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The Week.
reference to prorogations of Parliament in the recess , was read a second time . At present , prorogations of this kind have to be done iu form in tho House of Lords . The Lord Chancellor declares this to bo useless , and proposes that inter-sessional prorogations shall be made by an Order in Council . On the 19 th hist ., Lord
Stratford de Redcliffe , yielding to the entreaties of Lord Derby and Lord Russell , withdrew the motion of which he had given notice in reference to the execution of Maximilian . —The Industrial Schools Bill was opposed by the Government , and finally rejected . —Replying to a question put by the Marquis of Clanricarde , the Earl
of Derby said the Spanish Government were about to grant a new trial in the case of the Tornado . The Duke of Argyll expressed his satisfaction with the manner in which the matter had been dealt with by the Government . It was , be added , much tj he regretted that there was no law which could effectually put a stop to
the fitting-out of ships like the Tornado for service against a Power with which we woro at peace . —The Duke of Buckingham announced , in reply to a question by Earl Russell , that he bad written to Sir J . P . Grant , Governor of Jamaica , ordering that Mr . Purcell should be removed from a stipendiary magistrateship to which he
had recently been appointed . Mr . Parcel ] , it may be remembered , while officiating in his own court , made a most indecent attack upon the charge of Lord Chief Justice Cockburn to the jury at the Central Criminal Court . Earl Melville denounced tho charges as onesided and unfair . This drew from the Lord Chancellor
a strong vindication of the charge . The appearance of the Reform Bill in the House on the 22 nd inst . was the cause of an unwonted gathering . The peers mustered in great force , and the peeresses crowded the side galleries . ' 1 he Earl of Derby moved the socond reading of the bill in a speech even more distinguished than the
noble lord ' s speeches usually are . After pointing out the differences between the present time and 1832 , he went on to criticise the manner in which the late Government had dealt with Reform . He accused Mr . Gladstone of having been imperious , and of having dictated to tbo House of Commons , and thus raised up a
feeling which caused the rejection of the bill . Having disposed of this part of the subject , tbo noble earl went on to say that when he took office be resolved to carry an efficient measure , and hence the appearance of the bill then before them . The principle of personal rating was then enlarged upon , as tho feature which distinguished
this bill above all others , and made it a thoroughly safe measure . At great length he explained the bill , and combatted objections which had been raised to it . Earl Grey followed , and moved his amendment . He contended that tho bill bad never been sufficiently considered , and that it was essential their lordships should
watch it carefully . Lord Ravensworth , the Earl of Morley , Lord Stratford do Redclifle , the Duke of Rutland , and other peers took part in the discussion . On the 23 rd inst ., aftor a short personal explanation on the part of Earl Carnarvon as to the authorship of the £ 6 rating franchise bill , Lord Shaftesbury resumed the debate on the second reading of the Reform Bill . Of
course , his Lordship was a Radical , but he did not like the bill . If they were to come down to equality there was no reason to jump out of the window when they might have come down stairs . The Lord Chancellor followed with a criticism of Earl Grey ' s amendment , and a defence of the hill . Tho Duke of Argyll , the Duke of
Richmond ; the Marquis of Clanricarde , the Earl of Faversham , Lord Houghton , the Earl of Harrowby , Lord Cairns , and other peers subsequently took part im the debate . On the 18 th inst ., the House of Commons sat from twelve o ' clock at noou to six in the evening . As soon as the House was made , Mr . Hunt
informed Mr . Read that a great deal of the money voted by tho House for the owners of slaughtered cattle had been paid . Mr . Cave , in answer to Mr . Graves , expressed a hope that the bill for amending the law of limited liability would be in the hands of members at an early date . —Sir Stafford Hbrthcote took occasion , in replying
to an inquiry addressed to him by Mr , H . B . Sheridan , to announce that tho Viceroy of Egypt would not attend the ball to the Sultan at the new India Offices because his engagements did not permit him to remain in this country . The right hon . baronet then explained that it was the wish of the authorities at the India Office to ask
to the ball as many members of the House of Commons as they could ; but they could not send invitations to all of the members of the House of Gommons , because if they did so they should also ask all the members of the House of Lords ; and the assemblage of so large a number of persons , with the ladies they would be at
liberty to bring with them , would fill the building , to the exclusion of persons connected with India and other visitors . He declined to lay a list oi the persons invited before the House , and expressed his disapproval of a suggestion to make a charge for the tickets . If tickets were sold every one having money could uurchase them ,
and it was impossible to say what kind of person would be found amongst the company . In fact , through the power of the purse , vory objectionable persons might gain admission to the gilded saloons of the new India-Office if the tickets for the ball were made saleable articles . Mr . H . B . Sheridan intimated that on a future
day he would put a scries of questions to the right hon . gentleman having reference to the subject . On the 19 th inst ., Mr . W . E . Forster asked the Under-Secretary for the Colonies to lay upon the table the instructions sent to colonial governors for their guidance in case of insurrection . Mr . Adderley explained that the
instructions were sent out in confidential draft for consideration to the governors of all the colonies . These instructions were not in the sense of peremptory regulations , but rather in the way of advice and caution to those governors in case of insurrection . It was directed that no place should be proclaimed unless there was
armed resistance to tho law beyond the ordinary powers for suppression ; that the proclaimed districts should not extend further than was necessary ; that the proclamation should be published by all possible means in the proclaimed district ; that instructions should be given to the military authorities ; that the civil magistrates should have no more than their ordinary powers ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
reference to prorogations of Parliament in the recess , was read a second time . At present , prorogations of this kind have to be done iu form in tho House of Lords . The Lord Chancellor declares this to bo useless , and proposes that inter-sessional prorogations shall be made by an Order in Council . On the 19 th hist ., Lord
Stratford de Redcliffe , yielding to the entreaties of Lord Derby and Lord Russell , withdrew the motion of which he had given notice in reference to the execution of Maximilian . —The Industrial Schools Bill was opposed by the Government , and finally rejected . —Replying to a question put by the Marquis of Clanricarde , the Earl
of Derby said the Spanish Government were about to grant a new trial in the case of the Tornado . The Duke of Argyll expressed his satisfaction with the manner in which the matter had been dealt with by the Government . It was , be added , much tj he regretted that there was no law which could effectually put a stop to
the fitting-out of ships like the Tornado for service against a Power with which we woro at peace . —The Duke of Buckingham announced , in reply to a question by Earl Russell , that he bad written to Sir J . P . Grant , Governor of Jamaica , ordering that Mr . Purcell should be removed from a stipendiary magistrateship to which he
had recently been appointed . Mr . Parcel ] , it may be remembered , while officiating in his own court , made a most indecent attack upon the charge of Lord Chief Justice Cockburn to the jury at the Central Criminal Court . Earl Melville denounced tho charges as onesided and unfair . This drew from the Lord Chancellor
a strong vindication of the charge . The appearance of the Reform Bill in the House on the 22 nd inst . was the cause of an unwonted gathering . The peers mustered in great force , and the peeresses crowded the side galleries . ' 1 he Earl of Derby moved the socond reading of the bill in a speech even more distinguished than the
noble lord ' s speeches usually are . After pointing out the differences between the present time and 1832 , he went on to criticise the manner in which the late Government had dealt with Reform . He accused Mr . Gladstone of having been imperious , and of having dictated to tbo House of Commons , and thus raised up a
feeling which caused the rejection of the bill . Having disposed of this part of the subject , tbo noble earl went on to say that when he took office be resolved to carry an efficient measure , and hence the appearance of the bill then before them . The principle of personal rating was then enlarged upon , as tho feature which distinguished
this bill above all others , and made it a thoroughly safe measure . At great length he explained the bill , and combatted objections which had been raised to it . Earl Grey followed , and moved his amendment . He contended that tho bill bad never been sufficiently considered , and that it was essential their lordships should
watch it carefully . Lord Ravensworth , the Earl of Morley , Lord Stratford do Redclifle , the Duke of Rutland , and other peers took part in the discussion . On the 23 rd inst ., aftor a short personal explanation on the part of Earl Carnarvon as to the authorship of the £ 6 rating franchise bill , Lord Shaftesbury resumed the debate on the second reading of the Reform Bill . Of
course , his Lordship was a Radical , but he did not like the bill . If they were to come down to equality there was no reason to jump out of the window when they might have come down stairs . The Lord Chancellor followed with a criticism of Earl Grey ' s amendment , and a defence of the hill . Tho Duke of Argyll , the Duke of
Richmond ; the Marquis of Clanricarde , the Earl of Faversham , Lord Houghton , the Earl of Harrowby , Lord Cairns , and other peers subsequently took part im the debate . On the 18 th inst ., the House of Commons sat from twelve o ' clock at noou to six in the evening . As soon as the House was made , Mr . Hunt
informed Mr . Read that a great deal of the money voted by tho House for the owners of slaughtered cattle had been paid . Mr . Cave , in answer to Mr . Graves , expressed a hope that the bill for amending the law of limited liability would be in the hands of members at an early date . —Sir Stafford Hbrthcote took occasion , in replying
to an inquiry addressed to him by Mr , H . B . Sheridan , to announce that tho Viceroy of Egypt would not attend the ball to the Sultan at the new India Offices because his engagements did not permit him to remain in this country . The right hon . baronet then explained that it was the wish of the authorities at the India Office to ask
to the ball as many members of the House of Commons as they could ; but they could not send invitations to all of the members of the House of Gommons , because if they did so they should also ask all the members of the House of Lords ; and the assemblage of so large a number of persons , with the ladies they would be at
liberty to bring with them , would fill the building , to the exclusion of persons connected with India and other visitors . He declined to lay a list oi the persons invited before the House , and expressed his disapproval of a suggestion to make a charge for the tickets . If tickets were sold every one having money could uurchase them ,
and it was impossible to say what kind of person would be found amongst the company . In fact , through the power of the purse , vory objectionable persons might gain admission to the gilded saloons of the new India-Office if the tickets for the ball were made saleable articles . Mr . H . B . Sheridan intimated that on a future
day he would put a scries of questions to the right hon . gentleman having reference to the subject . On the 19 th inst ., Mr . W . E . Forster asked the Under-Secretary for the Colonies to lay upon the table the instructions sent to colonial governors for their guidance in case of insurrection . Mr . Adderley explained that the
instructions were sent out in confidential draft for consideration to the governors of all the colonies . These instructions were not in the sense of peremptory regulations , but rather in the way of advice and caution to those governors in case of insurrection . It was directed that no place should be proclaimed unless there was
armed resistance to tho law beyond the ordinary powers for suppression ; that the proclaimed districts should not extend further than was necessary ; that the proclamation should be published by all possible means in the proclaimed district ; that instructions should be given to the military authorities ; that the civil magistrates should have no more than their ordinary powers ;