Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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appreciated . Bro . J . Smith , the Treasurer and P . M ., said the brethren might well congratulate themselves on having Bro . Frederick Smith to preside over them , for during the whole time be had been connected with the lodge he had scarcely ever known him to be absent from his duties . He was quite sure that a better Master of a lodge or a person of more gentlemanly manners than their respected W . M . could not be found . The manner in which ho had presided over thom that day reflected
great credit upon him , and in tho toast he was about to propose the brethren , he felt sure , would do him all the honours . He then gavo " The W . M . " The toast , it is almost needless to say , was drunk enthusiastically . The W . M ., who , upon rising , was received with loud cheers , said he was vain enough to think that the brethten had met that day as much to see him and spend tho afternoon under his presidency as they had to meet together as Masons and enjoy that conviviality and interchange
of good feeling peculiar to the fraternity . Ho thanked them for the honour they had done him , and said he felt proud to preside over the lodge , which was one of the largest , if not the largest in London . "TheHealth of tho Visitors " was given , for which Bvo . Stevens returned thanks . The toast of " Tho Stewards , " to which Bros . Kullce , Treadwell , Elmos , Sec ., and C . Thompson returned thanks , brought the meeting to a close . The brethren shortly ' afterwards returned to town highly pleased with their day out .
WAETHAM CROSS . — GreshamLodge ( No . 869 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday the 12 th inst ., at the Four Swans , when there wero present Bros . Chas . Swan , P . Prov ., G . D ., P . M . and Soc , as W . M . ; W . E . Gompertz , J . W . Robert Bruce , S . D . ; H . Littaur Steward , W . H . War , P . Prov-G . Steward , John Smith , M . D . ; E . Glover , W . C . Barnes , J . B . Justin , J . J , Cox , Ino . E . Grocott , F . S . Foley , Samuel Parsey , S . H . Hunt , Max Littsmr , and Bvo . E . Fox ., visitov , formerly a
member of the lodge . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of the meeting held on the 8 th June were read and confirmed . Several letters were read from members explaining the cause of their non-attendance . Bros . E . Glover and W . C . Barnes were examined as E . A . ' s and withdrew . The lodge was thon opened iu the second degree , aud Bros . Glover aud Barnes were passed as F . C . Masons . Bros . Justin and Grocott were then examined in that degree , and having acquitted themselves
in a highly satisfactory manner withdrew , and the lodge was opened in the third degree , and the two last-named brethren were raised to the degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet table , which was well supplied by Bro . Hunt , ono of the members of the lodge . The cloth having been removed , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ; and the brethren , after spending a very pleasant afternoon together , separated early , several of the members having to return to Loudon .
KENT . SIDOUP . —Sydney Lodge ( No . 829 ) . —Tho monthly mooting of this lodgo was hold at tho Black Horso , Sidoup , ou Tuosday , tho 8 th inst . Present : —Bros . G . Snow , W . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ; Thomas M . Paget , S . W . ; R . P . Atkins , J . W ., Prov . G . S . ; II . Do Grey , S . D . ; J . Smith , J . D . ; W . Thompson , I . G , ; J . Hondorson , P . M . and Sec ; J . Mill , Troas . ; Todman , Beacbam , Smith , Stylos , Pockwortb , Wiscombo ( visitors ) , and othor brothron . Throe brothron
wore raised , two passod , and on a ballot boing taken , Mr . Ashdown , who had boon proposed at tho last mooting for initiation , it was provod to bo unanimous in his favour , and b . 0 was duly initiatod into tho soorots and mystorios of tho Ordor . A letter from tho Grand Lodgo was then road , and ordorod to bo entered on tho minutes , aftor which tho lodgo was closod . Tho brothron , about forty in munbor , thon sat down to an excellent repast . Aftor tho usual Masonic toasts had boon duly honourod , BroJ Hondorson
• . . , P . M . gavo tho health of tho W . Prov . G . -Master and tho rest of tho Grand Oflicors , coupling with it tho namo of thoir W . M ., who , ho was proud to seo , had boon appointed I rov . S . G . W ., and ho trusted ho might long bo sparod to lio ono amongst thom . The W . M ., in reply , stated that having only been boon appointed and invostod as a Prov . G . Officer so snorta timo ho could not bo oxpoctod to say much about tho working of tho Prov . G . Lodgo , but this ho would say , that tho J . rov . G . Lodge of Kont set an examplo , in tho way of charitablo
donations , to most othor provincos . Ho himsolf had bocomo a vico-prosidont to all throo of tho Masonic Oharitios , and had also sent in his namo as Steward lor tho noxt Festival , and lie reliod with confidonco on rocoiving somo support from that lodgo iu tho way of donations to thoso most oxcollont institutions , which , as mon and as Masons , wo all ought to bo , and no doubt woro , proud of . Tho W . Mastor's hoalth was thon proposod , and briefly rospondod to . Tho hoalth of Bvo . Asbdowu , the- initiate , thon
followed , who , in reply , oxprossod a hopo that as he had that day takon his first position amongst thom , thoy would find him , as ho proceoded onwards , a bettor man and a bottor Mason . Tho W . M . thon proposed tho health of tho Visitors , which was rospondod to by Bro . T . Wiscombo , P . M ., who stated ho always felt a pleasure , in visiting- tho Sydnoy Lodgo , for to him it soomod almost as though ho wero a mombor , so woll known was ovory mombor to himand such was tho fraternal fooling shown to him ; and ho
, trusted tlio day was Ear distaut when ho would coaso to xoeoive tho heart } ' walcomo ho had always had . Tho W . M . thon proposod tho healths of tho S . W . aud J . W ., adding that two moro offieiont and ablo oflicors could not bo found in any lodgo , aud without such ofneors no W . M . could conduct tho business of any lodgo satisfactorily . Bro . Pagot , S . W ., roplio ' d , by saying ho fearod they had paid him too high a complimont ; ho cortainly only did that which ho considered his duty as a Mason and an
oificor to do . Tho hoalth of tlio Deacons and I . G . followod , and was ropliod to by Bro . H . Do Groy , who tliankod thom for tho kindness shown him , and stated that it was always a ploasure to him to bo at his post , ready and willing to liis duty when callod upon . This lodgo warrant is dated 18 G 0 , and four years ago it had but fow mombors . It now numbors ovor fifty . Tho place o £ mooting is so easy of access from all adjacent parts of tho county , and now that tho station at Sidoup is opon , which
augurs woll for tho futuro prosperity of the lodgo . Tho neighbourhood is delightful , and , as most of our readers aro aware , many of tho summer banquots of othor lodgos tako placo at this spot .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —Royal Xfnion Lodge ( No . 3 S 2 ) . —A regular mooting o £ this lodgo was hold on Monday , tho 15 th inst ., at tho Chequers Hotel , an unusually largo number of brothron boing present , despite tho unfavourable state o £ tho -weather . Bro . F . J .
Wirtzfold , W . M ., took his seat soon after fivo o'clock , supported by Bros . Glashor , S . W , ; Thomas Aloxandor Adams , P . G . P . ( who kindly occupied tho third chair in the unavoidable absonco of tho J . W . ) : Broomo and Fobronback , S . and J . D . ' s ; and Coulton , jun ., I . G . Tho P . M . 's prosent woro Bros . Boedon ( tho fathor of tho lodgo ) , Horsman , and Coonibes . Among tho visitors woro Bros . J . Harris , SGI ; H . Isaacs , 8 C 1 ; T . Brock , S 61 : B .
Bolsliawo , 801 ; T . Rawlings , 14-1 ; Wostboury , 733 ; and G . Taylor , 25 . Lodgo duly openod , Bro . Doan was iutrodncod , quostionod , and having satisfactorily answorod tho usual quorios , was solomnly raised to tho sublime dogroo of a M . M . This was followod by tho lodgo boing resumed to tho first degree , when Bros . Coulton , son ., Knight , Murphy , and Mato presontod thomsolvos as candidates for tho second dogroo , and passing a satisfactory examination as to proflcioncy , woro requostod to rotiro for tho usual preparation .
Lodgo was then oponod in tho socond degree , and tho brothers passod as F . C . 's . Mr . T . Allon was balloted for , and was unanimously accepted as a candidate for tho first dogroo . Mr . I , E . Halfiold was also unanimously olectod as a caudidato for tho mysteries and privileges of Froemasonry . Tho nocossary formula ) having boon gono through , tho gontlomon woro introduced proporly proparod . and woro favourod with tho initiatory stop in the Order , Tho wholo of tho coromonios woro beautifully
rondored by tho W . M ., who was highly complimontod by the brothren for tho Masonic lesson afforded them . Tho widow of an old docoasod mombor was rocommondod to tho Grand Lodgo Board of Bonovolonco , tho caso boing said to bo a most dosorving ono . Lodgo boing closod , tho brothron adj onrnod to an oxcollont banquot , well providod by Bro . Lyne , tho worthy host , ovory satisfaction boing rondorod in that dopartniont . Tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts followodBro . T . A . Adams ' s namo boing coupled with tha
, Grand OlHcor ' s , who tastefully tendorod his acknowledgments . Bro . Rawlings , as ono of tho visitors , roplying to that toast , paid a woll-dosorvod complimont to tho W . M . for his admirable working . Bro . Taylor , 25 , also offered his tribute of praiso to Bro . Wirtzfeld , endorsing all tho oxcollont oxprossions of Bro . Rawlings . Sovoral othor toasts followed , tho brothron roturning to town soon aftor ten o'clock . The next mooting will tako placo on tho third Monday in Soptembor .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
appreciated . Bro . J . Smith , the Treasurer and P . M ., said the brethren might well congratulate themselves on having Bro . Frederick Smith to preside over them , for during the whole time be had been connected with the lodge he had scarcely ever known him to be absent from his duties . He was quite sure that a better Master of a lodge or a person of more gentlemanly manners than their respected W . M . could not be found . The manner in which ho had presided over thom that day reflected
great credit upon him , and in tho toast he was about to propose the brethren , he felt sure , would do him all the honours . He then gavo " The W . M . " The toast , it is almost needless to say , was drunk enthusiastically . The W . M ., who , upon rising , was received with loud cheers , said he was vain enough to think that the brethten had met that day as much to see him and spend tho afternoon under his presidency as they had to meet together as Masons and enjoy that conviviality and interchange
of good feeling peculiar to the fraternity . Ho thanked them for the honour they had done him , and said he felt proud to preside over the lodge , which was one of the largest , if not the largest in London . "TheHealth of tho Visitors " was given , for which Bvo . Stevens returned thanks . The toast of " Tho Stewards , " to which Bros . Kullce , Treadwell , Elmos , Sec ., and C . Thompson returned thanks , brought the meeting to a close . The brethren shortly ' afterwards returned to town highly pleased with their day out .
WAETHAM CROSS . — GreshamLodge ( No . 869 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on Saturday the 12 th inst ., at the Four Swans , when there wero present Bros . Chas . Swan , P . Prov ., G . D ., P . M . and Soc , as W . M . ; W . E . Gompertz , J . W . Robert Bruce , S . D . ; H . Littaur Steward , W . H . War , P . Prov-G . Steward , John Smith , M . D . ; E . Glover , W . C . Barnes , J . B . Justin , J . J , Cox , Ino . E . Grocott , F . S . Foley , Samuel Parsey , S . H . Hunt , Max Littsmr , and Bvo . E . Fox ., visitov , formerly a
member of the lodge . The lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of the meeting held on the 8 th June were read and confirmed . Several letters were read from members explaining the cause of their non-attendance . Bros . E . Glover and W . C . Barnes were examined as E . A . ' s and withdrew . The lodge was thon opened iu the second degree , aud Bros . Glover aud Barnes were passed as F . C . Masons . Bros . Justin and Grocott were then examined in that degree , and having acquitted themselves
in a highly satisfactory manner withdrew , and the lodge was opened in the third degree , and the two last-named brethren were raised to the degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet table , which was well supplied by Bro . Hunt , ono of the members of the lodge . The cloth having been removed , the customary loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ; and the brethren , after spending a very pleasant afternoon together , separated early , several of the members having to return to Loudon .
KENT . SIDOUP . —Sydney Lodge ( No . 829 ) . —Tho monthly mooting of this lodgo was hold at tho Black Horso , Sidoup , ou Tuosday , tho 8 th inst . Present : —Bros . G . Snow , W . M ., Prov . S . G . W . ; Thomas M . Paget , S . W . ; R . P . Atkins , J . W ., Prov . G . S . ; II . Do Grey , S . D . ; J . Smith , J . D . ; W . Thompson , I . G , ; J . Hondorson , P . M . and Sec ; J . Mill , Troas . ; Todman , Beacbam , Smith , Stylos , Pockwortb , Wiscombo ( visitors ) , and othor brothron . Throe brothron
wore raised , two passod , and on a ballot boing taken , Mr . Ashdown , who had boon proposed at tho last mooting for initiation , it was provod to bo unanimous in his favour , and b . 0 was duly initiatod into tho soorots and mystorios of tho Ordor . A letter from tho Grand Lodgo was then road , and ordorod to bo entered on tho minutes , aftor which tho lodgo was closod . Tho brothron , about forty in munbor , thon sat down to an excellent repast . Aftor tho usual Masonic toasts had boon duly honourod , BroJ Hondorson
• . . , P . M . gavo tho health of tho W . Prov . G . -Master and tho rest of tho Grand Oflicors , coupling with it tho namo of thoir W . M ., who , ho was proud to seo , had boon appointed I rov . S . G . W ., and ho trusted ho might long bo sparod to lio ono amongst thom . The W . M ., in reply , stated that having only been boon appointed and invostod as a Prov . G . Officer so snorta timo ho could not bo oxpoctod to say much about tho working of tho Prov . G . Lodgo , but this ho would say , that tho J . rov . G . Lodge of Kont set an examplo , in tho way of charitablo
donations , to most othor provincos . Ho himsolf had bocomo a vico-prosidont to all throo of tho Masonic Oharitios , and had also sent in his namo as Steward lor tho noxt Festival , and lie reliod with confidonco on rocoiving somo support from that lodgo iu tho way of donations to thoso most oxcollont institutions , which , as mon and as Masons , wo all ought to bo , and no doubt woro , proud of . Tho W . Mastor's hoalth was thon proposod , and briefly rospondod to . Tho hoalth of Bvo . Asbdowu , the- initiate , thon
followed , who , in reply , oxprossod a hopo that as he had that day takon his first position amongst thom , thoy would find him , as ho proceoded onwards , a bettor man and a bottor Mason . Tho W . M . thon proposed tho health of tho Visitors , which was rospondod to by Bro . T . Wiscombo , P . M ., who stated ho always felt a pleasure , in visiting- tho Sydnoy Lodgo , for to him it soomod almost as though ho wero a mombor , so woll known was ovory mombor to himand such was tho fraternal fooling shown to him ; and ho
, trusted tlio day was Ear distaut when ho would coaso to xoeoive tho heart } ' walcomo ho had always had . Tho W . M . thon proposod tho healths of tho S . W . aud J . W ., adding that two moro offieiont and ablo oflicors could not bo found in any lodgo , aud without such ofneors no W . M . could conduct tho business of any lodgo satisfactorily . Bro . Pagot , S . W ., roplio ' d , by saying ho fearod they had paid him too high a complimont ; ho cortainly only did that which ho considered his duty as a Mason and an
oificor to do . Tho hoalth of tlio Deacons and I . G . followod , and was ropliod to by Bro . H . Do Groy , who tliankod thom for tho kindness shown him , and stated that it was always a ploasure to him to bo at his post , ready and willing to liis duty when callod upon . This lodgo warrant is dated 18 G 0 , and four years ago it had but fow mombors . It now numbors ovor fifty . Tho place o £ mooting is so easy of access from all adjacent parts of tho county , and now that tho station at Sidoup is opon , which
augurs woll for tho futuro prosperity of the lodgo . Tho neighbourhood is delightful , and , as most of our readers aro aware , many of tho summer banquots of othor lodgos tako placo at this spot .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —Royal Xfnion Lodge ( No . 3 S 2 ) . —A regular mooting o £ this lodgo was hold on Monday , tho 15 th inst ., at tho Chequers Hotel , an unusually largo number of brothron boing present , despite tho unfavourable state o £ tho -weather . Bro . F . J .
Wirtzfold , W . M ., took his seat soon after fivo o'clock , supported by Bros . Glashor , S . W , ; Thomas Aloxandor Adams , P . G . P . ( who kindly occupied tho third chair in the unavoidable absonco of tho J . W . ) : Broomo and Fobronback , S . and J . D . ' s ; and Coulton , jun ., I . G . Tho P . M . 's prosent woro Bros . Boedon ( tho fathor of tho lodgo ) , Horsman , and Coonibes . Among tho visitors woro Bros . J . Harris , SGI ; H . Isaacs , 8 C 1 ; T . Brock , S 61 : B .
Bolsliawo , 801 ; T . Rawlings , 14-1 ; Wostboury , 733 ; and G . Taylor , 25 . Lodgo duly openod , Bro . Doan was iutrodncod , quostionod , and having satisfactorily answorod tho usual quorios , was solomnly raised to tho sublime dogroo of a M . M . This was followod by tho lodgo boing resumed to tho first degree , when Bros . Coulton , son ., Knight , Murphy , and Mato presontod thomsolvos as candidates for tho second dogroo , and passing a satisfactory examination as to proflcioncy , woro requostod to rotiro for tho usual preparation .
Lodgo was then oponod in tho socond degree , and tho brothers passod as F . C . 's . Mr . T . Allon was balloted for , and was unanimously accepted as a candidate for tho first dogroo . Mr . I , E . Halfiold was also unanimously olectod as a caudidato for tho mysteries and privileges of Froemasonry . Tho nocossary formula ) having boon gono through , tho gontlomon woro introduced proporly proparod . and woro favourod with tho initiatory stop in the Order , Tho wholo of tho coromonios woro beautifully
rondored by tho W . M ., who was highly complimontod by the brothren for tho Masonic lesson afforded them . Tho widow of an old docoasod mombor was rocommondod to tho Grand Lodgo Board of Bonovolonco , tho caso boing said to bo a most dosorving ono . Lodgo boing closod , tho brothron adj onrnod to an oxcollont banquot , well providod by Bro . Lyne , tho worthy host , ovory satisfaction boing rondorod in that dopartniont . Tho usual loyal and Masonic toasts followodBro . T . A . Adams ' s namo boing coupled with tha
, Grand OlHcor ' s , who tastefully tendorod his acknowledgments . Bro . Rawlings , as ono of tho visitors , roplying to that toast , paid a woll-dosorvod complimont to tho W . M . for his admirable working . Bro . Taylor , 25 , also offered his tribute of praiso to Bro . Wirtzfeld , endorsing all tho oxcollont oxprossions of Bro . Rawlings . Sovoral othor toasts followed , tho brothron roturning to town soon aftor ten o'clock . The next mooting will tako placo on tho third Monday in Soptembor .