Article YORKSHIRE (NORTH AND EAST.) ← Page 2 of 2 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1 Article Poetry. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN LODGE MEETINGS, ETC., FOR THE WEEK ENDING JULY 4TH, 1868. Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC LIFEBOAT FUND. Page 1 of 1 Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Yorkshire (North And East.)
the sound of the horn , and arranged themselves on tbe grass to partake of a cold collation which was provided by Bro . John Parker , of the George Hotel , in his usual bountiful style . After luncheon the health ofthe worthy entertainer , " Bro . E . S . Cayley , " was proposed by Bro . H . A . Williamson , J . P . M ., and heartily received , which having been responded to by Bro . Cayley in person , the
amusements of the day commenced in good earnest , some patronizing cricket , but by far tbe greater part seeking the favour of a " fair lady's hand" for the dance , an admirable string band having been provided for the occasion by the committee ; these and several other amusements were continued till five o ' clock , when all again assembled to a substantial tea , after which several
brethren enlivened the proceedings with some excellent singing . Dancing was tben resumed on the green and kept up with great spirit until near nine , when the National Anthem was sung by the whole assembly , and three times three having been given for Bro . E . S . Cayley and family , tbe company separated to drive home , where they arrixed about eleven p . m . all highly gratified with the day ' s excursion .
Poetry .
THE CROSS OF CONSTA 5 TTINE . The monarch boived to Heavenand prayed
, That wisdom's lamp his path might aid , And truth his soul inspire . And Heaven in mercy deigned reply ; For as he spake the snnset sky Burned quick with crimson fire . A blood-red cross appeared to sig-hfc , And filled tbe dying day Avith light . True type of Victory , it rose ,
And round the mystic sign Was seen alike by friends and foes , A prophecy Divine . Unlike the wondrous scroll which told Belshazzar ' s doom in days of old , Its Avelcome tidings clear ; For "IN HOC SIGNO VINOES" blazed , In fiery letters as they gazed , O'ercome with hope or fear !
The Roman legions trembling saAV The vision slowly fade : The Emperor stood in silent awe—The Christian Avarriors prayed—And as the last faint glory kissed The skies , and mingled in the mist , Their loud hosanna rings : " Let us avoAv our faith" they
—, cry " An omen this of victory , From Christ , the King of Kings !" Scarce had the sable night Avithdrawn Before the radiant steps of dawn , When o ' er the field unfurl'd A Red Cross Banner Avaved in pride—Emblem of Him AVIIO freely died ,
To save a sinful Avorld . And every Christian soldier then -J Amidst that camp of warlike men , Commanded ivas to bear , Upon his breast and on his shield , The symbol of his faith revealed In the bright realms of air .
Soon to the battle rushed that host , The Red Cross flag their proudest boast—They conquered for the Lord ! And all who formed the victor band , From Constantino ' s imperial hand Received a just reward . "Illustrious men" tbe monarch cried
, , " Full oft your valour has been tried In battle ' s fiercest fray ; But never yet did deeds evince Such rare devotion to a prince , As ye have shown this day . Therefore to each I grant the right To ivear the purple of a Knight
Of Rome and Constantino ! And may your swords for ever shield From perils of the battle-field , That Cross of love Divine , "Whose fame shall live in history ' s lore , Till time itself shall be no more !" R . WENTWORTH LITELE .
Metropolitan Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending July 4th, 1868.
MONDAY , June 29 th . —Lodge : British Oak , 831 , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Bancroft-place , Mile-end . WEDNESDAY , JULY 1 st . —Lodges : Westminster and Keystone , 10 , Freemasons' Hall . Stability , 217 , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . New Wandsworth , 1 , 044 , Freemasons' Hotel , New Wandsworth . Chapter : Prince Frederick William , 753 , Knights of St . John Hotel ,
Queen ' s-terrace , St . John ' s-wood . THURSDAY , July 2 nd . —Lodges : Yarborough , 554 , Green Dragon , Stepney . Victoria Rifles , 822 , Fremasons' Hall . Excelsior , 1 , 155 , Sydney Arms , Leivisham-road . Perfect Ashlar , 1 , 178 , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey-road . Chapter : 742 , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . FRIDAY , July 3 rd . —Chapter : High Cross , 754 , Railway
Hotel , Tottenham . SATURDAY , July 4 th . —Gen . Com . Boys' School , at 4 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge : Leigh , 957 , Freemasons ' Hall .
-r i-E ^| Ey ^\ jy ' e , nex ^' week ' ^^ Mitrta > rj Wasonp-j ** wj £ J ^ f £ y , ^ o ^ f ^ v ' i H ? Y / [ L ( \\ Lli / O ^ We Avf ,,-. next ' A ^ eel [ gY ( , % to ( ¥ * lis I L ° DMaso # ] , v ^ K ^ ti ^ onf ^
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
Further Subscription received aud promised : —Doyle ' s Lodge of Fellowship , No , 84 , Guernsey , £ 1 Is . ; Lodge of Freedom , No . 77 , Gravesend , at their March meeting , voted £ 5 5 s . The following subscriptions have been received by Bro . A . Woodhouse , Carlisle : —Bros . E . Busher , £ 1 ; H . Woodbouse , Stafford , 3 s , 6 d . ; J . Porter , 2 s . 6 d . ; and a few-Friends , 5 s . 6 d-
To Correspondents.
* * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C . ERRATA . —In Bro . Buchan ' s article " Priority of the Lodge of GlasgOAv St . John , " in our last issue , on page 492 1 st column , the Avords " which happened A . D . 1170 , " should have been Avithin brackets , also the words " , ' or hood moulding , " under 2 nd column should not be there , but under the first , the
meaning being—dripstone or hood moulding—lastly the word Held has only 4 letters in it , not 5 as given on page 493 . C . S . ( Hobart Town ) . —Your letter received with thanks , we ^ wijl answer your queries fully in our next issue . shall deal Avith the subject of your correspondence . ) , —The brother you inquire for has not left the jewellry trade but can bo still found at his old
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Yorkshire (North And East.)
the sound of the horn , and arranged themselves on tbe grass to partake of a cold collation which was provided by Bro . John Parker , of the George Hotel , in his usual bountiful style . After luncheon the health ofthe worthy entertainer , " Bro . E . S . Cayley , " was proposed by Bro . H . A . Williamson , J . P . M ., and heartily received , which having been responded to by Bro . Cayley in person , the
amusements of the day commenced in good earnest , some patronizing cricket , but by far tbe greater part seeking the favour of a " fair lady's hand" for the dance , an admirable string band having been provided for the occasion by the committee ; these and several other amusements were continued till five o ' clock , when all again assembled to a substantial tea , after which several
brethren enlivened the proceedings with some excellent singing . Dancing was tben resumed on the green and kept up with great spirit until near nine , when the National Anthem was sung by the whole assembly , and three times three having been given for Bro . E . S . Cayley and family , tbe company separated to drive home , where they arrixed about eleven p . m . all highly gratified with the day ' s excursion .
Poetry .
THE CROSS OF CONSTA 5 TTINE . The monarch boived to Heavenand prayed
, That wisdom's lamp his path might aid , And truth his soul inspire . And Heaven in mercy deigned reply ; For as he spake the snnset sky Burned quick with crimson fire . A blood-red cross appeared to sig-hfc , And filled tbe dying day Avith light . True type of Victory , it rose ,
And round the mystic sign Was seen alike by friends and foes , A prophecy Divine . Unlike the wondrous scroll which told Belshazzar ' s doom in days of old , Its Avelcome tidings clear ; For "IN HOC SIGNO VINOES" blazed , In fiery letters as they gazed , O'ercome with hope or fear !
The Roman legions trembling saAV The vision slowly fade : The Emperor stood in silent awe—The Christian Avarriors prayed—And as the last faint glory kissed The skies , and mingled in the mist , Their loud hosanna rings : " Let us avoAv our faith" they
—, cry " An omen this of victory , From Christ , the King of Kings !" Scarce had the sable night Avithdrawn Before the radiant steps of dawn , When o ' er the field unfurl'd A Red Cross Banner Avaved in pride—Emblem of Him AVIIO freely died ,
To save a sinful Avorld . And every Christian soldier then -J Amidst that camp of warlike men , Commanded ivas to bear , Upon his breast and on his shield , The symbol of his faith revealed In the bright realms of air .
Soon to the battle rushed that host , The Red Cross flag their proudest boast—They conquered for the Lord ! And all who formed the victor band , From Constantino ' s imperial hand Received a just reward . "Illustrious men" tbe monarch cried
, , " Full oft your valour has been tried In battle ' s fiercest fray ; But never yet did deeds evince Such rare devotion to a prince , As ye have shown this day . Therefore to each I grant the right To ivear the purple of a Knight
Of Rome and Constantino ! And may your swords for ever shield From perils of the battle-field , That Cross of love Divine , "Whose fame shall live in history ' s lore , Till time itself shall be no more !" R . WENTWORTH LITELE .
Metropolitan Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending July 4th, 1868.
MONDAY , June 29 th . —Lodge : British Oak , 831 , Bank of Friendship Tavern , Bancroft-place , Mile-end . WEDNESDAY , JULY 1 st . —Lodges : Westminster and Keystone , 10 , Freemasons' Hall . Stability , 217 , George Hotel , Aldermanbury . New Wandsworth , 1 , 044 , Freemasons' Hotel , New Wandsworth . Chapter : Prince Frederick William , 753 , Knights of St . John Hotel ,
Queen ' s-terrace , St . John ' s-wood . THURSDAY , July 2 nd . —Lodges : Yarborough , 554 , Green Dragon , Stepney . Victoria Rifles , 822 , Fremasons' Hall . Excelsior , 1 , 155 , Sydney Arms , Leivisham-road . Perfect Ashlar , 1 , 178 , Gregorian Arms , Bermondsey-road . Chapter : 742 , Crystal Palace , Sydenham . FRIDAY , July 3 rd . —Chapter : High Cross , 754 , Railway
Hotel , Tottenham . SATURDAY , July 4 th . —Gen . Com . Boys' School , at 4 , Freemasons' Hall . Lodge : Leigh , 957 , Freemasons ' Hall .
-r i-E ^| Ey ^\ jy ' e , nex ^' week ' ^^ Mitrta > rj Wasonp-j ** wj £ J ^ f £ y , ^ o ^ f ^ v ' i H ? Y / [ L ( \\ Lli / O ^ We Avf ,,-. next ' A ^ eel [ gY ( , % to ( ¥ * lis I L ° DMaso # ] , v ^ K ^ ti ^ onf ^
Masonic Lifeboat Fund.
Further Subscription received aud promised : —Doyle ' s Lodge of Fellowship , No , 84 , Guernsey , £ 1 Is . ; Lodge of Freedom , No . 77 , Gravesend , at their March meeting , voted £ 5 5 s . The following subscriptions have been received by Bro . A . Woodhouse , Carlisle : —Bros . E . Busher , £ 1 ; H . Woodbouse , Stafford , 3 s , 6 d . ; J . Porter , 2 s . 6 d . ; and a few-Friends , 5 s . 6 d-
To Correspondents.
* * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisburystreet , Strand , London , W . C . ERRATA . —In Bro . Buchan ' s article " Priority of the Lodge of GlasgOAv St . John , " in our last issue , on page 492 1 st column , the Avords " which happened A . D . 1170 , " should have been Avithin brackets , also the words " , ' or hood moulding , " under 2 nd column should not be there , but under the first , the
meaning being—dripstone or hood moulding—lastly the word Held has only 4 letters in it , not 5 as given on page 493 . C . S . ( Hobart Town ) . —Your letter received with thanks , we ^ wijl answer your queries fully in our next issue . shall deal Avith the subject of your correspondence . ) , —The brother you inquire for has not left the jewellry trade but can bo still found at his old