Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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THE DINNER . The dinner , which was elegantly provided by Mr . Barrow , of the Commercial Hotel , was held in tbe Large-room , Town Hall , and was presided over by Bro . Dr . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M ., and the vice-chair was occupied by Bro . Home , of Kendal , P . S . AV . The chair was supported by Bros . AVhitwell , Savage , Bannister , Dr . Thompson , Lemon , Rev . VV . Cocketfc , Prov . G . Chap . ; Rev . PuxleyRev . W . Chaplin ; JohnsonW . M . ; E .
, , Busher , J . W . ; Brisley , S . W . ; Faithful , Cook , VV . B . Gibson , Howe , Mann , & c . The vice-chair was supported by Bro . Scarisbrick and Cooper , Organists , Bros . Heywood , Harris , & c . The following loyal and Masonic toasts were then proposed : — "Her Majesty the Queen , " followed by the National Anthem . The CHAIRMAN then proposed the " Prince and Princess of Walesand all the Royal Family . "
, The CHAIRMAN then gave , as another exception to the rule of Masonic toasts— "The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " and coupled it with the name of the newly-initiated and gallant Bro . J . AVhitwell , Capt . Commandant of the 3 rd AVestmoreland corps . Bro . AVHITWEII returned an appropriate reply on behalf of the Army , Navy , and Volunteers , which was received very
heartily . The CHAIRMAN then gave the " Grand Master of England , Earl Zetland ; " "The Deputy Grand Master of England , Earl de Grey and Ripon ; " " Bro . Dykes , Prov . Grand Master ;" and " The Grand Officers of England . " Bro . SAVAGE , P . G . D ., in responding in an appropriate and hearty speech , reminded the brethren of their duties as Masons , Bro . BANNISTER also in responding called attention to one of
the great features and principles of Masonry—Charity . Bro . BANNISTER then proposed the " Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Dr . Greaves , " who responded with the hearty feeling which he has ever evinced in everything that concerns Masonry in this province and everywhere . The following Masonic toasts were then proposed from the chair : — "The Master , Wardens , and Brethren of Lodge No . 119 " which was responded to bBro . GibsonAVbitebaven ;
, y , " Union Lodge 129 , " responded to by Bro . Johnson , Kendal ; " Lodge 339 . " responded to by Bro . Hayne , Penrith ; and the "Master , Wardens , and Brethren of Maryport , Longtown , Appleby , Whitehaven , Workington , and Cockermouth , " which were respectively responded to by Bros . Foster , Fisher , Gibson , and Hewetson .
Bro . WHITWELII then proposed the thanks of the brethren to Bro . Scarisbrick for his services at the Parish Church , for his beautiful anthems , and for his pianoforte accompaniments at the dinner . The CHAIRMAN then proposed the Past Provincial Grand Officers , which was well responded to by Bro . Gibson , of AVhitehaven . Proposed by Bro . BUSHER—The thanks of the brethren to
Bros . Cooper , Cook , and Harris for the musical assistance today , which was responded to by Bro . Cook , of Whitehaven . Bro . WHITAVEKL ( Mayor of Kendal ) then proposed the best thanks of the brethren to Mr . and Mrs . Barrow of the Commercial Hotel , for the very profuse and elegant entertainment they had provided , and which he was certain had given the utmost satisfaction to all the brethren . The CHAIRMAN proposed "The Provincial Grand Officers "
, which was responded to by Bro . BUSHER , Prov . G . Sec . The concluding toast was given by the CHAIRMAN— " To all Poor and Distressed Masons , wherever dispersed on land and water , and speedy relief to them . " The company separated about ten o ' clock .
MIDDLESEX . HOUNSIOW . —Valhousie Lodge ( No . 865 ) . —This lodge held-a meeting at the Town Hall , on AVednesday , the 17 th inst ., at 4-30 p . m . The chair was occupied by Bro . j . N . Frost , W . M ., and there were also present Bros . AVillett , Hardey , Gilbard , Stacey , AVatson , P . M . 's ; and Bros . Farrant , Treas . ; Richards , S . AV . ; Pellatt , S . D , ; Hopwood , J . D . ; Holloway , Dir . of Cers . ; GoldingJonesRaynsfordDe ' atorreMoore-Laneand several
, , , , , , other members of the lodge . There were also present as visitors Bros . Aynsworth , of the Fitzroy Lodge ; Corken , of an Irish Lodge , and several other visiting brethren . A ballot having been taken in the usual manner , the following gentlemen were unanimously elected members of the lodge and initiated into tbe priviJeg-es of Freemasonry , namely , Messrs . A . Hemsley , of
Little Ealing , and Charles Jones , of Uxbridge-road , Ealingthe ceremony being done by tbe AV . M . in a very efficient and impressive manner . Bros . Delatorre and Moore , after undergoing the usual examination , were passed to the second degree . At half-past six the brethren sat down to an excellent dinner provided by Bro . Lewis , of the Red Lion , and after the several loyal , Masonic , and appropriate toasts , and some delightful songs by Bros . Aynsworth , Lane , Golding , Stacey , and Pellatt ,
the brethren separated at a quarter to ten o'clock , in time for the last up train to London , all seeming greatly gratified at the evening's entertainment , and the accession to the lodge of the two newly elected and initiated members .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —Lodge of Perfect Friendship ( No . 376 ) . —This very flourishing lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Great AVhite Horse Hotel , on AVednesday , the 17 th instant . On account of the large amount of business to transact , the members were summoned for seven o ' clock , at which hour Bro . H . Luff , W . M ., proceeded to open in the first degree , assisted by Bros . Turner . P . M ., S . AV . ; A . Pettet , J . AV . ; T . B . King ,
I . P . M . ; Findley , P . M , Dir . of Cers . ; Green , S . D . ; Elliston . J . D . ; and Read , I . G . There was also . upwards of forty brethren present during the evening . The minutes of the former lodge being read , the ballot was taken for Mr . B . Elliston , Mr . Morris Hart ( a gentleman of the Jewish persuasion ) , and Mr . Richard Stephens , all of whom were unanimously elected . Bro . Goodhew then passed his examination ,, preparatory to being passed to the degree of a F . C , after which
he retired , and the lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Goodhew was then passed , the ceremony being performed in a very efficient manner by the AV . M . The lodge was then closed in the second degree , when Messrs . Elliston , Hart , Stephens , ancl Wright ( the latter having been ballotted for and accepted some months back ) , were all separately admitted to light . The ceremony of initiation having been performed in the most impressive manner by Bro . Luff , the W . M ,,
whowas listened to throughout with very marked attention by all persons . The working tools , and charge of the first degree , was then given by Bro . Franks , P . M ., in his usual eloquent manner , after which Bros . King , I . P . M ., and Turner , P . M ., S . W ., rehearsed the questions and answers leading to the second degree for the instruction of the newly-initiated brethren . Bro . Smith , of the Prince of AVales Lodge , having been proposed as a joining member , the lodge was then closed in love and harmony , being about ten o ' clock , a few minutes after which about thirty of the brethren sat down to a
sumptuous banquet , Bro . Lull ' , AV . M ., in the chair , who , after the usual loyal toasts , proposed " The Health of the Earl of Zetland , R . W . G . M ., the Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M ., " and in a very flattering manner , "The Health of Col . Adair , Prov . G . M ., " which met with a very hearty reception ; after which "The Health of the Past and Present Officers of the Province , " coupling with that of the former the name of Bro . Pitcher , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . AV . and with the latter the name of Bro .
, Green , P . G . S ,, both of whom returned thanks in very suitable terms . —The . W . MASTER having called upon his Wardens to see that their respective columns , were charged , rose , and said he now had a very pleasing duty to perform . It was at all times not only pleasing to himself but to the members of this lodge when they saw gentlemen of the outer world come forward and enrol themselves members of our noble Order , but it was doubly
gratifying when they found those members were men of integrity , enjoying the confidence and good wishes of their fellow townsmen , for as such they were likely to confer honour on our choice . ( Hear . ) Such he was happy to state was the case with those brethren whose health he was about to propose ; and although he did not wish to individualise them he trusted he should be excused if be made a few remarks respecting them . They were aware that one of those brethren was the son of a
Past Master of this lodge . One whom most of us have met and whose society we had enjoyed on many occasions at this our festive board —( hear , hear)—and one whose loss we all deeply felt when it pleased the Great Architect to remove him from this lodge to join the Grand Lodge above . ( Hear . ) It was , therefore , most gratifying to our feelings to see his sons follow in his . footsteps , not only by joining his mother lodge , but by aspiring
to those honours he so justly earned—his second son havingtaken office under me as Junior Deacon , and whom I hope ere long to see placed in this chair his father so worthily filled before him . He had also to remark that Bro . Wright was a Lewis >
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THE DINNER . The dinner , which was elegantly provided by Mr . Barrow , of the Commercial Hotel , was held in tbe Large-room , Town Hall , and was presided over by Bro . Dr . Greaves , D . Prov . G . M ., and the vice-chair was occupied by Bro . Home , of Kendal , P . S . AV . The chair was supported by Bros . AVhitwell , Savage , Bannister , Dr . Thompson , Lemon , Rev . VV . Cocketfc , Prov . G . Chap . ; Rev . PuxleyRev . W . Chaplin ; JohnsonW . M . ; E .
, , Busher , J . W . ; Brisley , S . W . ; Faithful , Cook , VV . B . Gibson , Howe , Mann , & c . The vice-chair was supported by Bro . Scarisbrick and Cooper , Organists , Bros . Heywood , Harris , & c . The following loyal and Masonic toasts were then proposed : — "Her Majesty the Queen , " followed by the National Anthem . The CHAIRMAN then proposed the " Prince and Princess of Walesand all the Royal Family . "
, The CHAIRMAN then gave , as another exception to the rule of Masonic toasts— "The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " and coupled it with the name of the newly-initiated and gallant Bro . J . AVhitwell , Capt . Commandant of the 3 rd AVestmoreland corps . Bro . AVHITWEII returned an appropriate reply on behalf of the Army , Navy , and Volunteers , which was received very
heartily . The CHAIRMAN then gave the " Grand Master of England , Earl Zetland ; " "The Deputy Grand Master of England , Earl de Grey and Ripon ; " " Bro . Dykes , Prov . Grand Master ;" and " The Grand Officers of England . " Bro . SAVAGE , P . G . D ., in responding in an appropriate and hearty speech , reminded the brethren of their duties as Masons , Bro . BANNISTER also in responding called attention to one of
the great features and principles of Masonry—Charity . Bro . BANNISTER then proposed the " Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Dr . Greaves , " who responded with the hearty feeling which he has ever evinced in everything that concerns Masonry in this province and everywhere . The following Masonic toasts were then proposed from the chair : — "The Master , Wardens , and Brethren of Lodge No . 119 " which was responded to bBro . GibsonAVbitebaven ;
, y , " Union Lodge 129 , " responded to by Bro . Johnson , Kendal ; " Lodge 339 . " responded to by Bro . Hayne , Penrith ; and the "Master , Wardens , and Brethren of Maryport , Longtown , Appleby , Whitehaven , Workington , and Cockermouth , " which were respectively responded to by Bros . Foster , Fisher , Gibson , and Hewetson .
Bro . WHITWELII then proposed the thanks of the brethren to Bro . Scarisbrick for his services at the Parish Church , for his beautiful anthems , and for his pianoforte accompaniments at the dinner . The CHAIRMAN then proposed the Past Provincial Grand Officers , which was well responded to by Bro . Gibson , of AVhitehaven . Proposed by Bro . BUSHER—The thanks of the brethren to
Bros . Cooper , Cook , and Harris for the musical assistance today , which was responded to by Bro . Cook , of Whitehaven . Bro . WHITAVEKL ( Mayor of Kendal ) then proposed the best thanks of the brethren to Mr . and Mrs . Barrow of the Commercial Hotel , for the very profuse and elegant entertainment they had provided , and which he was certain had given the utmost satisfaction to all the brethren . The CHAIRMAN proposed "The Provincial Grand Officers "
, which was responded to by Bro . BUSHER , Prov . G . Sec . The concluding toast was given by the CHAIRMAN— " To all Poor and Distressed Masons , wherever dispersed on land and water , and speedy relief to them . " The company separated about ten o ' clock .
MIDDLESEX . HOUNSIOW . —Valhousie Lodge ( No . 865 ) . —This lodge held-a meeting at the Town Hall , on AVednesday , the 17 th inst ., at 4-30 p . m . The chair was occupied by Bro . j . N . Frost , W . M ., and there were also present Bros . AVillett , Hardey , Gilbard , Stacey , AVatson , P . M . 's ; and Bros . Farrant , Treas . ; Richards , S . AV . ; Pellatt , S . D , ; Hopwood , J . D . ; Holloway , Dir . of Cers . ; GoldingJonesRaynsfordDe ' atorreMoore-Laneand several
, , , , , , other members of the lodge . There were also present as visitors Bros . Aynsworth , of the Fitzroy Lodge ; Corken , of an Irish Lodge , and several other visiting brethren . A ballot having been taken in the usual manner , the following gentlemen were unanimously elected members of the lodge and initiated into tbe priviJeg-es of Freemasonry , namely , Messrs . A . Hemsley , of
Little Ealing , and Charles Jones , of Uxbridge-road , Ealingthe ceremony being done by tbe AV . M . in a very efficient and impressive manner . Bros . Delatorre and Moore , after undergoing the usual examination , were passed to the second degree . At half-past six the brethren sat down to an excellent dinner provided by Bro . Lewis , of the Red Lion , and after the several loyal , Masonic , and appropriate toasts , and some delightful songs by Bros . Aynsworth , Lane , Golding , Stacey , and Pellatt ,
the brethren separated at a quarter to ten o'clock , in time for the last up train to London , all seeming greatly gratified at the evening's entertainment , and the accession to the lodge of the two newly elected and initiated members .
SUFFOLK . IPSWICH . —Lodge of Perfect Friendship ( No . 376 ) . —This very flourishing lodge held its regular monthly meeting at the Great AVhite Horse Hotel , on AVednesday , the 17 th instant . On account of the large amount of business to transact , the members were summoned for seven o ' clock , at which hour Bro . H . Luff , W . M ., proceeded to open in the first degree , assisted by Bros . Turner . P . M ., S . AV . ; A . Pettet , J . AV . ; T . B . King ,
I . P . M . ; Findley , P . M , Dir . of Cers . ; Green , S . D . ; Elliston . J . D . ; and Read , I . G . There was also . upwards of forty brethren present during the evening . The minutes of the former lodge being read , the ballot was taken for Mr . B . Elliston , Mr . Morris Hart ( a gentleman of the Jewish persuasion ) , and Mr . Richard Stephens , all of whom were unanimously elected . Bro . Goodhew then passed his examination ,, preparatory to being passed to the degree of a F . C , after which
he retired , and the lodge was opened in the second degree . Bro . Goodhew was then passed , the ceremony being performed in a very efficient manner by the AV . M . The lodge was then closed in the second degree , when Messrs . Elliston , Hart , Stephens , ancl Wright ( the latter having been ballotted for and accepted some months back ) , were all separately admitted to light . The ceremony of initiation having been performed in the most impressive manner by Bro . Luff , the W . M ,,
whowas listened to throughout with very marked attention by all persons . The working tools , and charge of the first degree , was then given by Bro . Franks , P . M ., in his usual eloquent manner , after which Bros . King , I . P . M ., and Turner , P . M ., S . W ., rehearsed the questions and answers leading to the second degree for the instruction of the newly-initiated brethren . Bro . Smith , of the Prince of AVales Lodge , having been proposed as a joining member , the lodge was then closed in love and harmony , being about ten o ' clock , a few minutes after which about thirty of the brethren sat down to a
sumptuous banquet , Bro . Lull ' , AV . M ., in the chair , who , after the usual loyal toasts , proposed " The Health of the Earl of Zetland , R . W . G . M ., the Earl de Grey and Ripon , R . W . D . G . M ., " and in a very flattering manner , "The Health of Col . Adair , Prov . G . M ., " which met with a very hearty reception ; after which "The Health of the Past and Present Officers of the Province , " coupling with that of the former the name of Bro . Pitcher , P . M ., P . Prov . J . G . AV . and with the latter the name of Bro .
, Green , P . G . S ,, both of whom returned thanks in very suitable terms . —The . W . MASTER having called upon his Wardens to see that their respective columns , were charged , rose , and said he now had a very pleasing duty to perform . It was at all times not only pleasing to himself but to the members of this lodge when they saw gentlemen of the outer world come forward and enrol themselves members of our noble Order , but it was doubly
gratifying when they found those members were men of integrity , enjoying the confidence and good wishes of their fellow townsmen , for as such they were likely to confer honour on our choice . ( Hear . ) Such he was happy to state was the case with those brethren whose health he was about to propose ; and although he did not wish to individualise them he trusted he should be excused if be made a few remarks respecting them . They were aware that one of those brethren was the son of a
Past Master of this lodge . One whom most of us have met and whose society we had enjoyed on many occasions at this our festive board —( hear , hear)—and one whose loss we all deeply felt when it pleased the Great Architect to remove him from this lodge to join the Grand Lodge above . ( Hear . ) It was , therefore , most gratifying to our feelings to see his sons follow in his . footsteps , not only by joining his mother lodge , but by aspiring
to those honours he so justly earned—his second son havingtaken office under me as Junior Deacon , and whom I hope ere long to see placed in this chair his father so worthily filled before him . He had also to remark that Bro . Wright was a Lewis >