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Free , J . Ruse , G . Drapper , J . II . Harmsworth , L . Ashton , T . AV . Cox , J . A . Axtoll , C . Deal-in , and some others . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . E . Harris , P . M ., Treas ., No . 73 ; D . Davies , 147 ; T . Smith , 829 , S . D ., 1 , 223 ; W . Etheridge , 829 ; T . Neville 1 , S . D . 765 ; and some few others , whose names we were unable to ascertain . The work performed was the passing Bro . Joseph Joseph , and then initiating Mr . Charles Deakin , all of which was done in an able and an impressive manner . A
letter was read from Bro . Frederick Walters , P . M . and Sec , excusing his absence , which was ciused through ill-health . Notice of motion was given to present Bro . J . Doukiii , P . M ., with a P . M . ' s jewel of the value of five guineas , from the lodge funds . The lodge was du'y closed .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . — United Lodge ( No . 697 . )—A meeting of this lodge tookfplace at the George Hotel , on February 10 th inst . I 860 . Present—Bro . Newman , AV . M ., Bros . Rix , S . W ., Bicley , J . W ., Kay Sec , Clthorpe , S . D ., Eustace , J . D . J . P ., Smith , Coast Kain , Richardson , Lugton , Crick , Jenkinson , Gill , Curry , Buckwell , —A isitors , A . C > bb , AV . M ., 51 ; F . Cole , 51 ; J . Black , 56 ; AV . Wallard , 151 ; Hast , 51 ; Quiltcr , 51 ; AV . P . Lewis
, 51 ; Samuel , 51 ; Salmon , 51 ; Clubb , 51 ; G . W . Smith , 51 . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the lust regular meeting were read and confirmed . Proceedings of the board of General purposes were read , stating that a requisition had been received by the AV . M ., requesting that James Kinlocb , Color Sergeant of the 9 Gtb Regiment might enter his name as a candidate for initiation—the board considered him a fit and proper person for initiation . The ballot was then
taken which proved unanimous . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Coast , Kain and Lugton , were raised . The lodge being closed down to the second degree , and Bro . Curry was passed to this degree . The lodge being opened in the first degree , Color Sergeant James Kinlocb , ivas initiated . It was proposed by Bro . Ray , seconded by Bro . Newman , that Bro . Benjamin Blaxton be received as a joining member ; proposed by Bro . Newman , seconded by Bro . Ray , that
Thomas Craig , Color Sergeant 54 th Regiment , be received as a candidate for initiation . The lodge was afterwards closed , and the brethren adjourned . An emergency meeting of this lodge took place at the same place , on the 22 nd inst . Present—Bro . Newman , AV . M ., Bros . Bigley , J . AV ., Rix , S . W ., Calthorpe , S . W ., Eustace , J . D ., Richardson , Coisf , Kain , Buckwell , Gill , AIieldleton , J . S . Smith , and Everett . The lodge was opetieel in the first degreeand
, the board of General purposes having granted permission for the initiation of Thomas Craig , Color Sergeant 51 th Regiment ; the ballot was taken , which proving unanimous be was duly initiated . After some formal business the loelge ivas closed .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . AA ' AREINGTON—Lodge of Lights ( No . 1-13 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Ma = onic Rooms , on Monday evening last . The W . AI . ^ Bro . D ., W . Finney was supported by Bros . AV . Mossop , S . W . j AV . Richardson , J . W . j John Bowes , P . M . ; Past Prov . G . Rec , C . and AV . Hon . See . ; Jos . Maxfield , P . M . ; AV . S . Hawkins , Thos . Domvile , I . G . ; Thos . Morris , Robert Mather , W . Fletcher-Wood , Horatio Syred , W .
Smith , Jos , Cassidy , AV . Cooper , J . D ,, T . JI . Patt ' son , Org ., Ralph Johnson , Rev . J . N . Porter , A . Iliittmnnii , Jas . Johns in , James Hannah , Tylers . Visitors—Bros . Lcrer , Rowbottom , P . M ., No . 178 ; P . J . Edlesten , 1134 ; Jas . Parry , list ; A . Macintosh , 753 ; and A . E . Ackerly . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bros . AV . Fletcher-Wood and Captain Robert Mather were separately introduced , and passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M . After some other routine business , the lodge was closed .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER—John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at theFreemason ' s Hall , on Thursday , the 18 th instant , when there were present Bros . Duff , AV . M . J W . Beaumont Smith , P . M . and Treas ., Toller , S . W .
Buzzard , J . AA ., and about a tlozen other brethren ; the only visitor being Bro . L . A . Clarke , I . P . M ., of St . John's Lodge , No . 279 . The lodge having been opened in tbe first degree ami the minutes of the last meeting read aud confirmed , Bro . Elgood was called to the pedestal , and having fgiven proofs of his proficiency as an E . A . retired , when a F . C- ' s lodge was opened and he was passed to that degree . Some business connected with tbe finances having been transacted , the lodge was closed in harmony and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . — The Masonic Sail . —Since the erection of Unbuilding in 1 SG 5 , the brethren of the Lodge " Prince of AVales " have bee i unable to commence the decorations of the noble Lodge-room uut' -l a few months ago , in c msequence of the damp state of tho walls . The work was entrusted to Bro . Frederick Crisp , of Foundation-street , whose skill us an arlist is well
known , and the able manner in which he has completed his task reflects upon him the highest credit . The room , which is finely proportioned , is 45 feet in length , 22 feet wide , and 17 feet high , and the enrichments throughout are veiy elegant and appropriate . The ceiling is divided into three compartments , tho two outer ones and the centre being formed into four panels . Round the sunlight Ihe circlet is c imposed of water lilies and foliage , standing out in bidel relief . The two windows which
light the roof are ornamented with guilloche enrichment-- , wrought within an effective plaster moulding . The angles ancl centres ou either sides are ornamented with Masonic emblems . The ceiling is coloured !_ uflj with the ornaments and mouldings picked out in red . blue , ami gold . The cornice , which is verydeep , is finished at the base , with a deeply sunk egg and dart moulding . This is picked out in red , blue , and gold , with small Arabesque ornamentation in all the flat members . Iu the cove of the cornice , which is grey , is a running honeysuckle , in
white . The dado round the room is coloured maroon , with the skirting of a darker shade , aud the mouldings gilt . The top of the dado is bordered wth a band , with a , guilloche in black . At the eastern end of the room is a very elegantly designed apse or alcove , consisting of two Doric columns of Parian marble , supporting an elaborately enriched arch . The apse is of a buff tint , with a flowered diaper of pomegranates and lilies , and emblems pertaining to tbe vaiious degrees in Masonry . The
semi-dome is coloured blue , powdered with gold stars , the effect of which is very striking . In the centre , the arch is keyed in with a missive stone , on which is sculptured the All Seeing Eye , and the radiations are enriched with gold . The ground tone of the walls is buff , relieved with reel lines dividing the surface into panels , with honeysuckle foliations at the angles of the panels , the styles being tinted a darker shade of the same colour . The balustrade in front of the organ gallery , at the
western end , is als ; appropriately ornamented iu colours . The room is , undoubtedly , one of the handsomest of its kind to be found in any provincial Masonic Hall iu the Kingdom . The design , which was in part determined by the plastered decorations , is exceedingly effective , and the general tone of colouring very harmonious . The whole style is rich , without being unduly s , and when lighted , the appearance of the room is really verv beautiful .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON , Yarborough Lodge ( No . Sll ) . —A meeting of this excellent lodge was hell at the Royal Pavilion , upon the 20 th inst ., the Rev J . Bro . Gvifiifth , AV . M ., presiding . The following was the business upon the Agenda paper : —To initiate Mr . Charles Hogg , to pass Rev . James O'Brien , D . D ., to raise Bro . Bristow , ancl to join Br . s . Lewis Cubitt , Phcenix Lodge , 275 , P . M ., 26 ,
and James Ashbury , Social Lodge . 02 , and the following notice of motion : — "That the W . M . for the time is hereby appointed delegate to the general committee of Brighton lodges for the purposes of this lodge ; and in case of his inability to attend , he he empowered to depute such attendance to some other member of the lodge . " Tne business was excellently conducted , after the perfornianci of which the brethren parted in love and concord .
The Lord ' s Prayer was caHed bv the Fathers , "The Square , '" 'The Rule , " and ' "The Prayer of " all Prayers . "
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Free , J . Ruse , G . Drapper , J . II . Harmsworth , L . Ashton , T . AV . Cox , J . A . Axtoll , C . Deal-in , and some others . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . E . Harris , P . M ., Treas ., No . 73 ; D . Davies , 147 ; T . Smith , 829 , S . D ., 1 , 223 ; W . Etheridge , 829 ; T . Neville 1 , S . D . 765 ; and some few others , whose names we were unable to ascertain . The work performed was the passing Bro . Joseph Joseph , and then initiating Mr . Charles Deakin , all of which was done in an able and an impressive manner . A
letter was read from Bro . Frederick Walters , P . M . and Sec , excusing his absence , which was ciused through ill-health . Notice of motion was given to present Bro . J . Doukiii , P . M ., with a P . M . ' s jewel of the value of five guineas , from the lodge funds . The lodge was du'y closed .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER . — United Lodge ( No . 697 . )—A meeting of this lodge tookfplace at the George Hotel , on February 10 th inst . I 860 . Present—Bro . Newman , AV . M ., Bros . Rix , S . W ., Bicley , J . W ., Kay Sec , Clthorpe , S . D ., Eustace , J . D . J . P ., Smith , Coast Kain , Richardson , Lugton , Crick , Jenkinson , Gill , Curry , Buckwell , —A isitors , A . C > bb , AV . M ., 51 ; F . Cole , 51 ; J . Black , 56 ; AV . Wallard , 151 ; Hast , 51 ; Quiltcr , 51 ; AV . P . Lewis
, 51 ; Samuel , 51 ; Salmon , 51 ; Clubb , 51 ; G . W . Smith , 51 . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes of the lust regular meeting were read and confirmed . Proceedings of the board of General purposes were read , stating that a requisition had been received by the AV . M ., requesting that James Kinlocb , Color Sergeant of the 9 Gtb Regiment might enter his name as a candidate for initiation—the board considered him a fit and proper person for initiation . The ballot was then
taken which proved unanimous . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . Coast , Kain and Lugton , were raised . The lodge being closed down to the second degree , and Bro . Curry was passed to this degree . The lodge being opened in the first degree , Color Sergeant James Kinlocb , ivas initiated . It was proposed by Bro . Ray , seconded by Bro . Newman , that Bro . Benjamin Blaxton be received as a joining member ; proposed by Bro . Newman , seconded by Bro . Ray , that
Thomas Craig , Color Sergeant 54 th Regiment , be received as a candidate for initiation . The lodge was afterwards closed , and the brethren adjourned . An emergency meeting of this lodge took place at the same place , on the 22 nd inst . Present—Bro . Newman , AV . M ., Bros . Bigley , J . AV ., Rix , S . W ., Calthorpe , S . W ., Eustace , J . D ., Richardson , Coisf , Kain , Buckwell , Gill , AIieldleton , J . S . Smith , and Everett . The lodge was opetieel in the first degreeand
, the board of General purposes having granted permission for the initiation of Thomas Craig , Color Sergeant 51 th Regiment ; the ballot was taken , which proving unanimous be was duly initiated . After some formal business the loelge ivas closed .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST ) . AA ' AREINGTON—Lodge of Lights ( No . 1-13 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Ma = onic Rooms , on Monday evening last . The W . AI . ^ Bro . D ., W . Finney was supported by Bros . AV . Mossop , S . W . j AV . Richardson , J . W . j John Bowes , P . M . ; Past Prov . G . Rec , C . and AV . Hon . See . ; Jos . Maxfield , P . M . ; AV . S . Hawkins , Thos . Domvile , I . G . ; Thos . Morris , Robert Mather , W . Fletcher-Wood , Horatio Syred , W .
Smith , Jos , Cassidy , AV . Cooper , J . D ,, T . JI . Patt ' son , Org ., Ralph Johnson , Rev . J . N . Porter , A . Iliittmnnii , Jas . Johns in , James Hannah , Tylers . Visitors—Bros . Lcrer , Rowbottom , P . M ., No . 178 ; P . J . Edlesten , 1134 ; Jas . Parry , list ; A . Macintosh , 753 ; and A . E . Ackerly . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . Bros . AV . Fletcher-Wood and Captain Robert Mather were separately introduced , and passed to the degree of F . C . by the W . M . After some other routine business , the lodge was closed .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER—John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 523 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at theFreemason ' s Hall , on Thursday , the 18 th instant , when there were present Bros . Duff , AV . M . J W . Beaumont Smith , P . M . and Treas ., Toller , S . W .
Buzzard , J . AA ., and about a tlozen other brethren ; the only visitor being Bro . L . A . Clarke , I . P . M ., of St . John's Lodge , No . 279 . The lodge having been opened in tbe first degree ami the minutes of the last meeting read aud confirmed , Bro . Elgood was called to the pedestal , and having fgiven proofs of his proficiency as an E . A . retired , when a F . C- ' s lodge was opened and he was passed to that degree . Some business connected with tbe finances having been transacted , the lodge was closed in harmony and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . — The Masonic Sail . —Since the erection of Unbuilding in 1 SG 5 , the brethren of the Lodge " Prince of AVales " have bee i unable to commence the decorations of the noble Lodge-room uut' -l a few months ago , in c msequence of the damp state of tho walls . The work was entrusted to Bro . Frederick Crisp , of Foundation-street , whose skill us an arlist is well
known , and the able manner in which he has completed his task reflects upon him the highest credit . The room , which is finely proportioned , is 45 feet in length , 22 feet wide , and 17 feet high , and the enrichments throughout are veiy elegant and appropriate . The ceiling is divided into three compartments , tho two outer ones and the centre being formed into four panels . Round the sunlight Ihe circlet is c imposed of water lilies and foliage , standing out in bidel relief . The two windows which
light the roof are ornamented with guilloche enrichment-- , wrought within an effective plaster moulding . The angles ancl centres ou either sides are ornamented with Masonic emblems . The ceiling is coloured !_ uflj with the ornaments and mouldings picked out in red . blue , ami gold . The cornice , which is verydeep , is finished at the base , with a deeply sunk egg and dart moulding . This is picked out in red , blue , and gold , with small Arabesque ornamentation in all the flat members . Iu the cove of the cornice , which is grey , is a running honeysuckle , in
white . The dado round the room is coloured maroon , with the skirting of a darker shade , aud the mouldings gilt . The top of the dado is bordered wth a band , with a , guilloche in black . At the eastern end of the room is a very elegantly designed apse or alcove , consisting of two Doric columns of Parian marble , supporting an elaborately enriched arch . The apse is of a buff tint , with a flowered diaper of pomegranates and lilies , and emblems pertaining to tbe vaiious degrees in Masonry . The
semi-dome is coloured blue , powdered with gold stars , the effect of which is very striking . In the centre , the arch is keyed in with a missive stone , on which is sculptured the All Seeing Eye , and the radiations are enriched with gold . The ground tone of the walls is buff , relieved with reel lines dividing the surface into panels , with honeysuckle foliations at the angles of the panels , the styles being tinted a darker shade of the same colour . The balustrade in front of the organ gallery , at the
western end , is als ; appropriately ornamented iu colours . The room is , undoubtedly , one of the handsomest of its kind to be found in any provincial Masonic Hall iu the Kingdom . The design , which was in part determined by the plastered decorations , is exceedingly effective , and the general tone of colouring very harmonious . The whole style is rich , without being unduly s , and when lighted , the appearance of the room is really verv beautiful .
SUSSEX . BRIGHTON , Yarborough Lodge ( No . Sll ) . —A meeting of this excellent lodge was hell at the Royal Pavilion , upon the 20 th inst ., the Rev J . Bro . Gvifiifth , AV . M ., presiding . The following was the business upon the Agenda paper : —To initiate Mr . Charles Hogg , to pass Rev . James O'Brien , D . D ., to raise Bro . Bristow , ancl to join Br . s . Lewis Cubitt , Phcenix Lodge , 275 , P . M ., 26 ,
and James Ashbury , Social Lodge . 02 , and the following notice of motion : — "That the W . M . for the time is hereby appointed delegate to the general committee of Brighton lodges for the purposes of this lodge ; and in case of his inability to attend , he he empowered to depute such attendance to some other member of the lodge . " Tne business was excellently conducted , after the perfornianci of which the brethren parted in love and concord .
The Lord ' s Prayer was caHed bv the Fathers , "The Square , '" 'The Rule , " and ' "The Prayer of " all Prayers . "