Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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Bro . Emmons as the founder of the lodge . —On " The health o -gvo . Emmens , the founder of the lodge , " haA-ing been drank , ¦ gro . EannsK'S , in returning thanks , said he would ever study as j 0 D < r as he had health and strength to promote the interests of the Sew Concord Lodge . He AA'as sorry thafc they did not meet so strong in numbers as they had hitherto done , but they had endeavoured to carry out the true principles of Freeinasoiiry > and in the only Avay AA'hich Avas due to their Order .
AVliile the lodge was carried on in the ivay it then was so long would he continue to support it , and he could only say that if any brother wanted instruction he should he most happy to gii-e it him afc any time . —Tho W . M . next proposed " The Officers of the Lodge . "— -Bro . ESTAVICK , J . W . and Treasurer , returned thanks , and said the officers felt highly gratified at the compliment ivhich had been paid them . —Some other toasts ivere given , •md the proceedings terminated at eleven o ' clock .
LEICESTERSHIRE . L EICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( So . 766 . )—The first regular meeting of this lodge since the installation festival took p lace on the 18 th inst ., when the folloiving brethren were present : —Bros . W . Johnson , W . M . ; Davis , S . W . ; Spencer , J . W . ; AV . S . Bithrey , Sec . ; Bai-well , S . D . ; Green , J . D . ; Bolton , I . G . ; Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Clephan , P . M . ; Kinton , P . M .,- Cram , KnightBrewinP . M . "Visitors : —Bros . Marstead 7 G 6 ; Weave
, , , , P . M ., St . John's Lodge , No . 348 ; Clarke , 348 ; Manning Limerick , 73 ., & c . The lodge ivas opened in the first degree , the minutes of the last lodge Avere read and confirmed , the ballot ¦ was taken for Mr . George Henry Hodges , of Leicester , for admission into our mysteries ; Bro . Charles B . Martin , of the Eoyal Boyn Lodge , Bandon , Ireland , Avas proposed as a joining member , and Avere both unanimously elected ; Mr . Geo . H . Hodges being in readiness , was regularly initiated into Masonry by the AV . M .
Bro . Johnson , Avho performed the ceremony in a very praiseworthy manner . Bro . Bithrey , Sec , then gave the charge , and also the lecture on the tracing board , in a very efficient manner , and AA-as listened to by the brethren Avith much earnestness . A gentleman was proposed as a candidate for admission into our secrets . The lodge was closed with musical response , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . During the evening fche usual loyal aud Masonic toasts AA-ere givenand interspersed ivifch
, songs , recitations , & c , by Bros . Bifchreys , DaA'is , Brewin , and AVeare . The Secretary and Tyler's toasfc , with God Save the Queen by the brethren , closeel one of the most harmonious Masonic evenings ivhich should always characterise the true spirit of Masonry .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . •NEWRORT . —Silurian , Lodge ( No . 693 ) . —On Monday evening , Sept . 15 th , 1862 , this lodge assembled , at the King's Head Hotel , the W . M ., Bro . Samuel Hancorn , in the chair , on the occasion of a presentation being made to the S . AV . of the lodge , Bro . Henry Hellyer , who is ahout to remove to Sivansea . The testimonial , a large and beautiful silver teapot , had been subscribed for by the brethren . The AV . M . said : BrethrenI meet
, yon on this interesting occasion with feelings of considerable pleasure . Yet that pleasure is not unmixed with pain , ivhen I think that the object of our coming here is to present a parting gift , to a brother whom ive have learned to esteem , as ive have Bro . Hellyer . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Hellyer was initiated into Masonry in the Silurian Lodge , in the year 1850 , so that he has UOAV been a Mason for nearly thirteen years , and during that time ,
I arn informed by onr indefatigable Sec , Bro . Williams , he has served every office except that of AA' . M ., which office he ivould , in •ill probability , have taken next year had he remained with ns . As Junior and Senior AVarden , I have knoAvn him myself ; and as my Senior Warden I have now publicly to thank him for the Manner in AA'hich he has performed the . duties devolving upon him . ( Hear , hear . ) I do nofc recollect one single occasion upon Avhich he has "been absent from his postHis efficiency has
. been evident to you . all , and the assistance I have received from him out of lodge , as well as in ifc , has always been most cheerfull y rendered . ( Hear , hear . ) I feel great regret that I shall not have the pleasure of saluting him as W . M . next year . The Silurian Lodge has also cause to feel obliged to Bro . Hellyer . He has been the means of introducing to us many good and Worth y brethren . In one night , in 1852 , ho proposed five
gentlemen at the same time , AA-IIO AA-OI-O subsequently approved of , and initiated . ( Applause . ) In presenting this testimonial of our euteem to ion , Bro . Hellyer , I do it ivith very grateful feelings to my brethren for having selected me , and on the part of them and myself say we much regret your leaving us . We cannot , however , bufc hail with sincere pleasure any change that may be for your temporal advancement . ( Hear , hear . ) Partings are always painful , but in this changing world- of ours
partings must come , sooner or later , fco us all . I trust that you , Bro . Hellyer , and I , and each of us here , may so live that if it is not permitted us to meet in a lodge beloiA' , may all meet each other in the Grand lodge above , where the Great Architect of the Universe reigns for ever . I have great pleasure , Bro . Hellyer , in presenting you with this token of our esteem . May youl ive long to enjoy and use it . ( Applause . ) The presentation having tnken place , Bro . Hellyer rose , under much emotion , and
said—Beloved ) AV . M . and brethren : After the eulogiam jusfe passed upon me , you must admit that it is , indeed , difficult to find language iu ivhich to express the gratitude I feel towards you , for this token of your fraternal affection and love ; and the more so , because I deem myself unworthy of so kind a mark of esteem . I , however , with joy , accept this free gift , not as a mark of merit , but as an assurance of mutual regard . ( Hear , hear . ) In all probability , I have soon to leave yon , it being a duty that my feet should wander over other portions of
the Mosaic pavement of this chequered life . I cannot tell whether , if spared to live , I may hereafter stand in the bright and flowery meads of prosperity , or totter over the dark squares of adversity . Bufc this I do knoiv , brethren , that if I walk acccoi'diug to the high principles of our Masonic art , and wifch humility before the Great Architect , I need fear no evil . ( Hear , hear . ) To part is sorrowful ; yet the heart of a true Mason feels there is no such thing as parting for everfor after death
; me may meet in the Grand Lodge above . Briefly , dear brethren , let me ask you to receive my heart ' s deepest gratitude for this handsome token of your fraternal love . ( Applause . ) A number of toasts folloAved : — "The Press / ' being acknowledged by Bro . J . M . JScott ; " The Health of the President , Bro , Hancorn , " and " The Vice-president , Bro . E . B . Evans , " and others having been pledged in the sparkling " stirrup cup , " the
brethren separated all highly pleased at the result of the meeting . We hear thafc a worthy brother , living in London , of high standing in Masonry , has consented to serve the office of W . M . of the Silurian Lodge ( No . 693 ) , afc Newport , during fche coming year , and that he has promised to attend every lodge meeting , if business Avill admits . As this must necessarily ini-olve much personal sacrifice on his part , ive trust the brethren will appreciate his Masonic kindness in consenting to rule over them , and ive augur great benefits to the lodge , hy this appointment .
Knights Templar.
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Loyal Brunswick Encampment . —The regular quarterly coni-ocafcion of the above encampment ivas held in the Freemasons * Chapter Eoom , St . George ' s Hall , on Thursday , the 18 th Sept . Present the folloiving Sir Knights , Evans , B . C . ; Dowse , P . E . C . and P . G . H . ; Eodd , Edwards , Brizzi , Thomas , Wills , Eodda , and Roive . Visiting Praters Sir Knight Pollard , E . C . of Veteran Encampment , Sir Knight Drake , P . E . C . of
Melita Encampment , and G . Supt . of AVorks ; and Sir Knight Carney . The encampment Avas opened at 4 o ' clock p . m ., in due form , under the command of the E . G ., assisted by the P . E . C . The minutes of the last meeting ivere read and confirmed , the ballot was then taken for the folloiving Royal Arch Companions , J . John Clase , of Chapter Fidelity ( No . 280 ) , andLient . Charles Scott , of Chapter 334 , Irish Register ; the same prov-ing unanimous , and they having signed the required declar "
tion , they were introduced in ancient form , and duly installed , Sir Knights of the Eoyal Exalted Religious and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar . A donation of one guinea and an annual subscription of the same amount , AA-as unanimously A-oted to the Fortescue Memorial Fund of Devon . The names of four Eoyal Arch companions ivere then submitted to the consideration of the Sir Knights , as candidates for installation to the Order , at the next quarterly convocation . There heing no other business before the meeting , the encampment was closed in solemn form , with prayer , afc six o'clock .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bro . Emmons as the founder of the lodge . —On " The health o -gvo . Emmens , the founder of the lodge , " haA-ing been drank , ¦ gro . EannsK'S , in returning thanks , said he would ever study as j 0 D < r as he had health and strength to promote the interests of the Sew Concord Lodge . He AA'as sorry thafc they did not meet so strong in numbers as they had hitherto done , but they had endeavoured to carry out the true principles of Freeinasoiiry > and in the only Avay AA'hich Avas due to their Order .
AVliile the lodge was carried on in the ivay it then was so long would he continue to support it , and he could only say that if any brother wanted instruction he should he most happy to gii-e it him afc any time . —Tho W . M . next proposed " The Officers of the Lodge . "— -Bro . ESTAVICK , J . W . and Treasurer , returned thanks , and said the officers felt highly gratified at the compliment ivhich had been paid them . —Some other toasts ivere given , •md the proceedings terminated at eleven o ' clock .
LEICESTERSHIRE . L EICESTER . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( So . 766 . )—The first regular meeting of this lodge since the installation festival took p lace on the 18 th inst ., when the folloiving brethren were present : —Bros . W . Johnson , W . M . ; Davis , S . W . ; Spencer , J . W . ; AV . S . Bithrey , Sec . ; Bai-well , S . D . ; Green , J . D . ; Bolton , I . G . ; Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . ; Clephan , P . M . ; Kinton , P . M .,- Cram , KnightBrewinP . M . "Visitors : —Bros . Marstead 7 G 6 ; Weave
, , , , P . M ., St . John's Lodge , No . 348 ; Clarke , 348 ; Manning Limerick , 73 ., & c . The lodge ivas opened in the first degree , the minutes of the last lodge Avere read and confirmed , the ballot ¦ was taken for Mr . George Henry Hodges , of Leicester , for admission into our mysteries ; Bro . Charles B . Martin , of the Eoyal Boyn Lodge , Bandon , Ireland , Avas proposed as a joining member , and Avere both unanimously elected ; Mr . Geo . H . Hodges being in readiness , was regularly initiated into Masonry by the AV . M .
Bro . Johnson , Avho performed the ceremony in a very praiseworthy manner . Bro . Bithrey , Sec , then gave the charge , and also the lecture on the tracing board , in a very efficient manner , and AA-as listened to by the brethren Avith much earnestness . A gentleman was proposed as a candidate for admission into our secrets . The lodge was closed with musical response , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . During the evening fche usual loyal aud Masonic toasts AA-ere givenand interspersed ivifch
, songs , recitations , & c , by Bros . Bifchreys , DaA'is , Brewin , and AVeare . The Secretary and Tyler's toasfc , with God Save the Queen by the brethren , closeel one of the most harmonious Masonic evenings ivhich should always characterise the true spirit of Masonry .
MONMOUTHSHIRE . •NEWRORT . —Silurian , Lodge ( No . 693 ) . —On Monday evening , Sept . 15 th , 1862 , this lodge assembled , at the King's Head Hotel , the W . M ., Bro . Samuel Hancorn , in the chair , on the occasion of a presentation being made to the S . AV . of the lodge , Bro . Henry Hellyer , who is ahout to remove to Sivansea . The testimonial , a large and beautiful silver teapot , had been subscribed for by the brethren . The AV . M . said : BrethrenI meet
, yon on this interesting occasion with feelings of considerable pleasure . Yet that pleasure is not unmixed with pain , ivhen I think that the object of our coming here is to present a parting gift , to a brother whom ive have learned to esteem , as ive have Bro . Hellyer . ( Hear , hear . ) Bro . Hellyer was initiated into Masonry in the Silurian Lodge , in the year 1850 , so that he has UOAV been a Mason for nearly thirteen years , and during that time ,
I arn informed by onr indefatigable Sec , Bro . Williams , he has served every office except that of AA' . M ., which office he ivould , in •ill probability , have taken next year had he remained with ns . As Junior and Senior AVarden , I have knoAvn him myself ; and as my Senior Warden I have now publicly to thank him for the Manner in AA'hich he has performed the . duties devolving upon him . ( Hear , hear . ) I do nofc recollect one single occasion upon Avhich he has "been absent from his postHis efficiency has
. been evident to you . all , and the assistance I have received from him out of lodge , as well as in ifc , has always been most cheerfull y rendered . ( Hear , hear . ) I feel great regret that I shall not have the pleasure of saluting him as W . M . next year . The Silurian Lodge has also cause to feel obliged to Bro . Hellyer . He has been the means of introducing to us many good and Worth y brethren . In one night , in 1852 , ho proposed five
gentlemen at the same time , AA-IIO AA-OI-O subsequently approved of , and initiated . ( Applause . ) In presenting this testimonial of our euteem to ion , Bro . Hellyer , I do it ivith very grateful feelings to my brethren for having selected me , and on the part of them and myself say we much regret your leaving us . We cannot , however , bufc hail with sincere pleasure any change that may be for your temporal advancement . ( Hear , hear . ) Partings are always painful , but in this changing world- of ours
partings must come , sooner or later , fco us all . I trust that you , Bro . Hellyer , and I , and each of us here , may so live that if it is not permitted us to meet in a lodge beloiA' , may all meet each other in the Grand lodge above , where the Great Architect of the Universe reigns for ever . I have great pleasure , Bro . Hellyer , in presenting you with this token of our esteem . May youl ive long to enjoy and use it . ( Applause . ) The presentation having tnken place , Bro . Hellyer rose , under much emotion , and
said—Beloved ) AV . M . and brethren : After the eulogiam jusfe passed upon me , you must admit that it is , indeed , difficult to find language iu ivhich to express the gratitude I feel towards you , for this token of your fraternal affection and love ; and the more so , because I deem myself unworthy of so kind a mark of esteem . I , however , with joy , accept this free gift , not as a mark of merit , but as an assurance of mutual regard . ( Hear , hear . ) In all probability , I have soon to leave yon , it being a duty that my feet should wander over other portions of
the Mosaic pavement of this chequered life . I cannot tell whether , if spared to live , I may hereafter stand in the bright and flowery meads of prosperity , or totter over the dark squares of adversity . Bufc this I do knoiv , brethren , that if I walk acccoi'diug to the high principles of our Masonic art , and wifch humility before the Great Architect , I need fear no evil . ( Hear , hear . ) To part is sorrowful ; yet the heart of a true Mason feels there is no such thing as parting for everfor after death
; me may meet in the Grand Lodge above . Briefly , dear brethren , let me ask you to receive my heart ' s deepest gratitude for this handsome token of your fraternal love . ( Applause . ) A number of toasts folloAved : — "The Press / ' being acknowledged by Bro . J . M . JScott ; " The Health of the President , Bro , Hancorn , " and " The Vice-president , Bro . E . B . Evans , " and others having been pledged in the sparkling " stirrup cup , " the
brethren separated all highly pleased at the result of the meeting . We hear thafc a worthy brother , living in London , of high standing in Masonry , has consented to serve the office of W . M . of the Silurian Lodge ( No . 693 ) , afc Newport , during fche coming year , and that he has promised to attend every lodge meeting , if business Avill admits . As this must necessarily ini-olve much personal sacrifice on his part , ive trust the brethren will appreciate his Masonic kindness in consenting to rule over them , and ive augur great benefits to the lodge , hy this appointment .
Knights Templar.
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —Loyal Brunswick Encampment . —The regular quarterly coni-ocafcion of the above encampment ivas held in the Freemasons * Chapter Eoom , St . George ' s Hall , on Thursday , the 18 th Sept . Present the folloiving Sir Knights , Evans , B . C . ; Dowse , P . E . C . and P . G . H . ; Eodd , Edwards , Brizzi , Thomas , Wills , Eodda , and Roive . Visiting Praters Sir Knight Pollard , E . C . of Veteran Encampment , Sir Knight Drake , P . E . C . of
Melita Encampment , and G . Supt . of AVorks ; and Sir Knight Carney . The encampment Avas opened at 4 o ' clock p . m ., in due form , under the command of the E . G ., assisted by the P . E . C . The minutes of the last meeting ivere read and confirmed , the ballot was then taken for the folloiving Royal Arch Companions , J . John Clase , of Chapter Fidelity ( No . 280 ) , andLient . Charles Scott , of Chapter 334 , Irish Register ; the same prov-ing unanimous , and they having signed the required declar "
tion , they were introduced in ancient form , and duly installed , Sir Knights of the Eoyal Exalted Religious and Military Order of Masonic Knights Templar . A donation of one guinea and an annual subscription of the same amount , AA-as unanimously A-oted to the Fortescue Memorial Fund of Devon . The names of four Eoyal Arch companions ivere then submitted to the consideration of the Sir Knights , as candidates for installation to the Order , at the next quarterly convocation . There heing no other business before the meeting , the encampment was closed in solemn form , with prayer , afc six o'clock .