Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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'Fi-eem . ifo . iry ; tha ceremonies being conducted by Bro . J . Gilruth , the W . M ., in a very pleasing and faultless manner . Bro . J . Hadley , the S . W . and W . M . Elect was then presented to the W . M ., and nft ° r thc usual formalities ! I-ad been gone through , a Innrd of installed M . i c .--i's was then formed under the able presidency of Bro . Scotcher , P . M ., who performed the ceremony in a most admirable manner . The board having been dissolved ,
tbe brethren were thru admitted in regular order and saluted Bro . Hadley , the AV . M .. who appointed as bis officers for the ensuing year Bros . Atkins , S . W . ; Snoiv , J . W . ; E . Eumbold , S . D . ; J . C . Dwarbr-r , J . D . ; and our worthy Bro . Thomas Butler , I . G . ; and , las'lv , that veteran mason Bro . W . Fairfield , S ? cretary , who has been elected to tbat office for forty successive years , and has endeared himself to every member of the lodge bbis urbanity Bro . T . BarfordP . M . was also re-elected
y ; , , Treasurer by the lodge , to the gratifieal ion of all present . The lodge , was then closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren ( abut 80 ) then adjourned lo a sumptuous banquet held in one of the splendid rcoms of Cannon-street Hotel , the W . M . being supported by about 30 P . M . 's , amonsrst whom were Bros . J . Hervey , Grand Secretary ; W . F . Dolison , D . Prov ., G . M . for Kent ; J . Smith , P . G . P . ; Binckes , P . M . and Secretary for Boys '
School ; II . G . Buss . P . M . 27 ; C . Hosgood , P . M . 192 ; Wren , P . M . 1056 ; Mollis , W . M . Bedford Lodge , and numerous others . A'ter the cloth had been removed , the " Health of Her Majesty the Queen " was given ; then followed the " Most Worshipful the Grand Master Earl Zetland ; " after that the W . M . gave the "Deuty G . M- the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the Grand Officers" coupling with ' that toast the name of Bro
, . J . Ilorrey , the Grand Secretary . On Bro . Hervey ' s rising to respond to that toast , be was greeted with a perfect ovation , clearly demonstrating th- ) high estimation in which that worthy brother is held by the brethren at large . Bio . W . H . Dobson , D . P . G . M ., returned thanks for the Provincial G . M . Bros . Smith and Binckes returned thanks for the visitors . The W . M . then said he came now to what might be termed llie toast of the
evening , which was , the "Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . James <} ilnith , " who had by his zeal in the diseha-ge of his duties as W . M . raised the lodge to its present proud position . After dwelling at some leng : h on the many excellent virtues of the I . P . M ., Bro . W . Farnfield , the worthy Secretary , then presented Bro . Gilruth with a P . M . ' s jewel of exquisite design and workmanship , with a suitable inscription engraven thereon in recognition of his services as W . M . for the 18 G 8-9 BroGilruth
year . . then returned thanks in a speech replete willi neatness , and ou resuming his seat was greeted with tremendous cheering by the brethren . ^ The manner in which Bro . H-idley , the W . M . performed his duties at the lodge reflects tbe greatest credit on the brethren for the choice they have made in si able a representative of K . S .. The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Ii . Vernon , assisted b y the Misses Kate and Annie Fratikford
, W . H . Hook , and Bro . W . Wilson , the latter presiding atthe pianoforte , all of which gave the greatest satisfied ! m and brought the evening to a happy conclusion . MOUNT LEBANON ( So . 73 ) . —( InTuesday , at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street , Southwark , this old lodge met . Bro . D . Rise , W . M ., occupied the chair . The wrrk done was four inilhtions " two passingsand two raisings £ 10 was
unani-, , . mously voted to the Female Annuity , which completed the purchase of a V . P . of that institution , makin .. the third purchased by this lodge , in the name of the W . M . for the time being . Notice of motion to give ten guineas t > the Boys ' Scho-. l in the name of the I . G . for the time being was tabled , which when carried , will make every officer a life governor of that charity . The W . M . was unanimously elected Steward to tbe lod '
represent ge at tho inauguration festival . There were present Bros : F . H . Ebswoi-th , S . W . ; M . A . Loewonshirl ., J . W , ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donlein , P . M ., Sec : G . Free , S . D . ; G . J . Grace , I . G . ; R . Stevens , D . C ; A . L . Dusiek , W . S . ; T . J . S ibine , I . P . M . ; F . Walter * , P . M . ; H . Moore , P . M .: T . Knott , G . Hill , II . Keeble , and very many others . Visitors—II . Bartlet -, S . D ., Xo . 117 S ; Said , and several others . The work was well and ably rendered .
LODGE OP JUSTICE ( Xo . 1-1-7 ) . — The regular meeting of this old lodge was held on Wednesday , February 10 th , at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . Bro . R . G . Batt , W . M .., presided , and iu an able and efficient manner he raised Bro . W . Turner , passed Bros . Speight ami W . Courtney , and initiated Mr . G . AV . Sivann . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting ; one member received substantial relief
from the Benevolent Fund of the lodge ; and Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., was appointed Sec , he having been only pro . tern . There were present during the evening , Bros . R . G . Batt , W . M . ; J . Pereival , S . W . ; J . Whifl ' en , J . W . ; J . Lightfoot , P . M ., Treas . ; 1 \ Walters , P . M ., Sec ; II . Sadler , S . D . ; H . Bartlett , I . G . ; C . G- Dillcy , D . C . ; G . Bolton , P . M . ; J . Cavell , P . M . ; J . Patte , P . M . ; G . ChapmanP . M . ; AV . AndrewsP . M . ; N . AVingfield
, , , P . M . ; andB . Balfour , AV . Turner , C . D . Moore , W . Scott , J . Roper , AV . Courtnev , G . Waterman , F . Golding , G . T . Brown , AV . R . Pack , S . R . ' Speight , II . Smith , J . Ciiappell , B . Collar , and others . Visitors : Bros . C . Divine , No . G 8 ; J . AAL T . Barrett , J . D ., 871 ; and others . The lodge was du . y closed . BEDFORD LODGE ( No . 157 ) . —On Friday , Feb . 12 th , at the Freemasons' Hallthis old and prosperous loelge met . Bro . Millis ,
, AV . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Smith , S . AV . ; J . Hdls , J . AV . ; Lavender , P . M . ; Treas . Hills , P . M . ; Sec . W . Holland , S . D . ; Brown , P . M . ; Cubitt , P . M . The work elone was raising Bro . Jehu , by the I . P . M . Bro , Browne ; initiating Mr . Howland , by the AV . M . All the work was admirably done . Bro . Browne , I . P . M ., had a magnificent P . M . 's jewel presented to him by the W . M . on behalf of the lodgewhich was duly acknowledged by
, him in a suitable speech . The lodge was duly closed . A sphmdid banquet followed . The usual loyal toasts were given and received . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . Abbot , " P . M ., 9 ; F . AValter . " , P . M ., No . 73 ; Vernon , 813 ; Sampson , Foster , Peacock , Brandon , and some others .
LODGE OP TRANQUILITY ( NO . 185 ) . —Installation Meeting . — This celebrated old lodge met on Monday , Feb . loth , at Badley ' s Hotel , Blackfriiir . s . The ott / y work done was installing Bro . J . Holbrook AV . M ., who duly appointed all his officers . Bro . F . Peartree , P . M ., reappointed Treasurer ; P . Levy , P . M ., reappointed Hon . Sec . Tho usual splendid P . M . 's jewel was presented to the retiring W . M ., Bro . Harriss . The ceremony of installation was most ably done by Bro . IsraelP-M ., who was
, congratulated on his admirable working . Bro . Harfiehl , P . M ., undertook to represent the Girl's School as steward at the forthcoming festival . A splendid banquet was served . Visitors—E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; F . AA alters , P . M ., No . 73 ; and several others .
AVESTBOURNE LODGE ( NO . 733 ) . —Tbe anniversary festival of this loelge took place upon tho 18 th inst ., at Lords' Hote ., St . John ' s AA ood , the W . M ., Bro . Henry Reed , in the chair . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . then raised Bro . O'di-ey , passed Bros . Welsh and Hearn , and initiated Messrs . Philip Murfin , J . II . Spencer , F . G . Moselyand Charles Merrett . I _ ro . Charles SinclairP . M .
, , , No . 212 , was proposed as a joining member , and unanimously elected . Bro . Hcl--don , S . AV ., was then presented to the lodge for installation . That ceremony was performed by Bro . Reed , I . P . M ., in a manner that called forth the highest encomiums from the brethren and visitors present . The W . M . then invested his officers . Bos . Ascott , S . AV . ; Co . per , J . W . ; Quintain , Treas . ; AVooiLtockP . M . Sec ; Richard--S . D . ; Horton
, , , , J . D . ; Allen , I . G . ; Hart , org . ; Cottebrune , P . M ., Dir . of Cer . ; Bradbury , Tyler . The usual toasts were proposed , and some excellent speeches were made . Tlie to ist of tbe "Visitors " was very ably responded to by Bro . E . P . Albert , P . M ., 188 , for himself and Bros . Gilbart , W . M ., 531 ; Baker , P . M ., 783 ; Groggan , P . M ., 7-1-9 ; Goring , P . M ., 25 ; Malcolm , 4 , Glasgow ; Jones . 11-5 ; Greenland , 101 ; and Brown , 753 .
STRAWBERRY HILL LODGE ( NO . 9-1 G ) . —A meeting of this loelge took place on the 10 th iu .-t . The business was the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , when the S . AV . was unanimously elected . Bro . E . W . Garden , who had obtained his second degree at Sunderland , was raised by P . M . Smeed . A candidate was initiated by Bro . 11 . J . Smith . Some capital song ., at the banquet , were sung , and speeches made , and a most enjoyable evening spent . Amongst tlie visitors were Bros . P . M . ' s G . States , Dr . J . J . Pope , Hunt , Harnett , Sherman , Hampden , Ranoc , Boivdiy , Hogg , and J . Brown . Bro . Charles Sicilian was aho present , and gave one of bis wonderful imj . rovisatorial sketche ...
PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( NO . 1 , 178 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , February 4 th , at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 96 , Jain lica-road , Bermondsey . Bro . F . II . Ebsworth , W . M ., opened the lodire , and there were present , J . AV . Avery , S . W . ; H . BartletL S . D . ; D . Rose , J . D . ; G . J . Grace , I . G . ' ; J . IV . Dudley , D . C . ; J . H . Fudge , AV . S ; J . Donkin , P . M .: D . Martin , P . Frv , J . Joseph , J . J . Morse , G .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
'Fi-eem . ifo . iry ; tha ceremonies being conducted by Bro . J . Gilruth , the W . M ., in a very pleasing and faultless manner . Bro . J . Hadley , the S . W . and W . M . Elect was then presented to the W . M ., and nft ° r thc usual formalities ! I-ad been gone through , a Innrd of installed M . i c .--i's was then formed under the able presidency of Bro . Scotcher , P . M ., who performed the ceremony in a most admirable manner . The board having been dissolved ,
tbe brethren were thru admitted in regular order and saluted Bro . Hadley , the AV . M .. who appointed as bis officers for the ensuing year Bros . Atkins , S . W . ; Snoiv , J . W . ; E . Eumbold , S . D . ; J . C . Dwarbr-r , J . D . ; and our worthy Bro . Thomas Butler , I . G . ; and , las'lv , that veteran mason Bro . W . Fairfield , S ? cretary , who has been elected to tbat office for forty successive years , and has endeared himself to every member of the lodge bbis urbanity Bro . T . BarfordP . M . was also re-elected
y ; , , Treasurer by the lodge , to the gratifieal ion of all present . The lodge , was then closed with solemn prayer , and the brethren ( abut 80 ) then adjourned lo a sumptuous banquet held in one of the splendid rcoms of Cannon-street Hotel , the W . M . being supported by about 30 P . M . 's , amonsrst whom were Bros . J . Hervey , Grand Secretary ; W . F . Dolison , D . Prov ., G . M . for Kent ; J . Smith , P . G . P . ; Binckes , P . M . and Secretary for Boys '
School ; II . G . Buss . P . M . 27 ; C . Hosgood , P . M . 192 ; Wren , P . M . 1056 ; Mollis , W . M . Bedford Lodge , and numerous others . A'ter the cloth had been removed , the " Health of Her Majesty the Queen " was given ; then followed the " Most Worshipful the Grand Master Earl Zetland ; " after that the W . M . gave the "Deuty G . M- the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the Grand Officers" coupling with ' that toast the name of Bro
, . J . Ilorrey , the Grand Secretary . On Bro . Hervey ' s rising to respond to that toast , be was greeted with a perfect ovation , clearly demonstrating th- ) high estimation in which that worthy brother is held by the brethren at large . Bio . W . H . Dobson , D . P . G . M ., returned thanks for the Provincial G . M . Bros . Smith and Binckes returned thanks for the visitors . The W . M . then said he came now to what might be termed llie toast of the
evening , which was , the "Health of the I . P . M ., Bro . James <} ilnith , " who had by his zeal in the diseha-ge of his duties as W . M . raised the lodge to its present proud position . After dwelling at some leng : h on the many excellent virtues of the I . P . M ., Bro . W . Farnfield , the worthy Secretary , then presented Bro . Gilruth with a P . M . ' s jewel of exquisite design and workmanship , with a suitable inscription engraven thereon in recognition of his services as W . M . for the 18 G 8-9 BroGilruth
year . . then returned thanks in a speech replete willi neatness , and ou resuming his seat was greeted with tremendous cheering by the brethren . ^ The manner in which Bro . H-idley , the W . M . performed his duties at the lodge reflects tbe greatest credit on the brethren for the choice they have made in si able a representative of K . S .. The musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . Ii . Vernon , assisted b y the Misses Kate and Annie Fratikford
, W . H . Hook , and Bro . W . Wilson , the latter presiding atthe pianoforte , all of which gave the greatest satisfied ! m and brought the evening to a happy conclusion . MOUNT LEBANON ( So . 73 ) . —( InTuesday , at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street , Southwark , this old lodge met . Bro . D . Rise , W . M ., occupied the chair . The wrrk done was four inilhtions " two passingsand two raisings £ 10 was
unani-, , . mously voted to the Female Annuity , which completed the purchase of a V . P . of that institution , makin .. the third purchased by this lodge , in the name of the W . M . for the time being . Notice of motion to give ten guineas t > the Boys ' Scho-. l in the name of the I . G . for the time being was tabled , which when carried , will make every officer a life governor of that charity . The W . M . was unanimously elected Steward to tbe lod '
represent ge at tho inauguration festival . There were present Bros : F . H . Ebswoi-th , S . W . ; M . A . Loewonshirl ., J . W , ; E . Harris , P . M ., Treas . ; J . Donlein , P . M ., Sec : G . Free , S . D . ; G . J . Grace , I . G . ; R . Stevens , D . C ; A . L . Dusiek , W . S . ; T . J . S ibine , I . P . M . ; F . Walter * , P . M . ; H . Moore , P . M .: T . Knott , G . Hill , II . Keeble , and very many others . Visitors—II . Bartlet -, S . D ., Xo . 117 S ; Said , and several others . The work was well and ably rendered .
LODGE OP JUSTICE ( Xo . 1-1-7 ) . — The regular meeting of this old lodge was held on Wednesday , February 10 th , at the White Swan Tavern , High-street , Deptford . Bro . R . G . Batt , W . M .., presided , and iu an able and efficient manner he raised Bro . W . Turner , passed Bros . Speight ami W . Courtney , and initiated Mr . G . AV . Sivann . One gentleman was proposed for initiation at the next meeting ; one member received substantial relief
from the Benevolent Fund of the lodge ; and Bro . F . Walters , P . M ., was appointed Sec , he having been only pro . tern . There were present during the evening , Bros . R . G . Batt , W . M . ; J . Pereival , S . W . ; J . Whifl ' en , J . W . ; J . Lightfoot , P . M ., Treas . ; 1 \ Walters , P . M ., Sec ; II . Sadler , S . D . ; H . Bartlett , I . G . ; C . G- Dillcy , D . C . ; G . Bolton , P . M . ; J . Cavell , P . M . ; J . Patte , P . M . ; G . ChapmanP . M . ; AV . AndrewsP . M . ; N . AVingfield
, , , P . M . ; andB . Balfour , AV . Turner , C . D . Moore , W . Scott , J . Roper , AV . Courtnev , G . Waterman , F . Golding , G . T . Brown , AV . R . Pack , S . R . ' Speight , II . Smith , J . Ciiappell , B . Collar , and others . Visitors : Bros . C . Divine , No . G 8 ; J . AAL T . Barrett , J . D ., 871 ; and others . The lodge was du . y closed . BEDFORD LODGE ( No . 157 ) . —On Friday , Feb . 12 th , at the Freemasons' Hallthis old and prosperous loelge met . Bro . Millis ,
, AV . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Smith , S . AV . ; J . Hdls , J . AV . ; Lavender , P . M . ; Treas . Hills , P . M . ; Sec . W . Holland , S . D . ; Brown , P . M . ; Cubitt , P . M . The work elone was raising Bro . Jehu , by the I . P . M . Bro , Browne ; initiating Mr . Howland , by the AV . M . All the work was admirably done . Bro . Browne , I . P . M ., had a magnificent P . M . 's jewel presented to him by the W . M . on behalf of the lodgewhich was duly acknowledged by
, him in a suitable speech . The lodge was duly closed . A sphmdid banquet followed . The usual loyal toasts were given and received . Amongst a large number of visitors we noticed Bros . Abbot , " P . M ., 9 ; F . AValter . " , P . M ., No . 73 ; Vernon , 813 ; Sampson , Foster , Peacock , Brandon , and some others .
LODGE OP TRANQUILITY ( NO . 185 ) . —Installation Meeting . — This celebrated old lodge met on Monday , Feb . loth , at Badley ' s Hotel , Blackfriiir . s . The ott / y work done was installing Bro . J . Holbrook AV . M ., who duly appointed all his officers . Bro . F . Peartree , P . M ., reappointed Treasurer ; P . Levy , P . M ., reappointed Hon . Sec . Tho usual splendid P . M . 's jewel was presented to the retiring W . M ., Bro . Harriss . The ceremony of installation was most ably done by Bro . IsraelP-M ., who was
, congratulated on his admirable working . Bro . Harfiehl , P . M ., undertook to represent the Girl's School as steward at the forthcoming festival . A splendid banquet was served . Visitors—E . H . Patten , P . G . S . B . ; F . AA alters , P . M ., No . 73 ; and several others .
AVESTBOURNE LODGE ( NO . 733 ) . —Tbe anniversary festival of this loelge took place upon tho 18 th inst ., at Lords' Hote ., St . John ' s AA ood , the W . M ., Bro . Henry Reed , in the chair . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The W . M . then raised Bro . O'di-ey , passed Bros . Welsh and Hearn , and initiated Messrs . Philip Murfin , J . II . Spencer , F . G . Moselyand Charles Merrett . I _ ro . Charles SinclairP . M .
, , , No . 212 , was proposed as a joining member , and unanimously elected . Bro . Hcl--don , S . AV ., was then presented to the lodge for installation . That ceremony was performed by Bro . Reed , I . P . M ., in a manner that called forth the highest encomiums from the brethren and visitors present . The W . M . then invested his officers . Bos . Ascott , S . AV . ; Co . per , J . W . ; Quintain , Treas . ; AVooiLtockP . M . Sec ; Richard--S . D . ; Horton
, , , , J . D . ; Allen , I . G . ; Hart , org . ; Cottebrune , P . M ., Dir . of Cer . ; Bradbury , Tyler . The usual toasts were proposed , and some excellent speeches were made . Tlie to ist of tbe "Visitors " was very ably responded to by Bro . E . P . Albert , P . M ., 188 , for himself and Bros . Gilbart , W . M ., 531 ; Baker , P . M ., 783 ; Groggan , P . M ., 7-1-9 ; Goring , P . M ., 25 ; Malcolm , 4 , Glasgow ; Jones . 11-5 ; Greenland , 101 ; and Brown , 753 .
STRAWBERRY HILL LODGE ( NO . 9-1 G ) . —A meeting of this loelge took place on the 10 th iu .-t . The business was the election of a W . M . for the ensuing year , when the S . AV . was unanimously elected . Bro . E . W . Garden , who had obtained his second degree at Sunderland , was raised by P . M . Smeed . A candidate was initiated by Bro . 11 . J . Smith . Some capital song ., at the banquet , were sung , and speeches made , and a most enjoyable evening spent . Amongst tlie visitors were Bros . P . M . ' s G . States , Dr . J . J . Pope , Hunt , Harnett , Sherman , Hampden , Ranoc , Boivdiy , Hogg , and J . Brown . Bro . Charles Sicilian was aho present , and gave one of bis wonderful imj . rovisatorial sketche ...
PERFECT ASHLAR LODGE ( NO . 1 , 178 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Thursday , February 4 th , at the Gregorian Arms Tavern , 96 , Jain lica-road , Bermondsey . Bro . F . II . Ebsworth , W . M ., opened the lodire , and there were present , J . AV . Avery , S . W . ; H . BartletL S . D . ; D . Rose , J . D . ; G . J . Grace , I . G . ' ; J . IV . Dudley , D . C . ; J . H . Fudge , AV . S ; J . Donkin , P . M .: D . Martin , P . Frv , J . Joseph , J . J . Morse , G .