AV . M . Bro . P . Walters
, , , , to procure a new set of tracing boards for the next meeting , as lie intended personally to present them to the lodge , although several brethren had expressed a wish to share in tho honour . Bro . J . C . Gooddy , I . G-., aud Steward for the Boys' School , hoped that he might be allowed the honour of presenting the triangles and other paraphernalia for holding the ashlers at
the AVarden's pedestals , for after seeing the very earnest manner the AV . M ., Bro . F . AValters , supported hy their indefatigable P . M . and Treasurer , Bro . D . Davies , had repaired , renewed , and renovated their lodge furniture , lie would willingly assist those brethren in their laudable exertions by contributing a small portion of it himself ; therefore he asked the brethren to allow him this part , and he would leave it to the AV . M . to procure them . The AA . M . elect felt sorry there was
not any stewardship vacant this ensuing year , or he had fully intended to do himself the honour of representing the lodge during his year of office to at least one of the Charities , but under the circumstances , he would defer the pleasure until tires next vacancy occurred , when he would gladly undertake the responsibility of again serving them . After business , the brethren sat down to a superior cold collation , prepared by Bro . C . A . Cathie in his usual admirable stle .
y ST . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( Xo . 1-1 . 0 ) . —This lodge met at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , on AVednesday . Bro . Dr . Scott , AA . M ., presided . Tho election for AV . M . for the ensuing yearfell on Bro . E . AV . Hubbnck , P . M . 58 , and the J . AV . of the lodge . Bro . Ryder , P . AI ., was re-elected Treasurer . There was one initiation . Tho lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to Bro . Moore's Globe Tavern , Eoyal Hill , Greenwich ,
where they partook of a superior banquet . lEMi ? Eim * CE LODGE ( SO . 1 G 9 ) . —The last regular meeting for the year of this well-known lodge was held at Bro . Hoiman's , Plough Tavern , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithe , on Thursday , Dec . 10 th . There was only one eercmony done . This being election night , a ballot was taken for A \ . M . for the ensuing year , when the votes were , for Bro . G . Brown , S . AV ., IS ; for Bro . J . T . Mossa Past AA arden 13 ; so Bro . G . BrownS . AV .
, , , , was declared to he duly elected . A ballot for Treasurer was also taken , and Bro . J . Hoiiiiis , P . M ., was re-elected , Bro . Newland , AV . M ., " presided . After the lodge was closed , the brethren partook of an excellent cold collation , which reflected great credit on Bro . Holman . Visitors : J . Bavin , J . A \ . 147 ; J . Lightfoot , S . D . 147 ; J . Patte , I . G . 147 ; aud many others .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Attacks On Freemasonry.
losophev , the patriot , the warrior , the statesman , have all felt and acknowledged the blessings that flow from its inviolable bond of brotherhood , and such a league can afford to smile at any attempt which the arch enemy of Masonry may institute to disturb the universal harmony of this distinguished Order . " "We are reviled on both sides . A lecturer at a
Young- Men's Christian Association Avishes to find a larger audience for his attack , and selects a country paper for its medium . So , too , does the Irish " Catholicus , " replied to , as above , by the Southern Chronicle , aud Erastianism and Popery may thus be
seen walking hand in hand together to damage a system the former cannot comprehend and the latter fears .
Wo haA e before stated that to all the outpouring of the lecturer ' s indignation we shall not reply . Our rituals and their language would be , if quoted , incomprehensible to such obtuse perceptions , aud we can neither give brains to those devoid of them nor think of " throwing pearls before swine . "
We seriously deprecate the unwarrantably glib manner in which the elect , amongst professing religionists , as they term themselves , on all occasions , torture , distract , and profane the Holy Scriptures , by quoting God ' s Word , as if it was to be lightly used , on every occasion ; but , in a spirit of humble
reverence to that New Testament they so often parody , we would entreat them to peruse ihe Avhole of the vii . chapter of S . Matthew ' s Gospel , and apply it to themselves .
Freemasonry has nothing to fear from such puerile attacks as those of the advertising lecturer , but our brethren should be warned of one danger—each of i-Iiem ivill understand us—that however speciously ihe attack on them is made , Jet them not refute it b y quoting our ceremonial , but hy treating such
insinuations with contempt , and eviuciug , by their demeanour in the house of God—their parish church—in their homes , in their lives and actions , and everywhere that the mysterious eye of the Almighty penetrates , that ivhilst thej r are Freemasons they are Christians , as
much superior in Faith , Hope , ancl Charity , as Freemasonry is superior to all the Young Men ' s Christian Associations in the universe .
Arrr . vry . —Hon- beautiful is this most glorious season of the year . The trees are tinged with yellow , and the fields look pleased that they are relieved from their labours—the air is bracing and healthy ; then does the farmer smile upon the happy result of his industry , and places his hand upon his heart and thanks God his efforts ' have proved so successful . It is a season of the year when life can be enjoyed . Tho human frame is
strengthened and becomes inoculated with its former elasticity , after having experienced the prostrating effects of the heat of summer . Tun ; happiness is of a retired nature , and an enemy to pomp and noise : it arises , in the first place , from the enjoyment of one's self ; and in the next , from the friendship and conversation of a few select companions .
The Masonic Mirror.
GLOBE LODGE ( NO . 23 ) . —At a regular meeting of this red apron lodge , held at the Freemasons' Tavern on the 19 th inst ., there were present : Bros . Ralph M . Smith , AV . M " . ; R . Gibbons , S . W . ; George Smith , J . AV . ; A . H . Heivlett , P . M . and Treas . ; Matthew Cooke , Sec ; L . D . Phillips , S . D . ; E . J . Page , J . D . ; P . D . Collins , I . G . ; AV . AVatson and G . S . Brandon , P . M . ' s ; G . P . Bonner , G . AV . Yates , AV . H . AVarr , L . AV . Besanges , and VV . Kirhy . Visitors : R . Eckford , S 19 ; AV . J " . Eckford , 753 ;
¦ T . D . Caulclier , 753 ; 11 . Mills , 251 ; aud J . Vause , 9 Q 5 . Bros . Bonner , Desanges , and Vause were passed to the second degree . Tin ' s being the night of election , Br . i . Gibbons , S . AA ., was unanimously elected W . M . ; Bro . Hewlett , re-elected Treas . ; and Bro . Crawley , re-elected Tyler . A P . M . 's jewel was voted to Bro . R . M . Smith , the outgoing W . JI ., and the brethren separated . MOUNT ; LEBAXOX LODCB ( So . 73 ) . —This old-established
lodge held an emergency meeting on Thursday , December 17 th , at Bro . C . A . Cathies ' s , Green Man Tavern , Tooiey-street , Southwark . Bro . Frederick AA aUers , AA . M ., assisted by Bros . D . Davies , W . E . Jackson , , T . Donkin , and E . Smith , P . M . ' s ; E . ST . Levy , S . W . ; Moore , J . AV . ; Lake , J . D . ; J . C . Gooddjr , I . G . ; C . A . Cathie , II . Dunycr , Watkins , Morris , and many other brethren opened the lodge , and performed the business of tiie meeting . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . A .
Avery , P . M . 619 ; R . Welsford , P . M . 548 ; W . Y . Laing , S . AV . 45 ; and some others . In consequence of the unavoidable absence of two of tho initiates and one of the passings , there only remained Bro . AV . Bishop , who was passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft Freemason in a superior manner , which rendered the work very impressive , the AA . M . being able to devote his entire energy to this one ceremony . The AA . M . electBro . E . 1 ST . Levyrequested the AV . M . Bro . P . Walters
, , , , to procure a new set of tracing boards for the next meeting , as lie intended personally to present them to the lodge , although several brethren had expressed a wish to share in tho honour . Bro . J . C . Gooddy , I . G-., aud Steward for the Boys' School , hoped that he might be allowed the honour of presenting the triangles and other paraphernalia for holding the ashlers at
the AVarden's pedestals , for after seeing the very earnest manner the AV . M ., Bro . F . AValters , supported hy their indefatigable P . M . and Treasurer , Bro . D . Davies , had repaired , renewed , and renovated their lodge furniture , lie would willingly assist those brethren in their laudable exertions by contributing a small portion of it himself ; therefore he asked the brethren to allow him this part , and he would leave it to the AV . M . to procure them . The AA . M . elect felt sorry there was
not any stewardship vacant this ensuing year , or he had fully intended to do himself the honour of representing the lodge during his year of office to at least one of the Charities , but under the circumstances , he would defer the pleasure until tires next vacancy occurred , when he would gladly undertake the responsibility of again serving them . After business , the brethren sat down to a superior cold collation , prepared by Bro . C . A . Cathie in his usual admirable stle .
y ST . GEORGE ' S LODGE ( Xo . 1-1 . 0 ) . —This lodge met at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , on AVednesday . Bro . Dr . Scott , AA . M ., presided . Tho election for AV . M . for the ensuing yearfell on Bro . E . AV . Hubbnck , P . M . 58 , and the J . AV . of the lodge . Bro . Ryder , P . AI ., was re-elected Treasurer . There was one initiation . Tho lodge being closed , the brethren adjourned to Bro . Moore's Globe Tavern , Eoyal Hill , Greenwich ,
where they partook of a superior banquet . lEMi ? Eim * CE LODGE ( SO . 1 G 9 ) . —The last regular meeting for the year of this well-known lodge was held at Bro . Hoiman's , Plough Tavern , Plough-bridge , Rotherhithe , on Thursday , Dec . 10 th . There was only one eercmony done . This being election night , a ballot was taken for A \ . M . for the ensuing year , when the votes were , for Bro . G . Brown , S . AV ., IS ; for Bro . J . T . Mossa Past AA arden 13 ; so Bro . G . BrownS . AV .
, , , , was declared to he duly elected . A ballot for Treasurer was also taken , and Bro . J . Hoiiiiis , P . M ., was re-elected , Bro . Newland , AV . M ., " presided . After the lodge was closed , the brethren partook of an excellent cold collation , which reflected great credit on Bro . Holman . Visitors : J . Bavin , J . A \ . 147 ; J . Lightfoot , S . D . 147 ; J . Patte , I . G . 147 ; aud many others .