Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FESTIVITIES. Page 1 of 3 →
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Channel Islands.
cussion on the subject , it Avas moved and resolved : " That the members of the lodge are willing ancl ready to co-operate Avith other lodges for the purpose of patronising and supporting the projected amateur dramatic entertainment , and that they earnestly trust that Bro . J . K . Haire , the captain of the Q . Y . Z . B . ¦ will succeed in obtaining the consent of all English lodges to that effect that it might bo made a truly ivorthy affair of the
object . " Bro . Capt . V . P . Poisson , of Lodge 245 , ivas proposed as a joining member . The lodge ivas then closed and the brethren retired to the large banqueting hall Avhere a substantial dinner Avas provided by Bro . W . H . Long at which the W . M . presided . On the cloth being removed the usual toasts Avere given , and our esteemed Bro . Dr . Hopkins ( absent ) AA-as not forgotten . On the Avhole it Avas one of the most agreeable and truly fraternal gatherings Ave ever witnessed , aud must have produced a pleasing impression on the minds of those who ivere present .
Mask Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 26 . )—The quarterly meeting was held on Thursday , June ISth , with a very poor attendance , Avhich Avas to some extent accounted for . ' The chair ivas taken and the lodge opened at six p . m ., by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M ., assisted by Bros , the Rev , R . Bowden , S . W . ; John Heath , J . W . ; & c . The minutes of the previous meeting Avere read ancl
confirmed . Of eight candidates only one presented himself , Bro . Geo . Heath ; he Avas duly advanced to the degree of Mark Master by the M . M ., ivho also gave the explanatory lecture . The M . M . remarked to the brethren that they might be surprized to find him wearing a different dress , ivhich was accounted for by a high compliment , ivhich had heen paid to the Pleiades Lodge , in his appointment at the half-yearly communication of
Grand Mark Lodge , held on June 2 nd , to the office of G . J . W . The S . and J . W . successively on behalf ofthe members congratulated tho M . M . on the rank ivhich had been conferred upon him . The W . M . observed that the furniture of the lodge is very incomplete , and that as the fees are so low , some time must elapse before sufficient funds can be accumlated to supply the deficiencies . Having assisted in forming new lodges elseivhero , his
experience led him to the conclusion that , as had been done in those cases , the best plan ivas for each member to contribute something . In order to set a good exampe , he therefore presented three pedestals for the overseers , Avhich he had had made in such a form as to be useful in making them receptacles for all the small articles and for the records of the lodn-e . On the proposition of the S . W ., seconded by the J . W ., a vote of thanks Avas unanimously passed to the W . M . No . other business offering , the lodge Avas closed at 8 o ' clock .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
GUERNSEY " . Bro . Elislia W . Hutchinson , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and P . G . Treas ., having , on the 4 th inst ., been duly installed by the members of the executive committee iu London as Knight of the above order Avith a view of assisting the formation of a conclave in Guernsey , invited , on his return , Bros . J . Gallienne , P . Prov . D . G . M . ; J . Millington , and F . Clarke , to join him iu
that object . The brethren , having been duly installed and appointed to their offices , now ivait a promised visit from Bro . R . W . Little , Avhich is expected early in July , when the conclave will be formally opened . It is to be styled the Doyle Conclave , ancl the charter is to be the generous gift of a much esteemed brother ( J . A . Horner , Esq ., of Burgh Castle , Great Yarmouth , ) in commemoration of his recent sojourn in the Channel Islands , and particularly of the pleasant intercourse he enjoyed Avith the brethren of Doyle ' s Lodge of Felloivship , Guernsey .
ALMSGIVING . —He that gives alms must do it with a singleness of purpose , and without desire to get the praise of men . He who hath done a good turn should so forget it as not to speak of it , but he that boasts of it or upbrains it , hath paid himself and lost the nobleness of the charity .
Masonic Festivities.
AYRSHIRE . LAYING THE FOUNDATION-STONE OP NEWTON-ON-ATB PATUSH MISSON HOUSE . Like his immediate predecessor in the chair of Mother Kilwinning , Colonel Mure has inaugurated his public duties as Provincial Grand Master of Ayrshire by
planting the corner-stone of a place of worship . Acceding to the request of the minister of the parish of Newton , Colonel Mure agreed to preside in person at the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of Newton Mission House ; and in order to give greater eclat to the occasion , and at the same time to have an opportunity for personal converse with the Brethren in this
province , the P-G . M . requested the attendance of deputations from the sister lodges . Accordingly the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire held a communication in the Assembly Rooms , Ayr , at one o ' clock on Friday the 5 th inst ., previous to entering upon the special Masonic business of the day—the Orient being graced Avith the presence of the P . G . M . supported by Past
Provincial Grand Masters Robert Wylie and Hugh Conn the Substitute P . G . M . ( J . G , Halket , banker , Saltcoats ) ; Senior P . G . Warden ( D . Murray Lyon of Ayr St . Paul , one of the Grand Stewards in the Grand Lodge of Scotland ) ; Acting Junior P . G . Warden ( John M'Kay , R . W . M- No . 22 ); P . G . Chaplain ( Rev . Alexander Inglis , Kilmaurs ); P . G . Treas . ( John Whinton ); Acting P . G .
Director of Ceremonies ( F . L . Law , one of the Grand Stewards ) . Among the visitors present at the opening of the Provincial Grand Lodge , were—the Rev . Wm . E . B . Gunn , Acting Chaplain of Mother Kilwinning ; Dr . Erskine , Ayr ; Provost Ban * , Ardrossan ; the P . G . M ' s brother , Mure of Houston St . Johnston ;
Patrick of Mo . Kil . ; Rev . Robert Thomson , Chaplain , No . 126 . After an eloquent address by the P . G . Master , and the transaction of some private business , the communication was ajourned . Meantime the lodges were being marshalled in the Fauldbacks—a work that was admirably performed by the Superintendent of the Ayr Burgh
Police ( Bro . Captain M'Donald of Ayr St . Paul ) whose arrangements for the passage of the procession through , the streets were also most effective : he was assisted by Bros- Aitken and Ewart of 124 , Watson aud Harvey of 165 , and W . Shearer and Morton of 204 . The Rev . Wm . Menzies of . No . 165 vvas in his place as chaplain of his lodge ; the Senior Magistrate of N " eAVton ( Bro . James
Fergusson ) , and the Town-Clerk of Newton ( Bro . John M'Murtrie , banker ) , were also in the Masonic ranks ; while the Missionary of Newton , Rev . Alex . M'Leod , joined the Kirk-session . The Provincial Grand Lodge — accompanied by the Ayr Volunteer Artillery Band , led by Bro . Blair of Ayr St . Paul—having arrived on the ground about half-past tAvo o ' clock , the procession ,
with waving banners , moved off according to the established order of precedency—the van being formed b y the members of the Kirk-Session of Newton , and the Masonic body embracing deputations from the following lodges : — 433 Dalmellington St . Thomas Kilwinning—headed by Bro . Bain
320 Ardrossan St . John Royal Arch—Bro . Goodwin 230 Old Cumnock St . Barnadas—Bro . Rankine 204 Ayr St . Paul—Bro . W-D . Chambers 202 Riccarton St . Clement—Bro . Wm . Craig 201 Muirkirk St . Thomas—Bro . James Shaw 169 Stevenson Thistle and Rose—Bro . James Boyd 165 Ayr Royal Arch—Bro . A . Hunter 157 Beith St . John—Bro . Wm . Cochrane ¦ 138 Ayr Operative—Bro . NeAvall 126 Kilmarnock St . Andrew—Bro . Andrew Tumbull
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Channel Islands.
cussion on the subject , it Avas moved and resolved : " That the members of the lodge are willing ancl ready to co-operate Avith other lodges for the purpose of patronising and supporting the projected amateur dramatic entertainment , and that they earnestly trust that Bro . J . K . Haire , the captain of the Q . Y . Z . B . ¦ will succeed in obtaining the consent of all English lodges to that effect that it might bo made a truly ivorthy affair of the
object . " Bro . Capt . V . P . Poisson , of Lodge 245 , ivas proposed as a joining member . The lodge ivas then closed and the brethren retired to the large banqueting hall Avhere a substantial dinner Avas provided by Bro . W . H . Long at which the W . M . presided . On the cloth being removed the usual toasts Avere given , and our esteemed Bro . Dr . Hopkins ( absent ) AA-as not forgotten . On the Avhole it Avas one of the most agreeable and truly fraternal gatherings Ave ever witnessed , aud must have produced a pleasing impression on the minds of those who ivere present .
Mask Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . TOTNES . —Pleiades Lodge ( No . 26 . )—The quarterly meeting was held on Thursday , June ISth , with a very poor attendance , Avhich Avas to some extent accounted for . ' The chair ivas taken and the lodge opened at six p . m ., by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , W . M ., assisted by Bros , the Rev , R . Bowden , S . W . ; John Heath , J . W . ; & c . The minutes of the previous meeting Avere read ancl
confirmed . Of eight candidates only one presented himself , Bro . Geo . Heath ; he Avas duly advanced to the degree of Mark Master by the M . M ., ivho also gave the explanatory lecture . The M . M . remarked to the brethren that they might be surprized to find him wearing a different dress , ivhich was accounted for by a high compliment , ivhich had heen paid to the Pleiades Lodge , in his appointment at the half-yearly communication of
Grand Mark Lodge , held on June 2 nd , to the office of G . J . W . The S . and J . W . successively on behalf ofthe members congratulated tho M . M . on the rank ivhich had been conferred upon him . The W . M . observed that the furniture of the lodge is very incomplete , and that as the fees are so low , some time must elapse before sufficient funds can be accumlated to supply the deficiencies . Having assisted in forming new lodges elseivhero , his
experience led him to the conclusion that , as had been done in those cases , the best plan ivas for each member to contribute something . In order to set a good exampe , he therefore presented three pedestals for the overseers , Avhich he had had made in such a form as to be useful in making them receptacles for all the small articles and for the records of the lodn-e . On the proposition of the S . W ., seconded by the J . W ., a vote of thanks Avas unanimously passed to the W . M . No . other business offering , the lodge Avas closed at 8 o ' clock .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
GUERNSEY " . Bro . Elislia W . Hutchinson , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and P . G . Treas ., having , on the 4 th inst ., been duly installed by the members of the executive committee iu London as Knight of the above order Avith a view of assisting the formation of a conclave in Guernsey , invited , on his return , Bros . J . Gallienne , P . Prov . D . G . M . ; J . Millington , and F . Clarke , to join him iu
that object . The brethren , having been duly installed and appointed to their offices , now ivait a promised visit from Bro . R . W . Little , Avhich is expected early in July , when the conclave will be formally opened . It is to be styled the Doyle Conclave , ancl the charter is to be the generous gift of a much esteemed brother ( J . A . Horner , Esq ., of Burgh Castle , Great Yarmouth , ) in commemoration of his recent sojourn in the Channel Islands , and particularly of the pleasant intercourse he enjoyed Avith the brethren of Doyle ' s Lodge of Felloivship , Guernsey .
ALMSGIVING . —He that gives alms must do it with a singleness of purpose , and without desire to get the praise of men . He who hath done a good turn should so forget it as not to speak of it , but he that boasts of it or upbrains it , hath paid himself and lost the nobleness of the charity .
Masonic Festivities.
AYRSHIRE . LAYING THE FOUNDATION-STONE OP NEWTON-ON-ATB PATUSH MISSON HOUSE . Like his immediate predecessor in the chair of Mother Kilwinning , Colonel Mure has inaugurated his public duties as Provincial Grand Master of Ayrshire by
planting the corner-stone of a place of worship . Acceding to the request of the minister of the parish of Newton , Colonel Mure agreed to preside in person at the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of Newton Mission House ; and in order to give greater eclat to the occasion , and at the same time to have an opportunity for personal converse with the Brethren in this
province , the P-G . M . requested the attendance of deputations from the sister lodges . Accordingly the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire held a communication in the Assembly Rooms , Ayr , at one o ' clock on Friday the 5 th inst ., previous to entering upon the special Masonic business of the day—the Orient being graced Avith the presence of the P . G . M . supported by Past
Provincial Grand Masters Robert Wylie and Hugh Conn the Substitute P . G . M . ( J . G , Halket , banker , Saltcoats ) ; Senior P . G . Warden ( D . Murray Lyon of Ayr St . Paul , one of the Grand Stewards in the Grand Lodge of Scotland ) ; Acting Junior P . G . Warden ( John M'Kay , R . W . M- No . 22 ); P . G . Chaplain ( Rev . Alexander Inglis , Kilmaurs ); P . G . Treas . ( John Whinton ); Acting P . G .
Director of Ceremonies ( F . L . Law , one of the Grand Stewards ) . Among the visitors present at the opening of the Provincial Grand Lodge , were—the Rev . Wm . E . B . Gunn , Acting Chaplain of Mother Kilwinning ; Dr . Erskine , Ayr ; Provost Ban * , Ardrossan ; the P . G . M ' s brother , Mure of Houston St . Johnston ;
Patrick of Mo . Kil . ; Rev . Robert Thomson , Chaplain , No . 126 . After an eloquent address by the P . G . Master , and the transaction of some private business , the communication was ajourned . Meantime the lodges were being marshalled in the Fauldbacks—a work that was admirably performed by the Superintendent of the Ayr Burgh
Police ( Bro . Captain M'Donald of Ayr St . Paul ) whose arrangements for the passage of the procession through , the streets were also most effective : he was assisted by Bros- Aitken and Ewart of 124 , Watson aud Harvey of 165 , and W . Shearer and Morton of 204 . The Rev . Wm . Menzies of . No . 165 vvas in his place as chaplain of his lodge ; the Senior Magistrate of N " eAVton ( Bro . James
Fergusson ) , and the Town-Clerk of Newton ( Bro . John M'Murtrie , banker ) , were also in the Masonic ranks ; while the Missionary of Newton , Rev . Alex . M'Leod , joined the Kirk-session . The Provincial Grand Lodge — accompanied by the Ayr Volunteer Artillery Band , led by Bro . Blair of Ayr St . Paul—having arrived on the ground about half-past tAvo o ' clock , the procession ,
with waving banners , moved off according to the established order of precedency—the van being formed b y the members of the Kirk-Session of Newton , and the Masonic body embracing deputations from the following lodges : — 433 Dalmellington St . Thomas Kilwinning—headed by Bro . Bain
320 Ardrossan St . John Royal Arch—Bro . Goodwin 230 Old Cumnock St . Barnadas—Bro . Rankine 204 Ayr St . Paul—Bro . W-D . Chambers 202 Riccarton St . Clement—Bro . Wm . Craig 201 Muirkirk St . Thomas—Bro . James Shaw 169 Stevenson Thistle and Rose—Bro . James Boyd 165 Ayr Royal Arch—Bro . A . Hunter 157 Beith St . John—Bro . Wm . Cochrane ¦ 138 Ayr Operative—Bro . NeAvall 126 Kilmarnock St . Andrew—Bro . Andrew Tumbull