Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 4 →
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On the 26 th July , the foundation-stone of the Freemasons' Hall -was laid by the Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire , Bro . Stephen Blair . The brethren will see by the Treasurer ' s report that the Caledonian Lodge has invested a portion of its funds in this great and important undertaking . The following ihandsome presents have been made to the lodge during the past year , viz .: —The beautiful velvet cushion ( by Bro . Thomas Oakden ) , on which the Bible was carried in the procession to lay
the foundation-stone of the Freemasons' Hall ; the handsome Lewis ( by Bro . John Bell ) , used in raising and lowering tho corner stone ; and a very costly album ( by Bro . Thomas Uawson ) , to hold two hundred portrait of members of the lodge . To render the present of Bro . Rawson of value to the lodge , Bro . Silas Eastham offered in the most liberal manner to photograph the portrait of every member of the lodge , free of all charge . AAlien the constant changes that must take lace
p 5 n so large a body as the Caledonian Lodge are borne in mind , it is unnecessary to refer to the value of Bro . Eastham's offer , which will form a record of great interest in future days . Bro . Gardiner , of the Kilwinning Lodgo , presented an engraved copy of the " Investment of Burns , as poet laureate of the Kilwinning Lodge , " and Bro . Blair , Prov . G . M ., a copy of a full length portrait of himself . The lod following the le
ge , examp set in former years , in showing respect to the Past Masters , has presented to Bro . G . C . Thorpe , P . M ., a portrait of himself , painted by Mr . J . A . AA asse , and has secured a copy to hang in the lodge rooms . The following is a summary of the work of the past year : —December—Two meetings , six initiations , four passings , and four raisings . January—Three meetings , three initiations , six passings , and one raising . February—Three
meetings , five initiations , one passing , and four raisings . March —Two meetings , seven initiations , two passings , and one raising . April—Three meetings , three initiations , seven passings , and two raisings . May—Three meetings , two initiations ] three passings , and six raisings . June—Two meetings , four initiations , one passing , and three raisings . July—Three meetings , two initiations , eight passings , and five raisings . August—Two meetingsone initiationone passingand three raisings .
Sep-, , , tember—Two meetings , five initiations , and three raisings . October—Two meetings , five initiations , and four passings . November—Two meetings , two initiations , and three passings . Making a total of 29 meetings , 45 initiations , 40 passings , aud 32 raisings . In the same period four brethren , have joined the lodge , three proposals have been rejected , and several withdrawn . During the yearthree brethren have resigned , and three have died .
Bro . AA . Grant Moore ( late S . D . ) tendered his resignation , in consequence of having fixed his residence for the future in London . It was accepted with regret , and the Secretary was requested to write to Bro . Moore expressing the same to him from the lodge . At seven o ' clock the brethren adjourned to the Athcnveinn , when about ninety sat down to a well-covered board , provided by Bro . Saml . AVright . The cloth having been
removed , the AV . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . In referring to the several Charities , the successful appeal made by Bro . Binckes on behalf of the Boys' School , was alluded to , and the brethren of 204 were reminded that , although they had done very well during the past year ( having subscribed about 100 guineas ) , the lodge expected them to do even more next year ; and Bro . Charles Affleck , P . M ., expressed his willingness to receive names and subscriptions . The meeting closed about ialf-past eleven o ' clock .
LANCASHIRE ( AA EST . ) PEESTOI * . —Itoyal Freslon ^ Lodge ( No . 333 ) . — -On Friday evening the 18 th inst ., an emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Prince Albert Hotel , Fuhvood , Preston , Bro . F . F . T . Hobbs , AV . M ., in the chair . Bros . C . Carnegie , AV . M ., S . AV . ; W . Thompson , J . AV . ; AV . Lawrence , S . D . ; when Messrs . J . F , Grier , Quartermaster , 11 th D . B . ; J . L . Kelly , Lieut . 10 th
Regiment ; and J . McO'Leany , Ensign 10 th Regiment , were balloted for and initiated into Ancient Freemasonry . There being no other business , the lodge was closed in solemn form at ten p . m ., when the brethren retired to refreshment , where the usual Masonic and other toasts were given and responded to . The newly initiated brethren responded iu a very feeling manner when their healths were proposed . The toast of the visitors
was responded to b y Bro . Sergeant-Major J . B . Forbs , 4 th Hussars , Lodge No . 500 , Ireland ( one of the Six Hundred Balaclava Heroes ) , and alluded to the kind manner in which he had teen received in this lodge , and 343 likewise ; and said we could
only know the value of Masonry when we meet among strangers and were received as brothers . The brethren separated much pleased with that truly Masonic spirit at the hour of high twelve .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . Wooiwicn . —Invieta Chapter S . P . Hyfa . —The members of this chapter met on Friday , the 18 th , at the Masonic Hall , AVilliam-street , AA oolwich , when the following 111 . brethren were present : —Colonel Clerk , 33 ° , as M . AV . S . ; AA . H . Carter , 18 ° , Prelate ; Captain Boyle , 31 ° , G . Marshall ; P . Laird , 18 ° , Raphael ; Matthew Cooke , 30 ° , Org . ; J . AV . Figg , 30 ° , Sec . ; Beaty , 18 ° ; Dr . Huges , 18 ° ; and Hodge , 18 ° . Alsitor , the HI . Bro .
Meymott , 18 ° . The business consisted in advancing to the degree of Hose Croix , Capt . Sydney Millett , J . E . Tyrrell , aud Lieut . Price . Capt . Boyle , 31 ° , was then most ably installed M . AA . S . for the ensuing year , by Colonel Clerk , S . G . I . G . 33 ° . The officers appointed were as follows : —AV . H . Carter , 18 ° , Prelate ; Capt . Dadson , 30 ° , 1 st Gen . ; J . B . Thompson , 18 ° , 2 nd Gen . ; Capt . M'Laughlin , 18 ° , G . Marshal ; Geo . Lambert , 30 ° , Raphael ; Matthew Cooke 30 ° Org . Dir . of Cers . and HeraldJ . AV .
, , , , ; Fig , 30 ° , re-appointed See ., and P . Laird , 18 ° , re-appointed Treas . The business being over , the members adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s to dinner , where they passed and evening full of kind feeling and pleasure , a reproduction of those nights which have caused the Invieta meetings to be looked upon as the most agreeable and profitable in Freemasonry .
ORDER OF MALTA . MOITST CAEVAUT PniORT . —The Mount Calvary Priory held a meeting at the Masonic Union Rooms , 14 , Bedford-row , on Friday , the 11 th inst ., when the Grand Master honoured the members with his presence . Notwithstanding the spacious premises recently erected , the pressure for accommodation was so great that the G . Dir . of Cers . could only spare the front club room for the purpose ; but under the skilful management of Sir
Knt . J . AV . Thompson , P . Prior , the best use was made of the limited space , and the new floor cloths , or tracing boards , and tiie other handsome paraphernalia belonging to the priory , were much admired . The new banner , bearing the white cross of St . John upon a red field , and the companion banner of Malta , just executed for the Grand Conclave , were placed right and left of the throne . Precisely at ten o ' clock , the Prior , Sir Knt . Swan , took his seat with the G . M . ou his rihtand supported bthe
g , y rev . Prelate , Sir Knts . Grice , on his left , Francis , as Capt . General ; F . Binckes , as Lieut .-General ; Shuttlewortb , G 7 V . C , as G . Marshall ; and Nicholson , as Capt . of the Outposts . The Lieut .-General having seen the sentries properly posted , the priory was opened in ancient form , and fifteen companions of the Order of the Temple were admitted into the noble Order of St . John of Jerusalem .
Mark Masonry.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF ENGLAND AND A \ ALES , AND THE COLONIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE BRITISH CROAVN . The half-yearly communication was held on AVednesday , the 16 th December , 1863 , in tho new Grand Hall erected by the " Masonic Union , Limited , " at No . 14 , Bedford-row , which , with the supplementary rooms & c & c . has been fulldescribed in
, , , y the FEEEMASOSS' MAGAZINE , of the 19 th inst ., in the account of the opening ceremony by the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar . In the unavoidable and regretted absence of the G . M . Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., Grand Lodge was presided over by R . AV . Bro . AV . W . Beach , M . P ., D . G . M ., as M . AV . G . M ., assisted hy R . AV . Bros . Sir E . Lechmere , Bart ., P . G . AV ., as D . G . M . ; Col . Cole ,
C . X . ( AV . M . elect N o . 7 ) , as S . G . W . ; and John Barker , J . G . W . V . W . Bros . George Haward , P . G . M . O ., as G . M . O . ; F . G . Irwin , P . G . M . O ., as G . S . O . ; Frank Haes ( Delegate Sydney Lodge , No . 25 ) , as G . J . O . ; Rev . Dr . Richards , and Rev . J . AV . Laughlin , G . Chaps . ; Geo . Raymond Portal , G . Reg . ; Frederick Binckes , G . Sec ; AV . Bros . M . H . Shuttlewortb , as S . G . D . ; JohnUdall , as J . G . D . j H . J . Thompson , as G . Dir . of Cers , ; II . S . Hulbert ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On the 26 th July , the foundation-stone of the Freemasons' Hall -was laid by the Provincial Grand Master for East Lancashire , Bro . Stephen Blair . The brethren will see by the Treasurer ' s report that the Caledonian Lodge has invested a portion of its funds in this great and important undertaking . The following ihandsome presents have been made to the lodge during the past year , viz .: —The beautiful velvet cushion ( by Bro . Thomas Oakden ) , on which the Bible was carried in the procession to lay
the foundation-stone of the Freemasons' Hall ; the handsome Lewis ( by Bro . John Bell ) , used in raising and lowering tho corner stone ; and a very costly album ( by Bro . Thomas Uawson ) , to hold two hundred portrait of members of the lodge . To render the present of Bro . Rawson of value to the lodge , Bro . Silas Eastham offered in the most liberal manner to photograph the portrait of every member of the lodge , free of all charge . AAlien the constant changes that must take lace
p 5 n so large a body as the Caledonian Lodge are borne in mind , it is unnecessary to refer to the value of Bro . Eastham's offer , which will form a record of great interest in future days . Bro . Gardiner , of the Kilwinning Lodgo , presented an engraved copy of the " Investment of Burns , as poet laureate of the Kilwinning Lodge , " and Bro . Blair , Prov . G . M ., a copy of a full length portrait of himself . The lod following the le
ge , examp set in former years , in showing respect to the Past Masters , has presented to Bro . G . C . Thorpe , P . M ., a portrait of himself , painted by Mr . J . A . AA asse , and has secured a copy to hang in the lodge rooms . The following is a summary of the work of the past year : —December—Two meetings , six initiations , four passings , and four raisings . January—Three meetings , three initiations , six passings , and one raising . February—Three
meetings , five initiations , one passing , and four raisings . March —Two meetings , seven initiations , two passings , and one raising . April—Three meetings , three initiations , seven passings , and two raisings . May—Three meetings , two initiations ] three passings , and six raisings . June—Two meetings , four initiations , one passing , and three raisings . July—Three meetings , two initiations , eight passings , and five raisings . August—Two meetingsone initiationone passingand three raisings .
Sep-, , , tember—Two meetings , five initiations , and three raisings . October—Two meetings , five initiations , and four passings . November—Two meetings , two initiations , and three passings . Making a total of 29 meetings , 45 initiations , 40 passings , aud 32 raisings . In the same period four brethren , have joined the lodge , three proposals have been rejected , and several withdrawn . During the yearthree brethren have resigned , and three have died .
Bro . AA . Grant Moore ( late S . D . ) tendered his resignation , in consequence of having fixed his residence for the future in London . It was accepted with regret , and the Secretary was requested to write to Bro . Moore expressing the same to him from the lodge . At seven o ' clock the brethren adjourned to the Athcnveinn , when about ninety sat down to a well-covered board , provided by Bro . Saml . AVright . The cloth having been
removed , the AV . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . In referring to the several Charities , the successful appeal made by Bro . Binckes on behalf of the Boys' School , was alluded to , and the brethren of 204 were reminded that , although they had done very well during the past year ( having subscribed about 100 guineas ) , the lodge expected them to do even more next year ; and Bro . Charles Affleck , P . M ., expressed his willingness to receive names and subscriptions . The meeting closed about ialf-past eleven o ' clock .
LANCASHIRE ( AA EST . ) PEESTOI * . —Itoyal Freslon ^ Lodge ( No . 333 ) . — -On Friday evening the 18 th inst ., an emergency meeting of this lodge was held at the Prince Albert Hotel , Fuhvood , Preston , Bro . F . F . T . Hobbs , AV . M ., in the chair . Bros . C . Carnegie , AV . M ., S . AV . ; W . Thompson , J . AV . ; AV . Lawrence , S . D . ; when Messrs . J . F , Grier , Quartermaster , 11 th D . B . ; J . L . Kelly , Lieut . 10 th
Regiment ; and J . McO'Leany , Ensign 10 th Regiment , were balloted for and initiated into Ancient Freemasonry . There being no other business , the lodge was closed in solemn form at ten p . m ., when the brethren retired to refreshment , where the usual Masonic and other toasts were given and responded to . The newly initiated brethren responded iu a very feeling manner when their healths were proposed . The toast of the visitors
was responded to b y Bro . Sergeant-Major J . B . Forbs , 4 th Hussars , Lodge No . 500 , Ireland ( one of the Six Hundred Balaclava Heroes ) , and alluded to the kind manner in which he had teen received in this lodge , and 343 likewise ; and said we could
only know the value of Masonry when we meet among strangers and were received as brothers . The brethren separated much pleased with that truly Masonic spirit at the hour of high twelve .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
METROPOLITAN . Wooiwicn . —Invieta Chapter S . P . Hyfa . —The members of this chapter met on Friday , the 18 th , at the Masonic Hall , AVilliam-street , AA oolwich , when the following 111 . brethren were present : —Colonel Clerk , 33 ° , as M . AV . S . ; AA . H . Carter , 18 ° , Prelate ; Captain Boyle , 31 ° , G . Marshall ; P . Laird , 18 ° , Raphael ; Matthew Cooke , 30 ° , Org . ; J . AV . Figg , 30 ° , Sec . ; Beaty , 18 ° ; Dr . Huges , 18 ° ; and Hodge , 18 ° . Alsitor , the HI . Bro .
Meymott , 18 ° . The business consisted in advancing to the degree of Hose Croix , Capt . Sydney Millett , J . E . Tyrrell , aud Lieut . Price . Capt . Boyle , 31 ° , was then most ably installed M . AA . S . for the ensuing year , by Colonel Clerk , S . G . I . G . 33 ° . The officers appointed were as follows : —AV . H . Carter , 18 ° , Prelate ; Capt . Dadson , 30 ° , 1 st Gen . ; J . B . Thompson , 18 ° , 2 nd Gen . ; Capt . M'Laughlin , 18 ° , G . Marshal ; Geo . Lambert , 30 ° , Raphael ; Matthew Cooke 30 ° Org . Dir . of Cers . and HeraldJ . AV .
, , , , ; Fig , 30 ° , re-appointed See ., and P . Laird , 18 ° , re-appointed Treas . The business being over , the members adjourned to Bro . De Grey ' s to dinner , where they passed and evening full of kind feeling and pleasure , a reproduction of those nights which have caused the Invieta meetings to be looked upon as the most agreeable and profitable in Freemasonry .
ORDER OF MALTA . MOITST CAEVAUT PniORT . —The Mount Calvary Priory held a meeting at the Masonic Union Rooms , 14 , Bedford-row , on Friday , the 11 th inst ., when the Grand Master honoured the members with his presence . Notwithstanding the spacious premises recently erected , the pressure for accommodation was so great that the G . Dir . of Cers . could only spare the front club room for the purpose ; but under the skilful management of Sir
Knt . J . AV . Thompson , P . Prior , the best use was made of the limited space , and the new floor cloths , or tracing boards , and tiie other handsome paraphernalia belonging to the priory , were much admired . The new banner , bearing the white cross of St . John upon a red field , and the companion banner of Malta , just executed for the Grand Conclave , were placed right and left of the throne . Precisely at ten o ' clock , the Prior , Sir Knt . Swan , took his seat with the G . M . ou his rihtand supported bthe
g , y rev . Prelate , Sir Knts . Grice , on his left , Francis , as Capt . General ; F . Binckes , as Lieut .-General ; Shuttlewortb , G 7 V . C , as G . Marshall ; and Nicholson , as Capt . of the Outposts . The Lieut .-General having seen the sentries properly posted , the priory was opened in ancient form , and fifteen companions of the Order of the Temple were admitted into the noble Order of St . John of Jerusalem .
Mark Masonry.
GRAND LODGE OF MARK MASTERS OF ENGLAND AND A \ ALES , AND THE COLONIES AND POSSESSIONS OF THE BRITISH CROAVN . The half-yearly communication was held on AVednesday , the 16 th December , 1863 , in tho new Grand Hall erected by the " Masonic Union , Limited , " at No . 14 , Bedford-row , which , with the supplementary rooms & c & c . has been fulldescribed in
, , , y the FEEEMASOSS' MAGAZINE , of the 19 th inst ., in the account of the opening ceremony by the Grand Conclave of Knights Templar . In the unavoidable and regretted absence of the G . M . Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., Grand Lodge was presided over by R . AV . Bro . AV . W . Beach , M . P ., D . G . M ., as M . AV . G . M ., assisted hy R . AV . Bros . Sir E . Lechmere , Bart ., P . G . AV ., as D . G . M . ; Col . Cole ,
C . X . ( AV . M . elect N o . 7 ) , as S . G . W . ; and John Barker , J . G . W . V . W . Bros . George Haward , P . G . M . O ., as G . M . O . ; F . G . Irwin , P . G . M . O ., as G . S . O . ; Frank Haes ( Delegate Sydney Lodge , No . 25 ) , as G . J . O . ; Rev . Dr . Richards , and Rev . J . AV . Laughlin , G . Chaps . ; Geo . Raymond Portal , G . Reg . ; Frederick Binckes , G . Sec ; AV . Bros . M . H . Shuttlewortb , as S . G . D . ; JohnUdall , as J . G . D . j H . J . Thompson , as G . Dir . of Cers , ; II . S . Hulbert ,