Article GRIMSBY FULL DRESS MASONIC BALL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article DUBLIN MASONIC ORPHAN BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article DUBLIN MASONIC ORPHAN BOYS' SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC LIFEBOAT FUND. Page 1 of 1 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1 Article MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED SOCIETIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Grimsby Full Dress Masonic Ball.
who could not take part in the ball . Before nine o'clock the company began to assemble , and before eleven o ' clock nearly the whole had arrived . Dancing was kept up with great vigour , and at twelve o ' clock the supper tables in the Council Chamber were surrounded by those who evidently appreciated the good things so plentifully provided by Mr . Heyhoe . The AV . M . Bro .
Copeland presided , and was supported by His . Worship the Mayor , and by W . Bro . H . Josse , P . G . S ., AV . Bro . John Sutcliffe , P . M ., W . Bro . Curtis , P . P . M ., & c . After supper Bro- AVardle , who assisted as director of ceremonies , claimed attention to the toast list . The programme was continued with great spirit till five o ' clock , when the dance of "Sir Eoger de Coverley" concluded the ball .
Dublin Masonic Orphan Boys' School.
At a recent general meeting of the Board of Governors of this School , held at Freemasons' Hall , Dame-street , for the purpose of receiving the report , the election of five boys , and of a committee for the ensuing year , and for the transaction of other business , his Grace the Duke of Leinster , Grand Master of Ireland , in the chair , it was stated by the committee that they were in receipt of
subscriptions and donations amounting to no less than £ 2 , 277 . It will be remembered that upon the establishment of this institution it was resolved that , until a sum should be collected sufficient to justify the formation of a suitable Masonic Orphanage , such as the Masonic Female Orphan School , all donations should be invested in Government Stock or other good security , and that
the interest of this invested capital , together with the annual subscriptions , should be applied to the maintenance and education , at some of the public schools of Ireland , of as many orphans as the sum thus realized each year would permit . In accordance with the foregoing resolution , the committee had invested in good security all subscriptions and donations received by
them . The interest of the capital ( £ 2 , 100 ) thus invested , together with the annual subscription already promised , amounts now to a sum more than sufficient for the maintenance and education of five orphan boys at a public school ; and the committee have resolved upon applying the sum at their disposal to this purpose . The choice of the educational establishment to which the five boys should be sent has very seriously occupied the
attention of the committee , and finally they deputed a subcommittee , consisting of experienced brethren , to visit the Santi-y Endowed Training School of tho Incorporated Society . In consequence of the report of these brethren , who twice visited the establishment , the committee have unanimously resolved that its proximity to Dublin , its good scholastic , domestic , and sanitary arrangements , together with the many other special
advantages ivhich it affords to its scholars , furnish sufficient grounds for selecting it as the best school to ivhich these five boys could be sent . From the foregoing review of the present position of the Masonic Orphan Boys' School , the brethren of the Order will see that the work of the institution has been practically commenced , and that steps are now being taken for tho immediate
maintenance and education of the orphan sons of deserving Masons . The committee feel confident that the proofs now afforded of the real work in which the institution is engaged , and " the inexpensive manner in which that work is carried on , will commend it at once to the judgment of such of the brethren as have not already subscribed to its funds , and that thus an impetus will be
given to the cause sufficient to justify the hope of a second election during the present year . In conclusion the committee pray that the good work ivhich this institution has so judiciously begun may be so successfully continued and brought to perfection as to tend much to the glory of God and to the credit of the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons .
Dublin Masonic Orphan Boys' School.
_ After the conclusion of the meeting the secretaries retired to the board-room and counted the voting-papers , when the following votes were found to be recorded for each candidate : —Benjamin Greene , 367 ; John King Irwin , 326 ; Daniel AVallace . . 286 ; Havdett Brett , 260 ; Alexander Simple , 254 : Hugh AVilson , 231 ; Thomas M'Conib , 144 .
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
Further subscriptions received : —Wibham Lodge Lincoln , No . 297 , £ 2 2 s . Corinthian Lodge , Dover , £ 1 Is
Poetry .
A RED CROSS SONG . By R . AI ' E . VTWOI -T II LITTLP . ( Set to Music by Bito . HESRV PARKEK . ) Let's rally round tho standard Which blazed on high of yoro , A symbol of our dearest hopos —• A sign for ovormore .
Beneath that starry banner Our fathers fought and Mod , And wo will bear it still aloft As did tho glorious dead . Then rally round tho standard , & c . That Rod Cross flag has over waved Above the bravo and true ,
AA hoso swords wore drawn in honour ' s cause For Faith and Freedom , too . Their mighty deeds aro uoiv onshrmod In Fame ' s resplendent dome , And ages yet unborn shall bloss Those noblo Knights of Rome ! Then rally round tho standard , & c . Aud now beloved brethren
Lot this bo understood , Tho mon who sook to join our band Must bo both wise and good—All who aro Masons in their hearts And filled with zeal divine , Most gladly will bo welcomed by Tho Knights of Constantino ! Then rally round tho standard AVhich Mazed on high of yoro , That symbol of our faith and lovo AVo'll prize for evermore
Meetings Of The Learned Societies.
MONDAY , 1 st March . —Royal United Service Institution ( Capt . R . A . Scott ) . Progress in Mounting and AVorking Heavy Ordnance , at 8 . 30 . TUESDAY , 2 nd March . —Institution of Civil Engineers at 8 . AVEDNESDAY , 3 rd March . —Society of Arts at 8 .
LIST OF LODGE , & c , MEETINGS FOE AVEEK ENDING 6 TII MAKCH , 1869 . ENGLAND . ( Abbreviations . —E . M . K ., Freemasons' Hull ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; R ., Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sep , Square . ) MET-IOPOMTAJ ..
Sunday , February 28 th . LODGE OE INSTRUCTION . — Joppa , Rose and Crown , Port-st . Uuion-st ., Bishopsgate . Monday , March 1 st . LODGES . —Robert Burns , lYM . H . ; Jubilee , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . ; United Lodge of Prudence , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate st . ; St . John . Radley ' s Ho ., Bridge-st ., Blackfriars ; St . Luke , Pier Ho ., Chelsea ; Amity , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate st . ; Joppa
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grimsby Full Dress Masonic Ball.
who could not take part in the ball . Before nine o'clock the company began to assemble , and before eleven o ' clock nearly the whole had arrived . Dancing was kept up with great vigour , and at twelve o ' clock the supper tables in the Council Chamber were surrounded by those who evidently appreciated the good things so plentifully provided by Mr . Heyhoe . The AV . M . Bro .
Copeland presided , and was supported by His . Worship the Mayor , and by W . Bro . H . Josse , P . G . S ., AV . Bro . John Sutcliffe , P . M ., W . Bro . Curtis , P . P . M ., & c . After supper Bro- AVardle , who assisted as director of ceremonies , claimed attention to the toast list . The programme was continued with great spirit till five o ' clock , when the dance of "Sir Eoger de Coverley" concluded the ball .
Dublin Masonic Orphan Boys' School.
At a recent general meeting of the Board of Governors of this School , held at Freemasons' Hall , Dame-street , for the purpose of receiving the report , the election of five boys , and of a committee for the ensuing year , and for the transaction of other business , his Grace the Duke of Leinster , Grand Master of Ireland , in the chair , it was stated by the committee that they were in receipt of
subscriptions and donations amounting to no less than £ 2 , 277 . It will be remembered that upon the establishment of this institution it was resolved that , until a sum should be collected sufficient to justify the formation of a suitable Masonic Orphanage , such as the Masonic Female Orphan School , all donations should be invested in Government Stock or other good security , and that
the interest of this invested capital , together with the annual subscriptions , should be applied to the maintenance and education , at some of the public schools of Ireland , of as many orphans as the sum thus realized each year would permit . In accordance with the foregoing resolution , the committee had invested in good security all subscriptions and donations received by
them . The interest of the capital ( £ 2 , 100 ) thus invested , together with the annual subscription already promised , amounts now to a sum more than sufficient for the maintenance and education of five orphan boys at a public school ; and the committee have resolved upon applying the sum at their disposal to this purpose . The choice of the educational establishment to which the five boys should be sent has very seriously occupied the
attention of the committee , and finally they deputed a subcommittee , consisting of experienced brethren , to visit the Santi-y Endowed Training School of tho Incorporated Society . In consequence of the report of these brethren , who twice visited the establishment , the committee have unanimously resolved that its proximity to Dublin , its good scholastic , domestic , and sanitary arrangements , together with the many other special
advantages ivhich it affords to its scholars , furnish sufficient grounds for selecting it as the best school to ivhich these five boys could be sent . From the foregoing review of the present position of the Masonic Orphan Boys' School , the brethren of the Order will see that the work of the institution has been practically commenced , and that steps are now being taken for tho immediate
maintenance and education of the orphan sons of deserving Masons . The committee feel confident that the proofs now afforded of the real work in which the institution is engaged , and " the inexpensive manner in which that work is carried on , will commend it at once to the judgment of such of the brethren as have not already subscribed to its funds , and that thus an impetus will be
given to the cause sufficient to justify the hope of a second election during the present year . In conclusion the committee pray that the good work ivhich this institution has so judiciously begun may be so successfully continued and brought to perfection as to tend much to the glory of God and to the credit of the Ancient and Honourable Society of Free and Accepted Masons .
Dublin Masonic Orphan Boys' School.
_ After the conclusion of the meeting the secretaries retired to the board-room and counted the voting-papers , when the following votes were found to be recorded for each candidate : —Benjamin Greene , 367 ; John King Irwin , 326 ; Daniel AVallace . . 286 ; Havdett Brett , 260 ; Alexander Simple , 254 : Hugh AVilson , 231 ; Thomas M'Conib , 144 .
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
Further subscriptions received : —Wibham Lodge Lincoln , No . 297 , £ 2 2 s . Corinthian Lodge , Dover , £ 1 Is
Poetry .
A RED CROSS SONG . By R . AI ' E . VTWOI -T II LITTLP . ( Set to Music by Bito . HESRV PARKEK . ) Let's rally round tho standard Which blazed on high of yoro , A symbol of our dearest hopos —• A sign for ovormore .
Beneath that starry banner Our fathers fought and Mod , And wo will bear it still aloft As did tho glorious dead . Then rally round tho standard , & c . That Rod Cross flag has over waved Above the bravo and true ,
AA hoso swords wore drawn in honour ' s cause For Faith and Freedom , too . Their mighty deeds aro uoiv onshrmod In Fame ' s resplendent dome , And ages yet unborn shall bloss Those noblo Knights of Rome ! Then rally round tho standard , & c . Aud now beloved brethren
Lot this bo understood , Tho mon who sook to join our band Must bo both wise and good—All who aro Masons in their hearts And filled with zeal divine , Most gladly will bo welcomed by Tho Knights of Constantino ! Then rally round tho standard AVhich Mazed on high of yoro , That symbol of our faith and lovo AVo'll prize for evermore
Meetings Of The Learned Societies.
MONDAY , 1 st March . —Royal United Service Institution ( Capt . R . A . Scott ) . Progress in Mounting and AVorking Heavy Ordnance , at 8 . 30 . TUESDAY , 2 nd March . —Institution of Civil Engineers at 8 . AVEDNESDAY , 3 rd March . —Society of Arts at 8 .
LIST OF LODGE , & c , MEETINGS FOE AVEEK ENDING 6 TII MAKCH , 1869 . ENGLAND . ( Abbreviations . —E . M . K ., Freemasons' Hull ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; Tav ., Tavern ; Ho ., Hotel ; R ., Rooms ; L ., Lodge ; St ., Street ; Sep , Square . ) MET-IOPOMTAJ ..
Sunday , February 28 th . LODGE OE INSTRUCTION . — Joppa , Rose and Crown , Port-st . Uuion-st ., Bishopsgate . Monday , March 1 st . LODGES . —Robert Burns , lYM . H . ; Jubilee , Anderton's Ho ., Fleet-st . ; United Lodge of Prudence , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate st . ; St . John . Radley ' s Ho ., Bridge-st ., Blackfriars ; St . Luke , Pier Ho ., Chelsea ; Amity , Albion Tav ., Aldersgate st . ; Joppa