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The Masonic Mirror.
$ U All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , AV . C .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Agreeably to the notice given in ouv issue of the 1 'lfch inst ., a . quarterly general court of the Governors and subscribers was held on the 16 th inst . at the offices of the Institution . Bro . Udall in the chair . A resolution which had boon passed for giving four votes—two for each election of boys—to guinea subscribers , was objected to and was non-confirmed by a
considerable majority , on the ground that it would be very unfair to the life subscribers . The Governors have decided upon having two efficient masters for the management of the school , and on tho proposition for a grant of £ 95 to Mr . J . Russell , on his retirement from the office of head master , a direct negative was moved which not meeting with a seconder , the
motion was put and carried with one dissentient . It was stated that the number of candidates for admission to the school in October next is forty-one , and that there is reason to believe the number will be increased to forty-six .
THE MASONIC SCHOOLS . It will he a source of great pleasure to our numerous readers to learn that the pupils of the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children remaining during the holidays at the Institution visited Brighton on Tuesday last , accompanied by some ex-pupils and the few hoys also remaining at the Boys '
School , in all about thirty in number . They reached Brighton under the care of several members of tho House Committees , Matrons , Governesses , and Secretaries shortly after eleven o ' clock . Conveyances for tho whole party ( kindly furnished by Messrs . G . Evans , Hatcher , G . Hill , and Steers ) were in readiness , and , ' after a drive to Hove , they returned along the cliff
to the Old Pier , upon which the children rambled for nearly an hour . They were then conveyed to the Pavilion ( permission having been granted for inspection ) , which , together with inspection of the Museum , occupied their attention until one o'clock , when they were called to luncheon , Mr . Booth having , with his accustomed kindness , sent an ample su ] iply of buns and pastry , and Messrs . Schilling and Co . and Mr . AA 7 . Lucas light beverages and fruit . These appreciated and despatched ,
the terminus was gained for a visit to the Swiss Gardens , Shoreham , Bro . Goodehild kindly giving entree to the whole party . Upon arrival , a cold collation , and an excellent one , was in readiness , of which fifty partook . This over , the juveniles and attendants speedily repaired to the theatre for the concert , which , especially iu the comic department , created genuine laughter and delight . Meanwhile the Brighton and
London brothers remained at tho festive hoard , under the presidency of Bro . AV . Curtis , Steward to the Girl ' s Anniversary Festival , and a fraternal interchange of kind wishes and compliments ensued . The theatre could scarcely have been emptied before tho call was made for " Gulliver ' s Travels , " which afforded further pleasure . This concluded ,
and boating , swinging , & c , indulged in , the tea hour arrived , upwards of seventy ( owing to the arrival of several other Brighton brethren ) partaking of the " Bohea , " to which Bros . Hayllar , Stanford , and Nell materially contributed . Another run , and \\ ie burlesque - of " Ho-ml-Hi" had every child and adult as a witness . Hearty was the applause , and the pleasure unmistakeable . Shortly after seven the children were mus-
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
tered upon tho lawn , and to each was handed " A present from Brighton" ( to which Messrs . AVoollctt and E . II . Cohen contributed ) worth acceptance , and evidently highly prized . The hour of departure was at hand , and shortly after half-past seven the esteemed proteges left for Brighton , and , by the eight o ' clock train , were convoyed safely to their homos . It
remains but to be stated , as justly due , that Bros . * W . Curtis , H . Saunders , J . Robinson , C . Wren , AValter Smith , J . Bull , Stanford , J . Curtis , Weston , & c , all of Brighton , were conspicuous in their attentions to the invited , and that Mrs . Jarwood and Miss Davis , Matron and Governess of the Girls ' School ,- Miss Hall , Matron Boys' School ; Bros Patten and
Binckes , Secretaries to the Schools ; and Bros . Young , Faas > Hewlett , Nutt , Head , Uclall ( Girls' House Committee ) , and Muggeridge , came specially from London to aid in the enjoyment of those dear to them .
AiBroK LODGE ( NO . 9 ) . —This excellent lodge held its summer banquet at the Greyhound Tavern , Dulivich , on Wednesday , the 11 th inst ., upon which occasion Bro . Stevens , AV . M ., was supported by a large number of the brethren , including the following officers : Bras . Willey , S . AV ; Coste , J . W . ; Deacon , J . D . ; C . Lee , Treas . ; and J . Burton , Sec . An excellent banquet was prepared , to which the brethren did ample justice . Upon the removal of the cloth the AV . M . gave " The Queen , " in a neat
and appropriate speech , expatiating largely upon the merits of that illustrious and truly amiable lady . The National Anthem was charmingly rendered hy Bvo . Willey aud others . Bro . Lee proposed "The Health of the Worshipful Master , " and drew the attention of the brethren to tho excellent working of Bro . Stevens , who , he said , had shown great proficiency in the ritual of the Order . As a man and a Mason he was worthy of imitationand he ( Bro . Lee ) trusted the brethren aiming at so
, eminent a position as W . M . would follow so admirable an example . Bro . Stevens briefly returned thanks , and proposed " "Hie Health of the Visitors , Bros . Elmos , P . M . and Sec . Domatic Lodge ; Homier , De Lacy Lodge ; Ford , Plymouth Lodge ; and G . Taylor , Robert Burns Lodge . " They each returned thanks in excellent terms . The toasts were interspersed hy some good singing , Bro . Pallant giving that popular ballad of " Old Familiar Faces , " with great taste and expression ; Bro . Lee , "Hy
Pretty Jane ; " and Bro . AA ' illey , tho favourite morcean from " Satanella , " "The Glorious Vintage of Champagne . " Bro . G . Taylor presided at the piano , and added materially to the harmony of the meeting by singing several excellent songs . Before the conclusion of the evening , Bro . Stevens , W . M ., in an excellent speech , proposed "The Memory of Bro . Rackstraw , may he rest in peace , " aud " while wo drop the sympathetic tear" to his memory , let charity induce us to throw a veil over
his foibles , whatever they may have been ; and let us not withhold from his memory the praise that his many virtues claimed . If he had faults—and who has not ?—they wore few . Perfection has never beou attained , and the wisest , as well as tho best of men , have erred . The toast was drunk in solemn silence , the brethren soon after returning to tow n , much pleased with the day's pleasure . MANCUESTEB LODGE ( NO . 179 ) . —On Thursdaytho 19 th
, inst ., the above lodge held their summer banquet at tho Ray Mead Hotel , Ray Mead , Bro . John Ilai'iuan , host ( late of Freemasons' Tavern ) . The number assembled , forty-one ; Bros . Pope , AV . M . ; Hampton , S . AV . ; and Gowland . The wholo of the brethren were highly delighted with their entertainment , the rustic and beautiful scenery , aquatic sports , & c , expressing their determination not only to revisit the same next year , but to give Bro . Harman another visit or two this season .
BEADOX LODGE ( NO . 019 ) . —The ordinary July meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , at the Greyhound , Dulwich , under the Mastership of Bro . A . V . Leonard , who initiated Mr . T . H . Clapman , and afterwards passed Bros . S . Wells and Laundy , of this lodge , and Bros . James Barrett ( 871 ) , and T . B . Johnson ( 141 ) . Bro . E . S . Parker , S . AV ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . A . Avery , P . M ., was
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
$ U All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , " Strand , London , AV . C .
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
Agreeably to the notice given in ouv issue of the 1 'lfch inst ., a . quarterly general court of the Governors and subscribers was held on the 16 th inst . at the offices of the Institution . Bro . Udall in the chair . A resolution which had boon passed for giving four votes—two for each election of boys—to guinea subscribers , was objected to and was non-confirmed by a
considerable majority , on the ground that it would be very unfair to the life subscribers . The Governors have decided upon having two efficient masters for the management of the school , and on tho proposition for a grant of £ 95 to Mr . J . Russell , on his retirement from the office of head master , a direct negative was moved which not meeting with a seconder , the
motion was put and carried with one dissentient . It was stated that the number of candidates for admission to the school in October next is forty-one , and that there is reason to believe the number will be increased to forty-six .
THE MASONIC SCHOOLS . It will he a source of great pleasure to our numerous readers to learn that the pupils of the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children remaining during the holidays at the Institution visited Brighton on Tuesday last , accompanied by some ex-pupils and the few hoys also remaining at the Boys '
School , in all about thirty in number . They reached Brighton under the care of several members of tho House Committees , Matrons , Governesses , and Secretaries shortly after eleven o ' clock . Conveyances for tho whole party ( kindly furnished by Messrs . G . Evans , Hatcher , G . Hill , and Steers ) were in readiness , and , ' after a drive to Hove , they returned along the cliff
to the Old Pier , upon which the children rambled for nearly an hour . They were then conveyed to the Pavilion ( permission having been granted for inspection ) , which , together with inspection of the Museum , occupied their attention until one o'clock , when they were called to luncheon , Mr . Booth having , with his accustomed kindness , sent an ample su ] iply of buns and pastry , and Messrs . Schilling and Co . and Mr . AA 7 . Lucas light beverages and fruit . These appreciated and despatched ,
the terminus was gained for a visit to the Swiss Gardens , Shoreham , Bro . Goodehild kindly giving entree to the whole party . Upon arrival , a cold collation , and an excellent one , was in readiness , of which fifty partook . This over , the juveniles and attendants speedily repaired to the theatre for the concert , which , especially iu the comic department , created genuine laughter and delight . Meanwhile the Brighton and
London brothers remained at tho festive hoard , under the presidency of Bro . AV . Curtis , Steward to the Girl ' s Anniversary Festival , and a fraternal interchange of kind wishes and compliments ensued . The theatre could scarcely have been emptied before tho call was made for " Gulliver ' s Travels , " which afforded further pleasure . This concluded ,
and boating , swinging , & c , indulged in , the tea hour arrived , upwards of seventy ( owing to the arrival of several other Brighton brethren ) partaking of the " Bohea , " to which Bros . Hayllar , Stanford , and Nell materially contributed . Another run , and \\ ie burlesque - of " Ho-ml-Hi" had every child and adult as a witness . Hearty was the applause , and the pleasure unmistakeable . Shortly after seven the children were mus-
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
tered upon tho lawn , and to each was handed " A present from Brighton" ( to which Messrs . AVoollctt and E . II . Cohen contributed ) worth acceptance , and evidently highly prized . The hour of departure was at hand , and shortly after half-past seven the esteemed proteges left for Brighton , and , by the eight o ' clock train , were convoyed safely to their homos . It
remains but to be stated , as justly due , that Bros . * W . Curtis , H . Saunders , J . Robinson , C . Wren , AValter Smith , J . Bull , Stanford , J . Curtis , Weston , & c , all of Brighton , were conspicuous in their attentions to the invited , and that Mrs . Jarwood and Miss Davis , Matron and Governess of the Girls ' School ,- Miss Hall , Matron Boys' School ; Bros Patten and
Binckes , Secretaries to the Schools ; and Bros . Young , Faas > Hewlett , Nutt , Head , Uclall ( Girls' House Committee ) , and Muggeridge , came specially from London to aid in the enjoyment of those dear to them .
AiBroK LODGE ( NO . 9 ) . —This excellent lodge held its summer banquet at the Greyhound Tavern , Dulivich , on Wednesday , the 11 th inst ., upon which occasion Bro . Stevens , AV . M ., was supported by a large number of the brethren , including the following officers : Bras . Willey , S . AV ; Coste , J . W . ; Deacon , J . D . ; C . Lee , Treas . ; and J . Burton , Sec . An excellent banquet was prepared , to which the brethren did ample justice . Upon the removal of the cloth the AV . M . gave " The Queen , " in a neat
and appropriate speech , expatiating largely upon the merits of that illustrious and truly amiable lady . The National Anthem was charmingly rendered hy Bvo . Willey aud others . Bro . Lee proposed "The Health of the Worshipful Master , " and drew the attention of the brethren to tho excellent working of Bro . Stevens , who , he said , had shown great proficiency in the ritual of the Order . As a man and a Mason he was worthy of imitationand he ( Bro . Lee ) trusted the brethren aiming at so
, eminent a position as W . M . would follow so admirable an example . Bro . Stevens briefly returned thanks , and proposed " "Hie Health of the Visitors , Bros . Elmos , P . M . and Sec . Domatic Lodge ; Homier , De Lacy Lodge ; Ford , Plymouth Lodge ; and G . Taylor , Robert Burns Lodge . " They each returned thanks in excellent terms . The toasts were interspersed hy some good singing , Bro . Pallant giving that popular ballad of " Old Familiar Faces , " with great taste and expression ; Bro . Lee , "Hy
Pretty Jane ; " and Bro . AA ' illey , tho favourite morcean from " Satanella , " "The Glorious Vintage of Champagne . " Bro . G . Taylor presided at the piano , and added materially to the harmony of the meeting by singing several excellent songs . Before the conclusion of the evening , Bro . Stevens , W . M ., in an excellent speech , proposed "The Memory of Bro . Rackstraw , may he rest in peace , " aud " while wo drop the sympathetic tear" to his memory , let charity induce us to throw a veil over
his foibles , whatever they may have been ; and let us not withhold from his memory the praise that his many virtues claimed . If he had faults—and who has not ?—they wore few . Perfection has never beou attained , and the wisest , as well as tho best of men , have erred . The toast was drunk in solemn silence , the brethren soon after returning to tow n , much pleased with the day's pleasure . MANCUESTEB LODGE ( NO . 179 ) . —On Thursdaytho 19 th
, inst ., the above lodge held their summer banquet at tho Ray Mead Hotel , Ray Mead , Bro . John Ilai'iuan , host ( late of Freemasons' Tavern ) . The number assembled , forty-one ; Bros . Pope , AV . M . ; Hampton , S . AV . ; and Gowland . The wholo of the brethren were highly delighted with their entertainment , the rustic and beautiful scenery , aquatic sports , & c , expressing their determination not only to revisit the same next year , but to give Bro . Harman another visit or two this season .
BEADOX LODGE ( NO . 019 ) . —The ordinary July meeting of this lodge was held on Wednesday , at the Greyhound , Dulwich , under the Mastership of Bro . A . V . Leonard , who initiated Mr . T . H . Clapman , and afterwards passed Bros . S . Wells and Laundy , of this lodge , and Bros . James Barrett ( 871 ) , and T . B . Johnson ( 141 ) . Bro . E . S . Parker , S . AV ., was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . A . Avery , P . M ., was