Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . *»* All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION POB BOYS . —The annual summer fete AA-ill take place at the Institution , Wood Green , on Wednesday , July Sth . The W . Bro . Bentley Shan ' , G . S . D ., D . Prov . G . M ., West Yorkshire , will preside on the occasion . OXFORDSHIRE . —The anniversary meeting of the Bowyer Lodge No . 1036 took place on the 1 st inst ., when Bro . Henry Hartley ,
P . S . G . D ., was installed as W . M . Bro . R . J . Spiers , the D . P . Grand Master , read a report highly satisfactory to the province , from ' . v ' . iich it appeared that the amount subscribed to the three charities ivas £ 170 2 s ., and that the total subscribed by the Craft in the year ii'as—for the Benevolent Institution £ 3 , 000 ; Boy ' s School £ 5 , 000 ; and the Girl ' s School £ 1 , 000 .
WE understand that the Capper Lodge will hold an emergency meeting on tlie 3 rd . prox . THE ROYAL ALBERT IDIOT ASYLUM . —The foundation-stone of this excellent Institution ivas laid on Wednesday the 17 th inst ., Avith Masonic honours , by the R . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , R . W . G . M . Particulars will be given in our next . THE adjourned meeting of Grand Lodge will take place on Wednesday next , the 1 st of July .
NEPTUNE LODGE , ( No . 22 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge Avas held on Thursday evening , 18 th inst ., at Radley's Hotel , Bridge Street , Blaekfriars . Bro . Charles Lewis Marshall , "W . M ., presided , supported by the ivhole of the officers , and the fplIOAving P . Ms . —Goodwin , Harcourt , Pratt , Partridge , and Ashivell . There ivere a few visitors , and amongst whom Avas Bro . Thompson , P . M ., of 177 and 1158 . The loclge Avas opened in due form after which the W . Master said that
BroPar-. tridge Avas that evening a candidate to be raised to the third degree , and Bro . Partridge . P . M ., had asked him as a favour to be allowed to raise his son to that degree . He had great pleasure in acceding to that request , and therefore at once invited Bro . Partridge , to occupy the chair . Bro . Partridge , jun ., ivas then introduced ancl questioned as | to his proficiency in the scienceand his ansiversreadil iven-were
, , y g , considered to be satisfactory . Tlie lodge AA'as then opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising Bro . Partridge Avas very ably performed by his respected father , amidst the congratulations of the lodge . There being no further business the lodge ivas closed in due form and the brethren retired for refreshment , and although this AV-. AS not supposed to be Avhat is called a " banquet night" the fare Avas of the first description
, , and served up in a style ivorthy of Bro . Hart ' s reputation , and Avhich has long distinguished Radley ' s Hotel . The viands ivere of the choicest description , and the Avines unexceptionable in both quality and quantity . These good things having been done ample justice to , the cloth was cleared and soon afterwards a splendid desert gave the tables a very interesting appearance . The W . M . then gave in order the usual formal loyal
and Masonic toasts , which Avere very cordially and enthusiastically responded to , followed by a song , by Bro . Hughes , the Avorthy secretary of the lodge . Bro . Partridge , P . M ., then in a feiv complimentary sentences proposed " The health of Bro . Marshall , W . M ., " and alluded to the ready and cordial request to raise his son to the third degree . Their W . M . ivas well able to perform all the duties that devolved himthey had
upon , seen how he had performed them , and he trusted he might enjoy the remainder of his year of office with the same success as that portion of it which had passed . The toast Avas most enthusiastically received . Bro . Marshall , W . M ., returned thanks , and expressed his determination to do all in his power to maintain the high reputation of the Neptune Lodge . The W . M . next gave the
health of the visitors , for ivhich Bro . Thompson , P . M ., 177 returned thanks , and said , it had been to him that night a great source of pleasure to be present to see the Avay in ivhich the lodge ivas worked , and also the interesting occasion of Bro . Partridge , their Avorthy P . Master , raising his son to the third degree . That exalted degree of Freemasonry ivas always a most important one . but it had been rendered peculiarly interesting on that occasionby the very able manner in Avhich ii
, had been performed , and also on account of the candidate for the honour being Bro . Partridge's son . He had gone through the degree in a most impressive , and he was going to say in a faultless manner , and it could not fail to make a lasting impression upon all ivho beard if . He thought that when it was seen that a lather Avas ready to go almost out of way to confer upon his children the most solemn ordeal in Freemasonry , that it
ought at once to silence those slanders of the outer Avorld which were sometimes levelled against their noble order . That Avas his second visit to the Neptune Lodge , and Irom the unmixed pleasure ho bad enjoyed on both occasions he should always remember them ivith the highest satisfaction . He thanked them for the splendid hospitality ivith ivhich he had been receivedand he trusted that the Neptune Lodge might
, long continue in its present harmony anil great prosperity . The W . M . gave "The health of the P . M ' .- -. of the lodge , and coupled ivith tho toast the name of Bro . Pratt , " by whom he ( the W . M . ) had been initiated into Preemasonry . Bro . Pratt Avas a good Mason , and he felt proud of his being his Masonic parent . Bro . Pratt during the time he was in the Crimea ivas an eye witness of an English officer being saved from death
by a Russian to ivhom he gave the Masonic sign , and from that very moment he determined on his return to England to become a Mason , and therefore he ( the W . M . ) felt proud that he was the brother by whom he had been initiated , passed , and raised , and had the greatest pleasure in proposing his health with the rest of the P . M ' s . of the Neptune Lodge . Bro . Pratt , P . M ., returned thanks , and alluded to the occasions upon
AA'hich he had served as steward for their Masonic charities . He also took advantage of the occasion to solicit the brethren to make up a small purse for the Boy's School , Avhich had the deserved effect , and very a handsome contribution was the
result . Some other toasts Avere given and responded to . The Tyler ' s toast was then given and a very happy and harmonious meeting was brought to a close at an early hour . CAVEAC LODG-E ( NO . 176 ) . —The great meeting of this lodge viz ., the installation one , took place at Radley ' s Hotel , Blaekfriars , on the 13 th inst . Lodge was opened by Bro . H . Dorey , W . M ., supported by many influential members of the Craft , among whom ive noticed as visitors Bros . J . Tanner , No . 9 ;
W . T . Wolff , W . M ., No . 49 ; W . A . Hinde , W . M ., No . 252 ; F . C . Dillon , No . 252 ; H . Massey , S . W ., No . 619 ; D . Fourdrinier , No . 1 , 216 ; and many others . The minutes of the former regular meeting , and the emergency meeting succeeding it , being read and duly receiving confirmation , the retiring W . M . having graciously resigned the chair to P . M . Bro ., Charles Browne , Bro . C . T . Dorey presented his successor Bro . P . A . NairneS . W . and Master elect , to receive the benefit
, of installation . The ceremony was performed in first rate style , the new W . M . saluted in the various degrees , alter which the Master appointecl his assistants as follows : —Bro . W . Nelson Smith , S . W . ; Bro . T . Quihampton , J . W . ; Brn . Pemble Browne , Treas . ; Bro . R . S . Foreman , S . D . ; Bro . H . Besley , J . D . ; Bro . F . H . Gudsell , J . G . ; Bro . E . Litchfield , P . M ., Sec ; Rev . Bro . John M'Allister , Chap . ; and Bro . Ryley , Tyler . The usual
charges were well given , and the brethren Avere highly gratified by the admirable way in Avhich this interesting ceremony Avas performed . The W . M . inaugurated his new position in good style , prominently shewing that the right man AA'as in the right place . He commenced his duties by raising Bro . J . F . Smith to the highest degree in Craft Masonry . The next business ivas the relieving of a strange brother in difficulties Avhich Avas considered a deserving case . The W . M . then
addressed the lodge , saying he had a pleasurable duty to perform , that of presenting a P . M . jewel to the retiring Master , making some pertinent allusions to the excellence of Bro . Dorey as a W . M . and a ivorthy brother . Bro . Dorey returned thanks and gave notice " that at the next meeting" lie should ask the brethren for a contribution to the Palestine Exploration Fund . Bro . C . Brown , P . M ., moved and , Bro . Dorey , P . M ., seconded , that application be made to Grand Loclge for permission to ivear a centenary jewel , this lodge having attained its 100 th year . The motion was carried unanimously . Lodge AVIIS then closed .
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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIRROR . *»* All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , W . C .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION POB BOYS . —The annual summer fete AA-ill take place at the Institution , Wood Green , on Wednesday , July Sth . The W . Bro . Bentley Shan ' , G . S . D ., D . Prov . G . M ., West Yorkshire , will preside on the occasion . OXFORDSHIRE . —The anniversary meeting of the Bowyer Lodge No . 1036 took place on the 1 st inst ., when Bro . Henry Hartley ,
P . S . G . D ., was installed as W . M . Bro . R . J . Spiers , the D . P . Grand Master , read a report highly satisfactory to the province , from ' . v ' . iich it appeared that the amount subscribed to the three charities ivas £ 170 2 s ., and that the total subscribed by the Craft in the year ii'as—for the Benevolent Institution £ 3 , 000 ; Boy ' s School £ 5 , 000 ; and the Girl ' s School £ 1 , 000 .
WE understand that the Capper Lodge will hold an emergency meeting on tlie 3 rd . prox . THE ROYAL ALBERT IDIOT ASYLUM . —The foundation-stone of this excellent Institution ivas laid on Wednesday the 17 th inst ., Avith Masonic honours , by the R . Hon . the Earl of Zetland , R . W . G . M . Particulars will be given in our next . THE adjourned meeting of Grand Lodge will take place on Wednesday next , the 1 st of July .
NEPTUNE LODGE , ( No . 22 . )—An emergency meeting of this lodge Avas held on Thursday evening , 18 th inst ., at Radley's Hotel , Bridge Street , Blaekfriars . Bro . Charles Lewis Marshall , "W . M ., presided , supported by the ivhole of the officers , and the fplIOAving P . Ms . —Goodwin , Harcourt , Pratt , Partridge , and Ashivell . There ivere a few visitors , and amongst whom Avas Bro . Thompson , P . M ., of 177 and 1158 . The loclge Avas opened in due form after which the W . Master said that
BroPar-. tridge Avas that evening a candidate to be raised to the third degree , and Bro . Partridge . P . M ., had asked him as a favour to be allowed to raise his son to that degree . He had great pleasure in acceding to that request , and therefore at once invited Bro . Partridge , to occupy the chair . Bro . Partridge , jun ., ivas then introduced ancl questioned as | to his proficiency in the scienceand his ansiversreadil iven-were
, , y g , considered to be satisfactory . Tlie lodge AA'as then opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising Bro . Partridge Avas very ably performed by his respected father , amidst the congratulations of the lodge . There being no further business the lodge ivas closed in due form and the brethren retired for refreshment , and although this AV-. AS not supposed to be Avhat is called a " banquet night" the fare Avas of the first description
, , and served up in a style ivorthy of Bro . Hart ' s reputation , and Avhich has long distinguished Radley ' s Hotel . The viands ivere of the choicest description , and the Avines unexceptionable in both quality and quantity . These good things having been done ample justice to , the cloth was cleared and soon afterwards a splendid desert gave the tables a very interesting appearance . The W . M . then gave in order the usual formal loyal
and Masonic toasts , which Avere very cordially and enthusiastically responded to , followed by a song , by Bro . Hughes , the Avorthy secretary of the lodge . Bro . Partridge , P . M ., then in a feiv complimentary sentences proposed " The health of Bro . Marshall , W . M ., " and alluded to the ready and cordial request to raise his son to the third degree . Their W . M . ivas well able to perform all the duties that devolved himthey had
upon , seen how he had performed them , and he trusted he might enjoy the remainder of his year of office with the same success as that portion of it which had passed . The toast Avas most enthusiastically received . Bro . Marshall , W . M ., returned thanks , and expressed his determination to do all in his power to maintain the high reputation of the Neptune Lodge . The W . M . next gave the
health of the visitors , for ivhich Bro . Thompson , P . M ., 177 returned thanks , and said , it had been to him that night a great source of pleasure to be present to see the Avay in ivhich the lodge ivas worked , and also the interesting occasion of Bro . Partridge , their Avorthy P . Master , raising his son to the third degree . That exalted degree of Freemasonry ivas always a most important one . but it had been rendered peculiarly interesting on that occasionby the very able manner in Avhich ii
, had been performed , and also on account of the candidate for the honour being Bro . Partridge's son . He had gone through the degree in a most impressive , and he was going to say in a faultless manner , and it could not fail to make a lasting impression upon all ivho beard if . He thought that when it was seen that a lather Avas ready to go almost out of way to confer upon his children the most solemn ordeal in Freemasonry , that it
ought at once to silence those slanders of the outer Avorld which were sometimes levelled against their noble order . That Avas his second visit to the Neptune Lodge , and Irom the unmixed pleasure ho bad enjoyed on both occasions he should always remember them ivith the highest satisfaction . He thanked them for the splendid hospitality ivith ivhich he had been receivedand he trusted that the Neptune Lodge might
, long continue in its present harmony anil great prosperity . The W . M . gave "The health of the P . M ' .- -. of the lodge , and coupled ivith tho toast the name of Bro . Pratt , " by whom he ( the W . M . ) had been initiated into Preemasonry . Bro . Pratt Avas a good Mason , and he felt proud of his being his Masonic parent . Bro . Pratt during the time he was in the Crimea ivas an eye witness of an English officer being saved from death
by a Russian to ivhom he gave the Masonic sign , and from that very moment he determined on his return to England to become a Mason , and therefore he ( the W . M . ) felt proud that he was the brother by whom he had been initiated , passed , and raised , and had the greatest pleasure in proposing his health with the rest of the P . M ' s . of the Neptune Lodge . Bro . Pratt , P . M ., returned thanks , and alluded to the occasions upon
AA'hich he had served as steward for their Masonic charities . He also took advantage of the occasion to solicit the brethren to make up a small purse for the Boy's School , Avhich had the deserved effect , and very a handsome contribution was the
result . Some other toasts Avere given and responded to . The Tyler ' s toast was then given and a very happy and harmonious meeting was brought to a close at an early hour . CAVEAC LODG-E ( NO . 176 ) . —The great meeting of this lodge viz ., the installation one , took place at Radley ' s Hotel , Blaekfriars , on the 13 th inst . Lodge was opened by Bro . H . Dorey , W . M ., supported by many influential members of the Craft , among whom ive noticed as visitors Bros . J . Tanner , No . 9 ;
W . T . Wolff , W . M ., No . 49 ; W . A . Hinde , W . M ., No . 252 ; F . C . Dillon , No . 252 ; H . Massey , S . W ., No . 619 ; D . Fourdrinier , No . 1 , 216 ; and many others . The minutes of the former regular meeting , and the emergency meeting succeeding it , being read and duly receiving confirmation , the retiring W . M . having graciously resigned the chair to P . M . Bro ., Charles Browne , Bro . C . T . Dorey presented his successor Bro . P . A . NairneS . W . and Master elect , to receive the benefit
, of installation . The ceremony was performed in first rate style , the new W . M . saluted in the various degrees , alter which the Master appointecl his assistants as follows : —Bro . W . Nelson Smith , S . W . ; Bro . T . Quihampton , J . W . ; Brn . Pemble Browne , Treas . ; Bro . R . S . Foreman , S . D . ; Bro . H . Besley , J . D . ; Bro . F . H . Gudsell , J . G . ; Bro . E . Litchfield , P . M ., Sec ; Rev . Bro . John M'Allister , Chap . ; and Bro . Ryley , Tyler . The usual
charges were well given , and the brethren Avere highly gratified by the admirable way in Avhich this interesting ceremony Avas performed . The W . M . inaugurated his new position in good style , prominently shewing that the right man AA'as in the right place . He commenced his duties by raising Bro . J . F . Smith to the highest degree in Craft Masonry . The next business ivas the relieving of a strange brother in difficulties Avhich Avas considered a deserving case . The W . M . then
addressed the lodge , saying he had a pleasurable duty to perform , that of presenting a P . M . jewel to the retiring Master , making some pertinent allusions to the excellence of Bro . Dorey as a W . M . and a ivorthy brother . Bro . Dorey returned thanks and gave notice " that at the next meeting" lie should ask the brethren for a contribution to the Palestine Exploration Fund . Bro . C . Brown , P . M ., moved and , Bro . Dorey , P . M ., seconded , that application be made to Grand Loclge for permission to ivear a centenary jewel , this lodge having attained its 100 th year . The motion was carried unanimously . Lodge AVIIS then closed .