Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
H . P . Stedman , James Johnson , Jan . The chapter was opened by the Principals , when the tost of the companions were admitted , ancl the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Rev . II . P . Stedman , who had been duly elected at a previous meeting , beingpresent , was exalted by Comp . Molt , assisted by the M . E . Z . The next business being the election of officers for the ensuing year , it was proceeded with by ballot , when the following companions were duly elected : —Comps . John BowesZ .: Robert
, Stevenson , II . ; David AV . Finney , J . ; W . Mrssop , Scribe E . ; Horatio Syred , Scribe N . ; AViliiam Richardson , P . S . ; John Bowes , Treas . ; James Johnson , Jan . Bros . James Parry and P . J . Edlesten were proposed ns candidates for Royal Arch Masonry , and , there being no further business , the chapter was duly closed and the companions separated in harmony .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A quarterly convocation of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , the 9 th inst ., at . which the following companions were present :--Comps . AV . Wearo , M . E . Z ., Rev . John Spittal . H . ; L . A . Clarke , J . ; W . Kelly , P . Z . & Treas . ; AV . Pettifor , P . Z ., as N . S . S . Partrid as E . ; Rev . AVilliam LangleyP . S . ; G .
; ge , , Toller , A . S . ; Atwood , Stretton , Ride , Manning , Marl-ham , and AA arelle , and C . Bainbridge , Jan . A isitor—Comp . Harts , Abbey Chapter ( 47 ) , Nottingham . The chapter having been opened in solemn form , ancl the minutes of the last quarterly convocation having been read and confirmed , the chair of First Principal was taken by Comp . Kelly . P . G . H ., who proceeded to exalt Bro . AVilliam Sculthorpe , of the John of Gaunt Lodge
- ( 523 ) , and afterwards delivered the historical , symbolical , and mystical lectures , the duties of P . S . being , as usual , most efficiently performed by the Rev . Comp . Langley . A second candidate , having been recently married , was not in attendance The Treasurer ' s accounts having been passed , a ballot was taken for officers for the ensuing year : —Comps . Rev . John Spittal , M . E . Z . ; L . A . Clarke , H . ; G . H . Hodges , J . ; Kelly , P . Z ., Treas . ;
Stretton , E . ; Partridge , N . ; Toller , P . S . ; Bainbridge , Jan . Three brethren having been proposed as candidates for exaltation at the next meeting , the chapter was closed in solemn form ancl with prayer , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
SOUTH AALVLES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . SWANSEA . —Chapter Virtue aud Sope , ( No . 237 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chaptar was held on Monday , the loth inst . There were present Comps . Charles Bath , M . E . Z . ; Edward J . Morris , P . Z . as H . ; J . G . Hall , P . Z . as J . ; F . D . Michael , P . Z . ; William Cox , P . Z . ; J . T . Nettell , E . ; J . B . Brock , N . ; S . B . Power , ' Treas . ; Rev . C . T . Heartlev , D . C ; AA . E . Brown ,
P . Soj . ; J . C . ' Dyke , Geo . Allen , H . Thomas , E . JI . Castle , A . P , Wilks , Thos . Robinson , William Phillip , ancl others . Bro . Geo . T . Smith , tbe AV . M . of thc Aberystwith Lodge , No . 1072 , having been balloted for , and unanimously elected , was admitted and exalted to tlie supreme degree . The ceremony was impressively worked by the M . E . Z ., the lectures being delivered by Comps . Bath , Morris , and Hall . On tbe proposition of Comp . Edward
J . Morris , P . Z ., tho sum of £ 5 5 s . was voted from the funds of tbe chapter in ail of tbe Boy ' s School and Comp . David AViliams , J ., was elected one of the stewards of the pros iice . After the transaction of other routine business , the chapter was closed in ancient form , and the Companions having adjourned to their refreshment room , a very pleasant evening was spent , enlivened with some excellent singing by Comps . Cox , Allen , Smith , and others .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . ScAi-EOitouGit . —Scarborough Chapter ( No . 200 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter took place at the F . M . H . in this town on the 3 rd inst . The chapter was opened at 7 o'clock p . m ., by Comps . James Frederick Spurr , P . Z ., as Z . ; AV . F . Rooke , II . ; William Thomas Farthing , J . ; John 0 . Surtecs and FisherP . Z's . After the minutes were read and confirmedBro .
, , John Parker , who bad been previously elected , was exalted to the rank of a R . A . M . A ballot was taken for Bros . A \ illiam Pattison , Thomas Jackson , and R . D . AA oodale , three M . M . ' s of the Old Globe Lodge , who were unanimously elected ancl exalted The election of officers for the ensuing year then took place , after which the chapter was duly closed .
Royal Arch.
INSTRUCTION . METROPOLITAN . MOUNT SINAI CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 19 ) . —The annual festival of this chapter of instruction wns held at the usual place of meeting , the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regentstreet , on the 20 th inst . The chair was occupied by Comp . James Brett' P . Z . No . 177 and 975 who was supported bthe
, , y Comps . T . A . Adams as II . ; and AV . AA ' ntson as J . Upon the chairman's rishfc were placed Comps . II . G . Buss , P . Z ., 177 ; R . Wtnt-. YOith Little , P . Z ., 975 ; and AA . Alexander , P . Z ., 19 . On the left were stationed Comps . Cr . Spencer States , P . Z , 742 ; J . Boyd , P . Z ., 531 ; Carter , P . Z ., 534 ; and C . A . Cottebrune , P . Z ., 177 ; and the following Comps . were also present : Raynham Stewart , P . Z ., No . 12 ; G . Rice , H , 19 ; H . A . Stacev , P . Z ., 180 ; "
AV . Mann , M . E . Z ., 186 ; A . Codner , M . E . Z ., 380 ; J . T . Nicholls , H , 25 ; F . Cox , N . 657 ; J . T . Woodstock , P . Z ., ISO ; AV . Gilbert , S . N ., 177 , J . elect ; Thomas Foxall , J ., 72 ; Samuel Foxall , P . S ., 382 ; F . 11 . Gilbart , S . N ., 534 ; J . Grnyland , Z . elect , 13 ; Copclind , 13 ; John Kirk , P . S ., 13 ; John Batstonc , 1 st assist ., 13 ; P . Marshall , 13 ; Henry Ash , 2 nd assist ., 77 ; Henrv Reed , S . N ., 733 ; Win . PiattP . Z . 77 ; J . L . ThomasS . N . ' 13 ; George
, , , Hackford , 13 ; W . W . Smith , 20 G ; AV . Jones , 12 ; Politzor , Murgrio ; R . Tanner , P . S ., 975 ; F . P . Baker , 13 ; Bennett , 975 ; and Mark Edersheim , 77 . The M . E . Z . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The Domatic Chapter is fortunate in having an unrivalled stall' of Past Principals in Comps . Adams , Brett , Buss , Cottebrune , and though last , by no moms the least , Joseph Smith . We attended this brilliant gathering of
companions with great pleasure , and immense praise must be attributed to Comps . Watson , Adams , Cottebrune , and other leading members , for the unqualified success which attended the whole of the proceedings . The Mount Sinai Chapter of Instruction is held at the Union Tavern , Air-street , every Saturday evening , at seven o'clock , ancl companions who cannot attend the "Metropolitan , " on Tuesday evenings , will do well to note this fact .
Mark Masonry.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HULL . —Minerva Lodge ( No . 12 ) . — At a regular lodge held on the 1 st . inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Osbornestreet , there was a large attendance of baothren . The lodge having been opened , tbe minutes of the last regular lodge , and Lodge of Emergency , were then rend ancl confirmed . The secretary also read a statement of accounts for the past year , which was very satisfactory . The ballot was taken for eiht
g brethren , all of whom were unanimously accepted , and being in attendance , were admitted and advanced . It was proposed b y Bro . Walker , and seconded by Bro . Reynolds , and carried unanimously , that tlie sum of £ 2 2 s . be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Bro . Reynolds presented Bro . John Walker , the AV . M . elect for installation , which was accordingly proceeded with , and the following officers were appointed :
— l . ' ro . J . V . Ilolden , I . P . M . ; G . Hardv ( P . G . J . D . ) , S . W . ; L . AV . Longst . If , J . W . ; B . S . Gates , Chap . ; H . Haigh , Treas . ; AV . Revnolds , P . M . ( P . G . D . C ) , Sec ; II . T . Alvian , M . O . ; AV . H . North , S . O . ; AV . Tesseyman , . 5 . 0 . ; J . G . AV . Willows , Reg . ; J . H . Ernes , S . D . ; C . J . Todd , J . D . ; J . Linwood , D . C ; AV . Stephenson , Org . ; Pool and Ansell , Stewards ; J . Hudson , I . G . ; and Sanderson and FaulknerTylers . The AA . M . proposed a vote
, of thanks to Bro . AVilson , W . M ., of the H umber Lodge , for granting the use of the Lodge ' s Hall for this meeting ( the Mineiva Lodge room undergoing cleaning & c ) , which was seconded by Bro . Ilolden , and carried unanimously . The ceremony being concluded , the W . M . proposed a vote of thanks to the installing officer , Bro . Reynolds , P . M ., ivhich was cordially seconded by Bro . Ilolden , I . PAL , ancl carried by acclamation .
Bro . Reynolds briefly responded . Several brethren were then proposed for ballot at the next meeting . The lodge was closed . The brethren retired to tho banquet-hall , and a very pleasant and harmonious evening was spent .
Knights Templar.
SOUTH ATALES . SWANSEA . —Palestine Knight Templar Encampment . —T \ x regular meeting of this encampment was held nt the Assembly Booms , Swansea , on Tuesday , the lGth inst ., on which occasion
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
H . P . Stedman , James Johnson , Jan . The chapter was opened by the Principals , when the tost of the companions were admitted , ancl the minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Rev . II . P . Stedman , who had been duly elected at a previous meeting , beingpresent , was exalted by Comp . Molt , assisted by the M . E . Z . The next business being the election of officers for the ensuing year , it was proceeded with by ballot , when the following companions were duly elected : —Comps . John BowesZ .: Robert
, Stevenson , II . ; David AV . Finney , J . ; W . Mrssop , Scribe E . ; Horatio Syred , Scribe N . ; AViliiam Richardson , P . S . ; John Bowes , Treas . ; James Johnson , Jan . Bros . James Parry and P . J . Edlesten were proposed ns candidates for Royal Arch Masonry , and , there being no further business , the chapter was duly closed and the companions separated in harmony .
LEICESTERSHIRE . LEICESTER . — Chapter of Fortitude ( No . 279 ) . —A quarterly convocation of this chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , on Tuesday , the 9 th inst ., at . which the following companions were present :--Comps . AV . Wearo , M . E . Z ., Rev . John Spittal . H . ; L . A . Clarke , J . ; W . Kelly , P . Z . & Treas . ; AV . Pettifor , P . Z ., as N . S . S . Partrid as E . ; Rev . AVilliam LangleyP . S . ; G .
; ge , , Toller , A . S . ; Atwood , Stretton , Ride , Manning , Marl-ham , and AA arelle , and C . Bainbridge , Jan . A isitor—Comp . Harts , Abbey Chapter ( 47 ) , Nottingham . The chapter having been opened in solemn form , ancl the minutes of the last quarterly convocation having been read and confirmed , the chair of First Principal was taken by Comp . Kelly . P . G . H ., who proceeded to exalt Bro . AVilliam Sculthorpe , of the John of Gaunt Lodge
- ( 523 ) , and afterwards delivered the historical , symbolical , and mystical lectures , the duties of P . S . being , as usual , most efficiently performed by the Rev . Comp . Langley . A second candidate , having been recently married , was not in attendance The Treasurer ' s accounts having been passed , a ballot was taken for officers for the ensuing year : —Comps . Rev . John Spittal , M . E . Z . ; L . A . Clarke , H . ; G . H . Hodges , J . ; Kelly , P . Z ., Treas . ;
Stretton , E . ; Partridge , N . ; Toller , P . S . ; Bainbridge , Jan . Three brethren having been proposed as candidates for exaltation at the next meeting , the chapter was closed in solemn form ancl with prayer , and the companions adjourned to refreshment .
SOUTH AALVLES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . SWANSEA . —Chapter Virtue aud Sope , ( No . 237 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this chaptar was held on Monday , the loth inst . There were present Comps . Charles Bath , M . E . Z . ; Edward J . Morris , P . Z . as H . ; J . G . Hall , P . Z . as J . ; F . D . Michael , P . Z . ; William Cox , P . Z . ; J . T . Nettell , E . ; J . B . Brock , N . ; S . B . Power , ' Treas . ; Rev . C . T . Heartlev , D . C ; AA . E . Brown ,
P . Soj . ; J . C . ' Dyke , Geo . Allen , H . Thomas , E . JI . Castle , A . P , Wilks , Thos . Robinson , William Phillip , ancl others . Bro . Geo . T . Smith , tbe AV . M . of thc Aberystwith Lodge , No . 1072 , having been balloted for , and unanimously elected , was admitted and exalted to tlie supreme degree . The ceremony was impressively worked by the M . E . Z ., the lectures being delivered by Comps . Bath , Morris , and Hall . On tbe proposition of Comp . Edward
J . Morris , P . Z ., tho sum of £ 5 5 s . was voted from the funds of tbe chapter in ail of tbe Boy ' s School and Comp . David AViliams , J ., was elected one of the stewards of the pros iice . After the transaction of other routine business , the chapter was closed in ancient form , and the Companions having adjourned to their refreshment room , a very pleasant evening was spent , enlivened with some excellent singing by Comps . Cox , Allen , Smith , and others .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . ScAi-EOitouGit . —Scarborough Chapter ( No . 200 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter took place at the F . M . H . in this town on the 3 rd inst . The chapter was opened at 7 o'clock p . m ., by Comps . James Frederick Spurr , P . Z ., as Z . ; AV . F . Rooke , II . ; William Thomas Farthing , J . ; John 0 . Surtecs and FisherP . Z's . After the minutes were read and confirmedBro .
, , John Parker , who bad been previously elected , was exalted to the rank of a R . A . M . A ballot was taken for Bros . A \ illiam Pattison , Thomas Jackson , and R . D . AA oodale , three M . M . ' s of the Old Globe Lodge , who were unanimously elected ancl exalted The election of officers for the ensuing year then took place , after which the chapter was duly closed .
Royal Arch.
INSTRUCTION . METROPOLITAN . MOUNT SINAI CHAPTER OF INSTRUCTION ( NO . 19 ) . —The annual festival of this chapter of instruction wns held at the usual place of meeting , the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regentstreet , on the 20 th inst . The chair was occupied by Comp . James Brett' P . Z . No . 177 and 975 who was supported bthe
, , y Comps . T . A . Adams as II . ; and AV . AA ' ntson as J . Upon the chairman's rishfc were placed Comps . II . G . Buss , P . Z ., 177 ; R . Wtnt-. YOith Little , P . Z ., 975 ; and AA . Alexander , P . Z ., 19 . On the left were stationed Comps . Cr . Spencer States , P . Z , 742 ; J . Boyd , P . Z ., 531 ; Carter , P . Z ., 534 ; and C . A . Cottebrune , P . Z ., 177 ; and the following Comps . were also present : Raynham Stewart , P . Z ., No . 12 ; G . Rice , H , 19 ; H . A . Stacev , P . Z ., 180 ; "
AV . Mann , M . E . Z ., 186 ; A . Codner , M . E . Z ., 380 ; J . T . Nicholls , H , 25 ; F . Cox , N . 657 ; J . T . Woodstock , P . Z ., ISO ; AV . Gilbert , S . N ., 177 , J . elect ; Thomas Foxall , J ., 72 ; Samuel Foxall , P . S ., 382 ; F . 11 . Gilbart , S . N ., 534 ; J . Grnyland , Z . elect , 13 ; Copclind , 13 ; John Kirk , P . S ., 13 ; John Batstonc , 1 st assist ., 13 ; P . Marshall , 13 ; Henry Ash , 2 nd assist ., 77 ; Henrv Reed , S . N ., 733 ; Win . PiattP . Z . 77 ; J . L . ThomasS . N . ' 13 ; George
, , , Hackford , 13 ; W . W . Smith , 20 G ; AV . Jones , 12 ; Politzor , Murgrio ; R . Tanner , P . S ., 975 ; F . P . Baker , 13 ; Bennett , 975 ; and Mark Edersheim , 77 . The M . E . Z . proposed the usual loyal and Masonic toasts . The Domatic Chapter is fortunate in having an unrivalled stall' of Past Principals in Comps . Adams , Brett , Buss , Cottebrune , and though last , by no moms the least , Joseph Smith . We attended this brilliant gathering of
companions with great pleasure , and immense praise must be attributed to Comps . Watson , Adams , Cottebrune , and other leading members , for the unqualified success which attended the whole of the proceedings . The Mount Sinai Chapter of Instruction is held at the Union Tavern , Air-street , every Saturday evening , at seven o'clock , ancl companions who cannot attend the "Metropolitan , " on Tuesday evenings , will do well to note this fact .
Mark Masonry.
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . HULL . —Minerva Lodge ( No . 12 ) . — At a regular lodge held on the 1 st . inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Osbornestreet , there was a large attendance of baothren . The lodge having been opened , tbe minutes of the last regular lodge , and Lodge of Emergency , were then rend ancl confirmed . The secretary also read a statement of accounts for the past year , which was very satisfactory . The ballot was taken for eiht
g brethren , all of whom were unanimously accepted , and being in attendance , were admitted and advanced . It was proposed b y Bro . Walker , and seconded by Bro . Reynolds , and carried unanimously , that tlie sum of £ 2 2 s . be given to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Bro . Reynolds presented Bro . John Walker , the AV . M . elect for installation , which was accordingly proceeded with , and the following officers were appointed :
— l . ' ro . J . V . Ilolden , I . P . M . ; G . Hardv ( P . G . J . D . ) , S . W . ; L . AV . Longst . If , J . W . ; B . S . Gates , Chap . ; H . Haigh , Treas . ; AV . Revnolds , P . M . ( P . G . D . C ) , Sec ; II . T . Alvian , M . O . ; AV . H . North , S . O . ; AV . Tesseyman , . 5 . 0 . ; J . G . AV . Willows , Reg . ; J . H . Ernes , S . D . ; C . J . Todd , J . D . ; J . Linwood , D . C ; AV . Stephenson , Org . ; Pool and Ansell , Stewards ; J . Hudson , I . G . ; and Sanderson and FaulknerTylers . The AA . M . proposed a vote
, of thanks to Bro . AVilson , W . M ., of the H umber Lodge , for granting the use of the Lodge ' s Hall for this meeting ( the Mineiva Lodge room undergoing cleaning & c ) , which was seconded by Bro . Ilolden , and carried unanimously . The ceremony being concluded , the W . M . proposed a vote of thanks to the installing officer , Bro . Reynolds , P . M ., ivhich was cordially seconded by Bro . Ilolden , I . PAL , ancl carried by acclamation .
Bro . Reynolds briefly responded . Several brethren were then proposed for ballot at the next meeting . The lodge was closed . The brethren retired to tho banquet-hall , and a very pleasant and harmonious evening was spent .
Knights Templar.
SOUTH ATALES . SWANSEA . —Palestine Knight Templar Encampment . —T \ x regular meeting of this encampment was held nt the Assembly Booms , Swansea , on Tuesday , the lGth inst ., on which occasion