Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article A CASE OF DISTRESS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE HIGH GRADES. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 5 →
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tainty exists in the opinions of well-meaning brethren as to the necessity , and even propriety of making such returns . " This assertion is at once demolished by tho fact that those returns are ordered to be made by every lodge and chapter ; and whether they are necessary , or proper , does not lie within the powers of any well-meaning brethren to dispute . The law of the land says it shall be doneand the Masonic
, executive have determined this law shall be complied with . Can "R . E . X . " want any stronger measures to compel him , and those that think with him , to obedience ? If so , his appeal to the legal officer of the Craft is most singularly out of place . I am , yours truly and fraternally , ASTI-SPUHIOUS MARK .
A Case Of Distress.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FfiEEMMSOIfS _ IAGAZI _ , -E A _ . D _ , _ ASO _ . IC MIHROIl . SIR , —I write to appeal to the consideration of the Freemasons on behalf of my husband , William Evans , who is mow dying through the rupture of a vessel on his lungs . He is tbe son of the well-known William Evans , the Masonic jeweller , of Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-hin-fiekls . After the death of his father , my husband , to liquidate
his father ' s liabilities , sold the business to Mr . Spencer , since which period , now some years ago , he has been most unfortunate in his endeavours to obtain a living ; and until Mr . Thearle , of Fleet-street , took him into his employ last Christmas , was earning insufficient to pay his rent . One by one wo parted with best part of the furniture . On Saturday week my husband was taken ill in Mr .
Thearle ' s counting-house , where he now lies on thc floor , it being forbidden to move him . If the Craft will take into their kind consideration mine aud my children ' s very distressing position , I shall ever be grateful . We have had but few friends since our distress came on . To the Globe Lodge , I beg to render my most sincere
thanks for the assistance afforded me last winter . To the Rev . J . E . Cox , for his kind consideration . To Mr . John Mott Thearle , who is the best friend we ever had , and a true brother to my husband , giving him every assistance , "both in money and necessaries . It is because I know that I have no right to expect so much from an almost stranger , and that I sincerely believe , leaving out of consideration
that charity that ever distinguishes the Freemasons , that I appeal to all those who knew the late Mr . Evans ; and those who can sympathise with the extreme illness , poverty , and the pain of asking even my poor husband's brethren to assist him . The Rev . Mr . Cox , of 471 , Mecklenburg-square , or Mr . Thearle , of 198 , Fleet-street , have kindly consented to receive any donation the brethren may be disposed to give me . I remain , very respectfully yours , JAXE EVANS .
The High Grades.
TO TnE EDITOB OP THE PHEE 3 _ ASO _ , S JUGAZIHE A 5 D ItASOSIC MIHKOK . D EAR S IR AND - B ROTHER , —I have not the least intention of answering "Ex . Ex . ' s" remarks , further than to say that , if the balance-sheet of the high grades is any business of his , I doubt not he can obtain full information by application to thc proper quarter . One piece of information and one word of advice I will
afford him . I was Steward , in 1860 , to the Royal Benevolent Institution , and by my list of subscriptions I find I took up £ 10 from the Supreme Grand Council 33 ° . Other Stewards , I know , can tell a similar tale ; and I recommend "Ex . Ex ., " the next time he wishes to make an ill-natured remark upon his neighbours' actions , to be epiite sure , first , that he is
speaking the truth . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ARTHUR BIAKISTON , 30 ° . Summerfcowii , Oxford , April 13 , 1801 . _ P . S . —Tuesday last , amongst others , I had the pleasure of signifying my approval of the still flourishing state of " the balance-sheet . "
The Masonic Mirror.
•*¦ MASONIC MEMS . The M . AV . Grand Master has signified his intention of honouring the Isaac Newton University Lodge , Cambridge , with his presence on Tuesday , May 21 st , when its consecration and the installation of Bro . the Duke of St . Alban ' s as first AV . M ., will take place .
ROYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND THEIR WIDOWS . AVe have to acknowledge many kind promises of support for Mrs . AVeymouth as a candidate for the Annuity Fund , and have again to request that those Lodges and Subscribers who have not disposed of their votes to forward their proxy papers to Bro . Henry
G . AVarren , at the Office of THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE , 5 , Salisbury Street , Strand , AV . C , on behalf of Mrs . Weymouth , who is now in her sixty-fourth year , having been born January 27 , 1798 . She was married on the 1 st July , 1821 , and her husband died on the 29 th May , 184-5 . The late Bro . AVeymouth was initiated in the Lodge of Faith , No . 165 , on the 26 th August , 1 S 2 S ,
and paid to June , 1841 , a period of thirteen years . The only means of support of Mrs . AVeymouth is described to be needlework , and , being afflicted with rheumatism , she can do but little . About 1000 votes , with those brought forward , will carry the election ; and as every five shillings will purchase eight votes , we shall be happy to receive that amount from brethren , who have not
already subscribed , towards aiding the object of taking from the balloting papers such an item as "Seventh Application . " Towards the 1000 , we thus head the list—A ' otes . Bro . AVarren , H . G 72 Mrs . AA arren 16 Bro . CookeMatthew 29 ( 10 s . ) 16
, , , „ Dr . Hinxman 16 „ Colonel Tulloh , 30 ° , ( 5 s . ) 8 „ Gaball , J . H ., 536 , ( 5 s . ) 8 ,, States , G ., 202 , ( 5 s . ) 8 „ Morris , R ,, 202 8 „ Boyd , John , 169 8
United Grand Lodge.
The annual meeting for the installation of the M . AV . Grand Master , and the appointment of Officers , was held in the Temple on AVednesday last , the 29 th inst ., the M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , in the chair , supported by the R . AV . Earl of Dalhousie , D . G . M . ; the Prov . G . Masters for Hampshire ( Sir Lucius Curtis ) , Cambridgeshire ( Bro . Hall , P . G . Reg . ) , Essex ( Bro . Bagshaw ) , Durham ( Bro .
Fawoett ) , Oxfordshire ( Bro . Bowyer ) , Norfolk ( Bro . B . B . Cabbell ) , Bengal ( Gen . Ramsay ) ; Bros . F . Dundas , jlf . P ., as S . G . AV . ; A . Perkins , J . G . AV . ; Rev . E . J . Cox , and Rev . Sir J . AV . Hayes , P . G . Chaps ., as G . Chaps . ; Tomkins , G . Treas . ; Roxburgh , G . Heg . ; \ Y . G . Clarke , G . Sec . ; the President of the Board of General Purposes ( Bro . Havers , P . G . D . ); the President of the Colonial
Board ( Bro . J . LI . Evans , P . G . S . B . ); Bros . Crombie , S . G . D . ; Jno . Hervey , as J . G . D . ; Dawkes , G . Supt . of Works ; AVoods , G . D . C ; Harcourt , Asst . G . D . C ; Bridges , G . S . B . ; Farnfield , Asst . G . Sec ; Horsley , G . Org . ; Adams , G . Purst . ; Farmer , Asst . G . Purst . ; Chev . Hebeler , P . G . AV ., Rep . G . Lodge of Berlin . There were also present a large number of Prov . Grand Officers ,
amongst whom we observed Bro . Col . Burlton , P . Prov . G . Master , Bengal ; P . G . AVardens , Lord cle Tabley , Fenwick , M . P ., and F . Pattison and AV . Portai ;; P . G . Sec , Bro . AV . H . AVhite ; P . G . Deacons , B . AVilson , T . R . AVhite , F . Slight , J . Savage , AV . P . Scott , Phillips , Hopwood , Solomons , Nelson , Potter , and J . N . Tomkins ; P . G . D-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
tainty exists in the opinions of well-meaning brethren as to the necessity , and even propriety of making such returns . " This assertion is at once demolished by tho fact that those returns are ordered to be made by every lodge and chapter ; and whether they are necessary , or proper , does not lie within the powers of any well-meaning brethren to dispute . The law of the land says it shall be doneand the Masonic
, executive have determined this law shall be complied with . Can "R . E . X . " want any stronger measures to compel him , and those that think with him , to obedience ? If so , his appeal to the legal officer of the Craft is most singularly out of place . I am , yours truly and fraternally , ASTI-SPUHIOUS MARK .
A Case Of Distress.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FfiEEMMSOIfS _ IAGAZI _ , -E A _ . D _ , _ ASO _ . IC MIHROIl . SIR , —I write to appeal to the consideration of the Freemasons on behalf of my husband , William Evans , who is mow dying through the rupture of a vessel on his lungs . He is tbe son of the well-known William Evans , the Masonic jeweller , of Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s-hin-fiekls . After the death of his father , my husband , to liquidate
his father ' s liabilities , sold the business to Mr . Spencer , since which period , now some years ago , he has been most unfortunate in his endeavours to obtain a living ; and until Mr . Thearle , of Fleet-street , took him into his employ last Christmas , was earning insufficient to pay his rent . One by one wo parted with best part of the furniture . On Saturday week my husband was taken ill in Mr .
Thearle ' s counting-house , where he now lies on thc floor , it being forbidden to move him . If the Craft will take into their kind consideration mine aud my children ' s very distressing position , I shall ever be grateful . We have had but few friends since our distress came on . To the Globe Lodge , I beg to render my most sincere
thanks for the assistance afforded me last winter . To the Rev . J . E . Cox , for his kind consideration . To Mr . John Mott Thearle , who is the best friend we ever had , and a true brother to my husband , giving him every assistance , "both in money and necessaries . It is because I know that I have no right to expect so much from an almost stranger , and that I sincerely believe , leaving out of consideration
that charity that ever distinguishes the Freemasons , that I appeal to all those who knew the late Mr . Evans ; and those who can sympathise with the extreme illness , poverty , and the pain of asking even my poor husband's brethren to assist him . The Rev . Mr . Cox , of 471 , Mecklenburg-square , or Mr . Thearle , of 198 , Fleet-street , have kindly consented to receive any donation the brethren may be disposed to give me . I remain , very respectfully yours , JAXE EVANS .
The High Grades.
TO TnE EDITOB OP THE PHEE 3 _ ASO _ , S JUGAZIHE A 5 D ItASOSIC MIHKOK . D EAR S IR AND - B ROTHER , —I have not the least intention of answering "Ex . Ex . ' s" remarks , further than to say that , if the balance-sheet of the high grades is any business of his , I doubt not he can obtain full information by application to thc proper quarter . One piece of information and one word of advice I will
afford him . I was Steward , in 1860 , to the Royal Benevolent Institution , and by my list of subscriptions I find I took up £ 10 from the Supreme Grand Council 33 ° . Other Stewards , I know , can tell a similar tale ; and I recommend "Ex . Ex ., " the next time he wishes to make an ill-natured remark upon his neighbours' actions , to be epiite sure , first , that he is
speaking the truth . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , ARTHUR BIAKISTON , 30 ° . Summerfcowii , Oxford , April 13 , 1801 . _ P . S . —Tuesday last , amongst others , I had the pleasure of signifying my approval of the still flourishing state of " the balance-sheet . "
The Masonic Mirror.
•*¦ MASONIC MEMS . The M . AV . Grand Master has signified his intention of honouring the Isaac Newton University Lodge , Cambridge , with his presence on Tuesday , May 21 st , when its consecration and the installation of Bro . the Duke of St . Alban ' s as first AV . M ., will take place .
ROYAL BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS AND THEIR WIDOWS . AVe have to acknowledge many kind promises of support for Mrs . AVeymouth as a candidate for the Annuity Fund , and have again to request that those Lodges and Subscribers who have not disposed of their votes to forward their proxy papers to Bro . Henry
G . AVarren , at the Office of THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE , 5 , Salisbury Street , Strand , AV . C , on behalf of Mrs . Weymouth , who is now in her sixty-fourth year , having been born January 27 , 1798 . She was married on the 1 st July , 1821 , and her husband died on the 29 th May , 184-5 . The late Bro . AVeymouth was initiated in the Lodge of Faith , No . 165 , on the 26 th August , 1 S 2 S ,
and paid to June , 1841 , a period of thirteen years . The only means of support of Mrs . AVeymouth is described to be needlework , and , being afflicted with rheumatism , she can do but little . About 1000 votes , with those brought forward , will carry the election ; and as every five shillings will purchase eight votes , we shall be happy to receive that amount from brethren , who have not
already subscribed , towards aiding the object of taking from the balloting papers such an item as "Seventh Application . " Towards the 1000 , we thus head the list—A ' otes . Bro . AVarren , H . G 72 Mrs . AA arren 16 Bro . CookeMatthew 29 ( 10 s . ) 16
, , , „ Dr . Hinxman 16 „ Colonel Tulloh , 30 ° , ( 5 s . ) 8 „ Gaball , J . H ., 536 , ( 5 s . ) 8 ,, States , G ., 202 , ( 5 s . ) 8 „ Morris , R ,, 202 8 „ Boyd , John , 169 8
United Grand Lodge.
The annual meeting for the installation of the M . AV . Grand Master , and the appointment of Officers , was held in the Temple on AVednesday last , the 29 th inst ., the M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland , in the chair , supported by the R . AV . Earl of Dalhousie , D . G . M . ; the Prov . G . Masters for Hampshire ( Sir Lucius Curtis ) , Cambridgeshire ( Bro . Hall , P . G . Reg . ) , Essex ( Bro . Bagshaw ) , Durham ( Bro .
Fawoett ) , Oxfordshire ( Bro . Bowyer ) , Norfolk ( Bro . B . B . Cabbell ) , Bengal ( Gen . Ramsay ) ; Bros . F . Dundas , jlf . P ., as S . G . AV . ; A . Perkins , J . G . AV . ; Rev . E . J . Cox , and Rev . Sir J . AV . Hayes , P . G . Chaps ., as G . Chaps . ; Tomkins , G . Treas . ; Roxburgh , G . Heg . ; \ Y . G . Clarke , G . Sec . ; the President of the Board of General Purposes ( Bro . Havers , P . G . D . ); the President of the Colonial
Board ( Bro . J . LI . Evans , P . G . S . B . ); Bros . Crombie , S . G . D . ; Jno . Hervey , as J . G . D . ; Dawkes , G . Supt . of Works ; AVoods , G . D . C ; Harcourt , Asst . G . D . C ; Bridges , G . S . B . ; Farnfield , Asst . G . Sec ; Horsley , G . Org . ; Adams , G . Purst . ; Farmer , Asst . G . Purst . ; Chev . Hebeler , P . G . AV ., Rep . G . Lodge of Berlin . There were also present a large number of Prov . Grand Officers ,
amongst whom we observed Bro . Col . Burlton , P . Prov . G . Master , Bengal ; P . G . AVardens , Lord cle Tabley , Fenwick , M . P ., and F . Pattison and AV . Portai ;; P . G . Sec , Bro . AV . H . AVhite ; P . G . Deacons , B . AVilson , T . R . AVhite , F . Slight , J . Savage , AV . P . Scott , Phillips , Hopwood , Solomons , Nelson , Potter , and J . N . Tomkins ; P . G . D-