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The Masonic Mirror.
AA . M . ; Lro . George Burn Lowe was unanimously re-elected as Treas . ; and Bro . J . Jeffs as Tyler . The letter from the Lodge La , Cesaree ( Jersey ) , asking for aid towards their new temple , having been taken into consideration , Bro . AVigginton proposed that the sum of £ 3 . 3 s . be forwarded to the AV . A 1 . of that Lodge , with hearty wishes for their success . On the suggestion of the Lodge , however , the sum was altered to one guinea , and the resolution unanimously passed . Bro . Fitzgerald ( visitor ) P . M . No . 523 ( Kidderminster ) and Prov . G . Org . announced
, , , to the brethren that the Prov . Grand Lodge for AVoreestersluYe was arranged to be holden iu the Alusie Hall at Kidderminster , on the 20 th of September , at twelve o ' clock noon ; that a procession would take place to the fine old parish church , when full cathedral service would be performed ; ancl that the banquet would be held in the Alusie Hall . He hoped the Dudley brethren would muster strongly upon the occasion . The J . AAL suggested that notice of the Prov . Grand Aleeting should be
inserted iu the next Lodge circular , that all the members of No . 819 might be apprised ol the same . The installation for No . 819 unfortunately takes place on the 21 st , the day after that fixed for the Prov . Grand Lodge .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . . DUDLEY . —Eoyal Standard Chapter ( No . 730 ) . —The installation of Comp . AVm . Howells as AI . E . Z ., took place on Tuesday , the 16 th inst ., at the Dudley Arms Hotel , Dudley . Strange to say , none of the other Companions selected for office were present , being absent at the seaside , & c , consequentl y none were invested . Bro . Howells excels iu tbe Royal Arch workings , as he always has done in the Craft degrees , ancl deserves the support of all his Companions .
LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE CORN EXCHANGE AT PEEBLES . [ Communicated by Bro . Elisha D . Cooke . ] THE Duke of Athole and tbe Grand Lodge left Edinburgh last Friday afternoon , at 12 . 30 , arriving at Peebles about two o ' clock . A slight rain accompanied us all the way from Edinburgh to this place , creating fears that
some tho pleasures of the day would be in some degree marred , but fortunately the showers ceased immediately after the . train stopped at the station . AVe should have had a large crowd in the train , but the greater number of the Alasons from Edinburgh availed themselves of an earlier train in the morning , arriving at Peebles iu time to form in procession with the brethren there , and ivere in waiting to receive the Grand Lodge at the station . The brethren were formed in line on the platform , and received the
AI . AY . G . M . and tbe Grand Lodge with three hearty cheers . The number of spectators , exclusive of tho Alasons , assembled at the terminus , was very great ; indeed , a stranger would have thought they comprised the whole population of this district of the country . The procession was arranged according to the following official programme , which was strictly carried out : — The members of the Peebles Lodge assembled at the house of the K . AV . AI . at one o ' clock to escort him to the Lodge , which was then opened ; the brethren afterwards proceeded to tho quadrangle of the
Uiambers Institution , leaving the Lodge at two o ' clock , when the deputation was received and tbe procession formed . -file R . AA . AI . and AA ardens of Peebles Lodge , ancl Alasters aud Wardens of the Lodges in the province inarched to the Tontine Hotel at balf ' -past one o ' clock iu order to accompany the Provincial Grand ¦ faster , provost , and magistrates to the railway station to receive his grace the Duke of Athole and the Grand Lodge . The procession then moved off at half t two ' clockand
-pas o , on leaching the Town Hall halted to admit the magistrates and council and other gentlemen . Grand Lodge was opened in the Tontine Hotel , and on the procession reaching the front of that building it opened to admit tho Grand Lodge ni rear ofthe Lodges . i Order of procession : —Grancl Alarshal ; music ; Burgh Officers , with nalberds ; Provost istratesand Town CouncilBroLessclcarrying
, Mag , ; , , plans ofthe Corn Exchange , supported by gentlemen of the town ancl neighbourhood , including members of the Farmers' Club ; Lodges present and their brethren . The procession proceeded along the High-street , Old Town , Elcho-Hyf'' Ki , ihray-bridge , Noithgate , to the site of the stone at the Town
Oil reaching such spots as the leading Alarshal pointed out , the brethrcn halted and opened to admit the AI . AV . G . AL , and the Alasters uicl Wardens of all the Lodges present in usual order . Alter the foundation had been laid with Alasonic honours , the profession returned iu inverted order to Tontine Hotel . The above . 'lrangements , as I before observed , ivere scrupulously followed , the Piocession being a large and imposing one for the size of tho place . It « . ts composed of deputations from the following Lodges , viz . : — ^ oc'ge of Edinburgh , Mary ' s Chapel , No , 1 ; Cannongate Kilwinning ,
No . 2 ; Canongate aucl Leith , Leith and Canongate , No . 5 ; Journeymen Edinburgh , No . S ; Dalkeith Kilwinning , No . 10 ; Peebles Kilwinning , No . 24 ; St . Andrew ' s , Edinburgh , No . 45 ; St . James ' s Operative , Edinburgh , No . 07 ; St . John ' s , Jedburgh ; St . Stephen ' s , Edinburgh , No . 145 ; Edinburgh Defensive Band , No . 151 ; Roman Eagle , No . 160 ; Free Operatives , Biggar , No . 167 ; St . John , Gal way ; Stow , No . 210 ; Celtic , Edinburgh , and Leith , No . 291 ; St . Clair , Edinburgh , No . 3-19 ; CaledonianEdinburgh ; TrafalgarLeithKilmarnoch Kilwinning Lodge );
, , ; St . David ' s , Edinburgh , No . 36 ' . There were supposed to be nearly four hundred brethren in tho procession , who with their numerous banners made a very fine show , and everything was conducted with order ancl decorum . The following ingenious document was posted up at two or three of the most conspicuous places : — " Freemasonry -rersits Christianity I ' Have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness , but rather reprove
them ; for it is a shame even to speak of thoso things whieh are done of them in secret : ' Ephes . v . 11 , 12 . " This blow , it would seem , was aimed at the secrecy of our glorious Order ; yet the generous author of this praiseworthy production conceals his name , thus performing tho very act he himself condemns : but thus it is—persons without charity measure other people ' s grain by their own measure . The procession having arrived at the site of the intended building , the ceremony was performed with the usual formalities . Spacious
wooden galleries had beeu erected near the spot , which were filled principally by ladies , who seemed to take the liveliest interest in what was going on . The Duke of Atholoyas supported by the following brethren : — J . AVhyte-Melville , R . AV . D . G . M . ; W . Forbes Mackenzie , Prov . G . AL , as substitute G . M . ; Henry Inglis , as substitute S . G . AA " . ; Dr . F . D . AleCowan , S . G . D ., as J . G . W . ; Rev . Alex . John Murray , of Eddlestou , as G . Chaplain ; AY . A . LaurieG . Sec . ; Alex . J . StewartG . Clerk ; -
, , Samuel Hay , Esq ., G . Treasurer ; John Deach , G . Bible Bearer ; ancl AA olfe Murray , G . Swoi ; d Bearer . The remainder of the names I could not get , as the regular officers were not present . . Thirteen of the members of the Peebles Kilwinning Lodge were selected as bearers of the working tools , corn , wiuo , oil , & c . The members of the Grand Lodge numbered aboufc thirty .
Immediately after the ceremony was over , we returned to the Tontine Hotel , where the Grancl Lodge was closed , after whieh we went to the banquet prepared in the great hall of tho Chambers Institution , which tho citizens of Peebles may well be proud of , for few county towns can boast of such a room . There are seven large windows on one side , ancl six on the other . Between these windows wero displayed the national , flags of all countries , as if to remind one of tbe universality of Alasonry . The table prepared for the accommodation of the Grand Lodge was ou
the dais , ancl extended across the room . There were also three tables extending the full length of the room ; the extreme ends from the dais being occupied by the Grand Alarshal and the two Grand Deacons . The tables were all woll filled , aud every one seemed to enjoy himself . The dinner was followed by the following toasts : — ' ¦ ' Holy Lodge of St . John . " " The Queen . " " The Prince Consort . " " The Prince of AA ales , as Lord High Steward of Scotland . " " The Navy and tho Army ; " replied to by Sir George Beresford . '' The Earl of Zetland
and the Grand Lodge of England . " " The Duke of Leicester ancl the Grand Lodge of Ireland . " " The Duke of Athole , Af . AV . G . AI . ; " replied to by his grace . ' ' The Provincial Grand Lodge of Peebles , coupling the name of Bro . AA . F . Mackenzie , Prov . Grand Alaster , " who replied to it . " Bro . J . AVhyte Alelville , R . AV . D . G . AI . ; " replied to by himself . "Health of the Provost , Bro . John Sterling . " "Edinburgh Lodges ;" replied to by Bro . F . D . AleCowan . ' ¦ Kilwinning Lodge of Peebles ;"
replied to by their R . AA . AL Bro . Donaldson . " Free Operatives . " " Lodge St . John Gola . " " The Marquis of Tullibardine , sou of the Duke of Athole , " proposed by Bro . Forbes Afackeuzie ; the marquis replied , " Bro . Chambers , the founder of the Institution , " who returned thanks . " The Lord Lieutenant , Earl of Peebles , Past . Prov . G . AI . " " Sir Adam Hay , A'ice Lieutenant of Peebles . " ' ¦ ' Bro . Elisha DCooke led with the Grand Lodge of America ; " lied to by
. , coup rep Bro . Cooke . " The Senior and Junior Grand AVardens ; " replied to by Bro . F . D . AleCowan . ' * ' Prov . G . AL Bro . AV . Forbes Afackenzie , as convener of tho assembly . " " Rev . Bro . A . J . Murray , acting Grand Chaplain . " " Grand Bible Bearer , Bro . John Drancher . " " ' The Duchess of Athole . " "Bro . AA olfe Murray , Grand Sword Bearer . " The speeches were very appropriate , adding much to the enjoyment of the evening , which was increased by an excellent selection of music .
CEYLON . COLOMBO . —Queen ' s ( kin Lodge ( No . 58 ) . —This military Lodge , under the Irish Constitution , attached to her Alajesty ' s 50 th Regiment , meets on the first Wednesday in each month at Colombo . The construction of most buildings in the tropics is but ill adapted to Alasonic purposes ; but this Lodge has tbe good fortune to possess a Lodge room combining comfort ancl convenience iu a remarkable degree ; this is the Race bungalow , well known to those who have visited Colombo as the large circular isolated building on the crest of the open ground called Galle Face , outside of the fort of Colombo , Ou } 3 t , John ' s Day , the 24 th
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
AA . M . ; Lro . George Burn Lowe was unanimously re-elected as Treas . ; and Bro . J . Jeffs as Tyler . The letter from the Lodge La , Cesaree ( Jersey ) , asking for aid towards their new temple , having been taken into consideration , Bro . AVigginton proposed that the sum of £ 3 . 3 s . be forwarded to the AV . A 1 . of that Lodge , with hearty wishes for their success . On the suggestion of the Lodge , however , the sum was altered to one guinea , and the resolution unanimously passed . Bro . Fitzgerald ( visitor ) P . M . No . 523 ( Kidderminster ) and Prov . G . Org . announced
, , , to the brethren that the Prov . Grand Lodge for AVoreestersluYe was arranged to be holden iu the Alusie Hall at Kidderminster , on the 20 th of September , at twelve o ' clock noon ; that a procession would take place to the fine old parish church , when full cathedral service would be performed ; ancl that the banquet would be held in the Alusie Hall . He hoped the Dudley brethren would muster strongly upon the occasion . The J . AAL suggested that notice of the Prov . Grand Aleeting should be
inserted iu the next Lodge circular , that all the members of No . 819 might be apprised ol the same . The installation for No . 819 unfortunately takes place on the 21 st , the day after that fixed for the Prov . Grand Lodge .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . . DUDLEY . —Eoyal Standard Chapter ( No . 730 ) . —The installation of Comp . AVm . Howells as AI . E . Z ., took place on Tuesday , the 16 th inst ., at the Dudley Arms Hotel , Dudley . Strange to say , none of the other Companions selected for office were present , being absent at the seaside , & c , consequentl y none were invested . Bro . Howells excels iu tbe Royal Arch workings , as he always has done in the Craft degrees , ancl deserves the support of all his Companions .
LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE CORN EXCHANGE AT PEEBLES . [ Communicated by Bro . Elisha D . Cooke . ] THE Duke of Athole and tbe Grand Lodge left Edinburgh last Friday afternoon , at 12 . 30 , arriving at Peebles about two o ' clock . A slight rain accompanied us all the way from Edinburgh to this place , creating fears that
some tho pleasures of the day would be in some degree marred , but fortunately the showers ceased immediately after the . train stopped at the station . AVe should have had a large crowd in the train , but the greater number of the Alasons from Edinburgh availed themselves of an earlier train in the morning , arriving at Peebles iu time to form in procession with the brethren there , and ivere in waiting to receive the Grand Lodge at the station . The brethren were formed in line on the platform , and received the
AI . AY . G . M . and tbe Grand Lodge with three hearty cheers . The number of spectators , exclusive of tho Alasons , assembled at the terminus , was very great ; indeed , a stranger would have thought they comprised the whole population of this district of the country . The procession was arranged according to the following official programme , which was strictly carried out : — The members of the Peebles Lodge assembled at the house of the K . AV . AI . at one o ' clock to escort him to the Lodge , which was then opened ; the brethren afterwards proceeded to tho quadrangle of the
Uiambers Institution , leaving the Lodge at two o ' clock , when the deputation was received and tbe procession formed . -file R . AA . AI . and AA ardens of Peebles Lodge , ancl Alasters aud Wardens of the Lodges in the province inarched to the Tontine Hotel at balf ' -past one o ' clock iu order to accompany the Provincial Grand ¦ faster , provost , and magistrates to the railway station to receive his grace the Duke of Athole and the Grand Lodge . The procession then moved off at half t two ' clockand
-pas o , on leaching the Town Hall halted to admit the magistrates and council and other gentlemen . Grand Lodge was opened in the Tontine Hotel , and on the procession reaching the front of that building it opened to admit tho Grand Lodge ni rear ofthe Lodges . i Order of procession : —Grancl Alarshal ; music ; Burgh Officers , with nalberds ; Provost istratesand Town CouncilBroLessclcarrying
, Mag , ; , , plans ofthe Corn Exchange , supported by gentlemen of the town ancl neighbourhood , including members of the Farmers' Club ; Lodges present and their brethren . The procession proceeded along the High-street , Old Town , Elcho-Hyf'' Ki , ihray-bridge , Noithgate , to the site of the stone at the Town
Oil reaching such spots as the leading Alarshal pointed out , the brethrcn halted and opened to admit the AI . AV . G . AL , and the Alasters uicl Wardens of all the Lodges present in usual order . Alter the foundation had been laid with Alasonic honours , the profession returned iu inverted order to Tontine Hotel . The above . 'lrangements , as I before observed , ivere scrupulously followed , the Piocession being a large and imposing one for the size of tho place . It « . ts composed of deputations from the following Lodges , viz . : — ^ oc'ge of Edinburgh , Mary ' s Chapel , No , 1 ; Cannongate Kilwinning ,
No . 2 ; Canongate aucl Leith , Leith and Canongate , No . 5 ; Journeymen Edinburgh , No . S ; Dalkeith Kilwinning , No . 10 ; Peebles Kilwinning , No . 24 ; St . Andrew ' s , Edinburgh , No . 45 ; St . James ' s Operative , Edinburgh , No . 07 ; St . John ' s , Jedburgh ; St . Stephen ' s , Edinburgh , No . 145 ; Edinburgh Defensive Band , No . 151 ; Roman Eagle , No . 160 ; Free Operatives , Biggar , No . 167 ; St . John , Gal way ; Stow , No . 210 ; Celtic , Edinburgh , and Leith , No . 291 ; St . Clair , Edinburgh , No . 3-19 ; CaledonianEdinburgh ; TrafalgarLeithKilmarnoch Kilwinning Lodge );
, , ; St . David ' s , Edinburgh , No . 36 ' . There were supposed to be nearly four hundred brethren in tho procession , who with their numerous banners made a very fine show , and everything was conducted with order ancl decorum . The following ingenious document was posted up at two or three of the most conspicuous places : — " Freemasonry -rersits Christianity I ' Have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness , but rather reprove
them ; for it is a shame even to speak of thoso things whieh are done of them in secret : ' Ephes . v . 11 , 12 . " This blow , it would seem , was aimed at the secrecy of our glorious Order ; yet the generous author of this praiseworthy production conceals his name , thus performing tho very act he himself condemns : but thus it is—persons without charity measure other people ' s grain by their own measure . The procession having arrived at the site of the intended building , the ceremony was performed with the usual formalities . Spacious
wooden galleries had beeu erected near the spot , which were filled principally by ladies , who seemed to take the liveliest interest in what was going on . The Duke of Atholoyas supported by the following brethren : — J . AVhyte-Melville , R . AV . D . G . M . ; W . Forbes Mackenzie , Prov . G . AL , as substitute G . M . ; Henry Inglis , as substitute S . G . AA " . ; Dr . F . D . AleCowan , S . G . D ., as J . G . W . ; Rev . Alex . John Murray , of Eddlestou , as G . Chaplain ; AY . A . LaurieG . Sec . ; Alex . J . StewartG . Clerk ; -
, , Samuel Hay , Esq ., G . Treasurer ; John Deach , G . Bible Bearer ; ancl AA olfe Murray , G . Swoi ; d Bearer . The remainder of the names I could not get , as the regular officers were not present . . Thirteen of the members of the Peebles Kilwinning Lodge were selected as bearers of the working tools , corn , wiuo , oil , & c . The members of the Grand Lodge numbered aboufc thirty .
Immediately after the ceremony was over , we returned to the Tontine Hotel , where the Grancl Lodge was closed , after whieh we went to the banquet prepared in the great hall of tho Chambers Institution , which tho citizens of Peebles may well be proud of , for few county towns can boast of such a room . There are seven large windows on one side , ancl six on the other . Between these windows wero displayed the national , flags of all countries , as if to remind one of tbe universality of Alasonry . The table prepared for the accommodation of the Grand Lodge was ou
the dais , ancl extended across the room . There were also three tables extending the full length of the room ; the extreme ends from the dais being occupied by the Grand Alarshal and the two Grand Deacons . The tables were all woll filled , aud every one seemed to enjoy himself . The dinner was followed by the following toasts : — ' ¦ ' Holy Lodge of St . John . " " The Queen . " " The Prince Consort . " " The Prince of AA ales , as Lord High Steward of Scotland . " " The Navy and tho Army ; " replied to by Sir George Beresford . '' The Earl of Zetland
and the Grand Lodge of England . " " The Duke of Leicester ancl the Grand Lodge of Ireland . " " The Duke of Athole , Af . AV . G . AI . ; " replied to by his grace . ' ' The Provincial Grand Lodge of Peebles , coupling the name of Bro . AA . F . Mackenzie , Prov . Grand Alaster , " who replied to it . " Bro . J . AVhyte Alelville , R . AV . D . G . AI . ; " replied to by himself . "Health of the Provost , Bro . John Sterling . " "Edinburgh Lodges ;" replied to by Bro . F . D . AleCowan . ' ¦ Kilwinning Lodge of Peebles ;"
replied to by their R . AA . AL Bro . Donaldson . " Free Operatives . " " Lodge St . John Gola . " " The Marquis of Tullibardine , sou of the Duke of Athole , " proposed by Bro . Forbes Afackeuzie ; the marquis replied , " Bro . Chambers , the founder of the Institution , " who returned thanks . " The Lord Lieutenant , Earl of Peebles , Past . Prov . G . AI . " " Sir Adam Hay , A'ice Lieutenant of Peebles . " ' ¦ ' Bro . Elisha DCooke led with the Grand Lodge of America ; " lied to by
. , coup rep Bro . Cooke . " The Senior and Junior Grand AVardens ; " replied to by Bro . F . D . AleCowan . ' * ' Prov . G . AL Bro . AV . Forbes Afackenzie , as convener of tho assembly . " " Rev . Bro . A . J . Murray , acting Grand Chaplain . " " Grand Bible Bearer , Bro . John Drancher . " " ' The Duchess of Athole . " "Bro . AA olfe Murray , Grand Sword Bearer . " The speeches were very appropriate , adding much to the enjoyment of the evening , which was increased by an excellent selection of music .
CEYLON . COLOMBO . —Queen ' s ( kin Lodge ( No . 58 ) . —This military Lodge , under the Irish Constitution , attached to her Alajesty ' s 50 th Regiment , meets on the first Wednesday in each month at Colombo . The construction of most buildings in the tropics is but ill adapted to Alasonic purposes ; but this Lodge has tbe good fortune to possess a Lodge room combining comfort ancl convenience iu a remarkable degree ; this is the Race bungalow , well known to those who have visited Colombo as the large circular isolated building on the crest of the open ground called Galle Face , outside of the fort of Colombo , Ou } 3 t , John ' s Day , the 24 th