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sliipful the Provincial Grand Master having kindly promised to serve as the first steward for this excellent charity , which is entitled to the best support of the brethren . " The presentation of tho Charity jewel to Bro . R . F . Langlc } -, P . Prov . S . G . W ., was deferred in consequence of the brother ' s unavoidable absence . Tlio Prov . G . M . announced that he would take an early opportunity of presenting the jewel to Bro . Langley in his own lodge at
Cardiff . On the motion of the D . Prov . G . M ., the following donations were unanimously voted from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge , viz ., £ 21 to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , £ 21 to the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children , £ 21 to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons— £ 10 10 s . to tho Male Annuitant Fund , and £ 10 10 s . to tho Female Annuitant Fund . The D . Prov . G . M . having briefly explained what had been done
, in the past , and what was now doing , as regards support to tho Masonic Charities , very warmly and heartily commended the past exertions of the brethren , and the liberal spirit generally evinced throughout the province . He strongly urged the need of increased effort , and besought the brethren not to slacken in their good work , but to let the ensuing year hear abundant fruit in the shape of increased subscriptions . The motion was seconded by Bro . H . L . Prichard , P . Prov . J . G . D ., and supported by Bro . Frederick
Binckes , P . G . S ., Secretary to the Boys' School , in an eloquent address , in which , although speaking for the Masonic Charities generally , he did not omit to bespeak the sympathies of his auditors for the excellent institution which he so well represents . The announcement that the Prov . G . M . had kindly consented to Tepiesent the province as its fivst Stcwai-d at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , in January next , was received with much applause . The sum of £ 5 5 s . was voted as a special donation to the Brecon
Infirmary , it being the custom at these meetings to set apart this sum for the benefit of a local charity . The usual collection on behalf of the poor was then made , which amounted to £ 7 12 s . 4 d ., and it was given to the W . M . to be handed to the vicar of the parish for distribution . The Provincial Grand Lodsre was then closed in due form .
At four o ' clock the brethren , about 120 in number , sat down to partake of an excellent banquet , provided in admirable style at the Castle of Brecon Hotel . The Prov . G . M . presided , supported by the D . Prov . G . M . and Bros . C . R . Davey , P . G . Chap , and F . Binckes , P . G . S ., the newly-appointed Prov . G . Officers ; Chas . Bath , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; F . D . Michael , P . Pvov . S . G . W . ; J . G . Hall , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; P . II . Rowland , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; J . D . Davies , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; D . rhoinas , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; Thos . B . Hosken , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; W . Whittington and J . FeltonP . Prov . G . Sees . ;
, W . L . Powell , Thomas Hodge , and H . L . Prichard , P . Prov . G . D ' s . ; E . J . Thomas , Thomas Powell , and P . Donaldson , P . Prov . G . Dirs . of Cers . ; Edw . Flicker , P . Prov . G . Org . ; II . A . Rich and J . Jones Hewson , P . Prov . G . S . ' s ; J . J . Nettell , G . B . Brock , W . E . Brown , Phillips , Rogers , Hughes , Morley , Hill , Deer , Bell , Phillips , Prothero , Davies , Thomas , Mesnier , Williams , the W . M ., Bro . G . T . Smith , S . Balcombe , J . Davis , and several officers of the Aberystwith Lodge ; LawsonWilts ; MyersHereford ; MontgomeryJonestwo
, , , , visitors from lodges in America , and many others . The following loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , and duly honoured : — "The Queen and the Craft ; " "The M . W . the Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland ; " "The R . W . the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the Officers of Grand Lodge ; " "The R . W . the Provincial Grand Master ; " "Tne W . the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; " "The Visitors ; " "The Provincial Grand Officers , " "The Masonic Charities
; " "The W . M . of the Brecknock Lodge ( No . Col ); " "The Lodges of the Province . " The harmony which prevailed was further enhanced by some excellent songs , glees , & c , contributed by the Swansea and Brecon brethren . Bro . Flicker , P . Prov . G . Org ., presided at the pianoforte with his usual ability . A most enjoyable evening was passed , and , when tho timo arrived for the departure of the special train which conveyed the visitors home , the parly broke with sincere regret that the proceedings could not
up be prolonged . The greatest praise is due to the W . M . and Officers of the Brecon Lodge for having initiated , perfected , and carried out their admirable arrangements , which gave universal satisfaction . In no lodge of the province is the true spirit of Masonry better understood , or earned move into practice , than by the very ' hospitable , genial , and zealous members of No . 651 ,
WARWICKSHIRE . BlinniTOirAll . —PUkington Lodge ( Xo . 1 , 016 ) . —The monthly mooting of this lod go was hold at tho Masonic Rooms in Now Hall-stroot , on Tuosday , tho 23 rd inst . Owing to tho oxeitomont causod by a contested oloction of a mombor of Parliament on this day , tho attondanco was much moro limited than usual . Tho lodgo was oponod at six o ' clock by Bro . Henry Bourno , W . M ., assistod by Bros . Grinsell , S . W . ; Dr . Foster , J . W . ; McCrackon ,
P . M ., acting as Secretary ; and Dr . Hopkins , a visitor , acting as I . P . M . Tho minutes of tho provious mooting woro read and confirmed . Bros . H . G . Quiltor and T . D . Watson wero prosontod as candidatos for tho dogroo of P . O ., and , haying boon oxaminod , woro entrusted and dismissod for preparation . Tho lodgo was oponod in tho socond dogroo . The candidates were ro-admittod , and passod to tho rank of F . C . in very oroditablo stlo btho W . M . ; indeedtho reporternot boing a mombor of
y y , , tho lodgo , has pleasure in bearing testimony to tho officioncy and correct working of tho officers . Tho chargo and tho locturo on tho tracing board woro givon by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., & c , at tho roquost of tho W . M ., who afterwards proposod a cordial voto of thanks to him for tho assistanco ho had rendered , which was seconded by tho S . W ., and carriod unanimously . Tho lodge was thon olosod intho second dogroo . A circular from tho Grand Socrotaryin roforonco to tho oaro nocossary in tho examination
, and admission of tho visitors , was road by tho W . M ., _ and ordorod to bo insortod in the minutos . Aftor somo discussion as to a proposed oxcursion into tho country by tho momhors , no othor business offering , tho lodgo was closod at eight o ' clock in porfoct harmony and brotherly love .
BoimA . There are no Masonic lodges in this country . The civil wars and political revolutions which have occurred in rapid succession since its formation as a government , have so disturbed society , paralyzed commerce , and prevented foreign intercourse with its few thousand inhabitants scattered through the wild mountain range of the Andes , or in the few villages situated on the barren ,, sandy coast of the Pacificas to give but faint hopes of any
, speedy and permanent introduction of onr Order among that mixed race , the majority of whom are yet uneducated , and ,, being governed by priestly influence , would not be very eager to search for our light , or easily taught to properly comprehend itssublime teachings .
CHIIE . The earliest introduction of Masonry in Chile is said to havebeen about 1840 . A lodge was then working at Valparaiso , but its members having attempted to use the order for political pm > poses , the lodge was compelled to close its labours . It is notknown in what rite they worked , or under what authority ' . In 1851 , the French residents of Valparaiso obtained a
warrant from the Grand Orient of France , and established a lodge iu that city ( Valparaiso ) , under date of Nov . 12 , 1851 , and name of Etoile du Paeifique . Iu April , 1854 , another lodge was regularly organized under the same authority , and title of Union Fraternal . Since then , other lodges have been duly established at several places , working in the Ancient Accepted and York Rites , and Masonry may now be- considered as one of the established institutions of progressive Chile . The order
appearsto have gradually increased , and the brethren worked in harmony till about the end of 1861 , when , according to statements since made public , discord and partisan feeling began to rear its hydra head and contaminate the sanctuary where peace and harmony should have reigned supreme , and thus the resultshave shown that Chile g ives us another illustration of that lamentable condition in which the interest and prosperity of the Order can be made to sufl ' or by the attempt of a few to
assume and exercise powers that arc contrary to long established and recognized Masonic law and usage . In January , 1862 , Napoleon III . exercised his arbitrary power by placing Marshal Magnan , who was not a Mason , to the noval position of Grand Master of the Masonic Order in France , a circumstance which was extensively commented on at the time , and universally condemned by the fraternity at large . In consequence of this act of Napoleonover which the Grand Orient appears to have
, had no control , the lodge , Union Fraternal , on receipt of the news , declined to submit any longer to the authority of the said Grand Orient , and at once , by resolution passed at a regular session , refused obedience to the Grand Orient ol France , after which the charter was given to a special committee , with direc-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
sliipful the Provincial Grand Master having kindly promised to serve as the first steward for this excellent charity , which is entitled to the best support of the brethren . " The presentation of tho Charity jewel to Bro . R . F . Langlc } -, P . Prov . S . G . W ., was deferred in consequence of the brother ' s unavoidable absence . Tlio Prov . G . M . announced that he would take an early opportunity of presenting the jewel to Bro . Langley in his own lodge at
Cardiff . On the motion of the D . Prov . G . M ., the following donations were unanimously voted from the funds of the Provincial Grand Lodge , viz ., £ 21 to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , £ 21 to the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children , £ 21 to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and the Widows of Freemasons— £ 10 10 s . to tho Male Annuitant Fund , and £ 10 10 s . to tho Female Annuitant Fund . The D . Prov . G . M . having briefly explained what had been done
, in the past , and what was now doing , as regards support to tho Masonic Charities , very warmly and heartily commended the past exertions of the brethren , and the liberal spirit generally evinced throughout the province . He strongly urged the need of increased effort , and besought the brethren not to slacken in their good work , but to let the ensuing year hear abundant fruit in the shape of increased subscriptions . The motion was seconded by Bro . H . L . Prichard , P . Prov . J . G . D ., and supported by Bro . Frederick
Binckes , P . G . S ., Secretary to the Boys' School , in an eloquent address , in which , although speaking for the Masonic Charities generally , he did not omit to bespeak the sympathies of his auditors for the excellent institution which he so well represents . The announcement that the Prov . G . M . had kindly consented to Tepiesent the province as its fivst Stcwai-d at the Festival of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , in January next , was received with much applause . The sum of £ 5 5 s . was voted as a special donation to the Brecon
Infirmary , it being the custom at these meetings to set apart this sum for the benefit of a local charity . The usual collection on behalf of the poor was then made , which amounted to £ 7 12 s . 4 d ., and it was given to the W . M . to be handed to the vicar of the parish for distribution . The Provincial Grand Lodsre was then closed in due form .
At four o ' clock the brethren , about 120 in number , sat down to partake of an excellent banquet , provided in admirable style at the Castle of Brecon Hotel . The Prov . G . M . presided , supported by the D . Prov . G . M . and Bros . C . R . Davey , P . G . Chap , and F . Binckes , P . G . S ., the newly-appointed Prov . G . Officers ; Chas . Bath , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; F . D . Michael , P . Pvov . S . G . W . ; J . G . Hall , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; P . II . Rowland , P . Prov . J . G . W . ; J . D . Davies , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; D . rhoinas , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; Thos . B . Hosken , P . Prov . G . Chap . ; W . Whittington and J . FeltonP . Prov . G . Sees . ;
, W . L . Powell , Thomas Hodge , and H . L . Prichard , P . Prov . G . D ' s . ; E . J . Thomas , Thomas Powell , and P . Donaldson , P . Prov . G . Dirs . of Cers . ; Edw . Flicker , P . Prov . G . Org . ; II . A . Rich and J . Jones Hewson , P . Prov . G . S . ' s ; J . J . Nettell , G . B . Brock , W . E . Brown , Phillips , Rogers , Hughes , Morley , Hill , Deer , Bell , Phillips , Prothero , Davies , Thomas , Mesnier , Williams , the W . M ., Bro . G . T . Smith , S . Balcombe , J . Davis , and several officers of the Aberystwith Lodge ; LawsonWilts ; MyersHereford ; MontgomeryJonestwo
, , , , visitors from lodges in America , and many others . The following loyal and Masonic toasts were given from the chair , and duly honoured : — "The Queen and the Craft ; " "The M . W . the Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland ; " "The R . W . the Deputy Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Ripon , and the Officers of Grand Lodge ; " "The R . W . the Provincial Grand Master ; " "Tne W . the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; " "The Visitors ; " "The Provincial Grand Officers , " "The Masonic Charities
; " "The W . M . of the Brecknock Lodge ( No . Col ); " "The Lodges of the Province . " The harmony which prevailed was further enhanced by some excellent songs , glees , & c , contributed by the Swansea and Brecon brethren . Bro . Flicker , P . Prov . G . Org ., presided at the pianoforte with his usual ability . A most enjoyable evening was passed , and , when tho timo arrived for the departure of the special train which conveyed the visitors home , the parly broke with sincere regret that the proceedings could not
up be prolonged . The greatest praise is due to the W . M . and Officers of the Brecon Lodge for having initiated , perfected , and carried out their admirable arrangements , which gave universal satisfaction . In no lodge of the province is the true spirit of Masonry better understood , or earned move into practice , than by the very ' hospitable , genial , and zealous members of No . 651 ,
WARWICKSHIRE . BlinniTOirAll . —PUkington Lodge ( Xo . 1 , 016 ) . —The monthly mooting of this lod go was hold at tho Masonic Rooms in Now Hall-stroot , on Tuosday , tho 23 rd inst . Owing to tho oxeitomont causod by a contested oloction of a mombor of Parliament on this day , tho attondanco was much moro limited than usual . Tho lodgo was oponod at six o ' clock by Bro . Henry Bourno , W . M ., assistod by Bros . Grinsell , S . W . ; Dr . Foster , J . W . ; McCrackon ,
P . M ., acting as Secretary ; and Dr . Hopkins , a visitor , acting as I . P . M . Tho minutes of tho provious mooting woro read and confirmed . Bros . H . G . Quiltor and T . D . Watson wero prosontod as candidatos for tho dogroo of P . O ., and , haying boon oxaminod , woro entrusted and dismissod for preparation . Tho lodgo was oponod in tho socond dogroo . The candidates were ro-admittod , and passod to tho rank of F . C . in very oroditablo stlo btho W . M . ; indeedtho reporternot boing a mombor of
y y , , tho lodgo , has pleasure in bearing testimony to tho officioncy and correct working of tho officers . Tho chargo and tho locturo on tho tracing board woro givon by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , P . M ., & c , at tho roquost of tho W . M ., who afterwards proposod a cordial voto of thanks to him for tho assistanco ho had rendered , which was seconded by tho S . W ., and carriod unanimously . Tho lodge was thon olosod intho second dogroo . A circular from tho Grand Socrotaryin roforonco to tho oaro nocossary in tho examination
, and admission of tho visitors , was road by tho W . M ., _ and ordorod to bo insortod in the minutos . Aftor somo discussion as to a proposed oxcursion into tho country by tho momhors , no othor business offering , tho lodgo was closod at eight o ' clock in porfoct harmony and brotherly love .
BoimA . There are no Masonic lodges in this country . The civil wars and political revolutions which have occurred in rapid succession since its formation as a government , have so disturbed society , paralyzed commerce , and prevented foreign intercourse with its few thousand inhabitants scattered through the wild mountain range of the Andes , or in the few villages situated on the barren ,, sandy coast of the Pacificas to give but faint hopes of any
, speedy and permanent introduction of onr Order among that mixed race , the majority of whom are yet uneducated , and ,, being governed by priestly influence , would not be very eager to search for our light , or easily taught to properly comprehend itssublime teachings .
CHIIE . The earliest introduction of Masonry in Chile is said to havebeen about 1840 . A lodge was then working at Valparaiso , but its members having attempted to use the order for political pm > poses , the lodge was compelled to close its labours . It is notknown in what rite they worked , or under what authority ' . In 1851 , the French residents of Valparaiso obtained a
warrant from the Grand Orient of France , and established a lodge iu that city ( Valparaiso ) , under date of Nov . 12 , 1851 , and name of Etoile du Paeifique . Iu April , 1854 , another lodge was regularly organized under the same authority , and title of Union Fraternal . Since then , other lodges have been duly established at several places , working in the Ancient Accepted and York Rites , and Masonry may now be- considered as one of the established institutions of progressive Chile . The order
appearsto have gradually increased , and the brethren worked in harmony till about the end of 1861 , when , according to statements since made public , discord and partisan feeling began to rear its hydra head and contaminate the sanctuary where peace and harmony should have reigned supreme , and thus the resultshave shown that Chile g ives us another illustration of that lamentable condition in which the interest and prosperity of the Order can be made to sufl ' or by the attempt of a few to
assume and exercise powers that arc contrary to long established and recognized Masonic law and usage . In January , 1862 , Napoleon III . exercised his arbitrary power by placing Marshal Magnan , who was not a Mason , to the noval position of Grand Master of the Masonic Order in France , a circumstance which was extensively commented on at the time , and universally condemned by the fraternity at large . In consequence of this act of Napoleonover which the Grand Orient appears to have
, had no control , the lodge , Union Fraternal , on receipt of the news , declined to submit any longer to the authority of the said Grand Orient , and at once , by resolution passed at a regular session , refused obedience to the Grand Orient ol France , after which the charter was given to a special committee , with direc-