Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Bro . Hart , the ivorthy host of Radley ' s Hotel , provided au excellent banquet which Avas duly appreciated . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed that of elie Grand Officer's , being acknowledged by Bro . B . Head , AVIIO adverted at some length upon the merits of the Grand Officers , alluding particularly to the EavL de Grey and Ripon , the D . G . M ., lor bis readiness at all times to become the locum tenens of the
R . W . G . M ., whenever his parliamentary duties permitted . The I . P . M ., Bro . H . Dorey , proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " Avhich the W . M . repliid to in feeling terms , promising to do his best to carry out all that could be desired , and expressing himself highly gratified Avith the progress the lodge had made in its general Avorking . Bro . H . Dorey returned thanks for the " P . M's ., " and Bro . C Dorey replied for the Charities . The
S . W . for the officers and the Tyler ' s toast brought a pleasant evening to a close . ROYAL ALBERT LODGE ( No . 907 ) . —The brethren of the lodge held their usual meeting on Monday , loth inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , under the presidency of the respected W . M * , Bro . Chailes Chard , who ivas supported by P . M's . J . Smith , Past G . Purst ; T . Lewis , G . Purst . ; and W . H . Farnfield . Bro . Stepney having answered the usual questions satisfactoril
y Avas advanced to the grade of a F . C . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . H . Howson and S . H . P . Moore , ivith Bro . Baker , of No . 515 , were raised to the sublime degree of Master . Mason . The loclge Avas afterwards closed after the customary formalities had been duly observed . On Wednesday the brethren according to their usual custom celebrated their summer banquet a short journey out of toivn , at the
Greyhound , DuliAuch , where Bro . Middlecott had arranged a repast that gave the utmost satisfaction . The W . M . Bro . Chard was again in his place , his wardens , Bros . H . J . Lewis and P . M . Vaughan , duly supporting . Owing to business engagements only three of the P . M's ., T . Lewis , J . A . Farnfield , and W . H . Farnfield , could he present , and among the visitors ivere Bros . PriorOwenand Keep . As ivas fittinga pleasant triin the
, , , p country , the speeches and toasts Avere very brief in order that the brethren might , under the green and leafy boivers Avith which this establishment abounds , there enjoy the beauties of nature and contemplate the goodness and works of the Great Architect of the Universe . Right ivell did the brethren enjoy themselves , till the shade evening coining on warned them that it was time to return to town .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER—Angel Lodge ( No . 51 . )—At a lodge of instruction , held ou the 16 th inst ., at the Three Cups Hotel , Bro . C . 0 . S . Becker , M . D ., P . M ., delivered a lecture upon the three degrees of Freemasonry , philosophically and morally explained , elucidating in every particular the origin and signification ofthe symbols and tokens in each degree , showing those of the
first to be instituted from the foundation of the world , the second from the completion of the Temple to the end of the prophets , and those of the third in accordance with the three cardinal graces of Christianity—Faith , Hope , and Charity . —The phraseology of the lecture throughout ivas both earnest and impressive , and elicited the unanimous expressions of delight and thanks from the brethren present . BEIGHTLINGSEA . —Lodof Hope ( No . 443 )—At a loclof
ge . ge instruction held at the Swan Inn on Wednesday , the 17 th ult ., at the request of the W . M . Bro . Becker , P . M ., of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester , delivered a highly interesting and instructive lecture on the three degrees of Freemasonry . It was full of instruction and generous " ideas which could not fail to penetrate the hearts of all his hearers . His words , expressive of sublime truths , descriptive of the excellences of our
institution and of its real tendency , ivere received Avith ivell merited applause by the brethren present , affording good evidence of the impression produced hy them . KENT . WEST MAILING . —Mailing Alley Lodge ( No . 10 G 3 . )—On the 10 th instant Bro . Walter Monekton was installed as W . M . The ceremony was performed in the presence of a large and distinguished gatering of the Craft , by Bro . Nettleingham , P . P . G . S . W . for Kent . The neAvly-installed master , who is very popular
amongst the Craft , appointed the following officers : — Bros . Pape , P . G . S . D ., P . M . ; Rev . J . H . Timins , S . W . ; W . Viner , J . W . ; Dr . Prall , S . D . ; A . Graham , J . D . ; Alfred Spencer , I . G . ; Rev . C . Lane , Chap . ; Hon . R . Neviil , Treas . ; W . Pomroy Steivard ; R . B . Stemaii , Sec . After the ceremony , the majority of the members availed themselves of the courteous offer of the Rev . J . H . Timins , and spent the interval before dinner in the beautiful
grounds attached to the vicarage . At the banquet ( which ivas provided by Bro . Sore in a manner deserving great commendation ) , the chair was taken by the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Dobson , ivhose presence afforded the highest satisfaction not only to the loclge but to tbe numerous visitors . The usual , loyal , and Masonic toasts ivere proposed and responded to ; and altogether a most agreeable day Avas spent . A unanimous vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Page for the exceedingly valuable services to the lodge ivhich he had rendered during tho Mastership on two occasions .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAREE ( No . 590 ) . The anniversary meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , Slay 28 th , at the Masonic Temple . The lodge was opened soon after four o ' clock by Bro . Le Dnrell , W . M ., assisted by Bros . A . Viel , S . W . ; G . j . Uenouf , W . M ., 1 , 003 ; J . W . Henry Luse Manuel , I . P . M . ; A . Schmitt , P . M .. Sec ; J . T . du Jardine ,
P . M . ; C . J . Harquard , P . M . ; C . Le Sueur , P . M . ; P . Binet , P . M . ; N . Le Goupillot , Treas . ; J . Oatley , W . M . elect , J . G . ; & c . & e . Among the visitors ivere Bros . Dr . J . Le Cronier , S . D . P . G . M . ; W- Adams , P . M . ; J . 0 . Le Sueur , W . M ., 491 ; Colonel Millor , W . M . ; Long , I . G . Tlie minutes of the previous lodge night Avere read and confirmed . Tho lodge Avas opened in the second degree , Avhen at the request of the W . M . Bro . A . Schmitt took the chair . Bro . J . Dnrellwith some
appro-, priate observations , presented to the Installing Master , Bro . J . Oatley , the W . M . elect to receive at his hands tlie benefit of installation . The usual proceedings having been gone through , all the brethren beloiv the chair retired , ancl a board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . J . Oatley ivas impressively installed into the chair of K . S . as W . M . of lodge La Cesareefor the ensuing yearaccording to ancient custom .
, , The brethren ivere then admitted and having saluted the W . M . in different degrees , he appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . G . J . Uenouf , S . W . ; J . Le Sueur , J . W . ; N Le Goupillot , Treas . ; A . Schmitt , Sec ; G . F . Perrot , S . D . ; F . F . Amy , J . D . ; J . Gregg , I . G . ; W . Croud , Dir . of Cers . The Installing Master delivered the usual addresses to the W . M . and to his officers in their respective duties , and at the conclusion of the
ceremony he Avas most warmly applauded . The secretary presented now the annual report of the board for general purposes ( conseil d'Administration ) containing several useful suggestions and resolutions , ivhich , on the proposition of Bros . J . T . du Jardine and P . Binet , ivas approved and received , The secretary in presenting the annual accounts duly audited entered into the most minute and satisfactory explanations concerning the disbursements . It ivas resolved by acclamation " That a
cordial vote of thanks be recorded in the minutes to Bro . J . Darell , I . P . M ., expressive of the entire satisfaction of the lodge for his numerous and valuable services he has rendered not only to the loclge but to the Craft in general , for his courteous and manly bearing , and especially for his earnest zeal and devotedness to the order . An appeal from the Hon . Sec . of the Witliam Lodge , Lincoln , inviting the co-operation for raising a suitable memorial in
honour of our late learned Bro . G . Oliver , D . D ., Past D . P . G . M ., the greatest historian of Freemasonry , was read and submitted to the consideration of the brethren . The lodge after having heard several members paying due tribute of gratitude to our illustrious instructor , and expressing so well deserved eulogiums of the immortal expounder of the true and genuine tenets of our Order , voted £ 1 Is . towards the projected memorial
An application from Bro . J . K . Haire on behalf of the members of the Jersey Volunteer Fire Brigade , intending to give a grand amateur dramatic entertainment in aid of their Equipment Fund , for ivhich occasion the corps solicits the special patronage aud support ofthe W . M . ' s officers and members of all English lodges iu the island ivas read , and after a short dis-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . Hart , the ivorthy host of Radley ' s Hotel , provided au excellent banquet which Avas duly appreciated . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts followed that of elie Grand Officer's , being acknowledged by Bro . B . Head , AVIIO adverted at some length upon the merits of the Grand Officers , alluding particularly to the EavL de Grey and Ripon , the D . G . M ., lor bis readiness at all times to become the locum tenens of the
R . W . G . M ., whenever his parliamentary duties permitted . The I . P . M ., Bro . H . Dorey , proposed " The Health of the W . M ., " Avhich the W . M . repliid to in feeling terms , promising to do his best to carry out all that could be desired , and expressing himself highly gratified Avith the progress the lodge had made in its general Avorking . Bro . H . Dorey returned thanks for the " P . M's ., " and Bro . C Dorey replied for the Charities . The
S . W . for the officers and the Tyler ' s toast brought a pleasant evening to a close . ROYAL ALBERT LODGE ( No . 907 ) . —The brethren of the lodge held their usual meeting on Monday , loth inst ., at the Freemasons' Tavern , under the presidency of the respected W . M * , Bro . Chailes Chard , who ivas supported by P . M's . J . Smith , Past G . Purst ; T . Lewis , G . Purst . ; and W . H . Farnfield . Bro . Stepney having answered the usual questions satisfactoril
y Avas advanced to the grade of a F . C . The lodge was then opened in the third degree , and Bros . H . Howson and S . H . P . Moore , ivith Bro . Baker , of No . 515 , were raised to the sublime degree of Master . Mason . The loclge Avas afterwards closed after the customary formalities had been duly observed . On Wednesday the brethren according to their usual custom celebrated their summer banquet a short journey out of toivn , at the
Greyhound , DuliAuch , where Bro . Middlecott had arranged a repast that gave the utmost satisfaction . The W . M . Bro . Chard was again in his place , his wardens , Bros . H . J . Lewis and P . M . Vaughan , duly supporting . Owing to business engagements only three of the P . M's ., T . Lewis , J . A . Farnfield , and W . H . Farnfield , could he present , and among the visitors ivere Bros . PriorOwenand Keep . As ivas fittinga pleasant triin the
, , , p country , the speeches and toasts Avere very brief in order that the brethren might , under the green and leafy boivers Avith which this establishment abounds , there enjoy the beauties of nature and contemplate the goodness and works of the Great Architect of the Universe . Right ivell did the brethren enjoy themselves , till the shade evening coining on warned them that it was time to return to town .
ESSEX . COLCHESTER—Angel Lodge ( No . 51 . )—At a lodge of instruction , held ou the 16 th inst ., at the Three Cups Hotel , Bro . C . 0 . S . Becker , M . D ., P . M ., delivered a lecture upon the three degrees of Freemasonry , philosophically and morally explained , elucidating in every particular the origin and signification ofthe symbols and tokens in each degree , showing those of the
first to be instituted from the foundation of the world , the second from the completion of the Temple to the end of the prophets , and those of the third in accordance with the three cardinal graces of Christianity—Faith , Hope , and Charity . —The phraseology of the lecture throughout ivas both earnest and impressive , and elicited the unanimous expressions of delight and thanks from the brethren present . BEIGHTLINGSEA . —Lodof Hope ( No . 443 )—At a loclof
ge . ge instruction held at the Swan Inn on Wednesday , the 17 th ult ., at the request of the W . M . Bro . Becker , P . M ., of the Angel Lodge , No . 51 , Colchester , delivered a highly interesting and instructive lecture on the three degrees of Freemasonry . It was full of instruction and generous " ideas which could not fail to penetrate the hearts of all his hearers . His words , expressive of sublime truths , descriptive of the excellences of our
institution and of its real tendency , ivere received Avith ivell merited applause by the brethren present , affording good evidence of the impression produced hy them . KENT . WEST MAILING . —Mailing Alley Lodge ( No . 10 G 3 . )—On the 10 th instant Bro . Walter Monekton was installed as W . M . The ceremony was performed in the presence of a large and distinguished gatering of the Craft , by Bro . Nettleingham , P . P . G . S . W . for Kent . The neAvly-installed master , who is very popular
amongst the Craft , appointed the following officers : — Bros . Pape , P . G . S . D ., P . M . ; Rev . J . H . Timins , S . W . ; W . Viner , J . W . ; Dr . Prall , S . D . ; A . Graham , J . D . ; Alfred Spencer , I . G . ; Rev . C . Lane , Chap . ; Hon . R . Neviil , Treas . ; W . Pomroy Steivard ; R . B . Stemaii , Sec . After the ceremony , the majority of the members availed themselves of the courteous offer of the Rev . J . H . Timins , and spent the interval before dinner in the beautiful
grounds attached to the vicarage . At the banquet ( which ivas provided by Bro . Sore in a manner deserving great commendation ) , the chair was taken by the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Dobson , ivhose presence afforded the highest satisfaction not only to the loclge but to tbe numerous visitors . The usual , loyal , and Masonic toasts ivere proposed and responded to ; and altogether a most agreeable day Avas spent . A unanimous vote of thanks was passed to Bro . Page for the exceedingly valuable services to the lodge ivhich he had rendered during tho Mastership on two occasions .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . LODGE LA CESAREE ( No . 590 ) . The anniversary meeting of this lodge took place on Thursday , Slay 28 th , at the Masonic Temple . The lodge was opened soon after four o ' clock by Bro . Le Dnrell , W . M ., assisted by Bros . A . Viel , S . W . ; G . j . Uenouf , W . M ., 1 , 003 ; J . W . Henry Luse Manuel , I . P . M . ; A . Schmitt , P . M .. Sec ; J . T . du Jardine ,
P . M . ; C . J . Harquard , P . M . ; C . Le Sueur , P . M . ; P . Binet , P . M . ; N . Le Goupillot , Treas . ; J . Oatley , W . M . elect , J . G . ; & c . & e . Among the visitors ivere Bros . Dr . J . Le Cronier , S . D . P . G . M . ; W- Adams , P . M . ; J . 0 . Le Sueur , W . M ., 491 ; Colonel Millor , W . M . ; Long , I . G . Tlie minutes of the previous lodge night Avere read and confirmed . Tho lodge Avas opened in the second degree , Avhen at the request of the W . M . Bro . A . Schmitt took the chair . Bro . J . Dnrellwith some
appro-, priate observations , presented to the Installing Master , Bro . J . Oatley , the W . M . elect to receive at his hands tlie benefit of installation . The usual proceedings having been gone through , all the brethren beloiv the chair retired , ancl a board of Installed Masters having been formed , Bro . J . Oatley ivas impressively installed into the chair of K . S . as W . M . of lodge La Cesareefor the ensuing yearaccording to ancient custom .
, , The brethren ivere then admitted and having saluted the W . M . in different degrees , he appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . G . J . Uenouf , S . W . ; J . Le Sueur , J . W . ; N Le Goupillot , Treas . ; A . Schmitt , Sec ; G . F . Perrot , S . D . ; F . F . Amy , J . D . ; J . Gregg , I . G . ; W . Croud , Dir . of Cers . The Installing Master delivered the usual addresses to the W . M . and to his officers in their respective duties , and at the conclusion of the
ceremony he Avas most warmly applauded . The secretary presented now the annual report of the board for general purposes ( conseil d'Administration ) containing several useful suggestions and resolutions , ivhich , on the proposition of Bros . J . T . du Jardine and P . Binet , ivas approved and received , The secretary in presenting the annual accounts duly audited entered into the most minute and satisfactory explanations concerning the disbursements . It ivas resolved by acclamation " That a
cordial vote of thanks be recorded in the minutes to Bro . J . Darell , I . P . M ., expressive of the entire satisfaction of the lodge for his numerous and valuable services he has rendered not only to the loclge but to the Craft in general , for his courteous and manly bearing , and especially for his earnest zeal and devotedness to the order . An appeal from the Hon . Sec . of the Witliam Lodge , Lincoln , inviting the co-operation for raising a suitable memorial in
honour of our late learned Bro . G . Oliver , D . D ., Past D . P . G . M ., the greatest historian of Freemasonry , was read and submitted to the consideration of the brethren . The lodge after having heard several members paying due tribute of gratitude to our illustrious instructor , and expressing so well deserved eulogiums of the immortal expounder of the true and genuine tenets of our Order , voted £ 1 Is . towards the projected memorial
An application from Bro . J . K . Haire on behalf of the members of the Jersey Volunteer Fire Brigade , intending to give a grand amateur dramatic entertainment in aid of their Equipment Fund , for ivhich occasion the corps solicits the special patronage aud support ofthe W . M . ' s officers and members of all English lodges iu the island ivas read , and after a short dis-