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Lecture On The Origin, Nature, Object, And Tendency Of Freemasonry.
Christians have no need of , and ought not to recognise , auy system of morality other than that laid down for our guidance in the volume of the Sacred Law ; I content myself with stating in reply , that Masonry is not another system of morality ,
but the identical system inculcated in the Scriptures , and that Freemasonry is the handmaid of Religion ; I may then be asked if the doctrines of Religion and Freemasonry are identical , Avhat need is there of the latter institution ? This
question I would answer by asking another , —after the fashion of our brethren in the sister isle . If the Bible contains all teaching necessary to salvation , what need have we of sermons and religious works ? I wish , however , to show that Freemasonry is something more than a system of morality . A short time since an eminent Mason ,
Bro . Charles Purton Cooper , in the column of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE devoted to "Notes and Queries , " stated , that the religion of English Freemasonry is "Christianity , with a toleration , in the lodge , of all faiths which acknoAvledge
the existence of the G . A . O . T . U . " I go further than Bro . Cooper , and unhesitatingly assert that the religion of all true Masonry on the face of the globe is Christianity ; and that until a Freemason can discern Christianity in Masonry , he
has not arrived at a true knowledge of his profession . In bringing forward this assertiou I may be met with the following objection . If the religion of Masonry is Christianity , why do We ignore our Saviour Christ in all our
invocations and ceremonies ? Why do we say that the religion of Masonry is an universal religion ? How can Jews and Mahommedans be Freemasons ?
Before proceeding to answer these objections , I will bring forward a few facts as arguments that the religion of Masonry is Christianity . A candidate on his initiation is admitted into the lodge after a certain preliminary ceramony has been
gone through , and this ceremony , he is afterwards taught , has allusion to an an ancient exhortation , ff Seek and ye shall find , ask and ye shall have , knock and it shall be opened unto you . ''' I need not remind you , brethren , that this exhortation is
to be found in the New Testament and not in the Old . Afterwards an invocation is offered to the G . A . O . T . U ., and in his name the candidate registers his vows : who then is the G . A . O . T . U . ? In the 1 st chapter of the Gospel according to St . John we read , "In the beginning Avas the Word and the Word was with God and the Word
Avas God . The same was in the beginning Avith God ; all things Avere made by him , and without him was not anything made that was made . In Him Avas life , and the life was the light of men . And the light shin . eth in darkness , and the
darkness comprehended it not . " The Avhole of Freemasonry is comprised in the chapter from Avhich these feAV beautiful but comprehensive and significant Avords are taken , and the G . A . O . T . U . can be none other than the Word by Avhom all things
were made , and Avithout Avhoni , & c . When we make a Mason , we profess to bring him to the light , and the light Ave seek to bring him to , and Avhich he will be brought to if he is led to understand the system aright , is " the light of men "
referred to in the foregoing quotation , and afterwards referred to in the same chapter as "the true light Avhich lighteth every man that cometh into the world . " If it be not so the lig ht that is in us must be darkness , and Avhen a brother
asks us for bread we must give him a stone . If time permitted I could bring forward many more and conclusive evidences of the recognition of Christianity in our system , even as at present
worked ; but as I may be addressing some who are not as yet entitled to a full participation in our mysteries , I will content myself by bringing forward the principles inculcated in that excellent charge , delivered to every initiate , and Avhich he
afterward pledges himself to maintain , in Avhich as a Freemason he is recommended seriously to contemplate the Volume of the Sacred Law , and to consider it the unerring standard of truth and justice , and to regulate his actions by the
divine precepts Avhich it contains , and he is told that therein he Avill be taught the important duties he OAVCS to God , his neighbour , and himself—to God by never mentioning , & c . ; to his neighbour by acting , & c , by practising towards
him , & c , by relieving his necessities and soothing his afflictions , and doing unto him as in similar instances he Avould Avish that his neighbour Avould do to him . NOAV , Avhen the Initiating Master places his right hand on the book before him , it
is the Bible , comprising both Old and Ne > v Testaments , Avhich he charges the candidate to consider the unerring standard of truth , and it is from the doctrines of the New Testament that the
candidate will learn the duty of doing to his neighbour as he Avould that his neighbour should do to him . So long , then , as the Bible , in its entirety , is accepted , as it always has been , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lecture On The Origin, Nature, Object, And Tendency Of Freemasonry.
Christians have no need of , and ought not to recognise , auy system of morality other than that laid down for our guidance in the volume of the Sacred Law ; I content myself with stating in reply , that Masonry is not another system of morality ,
but the identical system inculcated in the Scriptures , and that Freemasonry is the handmaid of Religion ; I may then be asked if the doctrines of Religion and Freemasonry are identical , Avhat need is there of the latter institution ? This
question I would answer by asking another , —after the fashion of our brethren in the sister isle . If the Bible contains all teaching necessary to salvation , what need have we of sermons and religious works ? I wish , however , to show that Freemasonry is something more than a system of morality . A short time since an eminent Mason ,
Bro . Charles Purton Cooper , in the column of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE devoted to "Notes and Queries , " stated , that the religion of English Freemasonry is "Christianity , with a toleration , in the lodge , of all faiths which acknoAvledge
the existence of the G . A . O . T . U . " I go further than Bro . Cooper , and unhesitatingly assert that the religion of all true Masonry on the face of the globe is Christianity ; and that until a Freemason can discern Christianity in Masonry , he
has not arrived at a true knowledge of his profession . In bringing forward this assertiou I may be met with the following objection . If the religion of Masonry is Christianity , why do We ignore our Saviour Christ in all our
invocations and ceremonies ? Why do we say that the religion of Masonry is an universal religion ? How can Jews and Mahommedans be Freemasons ?
Before proceeding to answer these objections , I will bring forward a few facts as arguments that the religion of Masonry is Christianity . A candidate on his initiation is admitted into the lodge after a certain preliminary ceramony has been
gone through , and this ceremony , he is afterwards taught , has allusion to an an ancient exhortation , ff Seek and ye shall find , ask and ye shall have , knock and it shall be opened unto you . ''' I need not remind you , brethren , that this exhortation is
to be found in the New Testament and not in the Old . Afterwards an invocation is offered to the G . A . O . T . U ., and in his name the candidate registers his vows : who then is the G . A . O . T . U . ? In the 1 st chapter of the Gospel according to St . John we read , "In the beginning Avas the Word and the Word was with God and the Word
Avas God . The same was in the beginning Avith God ; all things Avere made by him , and without him was not anything made that was made . In Him Avas life , and the life was the light of men . And the light shin . eth in darkness , and the
darkness comprehended it not . " The Avhole of Freemasonry is comprised in the chapter from Avhich these feAV beautiful but comprehensive and significant Avords are taken , and the G . A . O . T . U . can be none other than the Word by Avhom all things
were made , and Avithout Avhoni , & c . When we make a Mason , we profess to bring him to the light , and the light Ave seek to bring him to , and Avhich he will be brought to if he is led to understand the system aright , is " the light of men "
referred to in the foregoing quotation , and afterwards referred to in the same chapter as "the true light Avhich lighteth every man that cometh into the world . " If it be not so the lig ht that is in us must be darkness , and Avhen a brother
asks us for bread we must give him a stone . If time permitted I could bring forward many more and conclusive evidences of the recognition of Christianity in our system , even as at present
worked ; but as I may be addressing some who are not as yet entitled to a full participation in our mysteries , I will content myself by bringing forward the principles inculcated in that excellent charge , delivered to every initiate , and Avhich he
afterward pledges himself to maintain , in Avhich as a Freemason he is recommended seriously to contemplate the Volume of the Sacred Law , and to consider it the unerring standard of truth and justice , and to regulate his actions by the
divine precepts Avhich it contains , and he is told that therein he Avill be taught the important duties he OAVCS to God , his neighbour , and himself—to God by never mentioning , & c . ; to his neighbour by acting , & c , by practising towards
him , & c , by relieving his necessities and soothing his afflictions , and doing unto him as in similar instances he Avould Avish that his neighbour Avould do to him . NOAV , Avhen the Initiating Master places his right hand on the book before him , it
is the Bible , comprising both Old and Ne > v Testaments , Avhich he charges the candidate to consider the unerring standard of truth , and it is from the doctrines of the New Testament that the
candidate will learn the duty of doing to his neighbour as he Avould that his neighbour should do to him . So long , then , as the Bible , in its entirety , is accepted , as it always has been , and