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The Orders Of The Red Cross Of Rome And The Holy Sepulchre.
well-known works on the public Chivalric Orders . I have already said that I should like to see any original statute in reference to Grand Crosses ancl their appurtenant powers , but none such is forthcoming . In my first communication I referred to the changing fortunes of the original Order , as to ivhich we probably could not essentially differ ; but we are now told that the Masonic Red Cross Institution does not
boast any connection with the Parmese-Neapolitau Order ; I conclude , therefore , that the question is reduced to the powers , and acts , of the Abbe Guis - tiniani , aud any evidence of them . I still think the comparison with the Order of St . John was not fortunate . I am quite aware that evidences of the Masonic Order called by that name
exist , in amalgamation with the Masonic Templars , as early as 1780 ; and I am well aequainted with the several surviving branches of the original Order of St . John . I am perfectly aware that the Grand Con clave resolved upon the revival of the Masonic Order of St . John in 1 SG 2 , and in reply to R . W . L . ' s inquiry as to "' where I was when the revival actually occurred , " I answer that I endeavoured to act
consistently by respectfully declining Grand Office on that occasion , ancl , iu so declining , gave my reasons at length . I can have no " delight" in the wrongful appropriation of one badge , the property of another Order , and I find no reasons for the adoption of the others . I regret that I cannot give any distinct information
of the Order called " Red Cross , " which I stated has been for many years known . I have already described the Cross worn by a venerable brother whom I met at a Masonic gathering ; this brother had for many years filled a high medical post in the Indian service , and was a friend of the late Dr . James Burnes , LL . D .,
F . R . S ., whose book on the Templars and Hospitallers is well known ; I have no doubt that this brother had possessed bis Red Cross for many years . A brother in the province of Lancaster , fully competent to afford information , writes me that he can find no trace of the Red Cross of Constantine in Lancashire ; but states that the Cross of St . George of Italy appears upon one Encampment banner of the year 1827 . He also says : — " I remember some years
ago ( say about 1862 ) that a statement was made in the Notes and Queries department of the Freemasons ' Magazine to the effect that the Grand Master of Freemasonry in America had met a chevalier at Malta , and obtained from him his authority to confer the Red Cross of Constantine on such Freemasons as he thought properthe Chevalier reserving only to
him-, self the power of granting diplomas . " If it is possible that such an incident can be true , no doubt the Chevalier also had a reservation in the matter of passage dues . The Red Cross Order now existing in Lancashire is called the Red Cross of Babylon .
I cast no reflection upon Bro . Rod well Wright ; he , no doubt , did what be thought was perfectly correct ; but he was as liable to error as otheis . I repeat that nothing whatever has been said in favour of assuming the Order of the Holy Sepulchre , aud , as this is stated to arise from want of time and space , it must , I suppose , be assumed that the author of the " Sketch " was unable to say anything on the subject from the same cause .
The Orders Of The Red Cross Of Rome And The Holy Sepulchre.
I beg distinctly to observe that I made no reference to the princip les or ceremonies of the Red Cross Order . I have treated its claims historically only , and am willing to suppose that its teachings are all that may be claimed for them . In saying thus much I may remark that R . W . L . in his conclusion reiterates
a statement regarding the ceremonies of his Order , which has not been disputed or called in question , and of which ceremonies I could have no information . Indeed , I presume none hut a member of the Order could have been aware , excepting for R . W . L . ' s present statement , that its ritual commemorates the great
event of the triumph and establishment of our Divine Faith . Let it not , however , be permitted to R . W . L ., or any other writer , to confound an honest desire to search for historic evidence when claims like those of " the Sketch" are put forth , with scepticism and cavilling at the great blessing of our existence . Yours fraternally , Lupus .
Bros. Haye And White.
TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " FKEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBBOB . ' Dear Sir and Brother , —The Masonic zeal of our respected Bros . Haye and White appears to have carried each beyond the line of courtesy due to one another . With other admirers of each of our brethren , I trust they will " kiss and be friends . " The one should not call the other " illogical" in
the face of that fearful test — we are gradually realizing the truth of more and more each day —• " absolute figures , " nor stigmatise his brother as being of the German , & c , school , giving his own explanation as to the special teaching of that school . On the other hand , it should be borne in mind the
desirability of abstaining from an inference , capable of misconstruction , as has been the case in this controversy . I trust , by endeavouring to mediate between our brethren and calling their attention to the fact of the " good of the cause , " prompting each brother to do what he can for the same , I may not incur the crossfire of both , when one would blow my ship out of water . —Yours fraternally , JAMES H . GITTINS -
Masonic Impostors.
TO TUB EDITOB OF THE FHEEMASON 3 * MAGAZINE AND MASO-TIC MIBBOB . Dear Sir and Brother , —Some months ago , your esteemed correspondent , " East Lancashire , " promised to communicate to your pages particulars of some of the cases of attempted imposition which had come under his notice as Almoner , but which have not yet appeared . Many , I feel assuredwill agree
, with me that such information would be highly valuable to the Masters and Almoners of country lodges . A few evenings ago a tramp presented himself at one of our lodge meetings soliciting relief as a brother in distress . He had what purported to be a
certificate from some Irish lodge , written on paper and mounted on linen , but from its dirty and dilapidated condition , it was all but illegible , having evidently done duty for a long time . Its possessor , on being examined by a P . M . proved to be so utterly ignorant of Masonry , that there could be no doubt of his being an arrant impostor . Yours fraternally , D . P . G . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Orders Of The Red Cross Of Rome And The Holy Sepulchre.
well-known works on the public Chivalric Orders . I have already said that I should like to see any original statute in reference to Grand Crosses ancl their appurtenant powers , but none such is forthcoming . In my first communication I referred to the changing fortunes of the original Order , as to ivhich we probably could not essentially differ ; but we are now told that the Masonic Red Cross Institution does not
boast any connection with the Parmese-Neapolitau Order ; I conclude , therefore , that the question is reduced to the powers , and acts , of the Abbe Guis - tiniani , aud any evidence of them . I still think the comparison with the Order of St . John was not fortunate . I am quite aware that evidences of the Masonic Order called by that name
exist , in amalgamation with the Masonic Templars , as early as 1780 ; and I am well aequainted with the several surviving branches of the original Order of St . John . I am perfectly aware that the Grand Con clave resolved upon the revival of the Masonic Order of St . John in 1 SG 2 , and in reply to R . W . L . ' s inquiry as to "' where I was when the revival actually occurred , " I answer that I endeavoured to act
consistently by respectfully declining Grand Office on that occasion , ancl , iu so declining , gave my reasons at length . I can have no " delight" in the wrongful appropriation of one badge , the property of another Order , and I find no reasons for the adoption of the others . I regret that I cannot give any distinct information
of the Order called " Red Cross , " which I stated has been for many years known . I have already described the Cross worn by a venerable brother whom I met at a Masonic gathering ; this brother had for many years filled a high medical post in the Indian service , and was a friend of the late Dr . James Burnes , LL . D .,
F . R . S ., whose book on the Templars and Hospitallers is well known ; I have no doubt that this brother had possessed bis Red Cross for many years . A brother in the province of Lancaster , fully competent to afford information , writes me that he can find no trace of the Red Cross of Constantine in Lancashire ; but states that the Cross of St . George of Italy appears upon one Encampment banner of the year 1827 . He also says : — " I remember some years
ago ( say about 1862 ) that a statement was made in the Notes and Queries department of the Freemasons ' Magazine to the effect that the Grand Master of Freemasonry in America had met a chevalier at Malta , and obtained from him his authority to confer the Red Cross of Constantine on such Freemasons as he thought properthe Chevalier reserving only to
him-, self the power of granting diplomas . " If it is possible that such an incident can be true , no doubt the Chevalier also had a reservation in the matter of passage dues . The Red Cross Order now existing in Lancashire is called the Red Cross of Babylon .
I cast no reflection upon Bro . Rod well Wright ; he , no doubt , did what be thought was perfectly correct ; but he was as liable to error as otheis . I repeat that nothing whatever has been said in favour of assuming the Order of the Holy Sepulchre , aud , as this is stated to arise from want of time and space , it must , I suppose , be assumed that the author of the " Sketch " was unable to say anything on the subject from the same cause .
The Orders Of The Red Cross Of Rome And The Holy Sepulchre.
I beg distinctly to observe that I made no reference to the princip les or ceremonies of the Red Cross Order . I have treated its claims historically only , and am willing to suppose that its teachings are all that may be claimed for them . In saying thus much I may remark that R . W . L . in his conclusion reiterates
a statement regarding the ceremonies of his Order , which has not been disputed or called in question , and of which ceremonies I could have no information . Indeed , I presume none hut a member of the Order could have been aware , excepting for R . W . L . ' s present statement , that its ritual commemorates the great
event of the triumph and establishment of our Divine Faith . Let it not , however , be permitted to R . W . L ., or any other writer , to confound an honest desire to search for historic evidence when claims like those of " the Sketch" are put forth , with scepticism and cavilling at the great blessing of our existence . Yours fraternally , Lupus .
Bros. Haye And White.
TO TEE EDITOR OF THE " FKEEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIBBOB . ' Dear Sir and Brother , —The Masonic zeal of our respected Bros . Haye and White appears to have carried each beyond the line of courtesy due to one another . With other admirers of each of our brethren , I trust they will " kiss and be friends . " The one should not call the other " illogical" in
the face of that fearful test — we are gradually realizing the truth of more and more each day —• " absolute figures , " nor stigmatise his brother as being of the German , & c , school , giving his own explanation as to the special teaching of that school . On the other hand , it should be borne in mind the
desirability of abstaining from an inference , capable of misconstruction , as has been the case in this controversy . I trust , by endeavouring to mediate between our brethren and calling their attention to the fact of the " good of the cause , " prompting each brother to do what he can for the same , I may not incur the crossfire of both , when one would blow my ship out of water . —Yours fraternally , JAMES H . GITTINS -
Masonic Impostors.
TO TUB EDITOB OF THE FHEEMASON 3 * MAGAZINE AND MASO-TIC MIBBOB . Dear Sir and Brother , —Some months ago , your esteemed correspondent , " East Lancashire , " promised to communicate to your pages particulars of some of the cases of attempted imposition which had come under his notice as Almoner , but which have not yet appeared . Many , I feel assuredwill agree
, with me that such information would be highly valuable to the Masters and Almoners of country lodges . A few evenings ago a tramp presented himself at one of our lodge meetings soliciting relief as a brother in distress . He had what purported to be a
certificate from some Irish lodge , written on paper and mounted on linen , but from its dirty and dilapidated condition , it was all but illegible , having evidently done duty for a long time . Its possessor , on being examined by a P . M . proved to be so utterly ignorant of Masonry , that there could be no doubt of his being an arrant impostor . Yours fraternally , D . P . G . M .