Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ISLE OF MAN. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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GLASGOW . GLASGOW . —Lodge Scotia ( No . 178 ) . —The 7 StU annual festival of the Lodge Scotia , No . 173 , was held on Friday , the 19 th February , in the Prince of AA ales Hall , Buchanan-street . There was a large und respectable attendance , the hall being quite full , and the chair was occupied by Bro . Joseph Singleton . R . W . M ., supported by Bros . J . B . AValkcr , P . G ., Treas . ; ' Robt . Eobb , P . G . Marshall ; Jas . Wallace , P . S . G . D . ; Thos . Granger ,
R . W . M . 117 ; Robt . Adam , P . M ., 333 ; AVm . Phillips , R . W .. M ., 275 ; Rev . John C . Stewart , Chaplain , 103 ; Thos . Barclay . James Campbell , P . P ., Inner Guard ; Geo . McLaren , D . M ., US ; Join . Mathieson , S . W . ; Avch . McTagttart ; Joseph Scroll ; James Murray ; Robt . Money , Treas ., 178 ; John McNeill , B . B ., 17 S ; Robt . Gardner , S . AV . ; and James C . Stirrat , of the FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE . After tea , tho ehiiuman in a brief address , congratulated the brethren on the success that had attended
this the 7 Sth anniversary of the lodge . The large assembly augured well for the prosperity of the lodge , which he hoped would be increased still more iu the future , lie proceeded to remark that masonry was a great institution , and recognised throughout the civilised word ; its principles were those of the Bible , tlie kevstono of the arch : withdraw it , and the whole
masonic fabric will crumble to ruins . A true mason ivas a true man , ancl as such his aim was to do justly , to love mercy , and to walk humbly with God . The true mason had a warm heart , and was ever ready to give a helping hand to a brother in distress , and to promote to tbe best of his ability every good work and word . In conclusion , he had a word to say to the ladies . He was rejoiced lo sec them join so heartily with their masonic husbands , brothers , and sweethearts in their animal reunions .
He had no doubt the ladies sometimes bad reason to complain when their husbands stayed out late at a masonic meeting ; but sbre he was that those of them who knew the objects of masonry and the good it bad accomplished and was still doing , would with true womanly forbearance sacrifice occasionally a few minutes of their husband's company for so good , so true , and so noble an object . The chairman concluded with the hope that the present festival would prove a harmonious and
happypre-, cursor of many to come . Several other members of the craft delivered addresses during the evening , and some gentlemen and ladies contributed to the harmony by giving scucval songs ; the whole soiree and festival passing off successfully . An assembly afterwards took place , and dancing was kept up to an early hour .
Isle Of Man.
DOUGLAS . TYNWALD LODGE ( NO . 1212 ) . —The monthly meeting of this ¦ lodge was held on Wednesday , 10 th instant , at Ihe . Masonic Rooms , St . James's Hall , ivhen there were present Bros . Elwood Tibbies , AV . M . ; J . A . Brown , S . W . ; J . Joshua liarivood , J . W . ; R . J . AVeaver , P . M ., Treas . ; G . M . Lofthouse , P . M . Sec ; Geo ; Robinson , S . D . ; Geo . Heron , J . D . ; A . Catiblwell , Org . ; T . Fariiurst lerJohnsonPlantJack Cowlev
- , Ty ; , , -on , Quinncv , , & e . The visitors were Bros . II . P . Mayle , AV . M . " 1001 ; j . Tuton , S . W ., 1001 ; P . AVebb , J . AV ., 1001 ; T . Hilling , S . D ., 1001 ; G . Kneen , Steward , 1004 . The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . G . J . Plant , 104 , as a joining member , which proved unanimously in his favour , and lie was declared duly admitted . Bros . JacksonQuinneyaud Cowlbeing candidates for the second degree
, , y were examined by the AV . Af ., aod after hiving in a highly satisfactory manner proved their proficiency iu the former ivere entrusted and withdrew . The lodge being opened in the second degree they were readmitted anil passed by the AV . M . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the ballot was taken for Mr . James Adams , B . A ., which proved unanimously in his favour , and he was introduced and initiated by the
AV . M ., who also gave the charge after the initiation . The AV . M . gave notice that he should move at the next meeting , " That tho lodge be annual subscribers of £ 1 Is . to the three Masonic charities , and that the sum of _ G 1 Is . be given to the Masonic Life Boat Fund . " The W . M . also desired very earnestly to bring the Masonic Life Boat Fund individually before the members of the lodge , trusting they would all contribute their mite , which he assured them would be thankfully received and faithfully applied . There being no further business the lodge was closed down in solemn form and adjourned .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTI . ! - ( NO . 73 ) . The quarterly convocation of this prosperous chapter was holden at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street , Southwark , on Thursday . January 28 th . The convocation was opened by Comps . A . Avery , M . E . Z . ; A . D . Loewenstark . II . ; and J . W . Avery as J . The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were unanimous in favour of tho Admission of the two candidates
Bro . Tustin being in attendance was regularly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . The work as usual here was well rendered . Thc election resulted in the following Comps . being elected A . D . Loewenstark , Z . ; J . \ V . Avery , II . ; T . J . Sabine , J . ; F . AAoilters , P . Z ., Treas .: F . Tricketf , S . E . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . N . j G . AV . AVheeler P . S . ; W . J . Laing , J . The audit committee was elected aud appainted . There wore present besides those mentioned G . J . C ' utbush . Alsitors—W . SmithC . 7 E . P . Z .
, , , No . 33 ; J . AV . Halsey , P . Z ., No . 507 . I _ . Di . 3 T . tr CHAPTER ( NO . ISO ) .- —This chapter met at the Freemason ' s Hall on the 16 th inst ., Comp . AA . Mann , M . E . Z ., in the chair . The following brethren having been ballotted for were exalted , viz ., Bros / G . F . Henly , 1 SG ; AV . Snell , 186 ; Turner , ISO ; AV . H . Coombs , 18 G ; and Morton Edwards , 141 ;
ancl Comps . G . Kelly and E . W . Cannon , were elected joining members . The company adjourned to a very excellent banquet . The visitors were , Comps . E . P . Albert , P . Z ., Watson , P . Z ., and Carpenter , P . Z . Kench and Northloek contributed to the harmony of the evening . CHAPTER OP HOPE ( NO . 206 ) . —The regular convocation of this old chapter was held on Thursday , February 11 th , at the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich . The chapter was opened
by Comps . II . A . Cdlington , M . E . Z . ; J . Piaster , II . ; and W . Noak , J . ; and during the evening there were present , —Comps . J . H . H . Doughnev , S . E . ; A . H . Tattersball , S . N . ; J . Nash , 2 nd A . S . ; J . C . Pe ' ckhun , P Z . ; E . Hogg , P . Z . ; G VV . Edington , P . Z . ; J . Mooiv , P . Z . ; AVest Smith , J . Griffen , and others . A isitor : F . AVnlters , P . Z ., No . 73 . The bye-laws were read , and other business of a formal nature was clone . The chapter was regularly closed . Refreshment followed labourand the usual
, happy evening was spent . CHAPTER OP HOPE ( NO . 20 G ) . —An emergency meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday Jan . 28 th . Comp . H . A . Codington , AI . E . Z ., presided . Comp . F . AA alters , P . Z ., No . 73 , installed J . Haslar as II . The chapter was closed . Refreshments followed labour . Visitors — F . AValters , F . Z . No . 73 ; F . W . Halsev , P . Z . No . 507 .
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAND . KENDAL . —Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ) . —The annual convocation of this chapter was held at the Chapter Rooms , Masonic Hall , Kent-.. trce % on Thursday , January 2 Sth , at one o ' clock , for ihe pur . jo . s i of installing the Principals elect . The M . E . Z ., Comp . John Bowes , wm supported by Comps . Major Whitwell , II . ; AA'illiam AVilson , J . ; Busher , P . Z . ; Dr . Moore ,
Scribe E . ; Samuel Gawith , P . S . ; R . Butterwith , Org . ; C . AV . Braithwaite , E . Friend , T . AI . Claphim , AV . Do . Ul , R _ v . James Simpson , Garnett Braithwaite , John Pearson , J . C . Atkinson , Thomas Gawith , etc The chapter having been opened by the Principals , the rest of the companions were admitted . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the . M . E . Z . invited Capt Mott to undertake the duty of Installing Principal , when the who had been dulelected
following companions , y were regularly installed . —Comps . AVhitwcll , Z . ; W ' . AVilson , H . ; Rev . James Simpson , J . ; Dr . Moore , E . ; Capt . Braithwaite , N . ; Samuel Gawith , P . S . ; J . O . Atkinson , Jan . There being no fin ther business , the chapter was closed with tbe usual solemnities , and the companions adjourned to the King ' s Arms Hotel to join the brethren of the Union Lodge at the banquet .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . AA ARRiNQioN . —Chapter of TElias Ashmole ( No . 148 ) . —The regular monthly convocation of this chapter was held at the Chapter Rooms , Sankey-street , on Monday , the Stb inst ., at six o ' clock . The M . E . Z ., Comp . John Bowes was supported by Comps . II . B . AVhite , P . Z ., II . ; Capt . Mott , P . Z ., as J . ; Horatio Syred ; Rev . J . Nixon Porter ; David Finney , P . S . ; V 7 . Mossop , N . ; Thomas Stone , Thomas Domville , AV . Savage , Baker , Rev .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
GLASGOW . GLASGOW . —Lodge Scotia ( No . 178 ) . —The 7 StU annual festival of the Lodge Scotia , No . 173 , was held on Friday , the 19 th February , in the Prince of AA ales Hall , Buchanan-street . There was a large und respectable attendance , the hall being quite full , and the chair was occupied by Bro . Joseph Singleton . R . W . M ., supported by Bros . J . B . AValkcr , P . G ., Treas . ; ' Robt . Eobb , P . G . Marshall ; Jas . Wallace , P . S . G . D . ; Thos . Granger ,
R . W . M . 117 ; Robt . Adam , P . M ., 333 ; AVm . Phillips , R . W .. M ., 275 ; Rev . John C . Stewart , Chaplain , 103 ; Thos . Barclay . James Campbell , P . P ., Inner Guard ; Geo . McLaren , D . M ., US ; Join . Mathieson , S . W . ; Avch . McTagttart ; Joseph Scroll ; James Murray ; Robt . Money , Treas ., 178 ; John McNeill , B . B ., 17 S ; Robt . Gardner , S . AV . ; and James C . Stirrat , of the FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE . After tea , tho ehiiuman in a brief address , congratulated the brethren on the success that had attended
this the 7 Sth anniversary of the lodge . The large assembly augured well for the prosperity of the lodge , which he hoped would be increased still more iu the future , lie proceeded to remark that masonry was a great institution , and recognised throughout the civilised word ; its principles were those of the Bible , tlie kevstono of the arch : withdraw it , and the whole
masonic fabric will crumble to ruins . A true mason ivas a true man , ancl as such his aim was to do justly , to love mercy , and to walk humbly with God . The true mason had a warm heart , and was ever ready to give a helping hand to a brother in distress , and to promote to tbe best of his ability every good work and word . In conclusion , he had a word to say to the ladies . He was rejoiced lo sec them join so heartily with their masonic husbands , brothers , and sweethearts in their animal reunions .
He had no doubt the ladies sometimes bad reason to complain when their husbands stayed out late at a masonic meeting ; but sbre he was that those of them who knew the objects of masonry and the good it bad accomplished and was still doing , would with true womanly forbearance sacrifice occasionally a few minutes of their husband's company for so good , so true , and so noble an object . The chairman concluded with the hope that the present festival would prove a harmonious and
happypre-, cursor of many to come . Several other members of the craft delivered addresses during the evening , and some gentlemen and ladies contributed to the harmony by giving scucval songs ; the whole soiree and festival passing off successfully . An assembly afterwards took place , and dancing was kept up to an early hour .
Isle Of Man.
DOUGLAS . TYNWALD LODGE ( NO . 1212 ) . —The monthly meeting of this ¦ lodge was held on Wednesday , 10 th instant , at Ihe . Masonic Rooms , St . James's Hall , ivhen there were present Bros . Elwood Tibbies , AV . M . ; J . A . Brown , S . W . ; J . Joshua liarivood , J . W . ; R . J . AVeaver , P . M ., Treas . ; G . M . Lofthouse , P . M . Sec ; Geo ; Robinson , S . D . ; Geo . Heron , J . D . ; A . Catiblwell , Org . ; T . Fariiurst lerJohnsonPlantJack Cowlev
- , Ty ; , , -on , Quinncv , , & e . The visitors were Bros . II . P . Mayle , AV . M . " 1001 ; j . Tuton , S . W ., 1001 ; P . AVebb , J . AV ., 1001 ; T . Hilling , S . D ., 1001 ; G . Kneen , Steward , 1004 . The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bro . G . J . Plant , 104 , as a joining member , which proved unanimously in his favour , and lie was declared duly admitted . Bros . JacksonQuinneyaud Cowlbeing candidates for the second degree
, , y were examined by the AV . Af ., aod after hiving in a highly satisfactory manner proved their proficiency iu the former ivere entrusted and withdrew . The lodge being opened in the second degree they were readmitted anil passed by the AV . M . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the ballot was taken for Mr . James Adams , B . A ., which proved unanimously in his favour , and he was introduced and initiated by the
AV . M ., who also gave the charge after the initiation . The AV . M . gave notice that he should move at the next meeting , " That tho lodge be annual subscribers of £ 1 Is . to the three Masonic charities , and that the sum of _ G 1 Is . be given to the Masonic Life Boat Fund . " The W . M . also desired very earnestly to bring the Masonic Life Boat Fund individually before the members of the lodge , trusting they would all contribute their mite , which he assured them would be thankfully received and faithfully applied . There being no further business the lodge was closed down in solemn form and adjourned .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTI . ! - ( NO . 73 ) . The quarterly convocation of this prosperous chapter was holden at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street , Southwark , on Thursday . January 28 th . The convocation was opened by Comps . A . Avery , M . E . Z . ; A . D . Loewenstark . II . ; and J . W . Avery as J . The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were unanimous in favour of tho Admission of the two candidates
Bro . Tustin being in attendance was regularly exalted into Royal Arch Masonry . The work as usual here was well rendered . Thc election resulted in the following Comps . being elected A . D . Loewenstark , Z . ; J . \ V . Avery , II . ; T . J . Sabine , J . ; F . AAoilters , P . Z ., Treas .: F . Tricketf , S . E . ; M . A . Loewenstark , S . N . j G . AV . AVheeler P . S . ; W . J . Laing , J . The audit committee was elected aud appainted . There wore present besides those mentioned G . J . C ' utbush . Alsitors—W . SmithC . 7 E . P . Z .
, , , No . 33 ; J . AV . Halsey , P . Z ., No . 507 . I _ . Di . 3 T . tr CHAPTER ( NO . ISO ) .- —This chapter met at the Freemason ' s Hall on the 16 th inst ., Comp . AA . Mann , M . E . Z ., in the chair . The following brethren having been ballotted for were exalted , viz ., Bros / G . F . Henly , 1 SG ; AV . Snell , 186 ; Turner , ISO ; AV . H . Coombs , 18 G ; and Morton Edwards , 141 ;
ancl Comps . G . Kelly and E . W . Cannon , were elected joining members . The company adjourned to a very excellent banquet . The visitors were , Comps . E . P . Albert , P . Z ., Watson , P . Z ., and Carpenter , P . Z . Kench and Northloek contributed to the harmony of the evening . CHAPTER OP HOPE ( NO . 206 ) . —The regular convocation of this old chapter was held on Thursday , February 11 th , at the Globe Tavern , Royal Hill , Greenwich . The chapter was opened
by Comps . II . A . Cdlington , M . E . Z . ; J . Piaster , II . ; and W . Noak , J . ; and during the evening there were present , —Comps . J . H . H . Doughnev , S . E . ; A . H . Tattersball , S . N . ; J . Nash , 2 nd A . S . ; J . C . Pe ' ckhun , P Z . ; E . Hogg , P . Z . ; G VV . Edington , P . Z . ; J . Mooiv , P . Z . ; AVest Smith , J . Griffen , and others . A isitor : F . AVnlters , P . Z ., No . 73 . The bye-laws were read , and other business of a formal nature was clone . The chapter was regularly closed . Refreshment followed labourand the usual
, happy evening was spent . CHAPTER OP HOPE ( NO . 20 G ) . —An emergency meeting of this chapter was held on Thursday Jan . 28 th . Comp . H . A . Codington , AI . E . Z ., presided . Comp . F . AA alters , P . Z ., No . 73 , installed J . Haslar as II . The chapter was closed . Refreshments followed labour . Visitors — F . AValters , F . Z . No . 73 ; F . W . Halsev , P . Z . No . 507 .
CUMBERLAND AND AVESTMORELAND . KENDAL . —Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ) . —The annual convocation of this chapter was held at the Chapter Rooms , Masonic Hall , Kent-.. trce % on Thursday , January 2 Sth , at one o ' clock , for ihe pur . jo . s i of installing the Principals elect . The M . E . Z ., Comp . John Bowes , wm supported by Comps . Major Whitwell , II . ; AA'illiam AVilson , J . ; Busher , P . Z . ; Dr . Moore ,
Scribe E . ; Samuel Gawith , P . S . ; R . Butterwith , Org . ; C . AV . Braithwaite , E . Friend , T . AI . Claphim , AV . Do . Ul , R _ v . James Simpson , Garnett Braithwaite , John Pearson , J . C . Atkinson , Thomas Gawith , etc The chapter having been opened by the Principals , the rest of the companions were admitted . The minutes having been read and confirmed , the . M . E . Z . invited Capt Mott to undertake the duty of Installing Principal , when the who had been dulelected
following companions , y were regularly installed . —Comps . AVhitwcll , Z . ; W ' . AVilson , H . ; Rev . James Simpson , J . ; Dr . Moore , E . ; Capt . Braithwaite , N . ; Samuel Gawith , P . S . ; J . O . Atkinson , Jan . There being no fin ther business , the chapter was closed with tbe usual solemnities , and the companions adjourned to the King ' s Arms Hotel to join the brethren of the Union Lodge at the banquet .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . AA ARRiNQioN . —Chapter of TElias Ashmole ( No . 148 ) . —The regular monthly convocation of this chapter was held at the Chapter Rooms , Sankey-street , on Monday , the Stb inst ., at six o ' clock . The M . E . Z ., Comp . John Bowes was supported by Comps . II . B . AVhite , P . Z ., II . ; Capt . Mott , P . Z ., as J . ; Horatio Syred ; Rev . J . Nixon Porter ; David Finney , P . S . ; V 7 . Mossop , N . ; Thomas Stone , Thomas Domville , AV . Savage , Baker , Rev .