Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
menced on Tuesday at Llandudno . The object of the meeting , as our readers may be aware , is to encourage , hy means of competition , Welsh poetry , Welsh music , and Welsh manners and usuages generally . There was a great concourse of people assembled on tbe opening pay as cheap trains ran from all parts of the country ,
and it was considered that the Eisteddfod for this yea would prove a groat success . While excellence in the old Welsh arts were commended Welsh superiority in modern art and science was not forgotten , and the works of Welsh sculptors , painters , photographers , & e ., at the meeting were most patriotically admired . On
Wednesday a good deal of excitement was produced at Lloyd ' s in consequence of a letter sent home by the commander of the Dllora , Peninsular and Oriental steamer , stating that the Georgia , steamer had been captured by the Federal frigate Niagara . It will be remembered that the Georgia was a Confederate cruiser , and in that
capacity had done much mischief to the Federal mer - cantile marine , but was publicly sold a few months ago at Liverpool , and is now employed in the conveyance of mails from Liverpool to Lisbon and the Azores . It is said her cargo at the time of her capture was a valuable one , and that she was largely insured .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The King Consort of Spain was lionised in Paris to the top of his bent . He was present at a special performance given by command at the Grand Opera , and from which the public were rigidly excluded . The interior of the theatre was magnificent in the extreme , but the exclusive character of the audience was a drawback , and the absence of
anything like a popular welcome to the Eoyal visitor strikingly contrasted with the aspecb of the house Avhen our Queen was the guest of France in 1855 , and honoured the Opera with her presence . There was also a review in the Champs Elysees'in his honour . -Seventy thousand troops of all arms were on the ground , 10 , 000 of
them being cavalry . The artillery counted 20 battalions , or 120 guns . A steady rain-fall damped the popular enthusiasm . There was a gala ballet at St . Cloud , and a fete at Versailles . The King left Paris for Madrid on Sunday , his departure beiug accelerated by the deafch of the Princess Czartoryska , Queen Christina ' s daughter .
Complaints are rife all through France of the effects of the excessive drought which is being experienced there , as well as in other parts of the Continent . The grass is literally burnt up , the supply of water is running short in the wells and springs , and man and beast are equally suffering from it .
The intelligence reaches us from Paris , upon the authority of the Ultramontane Union , that Francis , ex-King of Naples , is on the eve of quitting Eome . It is stated that , having been summoned to an interview with Antonelli , the Cardinal Secretary , he there found awaiting his presence Count de Sartiges and Baron de Bach , who
delicately hinted to the Bourbon Prince the opinion of their respective Governments that his further stay -within the Papal territory was inexpedient , and that the sooner he hastened his departure the more satisfactory would it be to all parties interested in maintaining the tranquillity of the Peninsula . Spain or Germany is mentioned as likely to be the Eoyal exile ' s future residence .
It is asserted that PrinceUmberto , the heir apparent ofVictor Emmanuel , who is on a continental tour , and is shortly expected to visit France , has chosen the Princess Anna Murat for a wife . If we may believe tho Paris correspondent of the Times , the Emperor Napoleon is determined to do his utmost to prevent a successful
repetition of the Mortara abduction by the Papal authorities , and will interfere to procure tho release of a Jewish boy named Cohen , who is detained from his parents because he has been baptised . If the Eoman Government should persist iu refusing to give up the boy to his parents , the French Cabinet will , it is said , transmit to Cardinal
Antonelli " an ultimatum which it would be prudent not to disregard . "— -A trial for murder which excites very lively interest amongst our neighbours has been proceeding amongst our neighbours has been proceeding for the last day or two at St . Foix , in the Basses Pyrenees . The accused are a baker and a mountebank , and they are
charged with not less than four murders , burglary , and theft . Their crimes are said to be surrounded with such an amount of mystery as to place them in the front rank of celebrated causes . The Belgian Chambers were reopened on Tuesday , when the Prince de Ligne was again elected President of the Senate . It is not expected that the session will last more than a very few days .
The Diet of Saxony was closed on Monday by tbe King in a speech wherein , alluding to the late war , he expressed regret that his troops had not been afforded the opportunity of acting in conjunction with the armies of Austria and Prussia during the campaign which has closed with such glorious results for Germany . His
Majesty congratulated the country upon the favourable condition of the finances , and stated his belief that the reneAral of the Zolverein treaty would secure the future commercial welfare of his subjects . -Advices from Vienna states that au interview took place at that city between Herr Yon Bismarck and Count Eechberg .
Nothing definite transpired as to the subjects discussed or the results of the conference , but not doubt the exact relations of the great German Powers to the smaller ones , as well as the destiny of the newly acquired Danish duchies , were the principal topics of conversation . The King of Prussia arrived at Vienna on Saturday
evening , and it may be presumed that the visit to the Emperor Francis Joseph will be the forerunner of the announcement of some plan for the government of the territories which Denmark has been compelled to cede . Ib is said that the duchy of Holstein is about to bo completely occupied by Austrian and Prussian troops ; and the Austrian General Gablentz has arrived at Altona for
the purpose , as it is supposed , of taking the necessary measures . The elections at Geneva resulted in the defeat of M . James Fazy , who has so long ruled that canton as leader of the radical party , and who is perhaps better known out of Switzerland than any other Swiss politician is . The result , unhappily , led to an outbreak
in the town of Geneva ; and " barricades were erected , and bloodshed . " The government of the canton has been unable to restore order , and applied to the Federal Council , which despatched M . Fornerod as a Special Commissioner to Geneva , and ordered a battalion of Federal troops to support his authority . The jSpecial Commissioner has
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
menced on Tuesday at Llandudno . The object of the meeting , as our readers may be aware , is to encourage , hy means of competition , Welsh poetry , Welsh music , and Welsh manners and usuages generally . There was a great concourse of people assembled on tbe opening pay as cheap trains ran from all parts of the country ,
and it was considered that the Eisteddfod for this yea would prove a groat success . While excellence in the old Welsh arts were commended Welsh superiority in modern art and science was not forgotten , and the works of Welsh sculptors , painters , photographers , & e ., at the meeting were most patriotically admired . On
Wednesday a good deal of excitement was produced at Lloyd ' s in consequence of a letter sent home by the commander of the Dllora , Peninsular and Oriental steamer , stating that the Georgia , steamer had been captured by the Federal frigate Niagara . It will be remembered that the Georgia was a Confederate cruiser , and in that
capacity had done much mischief to the Federal mer - cantile marine , but was publicly sold a few months ago at Liverpool , and is now employed in the conveyance of mails from Liverpool to Lisbon and the Azores . It is said her cargo at the time of her capture was a valuable one , and that she was largely insured .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The King Consort of Spain was lionised in Paris to the top of his bent . He was present at a special performance given by command at the Grand Opera , and from which the public were rigidly excluded . The interior of the theatre was magnificent in the extreme , but the exclusive character of the audience was a drawback , and the absence of
anything like a popular welcome to the Eoyal visitor strikingly contrasted with the aspecb of the house Avhen our Queen was the guest of France in 1855 , and honoured the Opera with her presence . There was also a review in the Champs Elysees'in his honour . -Seventy thousand troops of all arms were on the ground , 10 , 000 of
them being cavalry . The artillery counted 20 battalions , or 120 guns . A steady rain-fall damped the popular enthusiasm . There was a gala ballet at St . Cloud , and a fete at Versailles . The King left Paris for Madrid on Sunday , his departure beiug accelerated by the deafch of the Princess Czartoryska , Queen Christina ' s daughter .
Complaints are rife all through France of the effects of the excessive drought which is being experienced there , as well as in other parts of the Continent . The grass is literally burnt up , the supply of water is running short in the wells and springs , and man and beast are equally suffering from it .
The intelligence reaches us from Paris , upon the authority of the Ultramontane Union , that Francis , ex-King of Naples , is on the eve of quitting Eome . It is stated that , having been summoned to an interview with Antonelli , the Cardinal Secretary , he there found awaiting his presence Count de Sartiges and Baron de Bach , who
delicately hinted to the Bourbon Prince the opinion of their respective Governments that his further stay -within the Papal territory was inexpedient , and that the sooner he hastened his departure the more satisfactory would it be to all parties interested in maintaining the tranquillity of the Peninsula . Spain or Germany is mentioned as likely to be the Eoyal exile ' s future residence .
It is asserted that PrinceUmberto , the heir apparent ofVictor Emmanuel , who is on a continental tour , and is shortly expected to visit France , has chosen the Princess Anna Murat for a wife . If we may believe tho Paris correspondent of the Times , the Emperor Napoleon is determined to do his utmost to prevent a successful
repetition of the Mortara abduction by the Papal authorities , and will interfere to procure tho release of a Jewish boy named Cohen , who is detained from his parents because he has been baptised . If the Eoman Government should persist iu refusing to give up the boy to his parents , the French Cabinet will , it is said , transmit to Cardinal
Antonelli " an ultimatum which it would be prudent not to disregard . "— -A trial for murder which excites very lively interest amongst our neighbours has been proceeding amongst our neighbours has been proceeding for the last day or two at St . Foix , in the Basses Pyrenees . The accused are a baker and a mountebank , and they are
charged with not less than four murders , burglary , and theft . Their crimes are said to be surrounded with such an amount of mystery as to place them in the front rank of celebrated causes . The Belgian Chambers were reopened on Tuesday , when the Prince de Ligne was again elected President of the Senate . It is not expected that the session will last more than a very few days .
The Diet of Saxony was closed on Monday by tbe King in a speech wherein , alluding to the late war , he expressed regret that his troops had not been afforded the opportunity of acting in conjunction with the armies of Austria and Prussia during the campaign which has closed with such glorious results for Germany . His
Majesty congratulated the country upon the favourable condition of the finances , and stated his belief that the reneAral of the Zolverein treaty would secure the future commercial welfare of his subjects . -Advices from Vienna states that au interview took place at that city between Herr Yon Bismarck and Count Eechberg .
Nothing definite transpired as to the subjects discussed or the results of the conference , but not doubt the exact relations of the great German Powers to the smaller ones , as well as the destiny of the newly acquired Danish duchies , were the principal topics of conversation . The King of Prussia arrived at Vienna on Saturday
evening , and it may be presumed that the visit to the Emperor Francis Joseph will be the forerunner of the announcement of some plan for the government of the territories which Denmark has been compelled to cede . Ib is said that the duchy of Holstein is about to bo completely occupied by Austrian and Prussian troops ; and the Austrian General Gablentz has arrived at Altona for
the purpose , as it is supposed , of taking the necessary measures . The elections at Geneva resulted in the defeat of M . James Fazy , who has so long ruled that canton as leader of the radical party , and who is perhaps better known out of Switzerland than any other Swiss politician is . The result , unhappily , led to an outbreak
in the town of Geneva ; and " barricades were erected , and bloodshed . " The government of the canton has been unable to restore order , and applied to the Federal Council , which despatched M . Fornerod as a Special Commissioner to Geneva , and ordered a battalion of Federal troops to support his authority . The jSpecial Commissioner has