Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ROSE CROIX. Page 1 of 1 Article ROSE CROIX. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 4 →
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Royal Arch.
sincerely ; and also , M . E . Z . and companions , allow me to thank you for the honour you have conferred upon me in presenting me with this jewel . I shall ever wear it with pride , because I have obtained , and hope to obtain , the esteem of my companions , and with pleasure , because I trust it will be an incentive to others to labour diligently and faithfully in their respective offices , and thus become worthy of similar honours . After again thanking the companionsComp . Taylor resumed his seat ,
, evidently much affected . The M . E . P . Z ., Comp . Taylor , said he had great pleasure in proposing the health of their M . E . Z ., Comp . Marsh . They all knew his zeal for the chapter and Freemasonry , and that he was always willing to fill any office . He ( Comp . Taylor ) trusted that the M . E . Z- 's year of office would be more prosperous than his own had been . Comp . Marsh , iu returning thanks , said he felt quite unable to acknowledge as
he ought to do tho extremely kind manner in which his health had been proposed and drunk . He assured them he should endeavour , during the forthcoming year , to conduct the business of the chapter , as nearly as possible , in the manner that his ¦ predecessor had done ; and , in seeking in that way to win their approbation , he was sure he might confidently look for support -from the P . Z . ' s of the chapter . " The Health of the Newly-Exalted " was proposed , and duly responded to by Comp . L .
Coriea , who said be was much pleased with the kind reception he had received , and trusted to profit from it . " The Health of the Officers" was proposed , and duly reponded to by Comps . Crane , H . ; Williams , J . ; Lunt , S . E . ; Baker , S . N . ; Berry , Treas . ; and Pepper , P . Z ., P . S ., on behalf of Comp . Doyle , P . S . " The Health of the Visitors " was next proposed . Comp Jones , of Chapter 241 , returned thanks , and said he was much pleased ¦ with the good working of the chapter . There being no further business , the companions retired at ten o'clock .
Knights Templar.
HERTFORDSHIRE . WA . 1 E 0 RT > . —Stuart Encampment . —The July meeting of this encampment was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 22 nd lust . The attendance was very numerous , and was honoured by the presence of Sir Knt . Stuart , the most Eminent and Supreme Graud Master , P . E . C . of this encampmeut . Amovigst the Sir Knts . present were : —Sir Knts . G . Francis , Prov . G . C .
of Herts , Buuhill-Herne , D . Prov . G . C , Reg . ; H . C . Finch , E . C . ; Tootcb , P . E . C ; T . F . Halsey , Copeland , Brett , Heme , jun ., and others . Comps . Nepeau and Stevenson , both of the Watford Chapter , were admitted into the Order , and Sir Knt . Humbert duly installed E . C . of the encampment . 'Die Registrar read from the minutes the resolution , a copy of which , in accordance with their desire , he had forwarded to Mrs . Branson , viz .: — " That the members of the Stuart
Encampment bad heard with sincere regret of the death of thenesteemed and valued Bro . Sir Knight the Rev . Robert T . Branson , M . A ., a regret that was much enhanced when they call to mind that ho was unable , through long continued illness , to perforin the functions of the high offices in that and the other Orders of Freemasonry at Watford to which be had been elected , the duties of which they are satisfied ho would have performed with the same energy and success as had so
long characterised his career as a minister of the gospel at St . Peter ' s , Bnshey . In making this communication to his widow ¦ they desire to oiler their sincere sympathy on her sad loss , and to _ add their cordial hope that , relying upon the aid of the Most High , she will be supported under this severe dispensation of Providence . " In reply to the above the Registrar read portions ¦ of a very feeling and interesting letter from Mrs . Branson . There being no other business , the encampment was closed
with solemn prayer , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to the banquet , of which twent y members partook , and passed a very pleasant evening , characterised by that harmony and good feeling so prevalent at the Masonic gatherings at Watford .
Rose Croix.
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE . NoTlHfGHAU . —Nottingham Chapter . —The members of this Chapter held their anniversary meeting at the Assembly Rooms ,
Rose Croix.
on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . T . W , Robinson , M . W . S . ; assisted by Bros . S . R . Parr Shilton , 31 ° P . M ., W . S . ; J . Comyn , P . M ., W . S . ; the Rev . E . H . Harcourt Vernon , 30 ° , Prelate ; E . M . Kidd , 1 st Gen . ; M . Vowle , 2 nd Gen . ; H . A . Attenborough , G . M . ; i \ IV . Parsons , R . Eitzhugh , C . Feamley , and J . Cumming ; Banwell , Equerry without . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , the Sec . Gen . to the Supreme Grand Council ,
having honoured the chapter with his presence , the M . W . S . requested him to gratify the brethren by opening the chapter , which he kindly consented to do , and the same was accordinglyopened in ancient and solemn form , when Bro . Pullen proceeded to initiate the candidates into this most impressive degree , in that dignified manner so well known to the brethren of this Order . Bro . Pullen then installed in ancient and solemn form , Bro . E . M . Kidd as M . W . S . for the ensuing year ,
who appointed the following officers : —Bros , the Rev . E . H . T . Vernon , Prelate ; M . Vowles , 1 st Gen .: H . A . Attenborough , 2 nd Gen . ; T . G . Ransom , Grand Marshal ; C . Allcock , Raphael ; T . W . Parsons , Captain of the Guard ; J . C . Banwell , Equerry Without . There being no further business before the chapter the same was closed in due form according to ancient custom . The brethren then adjourned to the George Hotel , and partook of a sumptuous banquet , presided over by the M . W . S . After the removal of the cloth the usual loyal toasts were duly honoured , followed by much instruction and valuable Masonic information .
The Week.
THE CcnxRT . —Her Majesty and the Royal Family , with the exception of their Royal Highnesses Prince Arthur and Prince Louis of Hesse who accompanied the Sultan back to Portsmouth , returned to Osborne , on the afternoon of the 17 th inst ., at half-past five o ' clock after the naval review . Her Majesty and the Royal Family walked
and drove out on the 18 th inst . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Louise and Princess Leiningen , drove out in a carriage and four in the afternoon . Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse returned to Osborne on tho 20 th inst ., from London . Divine service was performed on the morning of the
21 st inst . by the ROY . R . Duckworth before her Majesty , their Royal Highnesses Princess Louis of Hesse , Princess Louise , Prince Arthur , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice . The Queen and Royal Family , walked out on the morning of tho 22 nd inst . Her Imperial Majesty the Empress of the French arrived in the afternoon on a visit to the Queen . Her Majesty is attended
by the Duchess de Bassano and the Count de Brissac . The Queen , accompanied by the Empress , drove out on the morning of the 23 rd inst . The Sultan , with the Imperial Princes and the whole of his Imperial Majesty ' s suite , left Buckingham Palace at half-past ten o ' clock for Dover , en route to the Continent . The Queen ,
accompanied by the Empress of the French , Princess Louis of Hesse , aud Princess Louise , drove out in the afternoon in a carriage and four . Major-General Seymour was in attendance on horseback . The Empress of the French embarked on the morning of the 2-lth insfc , in the Reine Horfcense on her return to France , attended by the
Duchess de Bassano and Count de Brissac . The Queen , with their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse , Princess Louise , Prince Arthur , and Princess Beatrice , accompanied the Empress to Osborne Pier to take leave of her Majesty . IMPEKIAII PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE or LORDS on the 18 th inst ,, a bill brought in by the Lord Chancellor in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
sincerely ; and also , M . E . Z . and companions , allow me to thank you for the honour you have conferred upon me in presenting me with this jewel . I shall ever wear it with pride , because I have obtained , and hope to obtain , the esteem of my companions , and with pleasure , because I trust it will be an incentive to others to labour diligently and faithfully in their respective offices , and thus become worthy of similar honours . After again thanking the companionsComp . Taylor resumed his seat ,
, evidently much affected . The M . E . P . Z ., Comp . Taylor , said he had great pleasure in proposing the health of their M . E . Z ., Comp . Marsh . They all knew his zeal for the chapter and Freemasonry , and that he was always willing to fill any office . He ( Comp . Taylor ) trusted that the M . E . Z- 's year of office would be more prosperous than his own had been . Comp . Marsh , iu returning thanks , said he felt quite unable to acknowledge as
he ought to do tho extremely kind manner in which his health had been proposed and drunk . He assured them he should endeavour , during the forthcoming year , to conduct the business of the chapter , as nearly as possible , in the manner that his ¦ predecessor had done ; and , in seeking in that way to win their approbation , he was sure he might confidently look for support -from the P . Z . ' s of the chapter . " The Health of the Newly-Exalted " was proposed , and duly responded to by Comp . L .
Coriea , who said be was much pleased with the kind reception he had received , and trusted to profit from it . " The Health of the Officers" was proposed , and duly reponded to by Comps . Crane , H . ; Williams , J . ; Lunt , S . E . ; Baker , S . N . ; Berry , Treas . ; and Pepper , P . Z ., P . S ., on behalf of Comp . Doyle , P . S . " The Health of the Visitors " was next proposed . Comp Jones , of Chapter 241 , returned thanks , and said he was much pleased ¦ with the good working of the chapter . There being no further business , the companions retired at ten o'clock .
Knights Templar.
HERTFORDSHIRE . WA . 1 E 0 RT > . —Stuart Encampment . —The July meeting of this encampment was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on the 22 nd lust . The attendance was very numerous , and was honoured by the presence of Sir Knt . Stuart , the most Eminent and Supreme Graud Master , P . E . C . of this encampmeut . Amovigst the Sir Knts . present were : —Sir Knts . G . Francis , Prov . G . C .
of Herts , Buuhill-Herne , D . Prov . G . C , Reg . ; H . C . Finch , E . C . ; Tootcb , P . E . C ; T . F . Halsey , Copeland , Brett , Heme , jun ., and others . Comps . Nepeau and Stevenson , both of the Watford Chapter , were admitted into the Order , and Sir Knt . Humbert duly installed E . C . of the encampment . 'Die Registrar read from the minutes the resolution , a copy of which , in accordance with their desire , he had forwarded to Mrs . Branson , viz .: — " That the members of the Stuart
Encampment bad heard with sincere regret of the death of thenesteemed and valued Bro . Sir Knight the Rev . Robert T . Branson , M . A ., a regret that was much enhanced when they call to mind that ho was unable , through long continued illness , to perforin the functions of the high offices in that and the other Orders of Freemasonry at Watford to which be had been elected , the duties of which they are satisfied ho would have performed with the same energy and success as had so
long characterised his career as a minister of the gospel at St . Peter ' s , Bnshey . In making this communication to his widow ¦ they desire to oiler their sincere sympathy on her sad loss , and to _ add their cordial hope that , relying upon the aid of the Most High , she will be supported under this severe dispensation of Providence . " In reply to the above the Registrar read portions ¦ of a very feeling and interesting letter from Mrs . Branson . There being no other business , the encampment was closed
with solemn prayer , and the Sir Knts . adjourned to the banquet , of which twent y members partook , and passed a very pleasant evening , characterised by that harmony and good feeling so prevalent at the Masonic gatherings at Watford .
Rose Croix.
NOTTINGHAMSHIRE . NoTlHfGHAU . —Nottingham Chapter . —The members of this Chapter held their anniversary meeting at the Assembly Rooms ,
Rose Croix.
on Thursday , the 4 th inst ., under the presidency of Bro . T . W , Robinson , M . W . S . ; assisted by Bros . S . R . Parr Shilton , 31 ° P . M ., W . S . ; J . Comyn , P . M ., W . S . ; the Rev . E . H . Harcourt Vernon , 30 ° , Prelate ; E . M . Kidd , 1 st Gen . ; M . Vowle , 2 nd Gen . ; H . A . Attenborough , G . M . ; i \ IV . Parsons , R . Eitzhugh , C . Feamley , and J . Cumming ; Banwell , Equerry without . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , the Sec . Gen . to the Supreme Grand Council ,
having honoured the chapter with his presence , the M . W . S . requested him to gratify the brethren by opening the chapter , which he kindly consented to do , and the same was accordinglyopened in ancient and solemn form , when Bro . Pullen proceeded to initiate the candidates into this most impressive degree , in that dignified manner so well known to the brethren of this Order . Bro . Pullen then installed in ancient and solemn form , Bro . E . M . Kidd as M . W . S . for the ensuing year ,
who appointed the following officers : —Bros , the Rev . E . H . T . Vernon , Prelate ; M . Vowles , 1 st Gen .: H . A . Attenborough , 2 nd Gen . ; T . G . Ransom , Grand Marshal ; C . Allcock , Raphael ; T . W . Parsons , Captain of the Guard ; J . C . Banwell , Equerry Without . There being no further business before the chapter the same was closed in due form according to ancient custom . The brethren then adjourned to the George Hotel , and partook of a sumptuous banquet , presided over by the M . W . S . After the removal of the cloth the usual loyal toasts were duly honoured , followed by much instruction and valuable Masonic information .
The Week.
THE CcnxRT . —Her Majesty and the Royal Family , with the exception of their Royal Highnesses Prince Arthur and Prince Louis of Hesse who accompanied the Sultan back to Portsmouth , returned to Osborne , on the afternoon of the 17 th inst ., at half-past five o ' clock after the naval review . Her Majesty and the Royal Family walked
and drove out on the 18 th inst . The Queen , accompanied by Princess Louise and Princess Leiningen , drove out in a carriage and four in the afternoon . Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse returned to Osborne on tho 20 th inst ., from London . Divine service was performed on the morning of the
21 st inst . by the ROY . R . Duckworth before her Majesty , their Royal Highnesses Princess Louis of Hesse , Princess Louise , Prince Arthur , Prince Leopold , and Princess Beatrice . The Queen and Royal Family , walked out on the morning of tho 22 nd inst . Her Imperial Majesty the Empress of the French arrived in the afternoon on a visit to the Queen . Her Majesty is attended
by the Duchess de Bassano and the Count de Brissac . The Queen , accompanied by the Empress , drove out on the morning of the 23 rd inst . The Sultan , with the Imperial Princes and the whole of his Imperial Majesty ' s suite , left Buckingham Palace at half-past ten o ' clock for Dover , en route to the Continent . The Queen ,
accompanied by the Empress of the French , Princess Louis of Hesse , aud Princess Louise , drove out in the afternoon in a carriage and four . Major-General Seymour was in attendance on horseback . The Empress of the French embarked on the morning of the 2-lth insfc , in the Reine Horfcense on her return to France , attended by the
Duchess de Bassano and Count de Brissac . The Queen , with their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse , Princess Louise , Prince Arthur , and Princess Beatrice , accompanied the Empress to Osborne Pier to take leave of her Majesty . IMPEKIAII PARLIAMENT . —In the HOUSE or LORDS on the 18 th inst ,, a bill brought in by the Lord Chancellor in