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Sharp Practice.
Every brother who lias had occasion to transact business Avith Bro . Percy Moss , the junior clerk in the Grancl Secretary ' s office , will acknowledge his unvarying * courtesy , and will hear with regret that he has been visited by a mental affliction
which , in all probability , will prevent him again taking an active part in the business of life . We believe that he Avas attending to his duties as late as Thursday in last Aveek , and that it Avas only on the evening of that day he evidenced symptoms
to alarm his family , and which kaA r e since so increased as to prevent his attendance at the office . The clock-like regularity with which all the duties of the Grand Secretary's office are performed has long * been notorious—such a thing as a complaint of Avant of punctuality being altogether unknown in the Craft—and therefore it is not
surprising that even a defect in any one part of the machinery , however otherwise unimportant , would , cause such confusion—that , in order to rectify it , the very decencies , Ave will not say the courtesies , of civilised life have been altogether lost sight of . As Ave have stated , poor Moss Avas stricken by the hand of the Great Architect of the Universe
ou the Thursday , and , ere a week has passed over Ms head—on the folloAving * Wednesday , an advertisement appears in the morning newspapers for a successor . Anything more indecent than this unnecessary
taste we never remember to have Avitnessed , and whoever may be its author deserves the severest reprobation from every right-thinking * man , be he a Mason or not .
We believe the appointment of a successor to Bro . Moss is in the hands of the Board of General Purposes ; and as they do not meet , according to usual custom , until the third Tuesday in next month , Ave think that at least the business of the
Grand Secretary's Office mi ght haA'e been conducted by the Grand Secretary and the other clerks until after that meeting , if only as a mark ol respect for the feelings of the family of an afflicted colleague . We cannot bring ourselves to believe that any
° ue brother has taken upon himself to put forward , under the melancholy circumstances , so indecent ^ advertisement , and trust that the Craft will not e kept in ignorance of the names of brethren " 0 could authorise such a proceeding , as most decidedl y they are altogether unAVorthy the conn aence of gentlemen and Masons .
The Threatened Secession From The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Scotland.—No. V .
( From our own Correspondent . ) The embers of discord and rebellion are still being * fanned hy the disaffected chiefs of this illadvised movement , who have within the last few days presented their demands to the Supreme
Grand Chapter . That the worthy disciple of IEsculapius AVIIO presided over the meeting at Avhich the rebel resolutions were agreed to , and his allies , may live till they get their very modest demands complied with , is the heartfelt Avish of
your own Correspondent . The Supreme Grand Committee , hitherto a silent observer of all that is passsing in the renegade camp , have at length drawn the attention of the Supreme Chapter to the illegal proceedings of the threatened
secessionists . We forward to you a copy of Grand Committee Report , Avhich doubtless will find admission into the pages of the MAGAZINE . The letter addressed hy the late Provincial Grand
Superintendent to Lord James Murray is a curiosity is its Avay , and will be found embodied in the report . The fourth resolution in the appendix is but an echo of AA-hat Ave shoAved to be the real grievance rankling in the breasts of the rebels ,
¦ viz ., the exclusion of their pet from office in Grand Chapter , and the same resolution shows also hoAv near the truth the members of Ayr Kilwinning Chapter Avere when in their complaint they stated that the concession of the extravagant
powers claimed for Dr . Arnott would in all liklihood be but the prelude to a demand for the transference of Supreme Power from Grand Chapter into the hands of the feAv ambitious companions in Glasgow who were plotting the destruction of the
liberties ofthe subordinate chapters . The accuracy of our report has been impugned by the rebel committee , but they have as yet failed to shoAV wherein our statement run counter to the truth , and the following Report will not aid them in that direction : —
" Report by the Gommittee of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , relative io certain Proceedings adopted by Members of the Order in Glasgow . " The Supreme 'Committee have had their attention called to certain proceedings Avhich have
taken place in Glasgow in connection with the recent decisions of the Supreme Chapter , given at special meeting , held upon the 23 d May , 1862 , and they think it right to report the matter to the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sharp Practice.
Every brother who lias had occasion to transact business Avith Bro . Percy Moss , the junior clerk in the Grancl Secretary ' s office , will acknowledge his unvarying * courtesy , and will hear with regret that he has been visited by a mental affliction
which , in all probability , will prevent him again taking an active part in the business of life . We believe that he Avas attending to his duties as late as Thursday in last Aveek , and that it Avas only on the evening of that day he evidenced symptoms
to alarm his family , and which kaA r e since so increased as to prevent his attendance at the office . The clock-like regularity with which all the duties of the Grand Secretary's office are performed has long * been notorious—such a thing as a complaint of Avant of punctuality being altogether unknown in the Craft—and therefore it is not
surprising that even a defect in any one part of the machinery , however otherwise unimportant , would , cause such confusion—that , in order to rectify it , the very decencies , Ave will not say the courtesies , of civilised life have been altogether lost sight of . As Ave have stated , poor Moss Avas stricken by the hand of the Great Architect of the Universe
ou the Thursday , and , ere a week has passed over Ms head—on the folloAving * Wednesday , an advertisement appears in the morning newspapers for a successor . Anything more indecent than this unnecessary
taste we never remember to have Avitnessed , and whoever may be its author deserves the severest reprobation from every right-thinking * man , be he a Mason or not .
We believe the appointment of a successor to Bro . Moss is in the hands of the Board of General Purposes ; and as they do not meet , according to usual custom , until the third Tuesday in next month , Ave think that at least the business of the
Grand Secretary's Office mi ght haA'e been conducted by the Grand Secretary and the other clerks until after that meeting , if only as a mark ol respect for the feelings of the family of an afflicted colleague . We cannot bring ourselves to believe that any
° ue brother has taken upon himself to put forward , under the melancholy circumstances , so indecent ^ advertisement , and trust that the Craft will not e kept in ignorance of the names of brethren " 0 could authorise such a proceeding , as most decidedl y they are altogether unAVorthy the conn aence of gentlemen and Masons .
The Threatened Secession From The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Scotland.—No. V .
( From our own Correspondent . ) The embers of discord and rebellion are still being * fanned hy the disaffected chiefs of this illadvised movement , who have within the last few days presented their demands to the Supreme
Grand Chapter . That the worthy disciple of IEsculapius AVIIO presided over the meeting at Avhich the rebel resolutions were agreed to , and his allies , may live till they get their very modest demands complied with , is the heartfelt Avish of
your own Correspondent . The Supreme Grand Committee , hitherto a silent observer of all that is passsing in the renegade camp , have at length drawn the attention of the Supreme Chapter to the illegal proceedings of the threatened
secessionists . We forward to you a copy of Grand Committee Report , Avhich doubtless will find admission into the pages of the MAGAZINE . The letter addressed hy the late Provincial Grand
Superintendent to Lord James Murray is a curiosity is its Avay , and will be found embodied in the report . The fourth resolution in the appendix is but an echo of AA-hat Ave shoAved to be the real grievance rankling in the breasts of the rebels ,
¦ viz ., the exclusion of their pet from office in Grand Chapter , and the same resolution shows also hoAv near the truth the members of Ayr Kilwinning Chapter Avere when in their complaint they stated that the concession of the extravagant
powers claimed for Dr . Arnott would in all liklihood be but the prelude to a demand for the transference of Supreme Power from Grand Chapter into the hands of the feAv ambitious companions in Glasgow who were plotting the destruction of the
liberties ofthe subordinate chapters . The accuracy of our report has been impugned by the rebel committee , but they have as yet failed to shoAV wherein our statement run counter to the truth , and the following Report will not aid them in that direction : —
" Report by the Gommittee of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , relative io certain Proceedings adopted by Members of the Order in Glasgow . " The Supreme 'Committee have had their attention called to certain proceedings Avhich have
taken place in Glasgow in connection with the recent decisions of the Supreme Chapter , given at special meeting , held upon the 23 d May , 1862 , and they think it right to report the matter to the