Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The new Board of General Purposes held its first meeting on the 17 th inst ., when every member attended but three ; we therefore anticipate an attentive body on the new Board . Bro . . T . Rankin . Stehbing was unanimously re-elected Vice-President . The Prov . Grand Lodge of Hampshire is to be held at Havant
on the 8 th July , when the respected Prov . Grand Master , ^ Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , will preside . The summer festival of the Kobert Burns Lodge ( No . 25 ) takes place on the 16 th July .
LANCASHIRE WEST . LivmrooL . —Ancient Union Lodge ( No . 215 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , on Thursday , 19 th of June , 1 S 62 . Present—Bros . M . Crawford , W . M . ; Young , P . M . ; Row-son , S . W .: Friesland , J . W . ; C . Bromley , P . M ., Treas . ; Thomas Marsh , Sec ; C . J . BanisterP . M ., F . G . D . Cthe rest of the officersand a good
, ,, , attendance of members and visitors . The minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . Messrs . Brown and Smith having been duly ballotted for and elected , were initiated into the mysteries ofthe Order in due form . Bros . Porter , Gillham , and Dalton having given proof of their proficiency , were passed to the second degree , both ceremonies were performed by the W . M . in a very impressive manner ; also explaining the
working tools in each degree . Business of the lodge being over , it was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . This successful lodge has set an example which all wealthy lodges should emulate , being in perpetuity governors of all the Masonic charities , having last year given one hunched guineas to them , ancl three years before given the like sum to the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , an incontestable proof what may be done by lodges meeting at private rooms instead of at hotels and taverns .
LEICESTERSHIRE . ASHIIY-DE-LA-ZOUCH . —Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge ( No . lOSl ) . —This lodge held held its anniversary meeting in the Lodge Room at the Town Hall , in Ashby-do-la-Zouch , on Monday , the lCth of June . The lodge having been opened by Bro . T . H . Robart , P . M ., Bro . W . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . of Leicestershire , occupied the chair in the earlier part of the proceedings . Mr . E . P .
Mammatt ( son of the late li . "Mammatt , Esq ., Master of the above lodge , and P . Prov . J . G . W . ) was initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , after which the I ) . Prov . G . M . and a board of Past Masters proceeded to install , according to ancient custom , the Worshipful Master for tho ensuing year . Bro . the Rev . J . Denton , Prov . G . Chap , of Leicestershire , and S . W . of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lod who waswith the usual
cerege , , monies , placed in the chair , after which he proceeded to nominate and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Dr . Dicken , S . W . ; S . Ison , J . W . ; it . Etherington Smith , S . D . ; W . M . Bobart , J . D . ; P . Hamp , Treas . ; J . Redfern , Sec . ; J . Goodman , I . G . ; W . Cauner , Tyler . Bro . Adlington officiated at the harmonium . At six o'clock the brethren sat down to a most sumptuous banquet at the large room of the Queen ' s Head Hotel . The chair
was occupied by the new Worshipful Master , Rev . J . Denton , who was supported by the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , and by Ih-os . Goodyer , Morris , II . Etherington Smith , & c . Dr . Dicken occupied the vice-chair . Among other brethren who were present , there were Bros . P . Hanip , G . F . Brown , H . Caldicott , G . Outraui , W . Woodward , J . Redfern , J . Arnold , II . Harper , P . Bowley , T . K . SmithR . MorrisE . P . MammattH . Adlington
, , , , & c . A most kind letter was received from Bro . the Earl Howe , Prov . G . M ., who would have been present , hut was obliged to be in London . Grace was said before and after dinner by the chairman , the Rev . J . Denton , after which , in appropriate speeches , he la-onosed the " Queen ancl the Craft : " " The Prince
of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , and the Prince ot Prussia ; " " The Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England ;" "The Earl cle Grey and Ripon , Deputy Grand Master ; " " The Earl Howe , Grand Master of Leicestershire ; " " The D . Grand Master of Leicestershire . " In proposing the last toast , among other remarks , Bro . Denton said , that though Leicestershire did not boast of so many lodges as , perhaps , from the size of the countit ht to possessyet that it could boast of having a
y oug , Prov . Grand Master and D . Prov . Grand Master of whom the Leicestershire Masons had every reason to be proud ; and they felt that in the admirable way those offices were filled , they were second to no other province in the kingdom . —Bro . D ICKEN then proposed the health of the " Officers and Memhers of the Grand Lodge of Leicestershire , " to which Bro . Goodyer replied . —Bro . KELLY then rose , and in most flattering terms proposed the
" Health of the newly-elected Master of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge . "—Bro . DENTON , in replying , spoke of his predecessors in that office , the late Earl Ferrers and the late Bro . Mammatt , ancl hoped that he might be enabled to rule the lodge as firmly and as courteously as the last-mentioned brother had done . _ He urged on the brethren the duty of attending the regular meetings of the lodge , and in every way upholding the great and high
princip les of Freemasonry . He thanked thein extremely for the very flattering manner in which they had elected him to the chair , ancl concluded by proposing the " Health of his Wardens avid Officers . "—Bro . DICKEN replied , aud proposed " Prosperity to the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge . "—The W . M . then proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to by Bros . Morris ( Leicester ) and Caldicott ( Nuneaton ) . —The W . M . then
proposed " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " which was responded to . —The other toasts proposed from the chair were the " Officers of the Lodge for last year , " responded to by Bro . Love ; " The newly-initiated Candidate , " responded to by Bro . E . F . Mammatt , and "Our Poor and Distressed Brothers throughout the World . "—The chair was vacated soon after nine o ' clock , and the brethren separated shortly afterwards .
NOTTS AND HUNTS . PROVINCIAL GBAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the lodges of this province was held on Friday , the 20 th inst ., at the Lodge Rooms , Wentworth Hotel , Peterborough , under the auspices of the St . Peter's Lodge ,
No . G-16 . The R . W . Prov . G . M ., the Marquis of Huntley , presided , _ and was well supported by the grand officers and "brethren of the province , though we have witnessed more numerous gatherings , the falling off being attributable , it is believed , to the circumstance of the meeting having been held at Peterborough for the last three or four years in succession , a proceeding not altogether agreeable or convenient to members of the Craft in other parts
of the province . The business before the Grand Lodge was generally of a routine character . The appointment of grand officers having been made , and the minute books of the various lodges inspected and signed , the treasurer ' s report was read and adopted . The funds of the province being in a healthy condition , the question of its disposal was agitated . Bro . Frederick Binckes , Secretary of the Boys' Schoolattended from Londonancl advantage
, , was taken of his presence to make some inquiries as to the charities of the order , and especially to elicit some explanations with regard to the Boys' School . Bro . Binckes made a lengthened statement , which was accepted as entirely satisfactory by the Noble Marquis in the chair , and by the members of the Grand Lodge generally . Bro . Parker , of Thapston , always zealous in the work of charity , Bro . Ingram , W . M . of the Socrates' Lodge
( No . 211 ) , ancl others took part in the discussion , at the close of which the following handsome donations were granted , with a liberality and thouglitt'ulness for the wants of these institutions , which greatly redounds to the credit of the province : —Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , £ 10 10 s . ; Royal Freemasons ' School for Female Children , £ 10 10 s . ; Royal Benevolent Institution , £ 10 ; in addition to which , from the Provincial
Benevolent Fund , £ 10 was voted to the widow of a deaeased brother . The Most Noble the G . M . was reluctantly compelled to leave after the closing of the Grand Lodge , and the banquet was presided over by Bro . Thomas Ewart , D . Prov . G . M ., about thirty brethren partaking thereof , all of whom did justice to the good cheer set before them by the worthy host , Bro . Ellis , whose attention and that of his family and others was deservedly appreciated .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The new Board of General Purposes held its first meeting on the 17 th inst ., when every member attended but three ; we therefore anticipate an attentive body on the new Board . Bro . . T . Rankin . Stehbing was unanimously re-elected Vice-President . The Prov . Grand Lodge of Hampshire is to be held at Havant
on the 8 th July , when the respected Prov . Grand Master , ^ Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , will preside . The summer festival of the Kobert Burns Lodge ( No . 25 ) takes place on the 16 th July .
LANCASHIRE WEST . LivmrooL . —Ancient Union Lodge ( No . 215 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Masonic Temple , Hope-street , on Thursday , 19 th of June , 1 S 62 . Present—Bros . M . Crawford , W . M . ; Young , P . M . ; Row-son , S . W .: Friesland , J . W . ; C . Bromley , P . M ., Treas . ; Thomas Marsh , Sec ; C . J . BanisterP . M ., F . G . D . Cthe rest of the officersand a good
, ,, , attendance of members and visitors . The minutes of the last regular lodge were read and confirmed . Messrs . Brown and Smith having been duly ballotted for and elected , were initiated into the mysteries ofthe Order in due form . Bros . Porter , Gillham , and Dalton having given proof of their proficiency , were passed to the second degree , both ceremonies were performed by the W . M . in a very impressive manner ; also explaining the
working tools in each degree . Business of the lodge being over , it was closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . This successful lodge has set an example which all wealthy lodges should emulate , being in perpetuity governors of all the Masonic charities , having last year given one hunched guineas to them , ancl three years before given the like sum to the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , an incontestable proof what may be done by lodges meeting at private rooms instead of at hotels and taverns .
LEICESTERSHIRE . ASHIIY-DE-LA-ZOUCH . —Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge ( No . lOSl ) . —This lodge held held its anniversary meeting in the Lodge Room at the Town Hall , in Ashby-do-la-Zouch , on Monday , the lCth of June . The lodge having been opened by Bro . T . H . Robart , P . M ., Bro . W . Kelly , D . Prov . G . M . of Leicestershire , occupied the chair in the earlier part of the proceedings . Mr . E . P .
Mammatt ( son of the late li . "Mammatt , Esq ., Master of the above lodge , and P . Prov . J . G . W . ) was initiated into the mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , after which the I ) . Prov . G . M . and a board of Past Masters proceeded to install , according to ancient custom , the Worshipful Master for tho ensuing year . Bro . the Rev . J . Denton , Prov . G . Chap , of Leicestershire , and S . W . of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lod who waswith the usual
cerege , , monies , placed in the chair , after which he proceeded to nominate and invest his officers as follows : —Bros . Dr . Dicken , S . W . ; S . Ison , J . W . ; it . Etherington Smith , S . D . ; W . M . Bobart , J . D . ; P . Hamp , Treas . ; J . Redfern , Sec . ; J . Goodman , I . G . ; W . Cauner , Tyler . Bro . Adlington officiated at the harmonium . At six o'clock the brethren sat down to a most sumptuous banquet at the large room of the Queen ' s Head Hotel . The chair
was occupied by the new Worshipful Master , Rev . J . Denton , who was supported by the D . Prov . G . M ., Bro . Kelly , and by Ih-os . Goodyer , Morris , II . Etherington Smith , & c . Dr . Dicken occupied the vice-chair . Among other brethren who were present , there were Bros . P . Hanip , G . F . Brown , H . Caldicott , G . Outraui , W . Woodward , J . Redfern , J . Arnold , II . Harper , P . Bowley , T . K . SmithR . MorrisE . P . MammattH . Adlington
, , , , & c . A most kind letter was received from Bro . the Earl Howe , Prov . G . M ., who would have been present , hut was obliged to be in London . Grace was said before and after dinner by the chairman , the Rev . J . Denton , after which , in appropriate speeches , he la-onosed the " Queen ancl the Craft : " " The Prince
of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , and the Prince ot Prussia ; " " The Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England ;" "The Earl cle Grey and Ripon , Deputy Grand Master ; " " The Earl Howe , Grand Master of Leicestershire ; " " The D . Grand Master of Leicestershire . " In proposing the last toast , among other remarks , Bro . Denton said , that though Leicestershire did not boast of so many lodges as , perhaps , from the size of the countit ht to possessyet that it could boast of having a
y oug , Prov . Grand Master and D . Prov . Grand Master of whom the Leicestershire Masons had every reason to be proud ; and they felt that in the admirable way those offices were filled , they were second to no other province in the kingdom . —Bro . D ICKEN then proposed the health of the " Officers and Memhers of the Grand Lodge of Leicestershire , " to which Bro . Goodyer replied . —Bro . KELLY then rose , and in most flattering terms proposed the
" Health of the newly-elected Master of the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge . "—Bro . DENTON , in replying , spoke of his predecessors in that office , the late Earl Ferrers and the late Bro . Mammatt , ancl hoped that he might be enabled to rule the lodge as firmly and as courteously as the last-mentioned brother had done . _ He urged on the brethren the duty of attending the regular meetings of the lodge , and in every way upholding the great and high
princip les of Freemasonry . He thanked thein extremely for the very flattering manner in which they had elected him to the chair , ancl concluded by proposing the " Health of his Wardens avid Officers . "—Bro . DICKEN replied , aud proposed " Prosperity to the Ferrers and Ivanhoe Lodge . "—The W . M . then proposed "The Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to by Bros . Morris ( Leicester ) and Caldicott ( Nuneaton ) . —The W . M . then
proposed " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " which was responded to . —The other toasts proposed from the chair were the " Officers of the Lodge for last year , " responded to by Bro . Love ; " The newly-initiated Candidate , " responded to by Bro . E . F . Mammatt , and "Our Poor and Distressed Brothers throughout the World . "—The chair was vacated soon after nine o ' clock , and the brethren separated shortly afterwards .
NOTTS AND HUNTS . PROVINCIAL GBAND LODGE . The annual meeting of the lodges of this province was held on Friday , the 20 th inst ., at the Lodge Rooms , Wentworth Hotel , Peterborough , under the auspices of the St . Peter's Lodge ,
No . G-16 . The R . W . Prov . G . M ., the Marquis of Huntley , presided , _ and was well supported by the grand officers and "brethren of the province , though we have witnessed more numerous gatherings , the falling off being attributable , it is believed , to the circumstance of the meeting having been held at Peterborough for the last three or four years in succession , a proceeding not altogether agreeable or convenient to members of the Craft in other parts
of the province . The business before the Grand Lodge was generally of a routine character . The appointment of grand officers having been made , and the minute books of the various lodges inspected and signed , the treasurer ' s report was read and adopted . The funds of the province being in a healthy condition , the question of its disposal was agitated . Bro . Frederick Binckes , Secretary of the Boys' Schoolattended from Londonancl advantage
, , was taken of his presence to make some inquiries as to the charities of the order , and especially to elicit some explanations with regard to the Boys' School . Bro . Binckes made a lengthened statement , which was accepted as entirely satisfactory by the Noble Marquis in the chair , and by the members of the Grand Lodge generally . Bro . Parker , of Thapston , always zealous in the work of charity , Bro . Ingram , W . M . of the Socrates' Lodge
( No . 211 ) , ancl others took part in the discussion , at the close of which the following handsome donations were granted , with a liberality and thouglitt'ulness for the wants of these institutions , which greatly redounds to the credit of the province : —Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , £ 10 10 s . ; Royal Freemasons ' School for Female Children , £ 10 10 s . ; Royal Benevolent Institution , £ 10 ; in addition to which , from the Provincial
Benevolent Fund , £ 10 was voted to the widow of a deaeased brother . The Most Noble the G . M . was reluctantly compelled to leave after the closing of the Grand Lodge , and the banquet was presided over by Bro . Thomas Ewart , D . Prov . G . M ., about thirty brethren partaking thereof , all of whom did justice to the good cheer set before them by the worthy host , Bro . Ellis , whose attention and that of his family and others was deservedly appreciated .