Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
AVOOLAA ICH . KEATTS TTJJTE ENCAMPMENT . —A meeting of this encampment ivas held at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , on Friday , the 19 th instant ,. Present , Sir Knights Captain Boyle as E . C . ; Figg , 1 st Captain ; Fraser , 2 nd Captain ; Laird , Expert ; Dr . Hmxnuum , Prov . G . Com . Prelate ; and Sir Knights Lyons , Mating * , Matthew Cooke , Hassall and Heivitt . The visitors were Sir Kights J . Ranking Stebbing ; Dr . Edwards ,
Melita Encampment , Malta ; Thompson , and Binckes . Three candidates for knighthood—viz ., Comps . Thomson , R . B . Bayly , and the Rev . Dr . Richards , all being in attendanceivere received and installed Knights Templar . The business heing concluded , fche Sir Knig hts adjourned to dinner at Bro . De Grey ' s , the Freemason ' s Tavern , where , after the cloth had heen removed , the usual toasts were proposed , and the Sir Knights , having passed an agreeable evening , separated at their usual hour .
Royal Arch.
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Cablell Chapter ( No . 1100 . )—The Companions of this distinguished Chapter met at the Freemasons' Hall , St . Stephens , Norwich , on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., under the able presidency of Comp . A . F . Morgan , Z ., supported by Comp . W . R . Redgrave ; H . Harry , P . ; L . Estrange , J . ; Geo . E . Simpson , E . ; Rev . P . S . Hodgson , N . ; H . Underwood and D . Penrice , Assist . Sojs . The Chapter being opened , and the minutes
of the last meeting confirmed , the first business was to ballot for three candidates for exaltation . Bros . Chandelar Tadmaii , of Social Lodge ( No . 110 ) , Benjamin Lamb , and James Coekhurn , of Cahhell Lodge ( No . 1109 ) , heing unanimously elected , they were exalted to this sublime degree . Comp . Henry Jno . Mason , in the absence of Comp . AVilliam Leedes Fox , officiated as Principal Soj ., the whole of the ceremony being most efficiently performed . The Chapter being closedthe Comps . supped
, together and passed a pleasant evening . This flourishing Chapter was consecrated in March last , with only nine Companions—it now numbers 36 members . Upivards of twenty candidates have been exalted since that period , and three candidates are proposed for exaltation at the next meeting of the Chapter , to he held on the 16 th of October next , afc which time the principals and officers for the ensuing year will be elected ,
SMYRNA , Homer Lodge ( So . 988 ) . —On tire 27 th August the brethren of No . 988 gave a Masonic banquet afc their lodge-room in the English Club , Frank-street , to W . Bro . Richard Bayliss , P . M ., of Derby , on a visit to Syrarya as engineer to the neiv Gas Company . Bro . Paterson , W . M . presided , supported by "V . W . Bro . Hyde Clarke , D . P . G . M . Turkey , and many brethren of Nos . 988 and 1193 .
WILLIS ' ROOMS , BMJAVER-STREET , GOLDEN-SQUARE . —Bro Newton gave a conversations at these rooms on Tuesday even ing , when a large number of ladies and gentlemen were present The rooms have been recently decorated , and afford every ac commodation for balls , lectures , and concerts .
The Week.
' THE COURT . —The Queen and Family still continues in Germany . The latest accounts representing the whole of the family to be in excellent health . GENERAL H OME NEWS . —The mortality in the metropolis appears to he on the increase . The daths of last week Avere 11 S 5 , Avhich is an increase of 4-7 over those of the previous week , and 54 in excess of the corrected average for the last ten years that is , if alloAvance be made forthe mortality caused by cholera in the corresponding week of the year 185 'k The
births were 17 G 0 , Avhich IS considerably beloAV the average rate of 1832 . Although the International Exhibition will be formally closed on the 1 st of November , the Commissioners have decided to alloiv the building'to remain open for a fortnight after that date , "in order to afford exhibitors in the industrial departments an opportunity of selling their goods . "—During the proposed supplementary season , the price of admission ivill
he higher tlmi the existing rates . The Chancellor of the Exchequer presided , on AVednesday , at tho annual dinner of the Denbigh and Flint Agricultural Society , ivhich took place afc Mold . In proposing the loyal toasts he made happy allusion to the approaching marriage of the Prince of AVales—a union ivhich he declared ivas not only , like most English Royal marriages , conformable to the public interest , but founded upon
the warmth and sincerity of personal attachment . In a subsequent speech he pointed out the advantages ivhich free trade had conferred upon fanners as ivell as upon every other class of the community . Lord Stanley presided afc the meeting held on Monday night to inaugurate the neAv building of the Stockport Mechanic ' s Institution . At the annual meeting of the
Cotton Supply Association , on Tuesday , the principal topic of discussion ivas the extent to ivhich India might be expected to meet the great wants of Lancashire . As to the natural capabilities of that country to supply England ivith a large quantity of good useful cotton , there was hut one opinion , but loud complaints were made of the apathy and obstruefciveness of the
Indian government . Sir Charles Wood ' s reversal of Lord Canning ' s measure for the sale of n-aste lands was strongly denounced , and one speaker , Mr . Hugh Mason , declared that he saw' nothing for it but that the Chamber of Commerce , and fche Cotton Supply Association , and the Mayor of Manchester , with all his municipal constituents at his back , should rise and
demand the impeachment of a man AA'IIO had so misconducted himself , in his high office , at the . present crisis of our great national industry . Mr . M . Ross touched upon the subject of " substitutes for cotton , " and remarked thafc ifc might be affirmed , with safety , that nofc one ofthe staples ivhich , had heen submitted to them ivas likely to compensate them for the loss of cotton . —¦— -Mr . Farnall , the special Poor-laiv
Commissioner , reported at the meeting of the Manchester Relief Committee , that during the past iveek another serious increase had taken place in tlie number of persons applying for relief in the tAventy-four unions affected by the cotton famine . The average per centage of pauperism in these unions is noiv 7 ' 8 , while this time last year it was only 22 . In the unions
which suffer most from the present pressure , fche average per centage is estimated at the high figure of seventeen . Mr . Laing has received an address from the Manchester Chamber of Commerce , expressing their sense of the soundness , and congratulating him on the success , of his financial policy in India . The hon . gentlemen , in acknowledging this . tribute to
his services , briefly referred to his late dispute with Sir Charles Wood , and then passed on to the larger question , in ivhich this county is so deeply interested . For the next year or tivo , he said , nothing was likely to be done ivhich would largely increase , the supply of cotton from India ; and if , during the next twelve months , a million and a quarter bales should arrive from that
country , he believed it was as much as could reasonably be expected . If , therefore , it should be impossible to get at the cotton stored in the Southern States , the present crisis must go on ivifch augmenting force for the next twelve months ; hut he believed that many months would not elapse before the termination of the struggle in America , and the recognition by England and other great powers of Europe of the Southern
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
AVOOLAA ICH . KEATTS TTJJTE ENCAMPMENT . —A meeting of this encampment ivas held at the Masonic Hall , William-street , Woolwich , on Friday , the 19 th instant ,. Present , Sir Knights Captain Boyle as E . C . ; Figg , 1 st Captain ; Fraser , 2 nd Captain ; Laird , Expert ; Dr . Hmxnuum , Prov . G . Com . Prelate ; and Sir Knights Lyons , Mating * , Matthew Cooke , Hassall and Heivitt . The visitors were Sir Kights J . Ranking Stebbing ; Dr . Edwards ,
Melita Encampment , Malta ; Thompson , and Binckes . Three candidates for knighthood—viz ., Comps . Thomson , R . B . Bayly , and the Rev . Dr . Richards , all being in attendanceivere received and installed Knights Templar . The business heing concluded , fche Sir Knig hts adjourned to dinner at Bro . De Grey ' s , the Freemason ' s Tavern , where , after the cloth had heen removed , the usual toasts were proposed , and the Sir Knights , having passed an agreeable evening , separated at their usual hour .
Royal Arch.
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Cablell Chapter ( No . 1100 . )—The Companions of this distinguished Chapter met at the Freemasons' Hall , St . Stephens , Norwich , on Wednesday , the 17 th inst ., under the able presidency of Comp . A . F . Morgan , Z ., supported by Comp . W . R . Redgrave ; H . Harry , P . ; L . Estrange , J . ; Geo . E . Simpson , E . ; Rev . P . S . Hodgson , N . ; H . Underwood and D . Penrice , Assist . Sojs . The Chapter being opened , and the minutes
of the last meeting confirmed , the first business was to ballot for three candidates for exaltation . Bros . Chandelar Tadmaii , of Social Lodge ( No . 110 ) , Benjamin Lamb , and James Coekhurn , of Cahhell Lodge ( No . 1109 ) , heing unanimously elected , they were exalted to this sublime degree . Comp . Henry Jno . Mason , in the absence of Comp . AVilliam Leedes Fox , officiated as Principal Soj ., the whole of the ceremony being most efficiently performed . The Chapter being closedthe Comps . supped
, together and passed a pleasant evening . This flourishing Chapter was consecrated in March last , with only nine Companions—it now numbers 36 members . Upivards of twenty candidates have been exalted since that period , and three candidates are proposed for exaltation at the next meeting of the Chapter , to he held on the 16 th of October next , afc which time the principals and officers for the ensuing year will be elected ,
SMYRNA , Homer Lodge ( So . 988 ) . —On tire 27 th August the brethren of No . 988 gave a Masonic banquet afc their lodge-room in the English Club , Frank-street , to W . Bro . Richard Bayliss , P . M ., of Derby , on a visit to Syrarya as engineer to the neiv Gas Company . Bro . Paterson , W . M . presided , supported by "V . W . Bro . Hyde Clarke , D . P . G . M . Turkey , and many brethren of Nos . 988 and 1193 .
WILLIS ' ROOMS , BMJAVER-STREET , GOLDEN-SQUARE . —Bro Newton gave a conversations at these rooms on Tuesday even ing , when a large number of ladies and gentlemen were present The rooms have been recently decorated , and afford every ac commodation for balls , lectures , and concerts .
The Week.
' THE COURT . —The Queen and Family still continues in Germany . The latest accounts representing the whole of the family to be in excellent health . GENERAL H OME NEWS . —The mortality in the metropolis appears to he on the increase . The daths of last week Avere 11 S 5 , Avhich is an increase of 4-7 over those of the previous week , and 54 in excess of the corrected average for the last ten years that is , if alloAvance be made forthe mortality caused by cholera in the corresponding week of the year 185 'k The
births were 17 G 0 , Avhich IS considerably beloAV the average rate of 1832 . Although the International Exhibition will be formally closed on the 1 st of November , the Commissioners have decided to alloiv the building'to remain open for a fortnight after that date , "in order to afford exhibitors in the industrial departments an opportunity of selling their goods . "—During the proposed supplementary season , the price of admission ivill
he higher tlmi the existing rates . The Chancellor of the Exchequer presided , on AVednesday , at tho annual dinner of the Denbigh and Flint Agricultural Society , ivhich took place afc Mold . In proposing the loyal toasts he made happy allusion to the approaching marriage of the Prince of AVales—a union ivhich he declared ivas not only , like most English Royal marriages , conformable to the public interest , but founded upon
the warmth and sincerity of personal attachment . In a subsequent speech he pointed out the advantages ivhich free trade had conferred upon fanners as ivell as upon every other class of the community . Lord Stanley presided afc the meeting held on Monday night to inaugurate the neAv building of the Stockport Mechanic ' s Institution . At the annual meeting of the
Cotton Supply Association , on Tuesday , the principal topic of discussion ivas the extent to ivhich India might be expected to meet the great wants of Lancashire . As to the natural capabilities of that country to supply England ivith a large quantity of good useful cotton , there was hut one opinion , but loud complaints were made of the apathy and obstruefciveness of the
Indian government . Sir Charles Wood ' s reversal of Lord Canning ' s measure for the sale of n-aste lands was strongly denounced , and one speaker , Mr . Hugh Mason , declared that he saw' nothing for it but that the Chamber of Commerce , and fche Cotton Supply Association , and the Mayor of Manchester , with all his municipal constituents at his back , should rise and
demand the impeachment of a man AA'IIO had so misconducted himself , in his high office , at the . present crisis of our great national industry . Mr . M . Ross touched upon the subject of " substitutes for cotton , " and remarked thafc ifc might be affirmed , with safety , that nofc one ofthe staples ivhich , had heen submitted to them ivas likely to compensate them for the loss of cotton . —¦— -Mr . Farnall , the special Poor-laiv
Commissioner , reported at the meeting of the Manchester Relief Committee , that during the past iveek another serious increase had taken place in tlie number of persons applying for relief in the tAventy-four unions affected by the cotton famine . The average per centage of pauperism in these unions is noiv 7 ' 8 , while this time last year it was only 22 . In the unions
which suffer most from the present pressure , fche average per centage is estimated at the high figure of seventeen . Mr . Laing has received an address from the Manchester Chamber of Commerce , expressing their sense of the soundness , and congratulating him on the success , of his financial policy in India . The hon . gentlemen , in acknowledging this . tribute to
his services , briefly referred to his late dispute with Sir Charles Wood , and then passed on to the larger question , in ivhich this county is so deeply interested . For the next year or tivo , he said , nothing was likely to be done ivhich would largely increase , the supply of cotton from India ; and if , during the next twelve months , a million and a quarter bales should arrive from that
country , he believed it was as much as could reasonably be expected . If , therefore , it should be impossible to get at the cotton stored in the Southern States , the present crisis must go on ivifch augmenting force for the next twelve months ; hut he believed that many months would not elapse before the termination of the struggle in America , and the recognition by England and other great powers of Europe of the Southern