Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 2 →
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The usual loyal and masonic toasts were heartily received , especially that of "The Charities , " with which was coupled the name of Bro . Binckes , who , in reply , addressed an earnest appeal to the assembled brethren to aid him in the task ho had assigned himself—that of providing means for the erection within three years , of thoroughly , suitable , and commodious building , comprising every modern improvement , but carefully eschewing all superfluous ornamentationwherein 100 boys
, might he accommodated , without encroaching upon the funded property of the institution . Bro . Dr . Porter , of St . Peter's Lodge ( No . GIG ) , kindly consented to represent the pvovince as Steward at the anniversary festival ofthe Boys' School in March , 1 S 63 , amidst the applause and promises of support of the brethren present . A very agreeable day was successfully brought to a close at a reasonable hour .
Royal Arch.
SCOTLAND . The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland met in Quarterly Convocation , in the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on the 18 th inst . Several proxy Companions were sustained and petitions for a Charter for a new Chapter in Hawick , and also one for a Mark Masters' Lodge in Burslem , Staffordshire , disposed of . Presents from Grand Chapter of Canada were
received , and reply to address of condolence to Her Majesty read . A communication was also read from Dr . Arnott , adhering to his resignation of the office of Prov . Grand Superintendent of the Western District , tendered personally by him at the ¦ special meeting of the Grand Chapter , held on the 23 rd of Maylast , the proceedings of which were duly reported in this MAGAZINE . The Doctor's resignation was acceptedand as this
, has the effect of disjoining the province , all proceedings thereon were allowed to drop . Thus , has been wrenched from the grasp of a few Companions in Glasgow-, the supervision of a province over which , had they been moderate in their pretensions , they might have held sway long enough . But that this unlooked for rupture will lead to the extension of of Royal Arch Masonry In the disjoined provinces , there can lie but one opinion . In a
geographical point of view the Western District embraced a too extensive and widely scattered territory , to admit of its thorough and effective supervision by Prov . Grand Officers , resident in the city of Glasgow ; ancl in all probability the present state of matters will result in the erection of three or more separate and independent Royal Arch provinces , of which Ayrshire and Galloway may form one \ GlasgowLanarkshireRenfrewshire
, , , , and Dumbartonshire the others . As it is highly desirable that every Blue Lodge in the country should have a Royal Arch Chapter attached to it , so ought the arrangement of the country , into Royal Arch provinces , he as nearly as possible similar to that adopted by the Grand Lodge of Scotland .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
WoOLWicir . —Invicta Chapter of Sovereign Princes Hose Croix . —This highly important chapter held its usual meeting at the Masonic Hall , Woolwich , on Friday , the 20 th inst ., under the presidency of the 111 . Bro . Figg , 30 ° , " M . W . S . The officers were W . Smith , C . E ., 30 ° , First Gen . ; Capt . King , 31 , Second Gen . ; Rev . Dr . Richards , * lS ° , Prelate ; W . Carter , P . M . W . S ., 1 S ° ; G . Marsh ; P . Laird 1 S ° Raphael ; Matthew Cooke 30 '
, , , , Org . The members present wero the S . G . I . G . Colonel Cleric , 33 ° ; Hyde Puhen , 32 ° ; Capt . Boyle , 30 ° ; H . Thompson , Lyons , Malings , Dr . Hughes , Bailey , 11 . T . Wade , and Eraser , 18 ° . The visitors—the Ex . Bros . Brackstonc , Baker and Gumiiletou , 18 ' . The business consisted in admitting to this superb degree Bros . Dr . Hamilton , Prov . G . M ., Jamaica ; li . Dorling , Prov . G . Sec , Suffolk ; "William Piatt , P . M ., 1 GS , and McConnell , P . M . The
ceremony being most efficiently performed , after the chapter had been closed the whole of those present adjourned to their annual fish dinner at Bro . Gordon ' s , the ! Crown and Sceptre , Greenwich , whore Bro . Dr . Hinxman , 31 ° , met them , he having i been appointed Director of Ceremonies , and proceeded to Green- j wich to ensure the comfort of the chapter , a task he performed most admirably last year , and with no less success on the pre- i
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
sent occasion , the dinner and wines being ail that the most fastidious could desire , reflecting great credit on Bro . Gordon for his attention , and Dr . Hinxman for his good taste . After the clotii had been cleared , and grace said , the M . W . S ., the 111 . Bro . i- ' iGO , rose and reminded them that on such occasions they usually dropped their masonic titles , and made hut short speeiies , therefore ho proposed "The health of her Majesty " without any other introduction , well knowing how that toast
would be received . —The M . W . S . said he should next propose " Tho health of the Most Puissant Sovereign of the Order , the 111 . Dr . Leeson , " who , as their head , had brought it to its present prosperity , and with the toast he would couple "The health of the ¦ members of the Supreme Grand Council and Colonel Clerk . "—Colonel CLEKK , 33 ° , in the name of tho Supreme Grand Council , returned thanks . If Dr . Leeson could have been present he must have been hihly gratified by that day ' s
performg ance of the ceremony . No Rose Croix Chapter could have gone through the work better than the Invicta , and , on behalf of himself , lie was thankful to have his name mentioned with the toast in that , the most prosperous and best conducted chapter of the order . — -Colonel CLEM-: took that opportunity to propose "Tho health of their M . W . S ., the 111 . Bro . Figg , " and to congratulate the chapter on having as its chief officer one so careful , efficient , and perfect in all he undertook . —The M . W . S . was
veryproud of such commendation , but he thought it was more owing to their habitual kindness to him on that and every other occasion more than to any deserts of his own . For the honour they had done him he returned his best thanks . —The M . W . S . then called upon the 111 . Bio . Dr . Hinxman , 31 ° , to propose the next toast . —Dr . HINXMAN was quite surprised that he should have been selected for that duty , but it iv . is one which afforded him the greatest pleasure , particularly as they had such visitors present that evening . The chapter , ho said , always tried to do its
Dcsfc in the presence of its visitors . They were happy to endeavour to make their work second to none , to introduce their guests into their elegant hall , and oiler them such hospitality as they themselves partook of .. They were honoured by havingamongst them the 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , and the Ex . Bros . Brackstonc , Baker , Thompson , and Gumbleton , 18 ° , and he proposed their healths , which ' toast was warmly received . —The 111 . Bro . Ilr . DE PULLEN 32 ° said it was with extreme satisfaction
, , that he acknowledged the toast . The ceremony that day had been performed most excellently ; indeed , he had never known it done better . They had a hall nicely adapted to it , and the care with winch the whole of the fittings and adjuncts were provided were beyond mere praise . From what he had seen that day he was more disposed than ever to adhere to the opinion he had formed , and pronounce that in the provinces the ceremonies were more
carefully performed than in the metropolis , and that the metropolitan chapters might well become a learner from them . Ho and his brother visitors tendered their thanks for their hospitable reception ; ancl for himself he was much pleased with the invicta Chapter , and could not forget that in Kent he was initiated , and was a P . Prov . G . Officer . Kent was his homo , and he felt that in their reception that day he was at homo . Ho
should , therefore , always take a great interest in that chapter , and h ? hoped it might long go on in the same way it was doing , it beiu-r one of the most prosperous and worthy chapters in tho kingdom . —Colonel Ci . Einc , 33 ' , proposed " The health of tho for : ! - brethren who had that day taken the most beautiful degree i : i Frecmisonry ; " and he went on , with great facility of expression and clearnessto point out its symbolismmysteriesand
, , , privileges , which it is not proper to print hero . —The Ex . Bro . McConnell returned thanks ; and Dr . Hamilton stated it to lie his intention to see if ho could not introduce it into his dependency . Some other toasts followed , and tiie meeting terminated .
Mark Masonry.
GRAND LODGE OP ENGLAND AND WALES . The half-yearly communication was held at Freemasons ' Tavern , London , on Wednesday , 18 th inst ., the M . W . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , presiding . There were also present , R . W . Bro . W . W . Read , M . P ., as L \ Grand Master ; RW . Bros . Ralph A . Benson , G . S . W . ; Y . W . !) r . Jones , G . Treas ., as G .. 1 . W . ; Y . W . Rev . G . R . Portal , as G-r ; :- .: d Chap . ; YW . Frederick Binckes , Grand Sec ; Y \" . Geo . llaward , Grand Senior Overseer ; several Past Grand Officers ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The usual loyal and masonic toasts were heartily received , especially that of "The Charities , " with which was coupled the name of Bro . Binckes , who , in reply , addressed an earnest appeal to the assembled brethren to aid him in the task ho had assigned himself—that of providing means for the erection within three years , of thoroughly , suitable , and commodious building , comprising every modern improvement , but carefully eschewing all superfluous ornamentationwherein 100 boys
, might he accommodated , without encroaching upon the funded property of the institution . Bro . Dr . Porter , of St . Peter's Lodge ( No . GIG ) , kindly consented to represent the pvovince as Steward at the anniversary festival ofthe Boys' School in March , 1 S 63 , amidst the applause and promises of support of the brethren present . A very agreeable day was successfully brought to a close at a reasonable hour .
Royal Arch.
SCOTLAND . The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland met in Quarterly Convocation , in the Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on the 18 th inst . Several proxy Companions were sustained and petitions for a Charter for a new Chapter in Hawick , and also one for a Mark Masters' Lodge in Burslem , Staffordshire , disposed of . Presents from Grand Chapter of Canada were
received , and reply to address of condolence to Her Majesty read . A communication was also read from Dr . Arnott , adhering to his resignation of the office of Prov . Grand Superintendent of the Western District , tendered personally by him at the ¦ special meeting of the Grand Chapter , held on the 23 rd of Maylast , the proceedings of which were duly reported in this MAGAZINE . The Doctor's resignation was acceptedand as this
, has the effect of disjoining the province , all proceedings thereon were allowed to drop . Thus , has been wrenched from the grasp of a few Companions in Glasgow-, the supervision of a province over which , had they been moderate in their pretensions , they might have held sway long enough . But that this unlooked for rupture will lead to the extension of of Royal Arch Masonry In the disjoined provinces , there can lie but one opinion . In a
geographical point of view the Western District embraced a too extensive and widely scattered territory , to admit of its thorough and effective supervision by Prov . Grand Officers , resident in the city of Glasgow ; ancl in all probability the present state of matters will result in the erection of three or more separate and independent Royal Arch provinces , of which Ayrshire and Galloway may form one \ GlasgowLanarkshireRenfrewshire
, , , , and Dumbartonshire the others . As it is highly desirable that every Blue Lodge in the country should have a Royal Arch Chapter attached to it , so ought the arrangement of the country , into Royal Arch provinces , he as nearly as possible similar to that adopted by the Grand Lodge of Scotland .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
WoOLWicir . —Invicta Chapter of Sovereign Princes Hose Croix . —This highly important chapter held its usual meeting at the Masonic Hall , Woolwich , on Friday , the 20 th inst ., under the presidency of the 111 . Bro . Figg , 30 ° , " M . W . S . The officers were W . Smith , C . E ., 30 ° , First Gen . ; Capt . King , 31 , Second Gen . ; Rev . Dr . Richards , * lS ° , Prelate ; W . Carter , P . M . W . S ., 1 S ° ; G . Marsh ; P . Laird 1 S ° Raphael ; Matthew Cooke 30 '
, , , , Org . The members present wero the S . G . I . G . Colonel Cleric , 33 ° ; Hyde Puhen , 32 ° ; Capt . Boyle , 30 ° ; H . Thompson , Lyons , Malings , Dr . Hughes , Bailey , 11 . T . Wade , and Eraser , 18 ° . The visitors—the Ex . Bros . Brackstonc , Baker and Gumiiletou , 18 ' . The business consisted in admitting to this superb degree Bros . Dr . Hamilton , Prov . G . M ., Jamaica ; li . Dorling , Prov . G . Sec , Suffolk ; "William Piatt , P . M ., 1 GS , and McConnell , P . M . The
ceremony being most efficiently performed , after the chapter had been closed the whole of those present adjourned to their annual fish dinner at Bro . Gordon ' s , the ! Crown and Sceptre , Greenwich , whore Bro . Dr . Hinxman , 31 ° , met them , he having i been appointed Director of Ceremonies , and proceeded to Green- j wich to ensure the comfort of the chapter , a task he performed most admirably last year , and with no less success on the pre- i
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
sent occasion , the dinner and wines being ail that the most fastidious could desire , reflecting great credit on Bro . Gordon for his attention , and Dr . Hinxman for his good taste . After the clotii had been cleared , and grace said , the M . W . S ., the 111 . Bro . i- ' iGO , rose and reminded them that on such occasions they usually dropped their masonic titles , and made hut short speeiies , therefore ho proposed "The health of her Majesty " without any other introduction , well knowing how that toast
would be received . —The M . W . S . said he should next propose " Tho health of the Most Puissant Sovereign of the Order , the 111 . Dr . Leeson , " who , as their head , had brought it to its present prosperity , and with the toast he would couple "The health of the ¦ members of the Supreme Grand Council and Colonel Clerk . "—Colonel CLEKK , 33 ° , in the name of tho Supreme Grand Council , returned thanks . If Dr . Leeson could have been present he must have been hihly gratified by that day ' s
performg ance of the ceremony . No Rose Croix Chapter could have gone through the work better than the Invicta , and , on behalf of himself , lie was thankful to have his name mentioned with the toast in that , the most prosperous and best conducted chapter of the order . — -Colonel CLEM-: took that opportunity to propose "Tho health of their M . W . S ., the 111 . Bro . Figg , " and to congratulate the chapter on having as its chief officer one so careful , efficient , and perfect in all he undertook . —The M . W . S . was
veryproud of such commendation , but he thought it was more owing to their habitual kindness to him on that and every other occasion more than to any deserts of his own . For the honour they had done him he returned his best thanks . —The M . W . S . then called upon the 111 . Bio . Dr . Hinxman , 31 ° , to propose the next toast . —Dr . HINXMAN was quite surprised that he should have been selected for that duty , but it iv . is one which afforded him the greatest pleasure , particularly as they had such visitors present that evening . The chapter , ho said , always tried to do its
Dcsfc in the presence of its visitors . They were happy to endeavour to make their work second to none , to introduce their guests into their elegant hall , and oiler them such hospitality as they themselves partook of .. They were honoured by havingamongst them the 111 . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , and the Ex . Bros . Brackstonc , Baker , Thompson , and Gumbleton , 18 ° , and he proposed their healths , which ' toast was warmly received . —The 111 . Bro . Ilr . DE PULLEN 32 ° said it was with extreme satisfaction
, , that he acknowledged the toast . The ceremony that day had been performed most excellently ; indeed , he had never known it done better . They had a hall nicely adapted to it , and the care with winch the whole of the fittings and adjuncts were provided were beyond mere praise . From what he had seen that day he was more disposed than ever to adhere to the opinion he had formed , and pronounce that in the provinces the ceremonies were more
carefully performed than in the metropolis , and that the metropolitan chapters might well become a learner from them . Ho and his brother visitors tendered their thanks for their hospitable reception ; ancl for himself he was much pleased with the invicta Chapter , and could not forget that in Kent he was initiated , and was a P . Prov . G . Officer . Kent was his homo , and he felt that in their reception that day he was at homo . Ho
should , therefore , always take a great interest in that chapter , and h ? hoped it might long go on in the same way it was doing , it beiu-r one of the most prosperous and worthy chapters in tho kingdom . —Colonel Ci . Einc , 33 ' , proposed " The health of tho for : ! - brethren who had that day taken the most beautiful degree i : i Frecmisonry ; " and he went on , with great facility of expression and clearnessto point out its symbolismmysteriesand
, , , privileges , which it is not proper to print hero . —The Ex . Bro . McConnell returned thanks ; and Dr . Hamilton stated it to lie his intention to see if ho could not introduce it into his dependency . Some other toasts followed , and tiie meeting terminated .
Mark Masonry.
GRAND LODGE OP ENGLAND AND WALES . The half-yearly communication was held at Freemasons ' Tavern , London , on Wednesday , 18 th inst ., the M . W . Grand Master , the Right Hon . the Earl of Carnarvon , presiding . There were also present , R . W . Bro . W . W . Read , M . P ., as L \ Grand Master ; RW . Bros . Ralph A . Benson , G . S . W . ; Y . W . !) r . Jones , G . Treas ., as G .. 1 . W . ; Y . W . Rev . G . R . Portal , as G-r ; :- .: d Chap . ; YW . Frederick Binckes , Grand Sec ; Y \" . Geo . llaward , Grand Senior Overseer ; several Past Grand Officers ,