Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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SOMERSETSHIRE . PitoynreiAL GRAND LODGE . Tbere was a very strong muster of the Craft on Monday , the 15 th inst ., at Bridgwater , on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset , which was held in the Townhall , which was beautifully decorated for the occasion by Bro . Davis and Mr . Dyer , of the Bridgwater
Nursery . The lodge was held under the presidency of Bro . Major A . W . Adair , Prov . G . M ., who appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Berryman , Prov . S . G . W .: Cook , Prov . J . G . W . ; Martin , Prov , G . Chap . ; Sail , Assist . Chap .,- E . T . Payne , Prov . G . Treas . ; Ricketts , Prov . G . Reg . ; Else , Prov . G . Sec , ; Jelley , Prov . S . G . D . ; Strong , Prov . G . J . D . ; Smith , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Garland , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; HollwayAssistditto ; ReedProv . G . S . B .
, , , ; Marsh , Prov . G . Org . ; Neland , Prov . G . Purst . ; Young , Assist , ditto ; Hellier , Prov . G . Tyler ; Snmpter , Assist , ditto ; Long , " Barter , Hodges , Davis , Gillard , Bristowe , Parfitt , and Soper , Prov . G . Stewards . The following brethren were amongst those present : —Bros . Captain Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . ; R . Thomas and C . R . Davy , Grand Chaplains of England ' ; J . Cook , jun ., W . M . of the Lodge of Pernetual Friendship , Bridgwater ; B . C . Greenhill , S . W . ditto ; W . Young , J . W . ditto ; W . E .
Reeves , 906 , W . M ., P . Prov . G . Org . ; J . Greening , 41 ; J . Collett , 134 , P . M ., P . P ., & e . After the conclusion of the lodge business , a banquet took place in the Assembly Rooms of the Clarence Hotel , under the presidency of the Prov . G . M .
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . Tho annual mooting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was hold at Brecon on Thursday , tho 18 th inst ., and was in every rospoct a most successful and agroeablo one . On this occasion tho lodges of the provinco , with tho oxcoptiou of Morthyi- and Abordaro , woro well roprosontod , and a nnmbor
of visiting brothron attended from Aborystwith , Horeford , Bath , London , and other placos . Tho Provincial Grand Lodgo was bold in tho spacious Assombly Rooms at tho Town Hall , which woro most appropriately and handsomely docoratod , tlio Brecon brothron having sparod no pains to render thoir rocoption of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo all that could bo desired . Tho R . W . tho Prov . G . M . BroThoodoro Hansel Talbotontorod
, . , tho lodge rooms at two o'clock , accompanied by tho D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Edward J . Morris , and attended by a largo nnmbor of Provincial Grand Oflicors . Tho business upon tho agonda paper was as follows : — To road and confirm tho minutes of tho last Provincial Grand Lodgo . To roceivo tho Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s accounts for tho
past year . To electa Provincial Grand Treasurer for tlio ensuing year . To appoint and invest tho Provincial Grand Oflicors for tho ensuing- year . To roceivo report of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo Connnittoo To prosont tho Charity jowol to tho Worshipful Bro . R . F . Langley , P . Pror . S . G . W ., as tho second Steward representing this provinco at tho Festivals oE tho Boys' and Girls' Schools .
To vote contributions to Masonic and othor charities . The Provincial Grand Lodge being opened , aud the minutes of the last meeting held at Swansea having been read and confirmed , the Prov . Grand Treas . ' s accounts for tho past year wero received and adopted , printed statements of some being freely distributed among the brethren . Bro . William Cox , P . M ., 237 , was unanimously re-elected Prov . Grand Trens . for the ensuing year , and judging from the
feeling exhibited the re-appointment gave the greatest satisfaction . The R . W ., the Prov . G . M ., having addressed the brethren in an admirable speech touching upon the various topics of interest during the , year , which was loudly cheered , proceeded to appoint and invest the Provincial Grand Officers for the year , as follows : — Bro . J . I ) . Perrotr 051 Pr . ; v . S . G . W .
, „ Rowland Tlioma , 3 G 4 „ J . G . W . „ Chas . T . Heatley , M . A ., 237 ... „ J . Chnplan . „ Edward Jones , 960 „ Do . „ M . irmndulce 'Pennant , S 33 „ G , Reg . „ David Williams , 237 ... ., G . Sec ? „ John Plows , 110 „ S . G . D .
Bro . Thos . B . Bell , 960 „ J . G . D . „ John W . Hollam , 237 „ G . Supt . of Works . „ Evan Jones , G 51 „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . S . Stephens , 36 „ „ J . A . F . Snead , 651 „ G . Sword Bearer . „ R . S . Fisher , 36 „ G . Org . „ David Jenkins , S 33 „ G . Purst . Geo . Cansick 651 GSteward
„ , „ . . „ Richard Webb , 651 „ „ G . Robinson , 3 G „ „ „ W . M . Rees , 364 „ „ R . J . Coleman , 960 „ ., The Report of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee was then read by the Secretary , as follows : — " In presenting their annual report to Provincial Grand Lod
ge , the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee desire , in the first place , to record with much satisfaction , the continued success which , has attended the working of the system of steward representation . The expectations of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee , in this respect , have been more than realized . At the festival of the boys' school , in March last , the province was represented by Bro . Charles Bath , Prov . S . G . W ., and
Worshipful Master of the Indefatigable Lodge ( No . 237 ) , whose subscription list amounted to £ 130 . The stewardship to the girls ' school , in May , was undertaken by Bro . R . F . Langlev , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and Worshipful Master of the Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 ) , whose list amounted to £ 77 14 s . These contributions compare ' favourably with those of the two preceding years ; and it will be noticed with gratification , that the province is now contributing
at the rate of £ 230 to the Masonic schools . The province will next year be represented bv Bro . Charles Bath , Prov . S . G . W . to the girls' school , and Bro . H . LI . Pilchard , P . Prov . J . G . D . to the boys' school ; and the committee earnestly hope and believe that the efforts of two such worthy and energetic brethren will be as successful as have been those of their predecessors . Since the establishment of the system of steward representation , and the consequent increase of voting power acquired by the province , the election of three boys and two girls has been secured , all the candidates being immediately related to
members of one or other of the lodges of the provinee . At the last election to the boys' school , in April last , the province supported the case of George Hopwood , a nephew of Bro . F . A . Hopwood , of Swansea , and the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee have much pleasure in reporting his successful admission by a considerable majority of votes . In addition , thi 3 provinco has been enabled materially toassist in the election of other candidates supported by adjoining
provinces . These results have of course been obtained by a systematicutilization of the votes of the province through a recognized channel . The votes of this provinee alone are insufficient to obtain the return of a candidate to either charity ; hence , to ensure success , it is necessary to solicit aid from provinces able and willing to assist—viz ., from Bristol and Gloucester—to which provinces a large number of votes have to be repaid at the
earliest opportunity . The growing ability of tin ' s province to help others , obtains for it very ready assistance whenever needed ; and while very gratefully acknowledging the fraternal assistance always extended by the two provinces above named , it must he a great satisfaction to the brethren of South Wales ' to know that they are able to make a return for such friendly help .
The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee feel especially called upon to direct the attention of the brethren of the provinces to the fact that many valuable votes continue to be lost to the provinco , year after year , in consequence of this system not boing clearly apprehended , and in many cases by the negligence of the voter , or by a thoughtless distribution of votes in directions from which no return can bo expected . The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee cannot refrain from again urging upon the brethren
generally , and upon the Worshipful Masters of the various lodges in particular , the very great importance of acting in . combination . Bv united action the province is now able to work to great advantage , which desultory individual effort would fail to accomplish . In their next report , the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee hope to be able to announce tho representation of the province at tho festival of the Royal Masonic Benevoleut Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons ; tho Right Wor-
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SOMERSETSHIRE . PitoynreiAL GRAND LODGE . Tbere was a very strong muster of the Craft on Monday , the 15 th inst ., at Bridgwater , on the occasion of the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Somerset , which was held in the Townhall , which was beautifully decorated for the occasion by Bro . Davis and Mr . Dyer , of the Bridgwater
Nursery . The lodge was held under the presidency of Bro . Major A . W . Adair , Prov . G . M ., who appointed the following brethren as his officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Berryman , Prov . S . G . W .: Cook , Prov . J . G . W . ; Martin , Prov , G . Chap . ; Sail , Assist . Chap .,- E . T . Payne , Prov . G . Treas . ; Ricketts , Prov . G . Reg . ; Else , Prov . G . Sec , ; Jelley , Prov . S . G . D . ; Strong , Prov . G . J . D . ; Smith , Prov . G . Supt . of Works ; Garland , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ; HollwayAssistditto ; ReedProv . G . S . B .
, , , ; Marsh , Prov . G . Org . ; Neland , Prov . G . Purst . ; Young , Assist , ditto ; Hellier , Prov . G . Tyler ; Snmpter , Assist , ditto ; Long , " Barter , Hodges , Davis , Gillard , Bristowe , Parfitt , and Soper , Prov . G . Stewards . The following brethren were amongst those present : —Bros . Captain Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . ; R . Thomas and C . R . Davy , Grand Chaplains of England ' ; J . Cook , jun ., W . M . of the Lodge of Pernetual Friendship , Bridgwater ; B . C . Greenhill , S . W . ditto ; W . Young , J . W . ditto ; W . E .
Reeves , 906 , W . M ., P . Prov . G . Org . ; J . Greening , 41 ; J . Collett , 134 , P . M ., P . P ., & e . After the conclusion of the lodge business , a banquet took place in the Assembly Rooms of the Clarence Hotel , under the presidency of the Prov . G . M .
SOUTH WALES ( EASTERN DIVISION ) . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . Tho annual mooting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was hold at Brecon on Thursday , tho 18 th inst ., and was in every rospoct a most successful and agroeablo one . On this occasion tho lodges of the provinco , with tho oxcoptiou of Morthyi- and Abordaro , woro well roprosontod , and a nnmbor
of visiting brothron attended from Aborystwith , Horeford , Bath , London , and other placos . Tho Provincial Grand Lodgo was bold in tho spacious Assombly Rooms at tho Town Hall , which woro most appropriately and handsomely docoratod , tlio Brecon brothron having sparod no pains to render thoir rocoption of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo all that could bo desired . Tho R . W . tho Prov . G . M . BroThoodoro Hansel Talbotontorod
, . , tho lodge rooms at two o'clock , accompanied by tho D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Edward J . Morris , and attended by a largo nnmbor of Provincial Grand Oflicors . Tho business upon tho agonda paper was as follows : — To road and confirm tho minutes of tho last Provincial Grand Lodgo . To roceivo tho Provincial Grand Treasurer ' s accounts for tho
past year . To electa Provincial Grand Treasurer for tlio ensuing year . To appoint and invest tho Provincial Grand Oflicors for tho ensuing- year . To roceivo report of tho Provincial Grand Lodgo Connnittoo To prosont tho Charity jowol to tho Worshipful Bro . R . F . Langley , P . Pror . S . G . W ., as tho second Steward representing this provinco at tho Festivals oE tho Boys' and Girls' Schools .
To vote contributions to Masonic and othor charities . The Provincial Grand Lodge being opened , aud the minutes of the last meeting held at Swansea having been read and confirmed , the Prov . Grand Treas . ' s accounts for tho past year wero received and adopted , printed statements of some being freely distributed among the brethren . Bro . William Cox , P . M ., 237 , was unanimously re-elected Prov . Grand Trens . for the ensuing year , and judging from the
feeling exhibited the re-appointment gave the greatest satisfaction . The R . W ., the Prov . G . M ., having addressed the brethren in an admirable speech touching upon the various topics of interest during the , year , which was loudly cheered , proceeded to appoint and invest the Provincial Grand Officers for the year , as follows : — Bro . J . I ) . Perrotr 051 Pr . ; v . S . G . W .
, „ Rowland Tlioma , 3 G 4 „ J . G . W . „ Chas . T . Heatley , M . A ., 237 ... „ J . Chnplan . „ Edward Jones , 960 „ Do . „ M . irmndulce 'Pennant , S 33 „ G , Reg . „ David Williams , 237 ... ., G . Sec ? „ John Plows , 110 „ S . G . D .
Bro . Thos . B . Bell , 960 „ J . G . D . „ John W . Hollam , 237 „ G . Supt . of Works . „ Evan Jones , G 51 „ G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . S . Stephens , 36 „ „ J . A . F . Snead , 651 „ G . Sword Bearer . „ R . S . Fisher , 36 „ G . Org . „ David Jenkins , S 33 „ G . Purst . Geo . Cansick 651 GSteward
„ , „ . . „ Richard Webb , 651 „ „ G . Robinson , 3 G „ „ „ W . M . Rees , 364 „ „ R . J . Coleman , 960 „ ., The Report of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee was then read by the Secretary , as follows : — " In presenting their annual report to Provincial Grand Lod
ge , the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee desire , in the first place , to record with much satisfaction , the continued success which , has attended the working of the system of steward representation . The expectations of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee , in this respect , have been more than realized . At the festival of the boys' school , in March last , the province was represented by Bro . Charles Bath , Prov . S . G . W ., and
Worshipful Master of the Indefatigable Lodge ( No . 237 ) , whose subscription list amounted to £ 130 . The stewardship to the girls ' school , in May , was undertaken by Bro . R . F . Langlev , P . Prov . S . G . W ., and Worshipful Master of the Glamorgan Lodge ( No . 36 ) , whose list amounted to £ 77 14 s . These contributions compare ' favourably with those of the two preceding years ; and it will be noticed with gratification , that the province is now contributing
at the rate of £ 230 to the Masonic schools . The province will next year be represented bv Bro . Charles Bath , Prov . S . G . W . to the girls' school , and Bro . H . LI . Pilchard , P . Prov . J . G . D . to the boys' school ; and the committee earnestly hope and believe that the efforts of two such worthy and energetic brethren will be as successful as have been those of their predecessors . Since the establishment of the system of steward representation , and the consequent increase of voting power acquired by the province , the election of three boys and two girls has been secured , all the candidates being immediately related to
members of one or other of the lodges of the provinee . At the last election to the boys' school , in April last , the province supported the case of George Hopwood , a nephew of Bro . F . A . Hopwood , of Swansea , and the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee have much pleasure in reporting his successful admission by a considerable majority of votes . In addition , thi 3 provinco has been enabled materially toassist in the election of other candidates supported by adjoining
provinces . These results have of course been obtained by a systematicutilization of the votes of the province through a recognized channel . The votes of this provinee alone are insufficient to obtain the return of a candidate to either charity ; hence , to ensure success , it is necessary to solicit aid from provinces able and willing to assist—viz ., from Bristol and Gloucester—to which provinces a large number of votes have to be repaid at the
earliest opportunity . The growing ability of tin ' s province to help others , obtains for it very ready assistance whenever needed ; and while very gratefully acknowledging the fraternal assistance always extended by the two provinces above named , it must he a great satisfaction to the brethren of South Wales ' to know that they are able to make a return for such friendly help .
The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee feel especially called upon to direct the attention of the brethren of the provinces to the fact that many valuable votes continue to be lost to the provinco , year after year , in consequence of this system not boing clearly apprehended , and in many cases by the negligence of the voter , or by a thoughtless distribution of votes in directions from which no return can bo expected . The Provincial Grand Lodge Committee cannot refrain from again urging upon the brethren
generally , and upon the Worshipful Masters of the various lodges in particular , the very great importance of acting in . combination . Bv united action the province is now able to work to great advantage , which desultory individual effort would fail to accomplish . In their next report , the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee hope to be able to announce tho representation of the province at tho festival of the Royal Masonic Benevoleut Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows of Freemasons ; tho Right Wor-