Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
strictly secret one , nothing is known as to the nature ot the evidence which has been given at this and the two previous sittings of the Court . A gentleman , who had purchased , under a . sale in Chancery , the site of Tottenham-court-road Chapel burial ground for building purposes , was on Saturday fined £ 5 and costs , at the Marlborough Police-court , for removing dead bodies without the authority of the Home Secretary .
Several Manchester warehouses in London were destroyed by fire on Friday night . The damage done is variously estimated at from £ 100 , 000 to £ 200 , 000 . -The long-pending case of Lindsay , M . P ., against Leathby has come to a close . The jury found a verdict substantially for the underwriters , but as leave was given to move for a verdict for the owners on the ground
that a partial loss had been incurred , the underwriters agreed to waive all further claims by paying the owner the sum of £ 4500 and each party to pay his own costs . Mr . Justice Crompton , in his charge to the Grand Jury , at AVelshpool , suggested that incendiaries , as well as gat-otters , should be liable to a flogging on conviction . The learned judge
said tiie crime of arson prevailed throughout the country to " an alarming extent , " and in some instances which had come before him the prisoners had admitted their guilt , and avowed that their object in thus destroying property was to got sent to prison for a long term . -The case of the lunatic at Flushing , in Cornwall , the tale of whose miseries created so much
commiseration in the public mind a few weeks ago was brought before the magistrates of Falmouth on Monday . The magistrates , after deliberating , bound the brother over in heavy sureties to take his trial for ill-treatment of his lunatic brother . At an inquest held on the body of a woman who died in childbirth , an order authorised by the Poor-law Board was brought to light , which apnears on the face of it to be absurd or worse . It
seems that under their authority the relieving officer of a parish grants a " temporary midwifery order , " which only holds good till nine o'clock on the morning of the day after it is issued ; so that if a women is taken in labour , and only delivered after the clock strikes nine on the following day , the doctor cannot claim to be paid for his services . It was intimated , however , that the terms of the order were about to be altered .
John Hutchins , the landlord of the Horseshoe Inn , at AA'althnm , near Leicester , has been committed for trial for the wilful murder of his w-ife . Mrs . Hutchins , as the post-mortem examination showed , was poisoned by arsenic , and the Coroner's jury were satisfied from the evidence placed before them that the poison had been administered to her by her husband . At the
Cambridge assizes a labourer , named John Green , was sentenced to death for the murder of a woman at AA hittlesea , in March last . The woman was first dreadfully injured , if not killed outright , and she was then flung into a furnace—the object of the murderer , no doubt , being to consume the body so as to obliterate every trace of the deceased . A labouring man ,
named Palmer , has been tried at Maidstone for the murder of n woman with whom he cohabited . He was found guilty of manslaughter , and the jury recommended him to mercy . He was sentenced to three months' imprisonment . FOBElGJr Ls-TELLrGE > "CE . —The Emperor of the French , in replying to the Senate , alludes in plain terms to his desire for
a Congress . He directs all his wishes , he says , to the moment when the great questions of the day will be pacifically solved by European arbitrament ; and in this aspiration he reminds us that he follows in the path of his uncle , who said that " a war in Europe is a civil war . The debate on the address to the King of Prussia propounded by the Liberal party , in reply to his Majesty's demand for a loan for the purpose of conducting the operations in Ilolstein , has taken place in the Prussian
The Week.
Chamber of Deputies ; and , notwithstanding the remonstrance of Herr Von Bismarck against the House encroaching on the privileges of the Executive , the address was carried by 207 against 107 votes . The King is suffering from a slight rheumatic attack . The Prussian Government , in order to secure liberty of action with regard to the ponding negociations , has
given formal notice of its intention to quit the Zollverein ; but , according to the official journal of Berlin , the manner in which the negociations are conducted , " testifies that all the contracting parties are animated by the desire to continue the union . " The Prussian Field-Marshal Wrangel will assume tho chief command of the federal " troops of execution" sent
into-Ilolstein , while Prince Frederick diaries of Prussia will command the Prussian contingent . It is confidently affirmed not only that tho Danish troops will evacuate Ilolstein , but that important modifications will be made in the joint constitution of Denmark and Schleswig . The Polish National Government has issued a proclamation declaring that the insurrection will continue to be vigorously prosecuted ; aud that it will be based
on the principles of assuring legal equality to all and landed property to the peasantry . INDIA . —The Bombay mail brings papers from the Presidency to the 29 th ult . The news of the death of the Earl of Elgin caused profound sorrow , and every mark of respect was paid to his memory at tho respective seats of Government and at all the military stations . The papers all appear in mourning . The only other subject of much interest was the fihting with the
g hill tribes on the Punjaub frontier , accounts of which have already been received by telegraph . AJUEKICA . —The Arabia has arrived with intelligence from New York to the lltli inst . Congress met on the 7 th , and the President's message was delivered on the following day . The message was accompanied by a proclamation of the President of
some importance , suggesting terms for the reconstruction of the Union . It offers an amnesty to persons in rebellion who will take the oath of allegiance to the United States , an oath to support all acts passed by the Federal Congress , and the emancipation and ' all other proclamations issued by the President . Persons holding high civic and military offices in the Confederate Government are exempted from the armistice . There was not much war news . General Longstreet had , it appeared ,
retreated from Knoxville towards Virginia , pursued 03 ' Federal cavalry , of whom , however , he had thirty-six hours' start . No movement of any importance had been made by the several armies ou the Tennesse and the Rapidan . The siege of Charleston was proceeding at its usual slow pace . By the Inman steamer City of JVeio York , which left New York on the 12 th inst ., we have a summary of the speech of President Davis delivered to the Confederate Congress on the
7 th . The President , while regretting the loss of Vicksbnrg , Port Hudson , and other reverses , expresses himself as confident as ever of the ultimate success of the Confederate arms , and points out various means of increasing the number and efficiency of tho army . He speaks with much bitterness of the unfriendly conduct of foreign nations , particularly of that of England , whom he accuses of marked partiality towards the Federals , as shown in her decisions regarding blockade , and in
her marked difference of conduct 011 the subject of the purchase of supplies by botli belligerents . General Longstreet is now reported to have fallen back to Morristown , East Tennessee , where it was supposed he would make a stand . Several successes are reported of the Confederates in Georgia and Kentucky . The Federals had ceased firing on Fort Sumter . One of their Monitors had sunk suddenly at the entrance of the harbour during a gale , and four engineers and twenty-six of her crew were drowned .
To Correspondents.
A Youxff MASON - is referred to the "Book of Constitutions , " where ho will obtain all the information he wishes . A COXSTAKT READEB . —AA ' e do not know of any biography of Bro . Oliver worthy of the name . S . AV—April 21 , 1843 . J . S . B . —Never .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
strictly secret one , nothing is known as to the nature ot the evidence which has been given at this and the two previous sittings of the Court . A gentleman , who had purchased , under a . sale in Chancery , the site of Tottenham-court-road Chapel burial ground for building purposes , was on Saturday fined £ 5 and costs , at the Marlborough Police-court , for removing dead bodies without the authority of the Home Secretary .
Several Manchester warehouses in London were destroyed by fire on Friday night . The damage done is variously estimated at from £ 100 , 000 to £ 200 , 000 . -The long-pending case of Lindsay , M . P ., against Leathby has come to a close . The jury found a verdict substantially for the underwriters , but as leave was given to move for a verdict for the owners on the ground
that a partial loss had been incurred , the underwriters agreed to waive all further claims by paying the owner the sum of £ 4500 and each party to pay his own costs . Mr . Justice Crompton , in his charge to the Grand Jury , at AVelshpool , suggested that incendiaries , as well as gat-otters , should be liable to a flogging on conviction . The learned judge
said tiie crime of arson prevailed throughout the country to " an alarming extent , " and in some instances which had come before him the prisoners had admitted their guilt , and avowed that their object in thus destroying property was to got sent to prison for a long term . -The case of the lunatic at Flushing , in Cornwall , the tale of whose miseries created so much
commiseration in the public mind a few weeks ago was brought before the magistrates of Falmouth on Monday . The magistrates , after deliberating , bound the brother over in heavy sureties to take his trial for ill-treatment of his lunatic brother . At an inquest held on the body of a woman who died in childbirth , an order authorised by the Poor-law Board was brought to light , which apnears on the face of it to be absurd or worse . It
seems that under their authority the relieving officer of a parish grants a " temporary midwifery order , " which only holds good till nine o'clock on the morning of the day after it is issued ; so that if a women is taken in labour , and only delivered after the clock strikes nine on the following day , the doctor cannot claim to be paid for his services . It was intimated , however , that the terms of the order were about to be altered .
John Hutchins , the landlord of the Horseshoe Inn , at AA'althnm , near Leicester , has been committed for trial for the wilful murder of his w-ife . Mrs . Hutchins , as the post-mortem examination showed , was poisoned by arsenic , and the Coroner's jury were satisfied from the evidence placed before them that the poison had been administered to her by her husband . At the
Cambridge assizes a labourer , named John Green , was sentenced to death for the murder of a woman at AA hittlesea , in March last . The woman was first dreadfully injured , if not killed outright , and she was then flung into a furnace—the object of the murderer , no doubt , being to consume the body so as to obliterate every trace of the deceased . A labouring man ,
named Palmer , has been tried at Maidstone for the murder of n woman with whom he cohabited . He was found guilty of manslaughter , and the jury recommended him to mercy . He was sentenced to three months' imprisonment . FOBElGJr Ls-TELLrGE > "CE . —The Emperor of the French , in replying to the Senate , alludes in plain terms to his desire for
a Congress . He directs all his wishes , he says , to the moment when the great questions of the day will be pacifically solved by European arbitrament ; and in this aspiration he reminds us that he follows in the path of his uncle , who said that " a war in Europe is a civil war . The debate on the address to the King of Prussia propounded by the Liberal party , in reply to his Majesty's demand for a loan for the purpose of conducting the operations in Ilolstein , has taken place in the Prussian
The Week.
Chamber of Deputies ; and , notwithstanding the remonstrance of Herr Von Bismarck against the House encroaching on the privileges of the Executive , the address was carried by 207 against 107 votes . The King is suffering from a slight rheumatic attack . The Prussian Government , in order to secure liberty of action with regard to the ponding negociations , has
given formal notice of its intention to quit the Zollverein ; but , according to the official journal of Berlin , the manner in which the negociations are conducted , " testifies that all the contracting parties are animated by the desire to continue the union . " The Prussian Field-Marshal Wrangel will assume tho chief command of the federal " troops of execution" sent
into-Ilolstein , while Prince Frederick diaries of Prussia will command the Prussian contingent . It is confidently affirmed not only that tho Danish troops will evacuate Ilolstein , but that important modifications will be made in the joint constitution of Denmark and Schleswig . The Polish National Government has issued a proclamation declaring that the insurrection will continue to be vigorously prosecuted ; aud that it will be based
on the principles of assuring legal equality to all and landed property to the peasantry . INDIA . —The Bombay mail brings papers from the Presidency to the 29 th ult . The news of the death of the Earl of Elgin caused profound sorrow , and every mark of respect was paid to his memory at tho respective seats of Government and at all the military stations . The papers all appear in mourning . The only other subject of much interest was the fihting with the
g hill tribes on the Punjaub frontier , accounts of which have already been received by telegraph . AJUEKICA . —The Arabia has arrived with intelligence from New York to the lltli inst . Congress met on the 7 th , and the President's message was delivered on the following day . The message was accompanied by a proclamation of the President of
some importance , suggesting terms for the reconstruction of the Union . It offers an amnesty to persons in rebellion who will take the oath of allegiance to the United States , an oath to support all acts passed by the Federal Congress , and the emancipation and ' all other proclamations issued by the President . Persons holding high civic and military offices in the Confederate Government are exempted from the armistice . There was not much war news . General Longstreet had , it appeared ,
retreated from Knoxville towards Virginia , pursued 03 ' Federal cavalry , of whom , however , he had thirty-six hours' start . No movement of any importance had been made by the several armies ou the Tennesse and the Rapidan . The siege of Charleston was proceeding at its usual slow pace . By the Inman steamer City of JVeio York , which left New York on the 12 th inst ., we have a summary of the speech of President Davis delivered to the Confederate Congress on the
7 th . The President , while regretting the loss of Vicksbnrg , Port Hudson , and other reverses , expresses himself as confident as ever of the ultimate success of the Confederate arms , and points out various means of increasing the number and efficiency of tho army . He speaks with much bitterness of the unfriendly conduct of foreign nations , particularly of that of England , whom he accuses of marked partiality towards the Federals , as shown in her decisions regarding blockade , and in
her marked difference of conduct 011 the subject of the purchase of supplies by botli belligerents . General Longstreet is now reported to have fallen back to Morristown , East Tennessee , where it was supposed he would make a stand . Several successes are reported of the Confederates in Georgia and Kentucky . The Federals had ceased firing on Fort Sumter . One of their Monitors had sunk suddenly at the entrance of the harbour during a gale , and four engineers and twenty-six of her crew were drowned .
To Correspondents.
A Youxff MASON - is referred to the "Book of Constitutions , " where ho will obtain all the information he wishes . A COXSTAKT READEB . —AA ' e do not know of any biography of Bro . Oliver worthy of the name . S . AV—April 21 , 1843 . J . S . B . —Never .