Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 4 of 4 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 2 →
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Mark Masonry.
. symbols , and allusions of the Mark , than by those of any degree throughout which they had previously passed . Disclaiming any feeling of annoyance , rivalry , or antagonism towards those who lie feared " wished not wel ! to their Zion , " he would be glad if he could infuse into some of his good friends a little more of that energy which opposition always engendered in him , and so render beyond all doubt the brilliant future of this branch of our Ancient Orderwhich he was sure they all regarded with as
, much interest as himself . Two or three other toasts were drunk , including " Tho Health of Bro . S , B . AA'ilson , and Craft Masonry , " proposed by Bro . Colonel Cole , C . B ., and appropriately acknowledged . Tbe business of the evening having concluded , the brethren separated at an early hour . The musical arrangements were conducted by Bro . Tedder .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAME ( NO , 590 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., for tho purpose of initiating a gentleman who was about to depart for India tbe following morning . The lodge was opened at 7 p . m . by Bro . Durell , AV . AL , assisted by Bro . C * Le Sueur , S . AV ., and Bro . Binet acting as , T . AA . The ballot- having been declared favourable , and the other necessary preliminaries having been complied
with , Mr . Joshua Le Sueur was introduced , properly prepared , and admitted to the first degree with the usual solemnities . The AV . M . subsequently delivered the charge ordinarily given to an Entered Apprentice . There being no other business , advantage was taken of the opportunity to deliver the Ancient Charges , as required once in each year . This was done by the Rev . Chaplain . The AA . M . announced to the lodge the intention of the rev . brother to preach a farewell sermon at All Saints '
Church , on Sunday , the 13 th insfe ., the last he would spend in Jersey , before his departure for the Mauritius , which would be especially addressed to the Masonic body . The lodge was closed in " perfect harmony , and with solemn prayer , at a quarter to nine , and the brethren afterwards partook of refreshment . As we ( Jersey Morning Express ) last week informed our readers would be the case , on Sunday evening the llev . F . de La Mare preached a farewell sermon especially addressed to Freemasons . The church was crowded ; indeed , though additional seats wero placed in the aisles , many who sought admission , wore unable to obtain , it . Pravors were road by the incumbent , the Rev .
Edward Heale , and two anthems suitable for the occasion were sung by an efficient choir . The text was taken from Genesis , chap . 4 , v . 0 , from which a discourse was very impressively preached to a most attentive congregation , many of whom were greatly affected . The Rev . Chaplain appeared to have several objects in view , namely , after some comments on the passage of Scripture , to point out the duties and responsibilities of man to his fellow man as well as to his Godby comparing the Mosaic
; Lodge to a family , iu order adequately to enforce the reciprocal duties of unity and brotherly affection , as well as to show that the same class of hopes , fears , despondency , and interests exists hi each case ; to indicate the moral and religious tendency of the Institution , and its reliance for guidance on the teachings of Sacred AA rit ; to exhort and encourage the brethren to the discharge of every duty , as well for the welfare of each individual
as for the advantage of those with whom they are associated ; to warn the negligent and indifferent against tho abuse of the privileges to which they have been admitted ; to clear the Order from the aspersions of a few by whom it is assailed , in ignorance of its merits and true bearings ; and , finally , to take an affectionate leave of those from whom he had received so much kindness . Such a discourse , delivered with so much energy and feelingcannot fail to have an effect on those who heard itto
, , stimulate the members of the Craft to greater efforts , and to remove unfavourable impressions from the minds of those who are unconnected with it . A collection was made at tho close of the service , amounting to nearly £ 9 , towards the fund for the purchase of an organ for AU Saints' Church .
Wilms you have lost money in the streets , every one is ready to help you look for it ; but when you have lost your character , every one leaves you recover it as you can .
The Week.
THE COTTKT . — The days of Royal mourning are now happily over , and Her Majesty and family have gone to spend the Christmas holidays at Osborne . Hoars Nuws . —The health of the metropolis appears now to he in a highly satisfactory condition . The deaths , last week , were G 6 below those of the week before , and 110 below those of the ten years' average . The total number was 1357 . There
were 1927 births , which is 110 above the ten years' average . The Gazette officially records the appointment of Mr . Serjeant Shee to the judicial bench , and of Canon . Stanley to the deanery of Westminster . A further increase of about 1700 has taken place in . the number of persons receiving parochial relief in the cotton districts ; and , although in anticipa
tion of a revival of trade , a considerable number of new mills are in course of construction , the Central Executive Relief Committee have wisely come to tho conclusion that it is their duty to husband their resources and prepare for frequent changes in the state of employment . They at present hold a balance of abowt £ -225 , 000 , while the Mansion House , Liverpool , and
Bridgewater House Committees have still at their disposal a sum which may be put down , in round numbers , at £ 185 , 000 . This gives a total reserve of upwards of £ 400 , 000 . To this must be added the relief that maybe expected from tho Public Works Act , under tho provisions of which application to the amount of £ 1 , 117 , 605 have already been reported on . A few weeks ago ,
Mr . Famall issued circulars to the relieving-ofticers in the cotton manufacturing districts , asking for information as to the present position and employment of those labourers and factory operatives who have ceased to receive parochial relief since the Oth December , 1 SG 2 , when pauperism attained its maximum . Some of the returns which have been received arc incomplete , hut making
tlle best use he can of the data with which he has been supplied , he frames the following estimate : — " That 15 , 5 G 4 persons who were paupers in December , 1862 , cannot be traced by the relieving officers ; that 54 , 474 persons have resumed their usual work ; that 23 , 940 are employed in outdoor work ; and that 77 S 2 have either removed or emigrated . " At the last meeting of the Metropolitan Board of AA orks ,
among other business , the tenders for the northern embankment of the Thames , from Waterloo-bridge to the eastern end of the Temple Gardens , were opened , and the tender of Messrs . Ritson and Co ., being the lowest offered , was accepted , subject to the usual conditions . The estimate is £ 229 , 000 . Dr . Jeune , the Master of Pembroke College , Oxford—a man of
high academic repute—has been appointed to the vacant deanery of Lincoln . The new Dean has generally been numbered among the "Liberals" of tiie University . It is stated that the English and French insurance offices are dividing the risks of an insurance , to the amount of £ 200 , 000 , on tho life of the Empress of the French . A fire broke out in the Prince of AA ales
Tower , at Windsor Castle , early on Thursday week , but was extinguished before any serious damage was done . Vice-Chancellor Kindersloy has committed the editor of a Sheerness newspaper for " contempt , "—the offence being the publication of certain articles , which it was held might influence witnesses in a suit now pending in his Honour ' s Court .
A man named Stephenson , who described himself as an author , has been committed for trial for damaging one of Turner ' s pictures in the National Gallery . The picture was " Regains leaving Rome . " The official investigation into the recent Federal enlistments at Cork is still going on . Fifteen of the man who were enlisted for service on board the Kearsaye have been again examined at Queenstown , but , as the inquiry is a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
. symbols , and allusions of the Mark , than by those of any degree throughout which they had previously passed . Disclaiming any feeling of annoyance , rivalry , or antagonism towards those who lie feared " wished not wel ! to their Zion , " he would be glad if he could infuse into some of his good friends a little more of that energy which opposition always engendered in him , and so render beyond all doubt the brilliant future of this branch of our Ancient Orderwhich he was sure they all regarded with as
, much interest as himself . Two or three other toasts were drunk , including " Tho Health of Bro . S , B . AA'ilson , and Craft Masonry , " proposed by Bro . Colonel Cole , C . B ., and appropriately acknowledged . Tbe business of the evening having concluded , the brethren separated at an early hour . The musical arrangements were conducted by Bro . Tedder .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAME ( NO , 590 ) . —An emergency meeting was held on Thursday , the 10 th inst ., for tho purpose of initiating a gentleman who was about to depart for India tbe following morning . The lodge was opened at 7 p . m . by Bro . Durell , AV . AL , assisted by Bro . C * Le Sueur , S . AV ., and Bro . Binet acting as , T . AA . The ballot- having been declared favourable , and the other necessary preliminaries having been complied
with , Mr . Joshua Le Sueur was introduced , properly prepared , and admitted to the first degree with the usual solemnities . The AV . M . subsequently delivered the charge ordinarily given to an Entered Apprentice . There being no other business , advantage was taken of the opportunity to deliver the Ancient Charges , as required once in each year . This was done by the Rev . Chaplain . The AA . M . announced to the lodge the intention of the rev . brother to preach a farewell sermon at All Saints '
Church , on Sunday , the 13 th insfe ., the last he would spend in Jersey , before his departure for the Mauritius , which would be especially addressed to the Masonic body . The lodge was closed in " perfect harmony , and with solemn prayer , at a quarter to nine , and the brethren afterwards partook of refreshment . As we ( Jersey Morning Express ) last week informed our readers would be the case , on Sunday evening the llev . F . de La Mare preached a farewell sermon especially addressed to Freemasons . The church was crowded ; indeed , though additional seats wero placed in the aisles , many who sought admission , wore unable to obtain , it . Pravors were road by the incumbent , the Rev .
Edward Heale , and two anthems suitable for the occasion were sung by an efficient choir . The text was taken from Genesis , chap . 4 , v . 0 , from which a discourse was very impressively preached to a most attentive congregation , many of whom were greatly affected . The Rev . Chaplain appeared to have several objects in view , namely , after some comments on the passage of Scripture , to point out the duties and responsibilities of man to his fellow man as well as to his Godby comparing the Mosaic
; Lodge to a family , iu order adequately to enforce the reciprocal duties of unity and brotherly affection , as well as to show that the same class of hopes , fears , despondency , and interests exists hi each case ; to indicate the moral and religious tendency of the Institution , and its reliance for guidance on the teachings of Sacred AA rit ; to exhort and encourage the brethren to the discharge of every duty , as well for the welfare of each individual
as for the advantage of those with whom they are associated ; to warn the negligent and indifferent against tho abuse of the privileges to which they have been admitted ; to clear the Order from the aspersions of a few by whom it is assailed , in ignorance of its merits and true bearings ; and , finally , to take an affectionate leave of those from whom he had received so much kindness . Such a discourse , delivered with so much energy and feelingcannot fail to have an effect on those who heard itto
, , stimulate the members of the Craft to greater efforts , and to remove unfavourable impressions from the minds of those who are unconnected with it . A collection was made at tho close of the service , amounting to nearly £ 9 , towards the fund for the purchase of an organ for AU Saints' Church .
Wilms you have lost money in the streets , every one is ready to help you look for it ; but when you have lost your character , every one leaves you recover it as you can .
The Week.
THE COTTKT . — The days of Royal mourning are now happily over , and Her Majesty and family have gone to spend the Christmas holidays at Osborne . Hoars Nuws . —The health of the metropolis appears now to he in a highly satisfactory condition . The deaths , last week , were G 6 below those of the week before , and 110 below those of the ten years' average . The total number was 1357 . There
were 1927 births , which is 110 above the ten years' average . The Gazette officially records the appointment of Mr . Serjeant Shee to the judicial bench , and of Canon . Stanley to the deanery of Westminster . A further increase of about 1700 has taken place in . the number of persons receiving parochial relief in the cotton districts ; and , although in anticipa
tion of a revival of trade , a considerable number of new mills are in course of construction , the Central Executive Relief Committee have wisely come to tho conclusion that it is their duty to husband their resources and prepare for frequent changes in the state of employment . They at present hold a balance of abowt £ -225 , 000 , while the Mansion House , Liverpool , and
Bridgewater House Committees have still at their disposal a sum which may be put down , in round numbers , at £ 185 , 000 . This gives a total reserve of upwards of £ 400 , 000 . To this must be added the relief that maybe expected from tho Public Works Act , under tho provisions of which application to the amount of £ 1 , 117 , 605 have already been reported on . A few weeks ago ,
Mr . Famall issued circulars to the relieving-ofticers in the cotton manufacturing districts , asking for information as to the present position and employment of those labourers and factory operatives who have ceased to receive parochial relief since the Oth December , 1 SG 2 , when pauperism attained its maximum . Some of the returns which have been received arc incomplete , hut making
tlle best use he can of the data with which he has been supplied , he frames the following estimate : — " That 15 , 5 G 4 persons who were paupers in December , 1862 , cannot be traced by the relieving officers ; that 54 , 474 persons have resumed their usual work ; that 23 , 940 are employed in outdoor work ; and that 77 S 2 have either removed or emigrated . " At the last meeting of the Metropolitan Board of AA orks ,
among other business , the tenders for the northern embankment of the Thames , from Waterloo-bridge to the eastern end of the Temple Gardens , were opened , and the tender of Messrs . Ritson and Co ., being the lowest offered , was accepted , subject to the usual conditions . The estimate is £ 229 , 000 . Dr . Jeune , the Master of Pembroke College , Oxford—a man of
high academic repute—has been appointed to the vacant deanery of Lincoln . The new Dean has generally been numbered among the "Liberals" of tiie University . It is stated that the English and French insurance offices are dividing the risks of an insurance , to the amount of £ 200 , 000 , on tho life of the Empress of the French . A fire broke out in the Prince of AA ales
Tower , at Windsor Castle , early on Thursday week , but was extinguished before any serious damage was done . Vice-Chancellor Kindersloy has committed the editor of a Sheerness newspaper for " contempt , "—the offence being the publication of certain articles , which it was held might influence witnesses in a suit now pending in his Honour ' s Court .
A man named Stephenson , who described himself as an author , has been committed for trial for damaging one of Turner ' s pictures in the National Gallery . The picture was " Regains leaving Rome . " The official investigation into the recent Federal enlistments at Cork is still going on . Fifteen of the man who were enlisted for service on board the Kearsaye have been again examined at Queenstown , but , as the inquiry is a