Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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THE MASONIC ffiRBOR . * * * All eoinniunicatioiis to bo addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAB , DIAUY , AND POCKET BOOK FOR 1869 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication has been just issued . It can be obtained at the office of the FHEEUASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOB BOYS . —The Seventy-first Anniversary Festival will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , March the 10 th . The Right Hon . Earl do Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M . will preside . MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . —We aro requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the
purposes of the fund , and the Secretary ( Bro . Anthony Oneal Ha ye ) will be glad to receive the mines of brethren willing to serve upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will be published .
THE Premier Conclave will meet at Freemasons' Tavern , on the 1 st pros ., under the presidency of Lord Konlis . Several distinguished brethren are on the agenda for reception into the Order . —The Roman Eagle Conclave , No . G , will be hold at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 27 th , when Bro . II . C . Levander , M . A ., P . M . 76 and D 2 S , Dir . of Cers . 507 ; H . 720 ; W . M . 2-i M . M ., will be instilled as M . P . S . No less than
nine brethren are candidates for admission . —The Plantagenet Preceptory of Instruction will be re-opened at tho famous Savage Club room , Lyceum Tavern , Strand , on Thursday evening , the 2 oth inst ., when representatives from the ( ive conclaves in Middlesex and Surrey are expected to muster in force .
GIRLS' SCHOOL—We desire to bring before the notice of our numerous readers as ' worthy of their support , tho case of Alice Ritsou Molineaux , age . l eight years , a candidate for admission at the ensuing Election for the Rival . Masonic Institution for Grids . Her father was for twenty-one years Assistant Locomotive Engineer to the Loudon , Brighton , am ? South Coast Railway
Company . He died very suddenly in November 1 SG 7 , leaving a Widow and seven children . The Widow has since been confined of a posthumous child , making eight in all , and as six of these are wholly , and the two eldest nearly dependent upon her , we need hardly say it is a case particularly deserving the Iutcrcs * . of all Freemasons , and in . re especially , perhaps tint portion of
them belonging to or in any way connected ivith railways . Bro . Molineaux was a very rising ma ,-, ; his profession , but unfortunately was unable to leave his widow and large family provided for . He belonged to the Royal York Lodge at Brighton , _ S o . 315 , of which he had been a member four years , lira . George Hawkins ol the London Brighton and South Const Railway ,
Brighton , will be happy to receive proxies . The daughter of Mrs . S . Palmer is a candidate for admission . We understand this to be a truly deserving case for fraternal sympathy . We are requested to mention that Clara Mercedes Wicks , who has been three times a , candidate for election , conies up again in April . She has tho support of the Norfolk Provincial Lodges , and the ease is u very de . cn-iug one . Also the case of Theresa Mary CLiiscii , which is warmly recommended , and which is peculiarly distressing .
Masonic Mems.
THE IRISH MASONIC ORPHAN BOYS' SCHOOL . —We have received tho annual report for 1 SGS , and have much pleasure in observing the prosperity of this excellent institution . The appeal of the committee of 21 th June , 1 BG 7 , has produced tho handsome sum of £ 2 , 277 . As a beginning , five orphan boys are to bo educated at a public school . We congratulate our
Irish brethren upon their noble start , and wishing them that success which they deserve , hope that before long they will have it house of their own , in which not live , but fifty , boys may bo kept and educated . THE following is the text of the circular issued by the Grand Secretary relative to thc inauguration of the new buildings of
the Grand Lodge of England , to the W . M . ' s of every lodge undeiits constitution : — "lam directed to inform yon , that the Most Worshipful Grand Master has fixed the 1-ith of April for the inauguration of the new buildings , in Great Queeu-streot . It is the intention of tho Most Worshipful Grand Master t _ appoint twenty Stewards ; tho remainder will be nominated by the
various lodges . If , therefore , it is the desire of your lodge to name a Steward to ' serve on the occasion , you will have the goodness to forward the name of the brother , on or before Saturday , the Gth day of March . If the number of Stewards returned should exceed eighty , the selection will be decided by ballot . The Most Worshipful Grand Master has sanctioned the striking of a jewel to commemorate the occasion , which will be worn by the Stewards only . The probable cost to each Steward is estimated at about £ G Gs . "
JOPPA LODGE OP INSTBHCTION (_ s o . 1 S 8 ) . —This lodge meets now at Bro . Davis's , Rose and Crown , Fort-stroet , Union-street , Bishopsgate , on Sundays , at seven p . m . Bro . Littaur , P . M . 205 , Preceptor . The fifteen sections will be worked on tho first Sunday in Mf . rch . BRIGHTON . —On Tuesday , the 3 nd prox ., Bro . Chris . Wren
will be installed W . M . of the Royal YorkT . odgc ( No . 315 ) . So widely known and esteemed is the worthy brother , that a very lavgo number of the members of the Craft is expected to assemble from London , Roigato , Lewes , Worthing . & c , to do honour to thc occasion . GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . —Wo have to remind the brethren that the Grand Lodge of England meets upon Wednext , the 3 rd of March , when very important bu-iness is to be transacted .
OLIVER TESTIMONIAL . —We beg t . refer to our advertising columns uncut this testimonial , ivhich deserves universal Masonic support , and to which we will have an opportunity of adverting next iveeV . BRETHREN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lo-. lge use , price 2 s . G . l .
Grand Lodge Of England.
The next meeting of the Grand Lodge of England , upon Wednesday , the 3 rd March , 1 SG 9 , is likely to prove of great importance , and we append a vidimus of the business to be brought before it . 1 . The regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business will be read . 2 . The minutes of the quarterly communication of the 2 nd
December , 1 SGS , will be read and put for confirmation . 3 . The election of a M . W . Grand Master . -1 . And of u Treasurer . 5 . Tha M . W . Grand Master will make communications to the Grand Lodge respecting His Royal Highness thc Prince of Wales , and on other matters , and ivill move thereon . G . Report of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE MASONIC ffiRBOR . * * * All eoinniunicatioiis to bo addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , W . C .
Masonic Mems.
THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC CALENDAB , DIAUY , AND POCKET BOOK FOR 1869 . —A second edition of this useful and comprehensive publication has been just issued . It can be obtained at the office of the FHEEUASONS' MAGAZINE , 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , or in Glasgow , in addition to the regular agents .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOB BOYS . —The Seventy-first Anniversary Festival will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , March the 10 th . The Right Hon . Earl do Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M . will preside . MASONIC LIFE BOAT FUND . —We aro requested to mention that a committee is about to be formed for carrying out the
purposes of the fund , and the Secretary ( Bro . Anthony Oneal Ha ye ) will be glad to receive the mines of brethren willing to serve upon it . When the committee is formed , a list of subscriptions received will be published .
THE Premier Conclave will meet at Freemasons' Tavern , on the 1 st pros ., under the presidency of Lord Konlis . Several distinguished brethren are on the agenda for reception into the Order . —The Roman Eagle Conclave , No . G , will be hold at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on the 27 th , when Bro . II . C . Levander , M . A ., P . M . 76 and D 2 S , Dir . of Cers . 507 ; H . 720 ; W . M . 2-i M . M ., will be instilled as M . P . S . No less than
nine brethren are candidates for admission . —The Plantagenet Preceptory of Instruction will be re-opened at tho famous Savage Club room , Lyceum Tavern , Strand , on Thursday evening , the 2 oth inst ., when representatives from the ( ive conclaves in Middlesex and Surrey are expected to muster in force .
GIRLS' SCHOOL—We desire to bring before the notice of our numerous readers as ' worthy of their support , tho case of Alice Ritsou Molineaux , age . l eight years , a candidate for admission at the ensuing Election for the Rival . Masonic Institution for Grids . Her father was for twenty-one years Assistant Locomotive Engineer to the Loudon , Brighton , am ? South Coast Railway
Company . He died very suddenly in November 1 SG 7 , leaving a Widow and seven children . The Widow has since been confined of a posthumous child , making eight in all , and as six of these are wholly , and the two eldest nearly dependent upon her , we need hardly say it is a case particularly deserving the Iutcrcs * . of all Freemasons , and in . re especially , perhaps tint portion of
them belonging to or in any way connected ivith railways . Bro . Molineaux was a very rising ma ,-, ; his profession , but unfortunately was unable to leave his widow and large family provided for . He belonged to the Royal York Lodge at Brighton , _ S o . 315 , of which he had been a member four years , lira . George Hawkins ol the London Brighton and South Const Railway ,
Brighton , will be happy to receive proxies . The daughter of Mrs . S . Palmer is a candidate for admission . We understand this to be a truly deserving case for fraternal sympathy . We are requested to mention that Clara Mercedes Wicks , who has been three times a , candidate for election , conies up again in April . She has tho support of the Norfolk Provincial Lodges , and the ease is u very de . cn-iug one . Also the case of Theresa Mary CLiiscii , which is warmly recommended , and which is peculiarly distressing .
Masonic Mems.
THE IRISH MASONIC ORPHAN BOYS' SCHOOL . —We have received tho annual report for 1 SGS , and have much pleasure in observing the prosperity of this excellent institution . The appeal of the committee of 21 th June , 1 BG 7 , has produced tho handsome sum of £ 2 , 277 . As a beginning , five orphan boys are to bo educated at a public school . We congratulate our
Irish brethren upon their noble start , and wishing them that success which they deserve , hope that before long they will have it house of their own , in which not live , but fifty , boys may bo kept and educated . THE following is the text of the circular issued by the Grand Secretary relative to thc inauguration of the new buildings of
the Grand Lodge of England , to the W . M . ' s of every lodge undeiits constitution : — "lam directed to inform yon , that the Most Worshipful Grand Master has fixed the 1-ith of April for the inauguration of the new buildings , in Great Queeu-streot . It is the intention of tho Most Worshipful Grand Master t _ appoint twenty Stewards ; tho remainder will be nominated by the
various lodges . If , therefore , it is the desire of your lodge to name a Steward to ' serve on the occasion , you will have the goodness to forward the name of the brother , on or before Saturday , the Gth day of March . If the number of Stewards returned should exceed eighty , the selection will be decided by ballot . The Most Worshipful Grand Master has sanctioned the striking of a jewel to commemorate the occasion , which will be worn by the Stewards only . The probable cost to each Steward is estimated at about £ G Gs . "
JOPPA LODGE OP INSTBHCTION (_ s o . 1 S 8 ) . —This lodge meets now at Bro . Davis's , Rose and Crown , Fort-stroet , Union-street , Bishopsgate , on Sundays , at seven p . m . Bro . Littaur , P . M . 205 , Preceptor . The fifteen sections will be worked on tho first Sunday in Mf . rch . BRIGHTON . —On Tuesday , the 3 nd prox ., Bro . Chris . Wren
will be installed W . M . of the Royal YorkT . odgc ( No . 315 ) . So widely known and esteemed is the worthy brother , that a very lavgo number of the members of the Craft is expected to assemble from London , Roigato , Lewes , Worthing . & c , to do honour to thc occasion . GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND . —Wo have to remind the brethren that the Grand Lodge of England meets upon Wednext , the 3 rd of March , when very important bu-iness is to be transacted .
OLIVER TESTIMONIAL . —We beg t . refer to our advertising columns uncut this testimonial , ivhich deserves universal Masonic support , and to which we will have an opportunity of adverting next iveeV . BRETHREN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lo-. lge use , price 2 s . G . l .
Grand Lodge Of England.
The next meeting of the Grand Lodge of England , upon Wednesday , the 3 rd March , 1 SG 9 , is likely to prove of great importance , and we append a vidimus of the business to be brought before it . 1 . The regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business will be read . 2 . The minutes of the quarterly communication of the 2 nd
December , 1 SGS , will be read and put for confirmation . 3 . The election of a M . W . Grand Master . -1 . And of u Treasurer . 5 . Tha M . W . Grand Master will make communications to the Grand Lodge respecting His Royal Highness thc Prince of Wales , and on other matters , and ivill move thereon . G . Report of the